The Hijab cuntstablary

North Yorkshire police are now letting a female officer on the beat wear a fucking hijab as part of her uniform.

Clue is in the name you cunts, “ITS A FUCKING UNIFORM”

It’s the same for everyone, now if I was commissioner of the said cuntstablary I would say “fit in or fuck off”. The pigs already look like glorified council workers, they don’t need this, all pigs should be WASPs, and at least 5’ 10”, sort the wheat from the chaff, utter cunts!!!!

Nominated by: Captain Quimson

(More here – DA )

58 thoughts on “The Hijab cuntstablary

  1. The invasion continues.

    (Give it a couple of years and the old bill will be riding around the streets of Britain on camels and praying 5 times a day – DA)

  2. Will they be upholding British law or sharia law. If your a muslim wearing a hijab you dont believe in man made law. If you believe in English law and you wear a hijab , your not a muslim. Its all very simple and all there for everyone to see in pedo mo’s handbook.

  3. Not really new, Sikh officers have been allowed to stick a police badge on their turban for years. When coppers are kneeling in front of a baying mob of libtards does it matter what they are wearing? They are beat not on the beat these days.

  4. Midgets, lezzers, bandits, now carpet kissers.
    They would of been in the circus when I was a lad,
    Now theyre the old bill.
    Utter disgrace.
    May as well go the whole hog,
    Conjoined twins walking the beat, chief of police John merrick.
    Fuckin freakshow….

    • Agree MNC:

      From what I have seen the police are BLIND to their sworn oaf and the MSM have turned a BLIND eye to it all, whilst the government ploughs on BLINDLY.

      Law & order-nothing to see, here☹️

    • MNC: How about Chief Constable Eddie Izzard, who will introduce compulsory makeup lessons for male officers -“do that eye shadow heavier, Constable, duckie – from the back of the cell they cant see your wink!”

  5. To get on in the Police you have to be efnik, gay or extremely woke. The management is now overwhelmingly of that ilk. (see new Lincs Chief Constable) We only have community cops now where the community is efnik. Forget your beat coppers, they dont tick boxes. Where say, French cops use water cannon and batons, ours take the knee or fuck off sharpish. Unless of course the demonstration/protest is not woke.
    It’s probably what we deserve.

    • Been a fuckin nightmare getting on site last two days admin,
      Is it sorted out now?
      Not the woke police is it?
      If I get a knock and 2 midgets ana black fishsupper are there to arrest me for hate crime im not going quietly!

  6. Cops, gone to dogs. Apart from the nasty people who hurt others on the internet with their naughty words fucking police can’t even arrest anyone these days. Might as well have wear a drag outfit week, crusty the clown week, come to work in your swimwear week, come as a religious figure week. Which one do you think they won’t come as? etc get the picture at least we could all have a laugh a the silly cunts dress sense.

  7. The beard suits her. Fuck me I got the wrong one…. Double insult now calling them pigs.
    In a similar vein, remember the first guardsman to wear a turban? Busted for drugs…… fuck it, miserable day.

  8. Cops of any creed or colour etc, are cunts.

    Get mugged, shot at, stabbed or generally fucked about with, and they don’t want to know.

    Ask for a Scotch Egg in a boozer, or holding up a placard denouncing the Covid vaccine, and they’re all over you like flies round shit.

  9. There’s nothing new under the sun: remember back in the 1860s when the then very strict London Transport uniform bus conductors was relaxed so that Pakis could wear turbans? (they even made a joke out of it in Carry On Up The Khyber). I agree though Halal policemen are taking it a bit further.

    • 1860s? Robert Peel will be on your case. The cunt.
      It was Sikhs wearing turbans and they wont thank you for being called pakis.

    • The Omnibus was introduced to London in 1829.
      Even back then, TfL relied on our Asian brethren to staff the service.

      However, this was during a period when covid3 had hit the land and
      there was a great shortage of staff with many workers ringing in Sikh.
      Fake news? You decide.

  10. Sikhs and Hindus get to wear a turban in the police. Don’t have a problem with it although I think they are not sufficiently protected.

    What I really did think was an absolute joke was the case of a cook employed in the Met police who refused to cook bacon because of his religion. Part of his duties was the breakfast service. Ridic!

  11. In Gloucestershire, officers sporting hipster beards (à la MNC) are required to wear beard nets.

    Surely, in the interests of equality, female officers sporting hijabs (à la Shamima Begum) should be required to wear black refuse bags over their heads, no?

  12. I must admit that the Old Bill up here in the Lake District, are very much old school.

    Think of Dixon of Dock Green, and that’s what we have up here, including the odd copper walking the beat.

    I guess it will only be a matter of time before some woke libtard from down south starts to poke her nose at why there isn’t sufficient diversity in the LD, and will declare the place to be stuck in the past and inherently racist etc etc

    (Just to take my mind off things, am watching some clips of Tiswas and the adorable Sally James getting splattered with custard pies and wet t-shirts. I wonder if my mother wondered why I was getting through so many socks back when I was a teenager!)

  13. When I was a Royal, I dont recall anyone ever going through with a dream of winning a green turban at the end of it all.

    Maybe there was, it is a long time ago now

    • North Yorkshire Police are my area.
      Lazy, bent, sly, devious bastards.
      I reported a Man recently for threatening to murder me – the pigs did fuck all and neither did Julia Mulligan, the sack of lard masquerading as Crime and Policing commissioner.
      An appallingly bad police force, and does anyone really think a muslim will not show favour to other muslims?

      • Jesus Vernon-who have you upset?
        By the way, people who threaten very rarely or never, carry out those threats.?
        It’s the quiet fuckers you need to watch out for.

      • Next time say you’re a BAME gender-fluid transexual and they’ll be bending the knee at you in sincere servitude

      • @ CG….

        “By the way, people who threaten very rarely or never, carry out those threats”…..I do.

      • I was just thinking the same!
        “Ill show em! I’ll shoot em!”
        And he did.
        “Ill kill that cunt”
        And he did.
        Both true.

  14. When I see how our cozzers are capitulating to woke scum, taking the knee, bottling it in Bristol, appeasing sandfilth, the disgrace that was Operation Augusta, targeting plane banners, social media jokers and old ladies, it almost makes me wish that Hitler had won.

    • To be honest they should know better, I have know cops all my life and I know what they say. Their crime was to be caught. Thick cunts.

  15. I see the grooming gang report has concurred that the majority of those exploiting our teenagers are ‘white males’. It certainly pissed Rev Simon Sideways off, I haven’t had such an onslaught of language in the early morning since double French and German back in comp.

  16. The police have been fucking useless ever since Jack Reagan hung up his cuffs. Before that, George Dixon used to sort out crime and be home in time for his tea. Inspector George Genitals knew his stuff too. All before the advent of Police and Crime Commissioners, gay horses, hatey crime, and nail painting of course.

    • Talking of gay police horses, spare a thought for Penelope who last year became the first mare to be recruited to the Northumbria service in its 162 year history.
      The rozzer spokesperson said it brought “a bit of diversity to the stables”. Equine diversity? Seriously, (and I think they probably were being serious) does that political correctness cr@p have no boundaries? Nortumbian residents must be so proud of their equine diversity.
      I wonder how many of their police dogs have been identified as fâêrîës?
      Imagine Penny’s delight at finding out she’d be the only mare in the stables able to enjoy a different c*ck everynight only to find out every one of the other horses was a gelding?. Poor girl.

      • Vacancy coming up at GMP shortly, MNC. Put your money on Penny. Odds shortening rapidly. Plus at least the sh*t she leaves behind is good for the roses. The sh*t GMP currently has as chief is good for nowt.

  17. It baffles me frankly why anyone from the Is-lame communi’hee would wish to enforce British law as they have their own enforcement ideas regarding a multitude of offences that very often involves some kind of phyisical brutality or the removal of a limb. As smug cunt pointed out, the wearing of a hijab automatically signifies a deference to Islamic law which would put them at odds with British (western) law enforcement surely.

    I don’t like this one bit and once again it’s a short sighted move by the tick box brigade. Is this officer going to give her colleagues her full loyalty if there is a crackdown on a Parking Stanley pedo grooming gang in Yorkshire or if a suspected I.S. terrorist sympathiser is about to be busted? Would she not fear being seen as a carpet riding Uncle Tom(ess) and risk being hunted down? I can see the Yorkshire force wanting to be very selective about what operations they include her in which would result in institutionally sponsored partisanship existing between officers and then more cries of “waycism, waycism”.
    Madness. When will this pathetic woke crusade and endless competition to be seen as the most tolerant and inclusive ‘look how virtuous and good we are everyone’ mass psycology come to it’s fucking senses and realise that if you want to keep your way of life, then you protect it from threats like this.

    Bunch of capitulating whimps in epaulets, that’s what the cunts are.

  18. Perhaps it should be mandatory for members of the public to wear bacon slices as a deterrent to this sort of thing.
    BTW, how does she reconcile herself with her slang nickname of pig?
    That’s just not Halal.
    Pigs, they’re their own worst enemy.

  19. Imagine if they had all muslim coppers on the wharf when all the asylum seekers arrive by lilos and rubber dingys from france.The filthy muslim coppers will give all their brothers and sisters a pamhlet on how to scam and con your way to making it rich in Blighty. Filthy animals.

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