The Guardian (12)

This is the headline:-
‘It’s very frustrating’: the Covid inequality dividing Blackburn

And this is what Pakistani fishmonger Zohar Mahaldar actually said:-

‘People don’t want to take responsibility for their own health, he complained. “They say, ‘but it’s written by the almighty!’ They think if it’s Allah’s will, he will protect them. But I say to them: ‘Allah also gave you a brain’.” It’s suicide not taking Covid seriously, he said: “And suicide is haram in our religion. It is not allowed.”’

Mr Mahaldar was making a point about stupidity, nothing to do with being a downtrodden BAME. But that doesnt fit this tawdry rag’s agenda. Hence the headline, so the trendy middle class white metropolitans who buy it could tut about what a racist country we are.

Written by northern editor Helen Pidd, no doubt from her ghetto in Alderley Edge.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

59 thoughts on “The Guardian (12)

  1. It’s only half six and I’ve already expressed one round of thought on The Guardian this morning. Just practicing for the inevitable ‘second wave’ of TP shortage.

  2. I sometimes read The Guardian online…don’t often agree with many of their commentators but sometimes there will be an article that makes me stop and think.
    It’s good that not every narrative is The Daily Mail or Breitbart.

    • That’s absolutely right we are all in danger of group think. There are some good articles in there. I found myself being directed, from the GF website, to a Guardian article so often that last year I gave a tenner to their website plea for donations.

    • Absolutely right that that should hold loud and true, so even more so a travesty of how long all MSM have pandered to ‘righthink’. Still, when there are signs that even CNN are starting to question and second guess the Demonrats, all hope maybe not lost.

    • Agreed, though I would no longer buy it. Since the Mail plastered its site with popups and adblocker blockers and all the other broadsheet sites have paywalls, there’s actually little option online for a cheapskate/anticapitalist like me. The Times, despite Murdoch, is still a better paper and I sometimes buy it in print.

  3. Good Morning

    The problem with articles like this it portrays people as victims, if you tell them often enough they believe it and permanently have their hands out. What this wonderful country of ours has done is given then an opportunity and they should seize that instead of wallowing in victim hood. All countries are racist but we are least bad and the proof of that is all those people trying to cross the channel to get away from the land of Equality Fraternity, Liberty and Granny shagging.

    • The point is that the fishmonger was not wallowing in victimhood, he seems a sensible man. The Guardian spins things to take the racist agenda.

      • That’s the problem with left or liberal leaning media. Any valid points tend to get lost in the hysterical reporting that relies on raw emotion to inspire hate. They can’t just tell you the story and let you come to your own conclusion, and I know the other side selectively report a story that fits in with its agenda, but rarely is it sneering at the opposition. I wish there was one place you could go where News was reported from both angles without agenda, where you could make your mind up, rather than some cunt trying to make it for you.

  4. I sometimes flick through their online site, and to be honest their sports section is a real highlight compared to the wankfest that is the BBC and other MSM snotrags

    Moreover, some of their more general reporting and the odd opinion piece, are also very thought provoking and intelligently written.

    However, by and large, The Guardian is the vanguard of all that is woke, and ultra-Left leaning. It’s as if the editors and/or owners have told their staff to become the archetypal SJW, and get paid handsomely for it in order to stir the shit.

    It’s no wonder they constantly have the begging bowl out. But I wonder if any of the staff and/or owners are willing to take massive pay cuts to prop up the journalistic integrity of the Paper?

    The Guardian would probably welcome a government bailout, but then still continue to criticise it for being the party of right-wing white privileged racists and bigots.

    Just like the Arts, receiving over a £1bn in support funding from Boris; and yet they still want more, and still think the government is stuck in the Stone Age.

    If ever there was a more blatant example of White Privilege, it should be written in huge font just below “The Guardian” sign on their office building.

    Cunts to a man…. woman….. gender-fluids… and any other victimised cunt in between

  5. Now you see I’d have believed everything in this article but then I saw she wrote ’…… dividing Blackburn’

    Bollocks, everyone knows its called Blackistan. FFS.

  6. The Guardian and the BBC are, I am sure, in a life or death battle, to see who is the wokest media body. I would include The Independent, but hopefully their heavy subisidy of “The New European” will see them fall from the gutter into the sewer in short order.

    The poor old pretentious Guardian will have to go a long way to improve on Wireless 4s efnic weekday misery memoir at 1200 hrs – we venture to Jamaica for ten days soon . My wife went to the West Indies
    – Jamaica?
    No, she went of her own accord.

    Fuck off

  7. You’re actually doing well to have daily newspapers of opposing sides, shall we say.

    You don’t have to agree with every column inch, but at least it stirs a debate.

    Down here we have one regional newspaper (the Herald) in Auckland’s case, and then it’s the local rag. The Herald is a decent read, imo, and covers both national and international reports, mostly unbiased, again in my opinion. They do seem to put the boot in to both sides of the political decide.

    However, while trying to be all things to all people, the Herald can often come across as very ‘fence sitting’. That’s where a different point of view would certainly help.

      • A double cunt.

        At least the sentiment was right second time around, if not the spelling.

        I blame the rather tasty blood orange gin I’m working on. Nothing to do with lack of ejucayshun or shit.

  8. So a “division”, between the stupid and the not so stupid, between the responsible and the irresponsible, somehow becomes an “inequality”. In that case there’s a shitload of inequality in our society, none more so than that involving the working class and the posh, rich, privileged, fake social justice warriors who write for this cuntrag.
    I do hope Polly Toynbee will self isolate after returning from the Xmas break at her Tuscan villa the poor dear. Still, that won’t stop her banging out a few hundred words on saving the planet, the sainthood of Marcus Rashford or the disaster that is brexit.
    Toodle pip! Jolly hockey sticks and all that

  9. The liberal ‘elite’ despise the white working class.

    None of these cunts have a fucking clue about real life and hardship.

    Look at that pipsqueak, Owen Jones. Claims to be a champion of the poor, but the cunt had two Marxist university lecturers for parents and was educated at Oxford.

    What the fuck would that cunt understand about living in ‘diverse’ streets? Or having his livelihood threatened by third world umbongos and dooshkas willing to work for tuppence a week? Fuck all, that’s what.

    Little prick.

  10. The Guardian read in Libraries news rooms and staff rooms throughout the country and by no one else. At all fucking pathetic out of touch thick upper middle class daft, air headed pretend outraged socialist scum.
    Well said Mr Zohar Mahaldar. A peaceful with nous.

    • Soory also read online by Dick Fox chaser. Sir there isn’t a reason on earth to read the Guardian Narrative. It stands out like a sore thumb.
      White people in power have ruled and ruined the world this most end we must turn it over to the BAME Africans, trannies and tribes yet unknown to white folk in the deepest part of the south American jungle. of course the Daily mail attempts to mirror in an opposite direction and Breitbart is probably a direct opposite. Only an idiot would follow it’s narrative I look at in just to find stories not covered in the main stream lefty press. I don’t automatically believe it’s narrative. That would be daft.

  11. The Guardian is the home of the Champagne Socialist and the smug, sanctimonious middle class elitist liberal. It is the BBC’s go to paper and the EU dictatorship’s mouthpiece in this country – all of which are Britain haters and all actively working against UK interests. They are commie sympathisers and capitalist haters (yet are run by the affluent Scott Trust), are crawling with the worst smoked-salmon socialists talking the most obnoxious liberal bollocks, and are always with their hands out begging for money off of their deluded readership.

    The Guardian – created by cunts, edited by cunts, written for by cunts, promoted by cunts, bought by cunts, read by cunts.

    Just infested with cunts.

  12. I like the Guardian. It allows me to identify who is a twat – carrying the Guardian is like having a sign on one’s head saying “I am a cunt”.

  13. Where do we even begin?! The people at the Guardian threaten, smear and dox people they disagree with, knowing full well that this could lead to them losing their jobs and being harassed and attacked in the streets. Then there’s the constant anti-white articles and propaganda, deconstruction of our history and who we are, subversion and never-ending guilt tripping on a daily basis. I could go and on. They’re destroying race relations and helping to create divisions in society. This is their real aim and they’re part of a neo-marxist movement. Simply put, it is (and always has been) the mouthpiece of ‘liberal’ imperialism, full of neo-marxists, whose real aim is to destroy the country from inside. They need to be shut down asap for the good of the country. To call this a newspaper and news organisation is a joke and the sooner it’s buried the better.

    • Well, ducky Jones has gone from the guardian and is now desperately trying to sell youtube drivel to 17 year old plastic commies (and failing very badly?) and sweaty talentless pig Julie Burchill has gone too.
      And it’s funny to see that their dopeflakes are stopping short of paying donations to keep this shitfest afloat- the losses are huge, but that’s what you get when you produce unreadable nonsense.
      If anyone wants a free copy of this drivel simply defacate onto a large sheet of white paper..

  14. Anyone following the Suzanne Moore story?

    This deluded old Trot slapper may have written some idiotic pieces in the past few decades but she has now found herself on the ‘wrong’ (actually it’s the ‘right’ side of the Trans ‘debate’ . Debate?!! – fuck off!).

    Sacked by the Guardian because 300 colleagues disagreed with her. What a soft cunt the editor must be. Free Speech ? Alternative Viewpoint? You’re ‘avin’ a laugh!!

    Ah yes, Exhibit 1 in the Guardian’s latest Wrongthink worldview.

  15. Remind me what Connery said about women needing a slap now and then?

    Maybe the predominance of soy boy testosterone free thinking is the real problem? If men stopped living for women and lived for themselves the balance of the sexes would be restored.

    This is what I’m doing, this is how I live and you’re welcome to join me as long as you don’t mess with it.

    Fucking hell, all this soy boy feminist supporter shit is just another way men think they will get some pussy.

    Women despise weak men and will wipe their feet all over them.

  16. The sub heading in one of those articles above is interesting.

    “Don’t play identity politics, the primal scream of the straight white male.”

    Well, thanks for the advice. I too now play identity politics. I identify as the ‘straight white male’ you so seem to despise. And I identify with white people as my group. And care about them more than other groups now!

    So we’ll done you stupid fucking tart!

    • That’s Hadley Freeman, the fashion editor, whose main concerns when not trying on shoes are wimminz ishoos (she identifies as one) and RSP ishoos (she identifies as one; and her RSP identity figures strongly in her other published work)

      Hadley’s strident bitching about identity politics would seem to be just a tad hypocritical.

  17. From The Guardian Online:


    Four cunters on the premier social media cunting site ‘Is A Cunt’ posted positive comments today regarding the award winning, world respected newspaper, the Guardian.

    Veteran contributor Lord Richard Fiddler said of the Guardian: “I sometimes read The Guardian online… sometimes there will be an article that makes me stop and think.”

    Mr Wank Sock agreed: “There are some good articles in there.” And added, “I gave a tenner to their website plea for donations.”

    Mr Technocunt praised the paper’s water sports coverage: “to be honest their sports section is a real highlight,” he opined wildly.

    Mr Hard Brexit Cunt summed up the cunting site’s feelings perfectly: “I like the Guardian”

    Sadly though, original nominator, police officer Cuntbubble, lowered the tone with a desultory: “The Guardian spins things to take the racist agenda.”

    But on balance it was a definite thumbs up for the Guardian from the ISAC community!

      • Not me, General. I simply copied and pasted the report from the Guardian online. Doubtless they’ll be approaching the cunters quoted though. Watch this space for some high profile defections….

      • No defections, probably this old chestnut ….

        “I was misquoted”

        (Despite clearly not being)

    • Yes I thought similarly, RTC!

      My two penn’erth for what it’s worth, the ‘rag‘ is at least not behind a paywall and does have an ok sports section, in particular the excellent Vic Marks as the cricket correspondent.

      Posting provocatively smart ass comments to their ‘comments’ forums is also amusing. Particularly when directed as Ken and Deirdre Spart (aka Messrs Jones and Toyncunt).

  18. Back to the story.

    Alibaba said ‘Allah gave you a brain’, sadly it was a rather substandard one made in Pakistan.

    Going back a while, when Oldham council published data on cases of Covid by ethnicity…. suddenly they were victims (rather than dirty fuckers)
    I noticed that the government haven’t updated their stats since September, maybe because they were showing an ‘unhelpful’ trend.

  19. I am perturbed today, after reading some of the complimentary comments about the Guardian that IsAC might be moving further to the left.

    • Morning Bertie.

      The Guardian have even quoted said complimentary comments in their online rag. See my post @10:27 above…

      • Saw it Ruff! Quality comment that got me thinking.
        It’s difficult to know where a hardened Tory cunt like myself can turn to now for some comfort in these troubled times.

  20. I’ve just read some of the readers’ comments in The Groan.
    Bloody hell…worse than I could possibly have imagined.
    I need a bath.

  21. The Guardian are the scum of the earth. They talk about white straight males like the Nazi administration in Germany spoke about the Jews. The Guardian blatantly and shamelessly views whites and especially white heterosexual men as ‘undesirables’ and ‘social misifits’. Every straight white man is seen as a bigoted emotional cripple and a rapist in all but name. It’s absolutely disgraceful.

    I only hope that’s as far as it goes where the Guardian (and BBC) are concerned.
    There’ll be cries of ‘Oh that won’t happen’, but it has happened once before already. The Nazi ‘solution’ started with sneers, shit stirring, slander and singling people out. And that is exactly what these Guardian bastards are doing. I wish hell on them and it cannot come soon enough.

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