The Labour Party [19]

The current state of the labour party and its part in the downfall of Great Britain..

I honestly believe that there was a time that necessitated the formation of a political party in Great Britain to cater for the working classes which formed in effect the majority of people in our country.

Now socialism sucks, however, so does getting shat on by the land owners, mill owners, mine owners etc. I therefore believe that a political party to represent people who were shat on; big style the wealthy; around the time of the formation of the labour party was right and needed. Remember many working class people at this time did not even get a vote.

Fast forward a little 60 odd years to Harold Wilson and the poor were no longer poor in the same sense that they were before world war one. There was no such a need for such a party as Labour to exist. It’s economic policies were madness the devaluation of sterling trade deficit and the fact that the unions were now running and ruining coal textile rail etc became catastrophic for Britain. Decline just around the corner.

This just got worse under sunny Jim and by the time Maggie came to downing street the country was virtually on it’s knees (not taking a fucking knee). Another black mark there for Labour! (no pun intended).

Now sadly the Tories were also becoming wet wet wet and John Minor got fucked over for being, well pointless. Enter Phoney Tony the immigrants friend ( got to buy those votes ) another Black mark there! pun intended. The country was flooded by immigrants whether the population wanted it or not.

Now as far as I can see the introduction of Bevan’s health service, was a good idea at the time sadly now an abused cash cow by trannies, foreign nationals, tit enlargement fuckers, etc.

Labour hasn’t had a good policy in 70 years. Basically it is fucked redundant, it’s a woke BAME rule, virtue signalling piece of filth full of useless cunts with 3rd rate degrees in politics and law yawn!!. A degree in needle work and medieval poetry would be better.

The labour party needs to be put to rest. Boxed up and buried 6 feet under. It is a cunt.

That does lead to another problem for our political system. A viable opposition. Remember if the government become complacent and wet you end up with a John Minor (Major) scenario.. Please god No.

Therefore Labour as a party and opposition is a set of pointless useless cunts. It does however need a replacement.

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt

70 thoughts on “The Labour Party [19]

  1. I’m in my late 50s so was brought up in the eras of Wilson, Heath, Callaghan, Foot, Thatcher, John Smith, Kinnock and Blair etc.

    I vaguely remember the 70s and the 3 day week, and the incessant strikes and work-to-rule by powerful unions crushing the balls of Labour administrations. (And Tory ones to a lesser extent)

    Thatch came along and did a massive clear out of cunts – for better or worse, while Labour was in the political wilderness with cunts like Windbag Kinnock and Foot.

    Smith, could have been the Main Man for Labour, but he unfortunately died. And then we ended up with Blair in 97, followed by Brown a few years later. And now there’s no proper Opposition at all.

    What a shitshow

    • I remember that as well Techno – 3 day weeks, electricity rationed, strikes by commie union rats every two minutes, every winter a winter of discontent with the miners on strike and my Family freezing as a result, bodies unburied, rubbish and rats all over the streets and massive unemployment.
      In other words, a communist UK.
      Never, ever in my life will I vote for communists.
      Good nom Everyonesacunt! ??

    • Michael Foot was seen as bit of a joke in those days (all that ‘Worzel Gummidge’ stuff). But he’s a saint and a visionary compared to the likes of Satan Blair, Dour-Cunt Brown, Steptoe Corbyn, Abbott The Hutt, Semtex McDonnell and Queer Stammer. Old Mike’s heart was in the right place.

      Kinnock on the other hand was a total cunt though.

      • When John Smith died, Labour lost its last supporter of the working man.

        The current bunch of Labour MP fuckwits aren’t fit for purpose. They have completely lost their way.

        Disband the party and start again.

      • Always admired Smith, despite a lot of resentment from the unions stuck in their old ways.

        I have always admired Thatcher for her intransigence, even though she despised the working class. Smith could have embraced those very same disenfranchised working classes, the unemployed and the poor.


      • @Techno.

        I bet Smith would have turned out to be just as useless as every other PM had he got the chance. He just never got the chance to inflict his Cuntitude.

        Didn’t some Cunt say something about every political career ending in failure?

      • @ Dick

        you’re probably right about Smith.

        Always good intentions as an MP, but a totally different story once you reach the heights of PM, and all those philanthropic intentions go out the window once the lobbyists grab you by the balls telling you what they think is right for the country,

        It’s the great Working Class Betrayal – happens every time, and I think Smith would have followed suit should he have ever reached the exalted position of PM

      • I’m sure that some of them have the best of intentions when they start out but then reality bites and idealism has to take a back seat.

        I think that the current bunch never had the best of intentions…they are just venal Cunts only in it to benefit themselves.

      • How many of these “working class heroes” have actually had a working class job?
        I don’t mean a Saturday job in garden centre between a levels and uni.
        Very few, I suspect.
        Politics is a dirty, corrupt fucking game, candidates are hand picked and most “toe” the party line.
        True democracy is a fairy tale-as real as Santa, the Easter bunny or baby Jebus ???

  2. Cunts who are having a miserable Christmas because they haven’t got their Remainer way…

    John Major
    Damon Albarn
    Terry Christian
    Carey Mulligan
    Tony Blair
    Lord Adonis
    Theresa May
    Nicola ‘Wee Burney’ Sturgeon
    Alistair Campbell
    Bob Geldof
    Steve Coogan
    Patrick Stewart
    Delia Smith
    Gary Lineker
    Richard Branson
    Emma Thompson
    Lily Mong
    Eddie Izzard
    Jo Brand
    Vivienne Westwood

    Splendid stuff.

  3. The Labour Party no longer represents the people it was set up to support, the British working classes, protecting and striving for their rights.
    It has been turned into the British Marxist Party, supported by and influenced by metropolitan champagne socialists who hate the idea of the Tories, yet themselves live in a fairly wealthy lifestyle. They despise the British working classes and champion the rights of freedom of movement because the only time they deal with ethnics or Eastern European’s is when they are hiring cheap nannies, builders and gardeners. They certainly don’t live amongst them.
    Unfortunately these people seem to control all the main propaganda (sorry news) outlets and large businesses. They dictate to every political party.
    No party represents the typical British working/middle class anymore who want control on immigration. We’re fucked.

    • Looking back only a few years, it could’ve all been so different. If they’d properly backed leaving the Reich they might’ve achieved power. Instead they dipped Chablis and made no effort to hide their contempt for most of the country. Every single one of them seems to loathe Britain and would bend over for anybody with a funny colour or daft surname. It’s their fault they’re marooned.

    • Very true Fish Mitten-as long as the elites have Svetlana and her mates to clean the house once a week, Pavic the builder to undercut the local Brit lads by £20.00 an hour, Thomaz and co to wash the M-class and Maric the handyman gardener in for four hours a week, then socialism is working.

    • Actually the Labour party has always been split between actual workers and the Intellectuals who viewed “the workers” and today the blacks, poof, etc etc as their pets. Its an ant farm for their mad ideas that alway cost normal people all the money and lives.

    • I don’t think Dame Kweer will ever be a real leader – that mixture of startled contempt and panicky voice makes him sound and look as if he had just shat himself,

      • Not to mention that picture of him ‘taking the knee.’ Talk about a hostage to fortune!

  4. Both labour and tory are redundant well past their sell by cunts. They represent themselves and a tiny part of the population. Virtue signalling cunts or corrupt crony capitalism that gets a 100 billion pound HS2 no one is going to use. Every five years we get a “choice” and then are lumbered with the green party. The only person who has ever made a dent and forced change against their will is Nige. Bet the cunts sell us down the river anyway.

    • There’s a saying that politics is “showbusiness for ugly people”, and with that I wouldn’t be at all surprised to hear that Nigel’s paid by the Establishment to act as the pantomime villain. He poses as a “man of the people” but when the people have really needed him he’s nowhere to be seen. When Leave won the referendum he scarpered and then formed the Brexit Party which he dissolved at the last minute. That man is nothing but an egotistical, glory-hunting tosser!!

      • I get your point. However Brexit would have never happened without Nige. The Brexit party or whats next Reform or whatever will never win power. Its designed to take votes from the tory party and force them into Brexit or the next thing up, the culture war. The thing is the 80 seat majority was delivered because normal people right or left love the place they live and are fed up it being fucked over by Blair, Major, the eu, and all the other cunts who dont give two fucks about them.

  5. A country needs a strong opposition to keep a government on its toes/in check.

    Alas, what we have now is two lightweight parties battling it out like little children playing “tag”

    Boris is a fucking joke, as is his Front Bench. Too eager to please, too keen to bend over at the slightest bit of criticism.

    As for Labour – fuck knows what they stand for! I used to support them when Smith was in charge, and Blair too surprisingly – until I saw the error of my ways realising that Blair was just another cunt happy to give away the nation’s moral values for the sake of placating a critical media.

    I fear for party politics in the next 20-30 years. Seems that if you’re not extremely rich; connected, or extremely poor/immigrant, you’re going to be marginalised, and part of the problem rather than the solution.

    forget about going to university and earning a “proper” degree; forget about a proper apprenticeship. Just go on YouTube dressed as a weird cunt supporting Labour (Eddie Izzard or Owen jones, being 2 examples), and all of a sudden you’re a celeb with millions of followers; and whatever you say will influence the decisions of the simple minded.

    “Labour Isn’t Working” (to paraphrase an old Tory Ad campaign strapline)

  6. Labour are cunts.
    They will form the next government though, if fat fucks surrender to the eu is as bad as I think it will be.
    This country is too divided to allow a party, that represents ordinary people to take power.
    Both Maggie and Bliar divided the country in equal measure in my opinion.
    The lack of real patriotism in so many people doesn’t help either.

  7. The Labour Party has lost the working class in favour of every fucking deviant and ethnic ‘need for rights’ bastards.

    Ordinary working class people just want to a decent living and aren’t interested in what bog a tranny wants to piss in or if some ethnic who has been here for decades doesn’t feel included just because they haven’t bothered to learn English.

    If Labour want to be respected just respect the people you claim to represent and the new leader taking the fucking knee isn’t a smart move.

    England for the English, Scotland for …. and so on.


    • …and then they wonder why they got trounced in the last general election, as the working classes probably voted Tory just to spite Labour.

      Trouble is, Labour want to think about the future rather than the past – they don’t care about the old working classes; they want the social media crowd, the millennials, the Gen Zs, the sheep in other words.

  8. I’ve never voted Labour so I’m not missing anything but fact is there isn’t a party that represents me at all. I voted Tory last time because we had no Brexit candidate and even though my vote made absolutely no difference to who won the seat (Con) I feel somewhat responsible for having a clown as putative PM. Unless the Reform Party makes an appearance I won’t be voting again.

    • The Conservatives aren’t conservative anymore. Liebore, LimpDums and Greens (Reds) can all forget it because they all stand against everything I believe in, and UKIP are just a bunch of backstabbing wannabe gangsters. This country isn’t even a sinking ship anymore. It’s SUNK! It can’t be saved and no one wants to save it.
      Honestly, what did we actually win by defeating the Nazis? Asian rape gangs, Black drug gangs and globalist banksters controlling all our politicians. We can’t even fly our own flag without being called racists but politicians of all colours are wishing a happy eid mubarak. We won absolutely jack-shit. In fact we lost. I’m absolutely sick of it. As soon as my nan kicks the bucket, and I get my inheritance, I’m off!!!

  9. The once-great Labour party, that used to do so much for the working class, was hijacked in the 90s by a bunch of incompetent public school boys (and girls) with about as much life experience as a herd of lambs – a load of self-serving liars led by the biggest bare-faced liar (and self-serving hypocrite) of them all who did more damage to this country than any Prime Minister before him and caused more deaths around the world than anyone since the demise of Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin (and ended up the richest ex-PM in history as a result).

    But he somehow managed to hypnotise the people into re-electing him not once, but twice!! Then by the time everyone finally saw through him he did a runner and left that one-eyed Scottish idiot to take all the shit for it.

    The people then couldn’t wait to vote for the once-great Conservative party whose then-leader was just another jumped up, arrogant public school boy who thought he could also lie and cheat his way to fortune and glory just like his predecessor, but unfortunately for him his mendacity was exposed very quickly and on June 23rd 2016 we terminated his political career.

    All of that has brought us to the parody of a Two-Party system we have now. Both parties have completely signed up to political correctness, virtue signalling, open borders, multiculturalism and identity politics. And they both want to sell us out to the EU.

    Anyone who wants to talk about the NHS should look up Virgin Health Care, and the mi££ion$ they’ve made, and which government awarded them those contracts……. (Hint: it wasn’t the Tories) Then there’s the PFI millions we’re still paying for, thanks to Labour.

    And it was Labour who brought in tuition fees. The minimum wage turned out to be a double-edged sword. It put wages up but at the same time kept them down. There are so many companies now who only feel obliged to pay their employees £8.21 per hour and not a penny more.

    And as for Human Rights, remind me which government wanted to give themselves the power to lock up ANY British citizen for 90 days WITHOUT CHARGE….. (Hint: it wasn’t the Tories)

    Margaret Thatcher once said “There’s no such thing as society anymore!” Well, Labour did more damage to our society than she ever could through unwanted mass immigration.

    Labour or Tory? to me says HIV or malaria?!

    (Edited slightly to incorporate the odd paragraph or two – DA)

  10. Labour is the party of and for migrant filth, peacefuls and anti semites (especially), and LGBTXYZ.

    They have no interest or concern for ordinary and decent British working people. Like the BBC, Labour sees the white working class as a hinderance and something to be ridiculed. And, just like the BBC, Labour should be destroyed.

      • Too right, CG. They are probably doing just that and all taking turns with the trannie Labour Party ‘Women’s Officer’.

  11. My fears are that the division will continue. Our kids are brainwashed with propaganda at schools and universities and then on all mainstream and social media. The Labour Party will have it’s turn back in power and continue with the influx of immigrants in the hope that the Tories will never get back in.
    Unfortunately for them, the British Muslim Party will have been formed and will grab power and Sharia law will be enforced.
    That’s my fear. I suspect I will be dead or very old when it happens. It will be replicated all over Western Europe.

    • I reckon you are right, Fish Mitten. Blighty will end up like Iran with shit weather. With a crackpot Khomeini-like cunt in charge.

      Hopefully I’ll be dead and gone before it happens. And when Western Europe becomes a muslim superstate, the Ivans won’t stand for it and they will finally nuke the shit out of Europe. Game over.

      • Divide us will only work so much Norman. The Muslims will stay united generally as that is their belief. That’s what the champagne socialists don’t understand. They will have power, but not for long.
        You could well be right, it will be Russia and China vs Islam in the battle for world domination.

  12. A political party needs a decent opposition to keep it on its toes and from becoming complacent.
    Labour was set up with the best of intentions, but in a different era.
    ALL politicians are cunts nowadays, no matter the party flavour the representative is a self serving, out of touch, corrupt little money chaser.
    And they hate the likes of us!
    I dont think we realise on here just how different we are on ISAC!
    People who don’t get affected by advertising
    People who dislike celebrities
    People who dont believe everything they say
    People who don’t sing from the script.
    They won’t like us.

    • “People who dont believe everything they say”? I don’t believe ANYTHING they say! They have proved timed and time again that misdirection and blatant lying gets you up that greasy pole whilst still keeping snout and trotters firmly entrenched in the trough.

    • Sad thing is MNC these Labour wankers will be back in power in less than 3 years mark my words
      Merry Christmas bye the way to you and yours from all of us in Mansfield

  13. Personally, I couldn’t give a fuck who is in charge – they’re all cunts.

    And if its not national government trying to fuck you over its the local governments – always trying to squeeze the working and middle classes, and seeing them as the enemy.

    Well I went self-employed a few years ago, worked my socks off, had no support from government, and now I am earning a small fortune in IT Support. And yet I don’t qualify for any kind of covid support from this current government; but there are rumours that this very same government wants to tax the self-employed even more once this Covid shit is history.

    I work hard, I study hard, I earn my Microsoft, Citrix, HP qualifications at great personal expense. But it pisses me off when all that effort is ignored by this government or Labour in favour of the soft options.

    Fuck them – I have £131,000 saved in off-shore accounts.that the government can’t touch thanks to my accountant – all legal and above board. But I do this because I have to protect my future. I don’t trust future governments, especially with state pensions and private pensions. Doesn’t matter how hard you try to be a good citizen you always get fucked over.

    fuck them all!

  14. A tad off topic but the BBC News website has a headline ‘ U.K. EU on verge of trade deal’
    And there was me thinking that it was only turkeys that got stuffed at Christmas.

    • Christmas Eve…..a good day to bury bad news. We’ll all be pissed for the next 2 days. Monday Parliament meets to rush through the BRINO. Stitched up for Christmas.
      Vote Labour, Vote Tory you get cunts.

      • I look forward to the day when our dear old Freddie the Frog announces some good news without calling everyone a cunt- ie. the death of Blair, the Queen or some other cunt he doesn’t like. 🙂

  15. Politics is equivalent to choosing between 2 sacks of shit that you are obliged to carry about for 5 years.
    I’d prefer a military junta to the fucking Liebour party.
    Or the Tories for that matter,who are just another barrel of rats.

  16. Zanu Liebore is now a party seeking support from chippy effniks, deviants, corpulent, blue-haired, unloved, frustrated 20 somethings and luvvie dahrlinks.

    No party represents me or my family. All the cunts want to do is fill their coffers with your cash, grandstand like Larry Olivier and fill their own pockets with the proceeds.

    I can count on one hand the number of MPs that I believe do have some regard for their political ideals and their supporters – Frank Field, Kate Hoey, Iain Duncan Smith and Mark Francois.

    • Yes Paul, you are spot on, no political party represents the ordinary person who is decent,hardworking and just wants to get on with their lives without being crapped on.
      Merry Christmas to all the denizens of the site- even that bugger whose adorable parrot fears for its life every Yuletide.

  17. Change will only come from communities supporting themselves and less ‘governance’ from centralisation.. Globalism is the cunt, nationalism is the answer. Look after your own, stand together and grow a pair.
    The currently successful method of divide and conquer is working just fine. Throw in just enough scraps and a mahoosive dose of TV moronification to make the people comfortable enough and dumb enough and you create the perfect environment for manipulation.
    This is what we have now.
    Treason needs to be brought back into the statutes.

  18. Question for my fellow cunters….

    Was listening to Talk Radio this morning (Bob Mills) while doing the washing up (what a wonderful husband I am) and the news came on. It featured a report of an address to the nation by Kweer Charmer. WTF? Since when has the leader of the opposition been making national Christmas addresses? Is this a new thing or a one off?

    • Never heard about that and couldn’t give less of a fuck than the news that Steven Hawking’s ghost has invented a new type of wheelchair.
      Good day IY.

    • Why are they talking to us at Christmas anyway? Its intrusive and Big Brotheresque. They can fuck off, I want Christmas without any of these political twats in my ear hole.

  19. The day I vote Labour is the day hell freezes over. Pro immigrant, pro benefits, pro scrote and loved by Londoners, students, fisherwimmin, camp Freddies and “celebrity” cunts. Party of the working class, bollocks.

  20. Labour are an out of date concept who have decided to stick up for invaders, criminals, gender fenders, Voodoo worshipping BLM cunts and whatever else I have missed off the list.

    Conservatives and Labour are just both cheeks of Satan’s arse. Will never vote Conservative again and I hope Johnson chokes on his Turkey or lab grown goop that he will be chowing down on tomorrow.

  21. All’s I can say is I commiserate completely with you cunts but be glad you all missed out on the long faced princess of mong, Jacinda Ardern. She reminds me of what you are left looking at just after you get sprayed by a skunk.
    To date she cancelled the Oil and Gas industry and had put the squeeze on the tourism and the farming industries.
    But she does look fetching in a tea towel as I’m sure KiwiCunt will attest.
    Merry Christmas!

  22. Liebour are a comedy act.Same as the Tories.Yes Liebour will be in power in 3 years time due to Blowjo the Jellyfish.Lord help us all as they will screw us over.

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