How about boiling your piss over this (compliments of the BBC):-
‘A 14-year-old transgender boy is starting legal proceedings against NHS England over delays to gender reassignment treatment.
The teenager has waited over a year for referral to the only NHS gender clinic for children and adolescents.
The Good Law Project, which is acting for the teenager, says the NHS has a legal obligation to provide specialist care to all patients within 18 weeks, or provide an alternative.’
People are dying or in great pain because routine treatment is snarled up. What makes this fucking degenerate a special case?
A 14 year old is in no position to decide it’s gender and is a mental not a surgical case.
Why the fuck should the NHS fund teenage fantasies?
The Good Law Project seems to be a lefty, anti Brexit, terrorist loving collective which should concentrate on getting ISIS fighters back to the UK.
Howled down by the weirdos but becoming more apparent are cases where surgery has been carried out and later regretted.
These tranny cunts and their right-on supporters should be dropped down a mine shaft.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
At least it won’t breed.
‘Provide an alternative’….. give the little cunt a good kicking followed giving the lawyer a good kicking.
Nonsense driven by nonsense…….
Time to give up and move to the moon.
I see that the lesbian actress Ellen Page has declared itself a transgender man.
I did have a chuckle to myself that her wife is now (if you suspend disbelief and pretend she is a man) now married to a bloke.
Didn’t think about that did they?
Give it a couple of years and all this transgender shite is no longer the vogue on social media, cunts (or pricks) like Page will probably revert back to being a lezzer again.
I’ve just written the same thing, COTL. Mentalists.
Fucking mutants. Just replace Degeneres (or Degenerate) with Page.
She is a Canadian (probably a Queeb), so this goes some way to explain things.
Yeah, fuck those kids on cancer wards and let’s worry about cunts unhappy with the cards life has dealt them.
It’s fucking ridiculous that money is spent on these mental cunts. It’s a fucked up world when boys can be girls and girls can be boys.
Last year we had a child obesity problem but this year according to Rashford they are now all starving.
Gyms were closed yet McDonalds and KFC were open.
Everything is bollocks, this is why the aliens won’t land.
They’re parked up on the edge of the atmosphere, looking down and thinking “what a bunch of cunts.”
Talking of revolving-door genders, I read that a Canadian, doughnut-bumper actress called Ellen Page, who was in a film a long time ago that nobody watched, has decided that she’s a trånny. Presumably she’ll pay top Canuck dollars to have a top pork sword sewn on by top surgeons. She wants to be known as Elliot which, ironically, is a bit of a gay name.
Oi, that’s my boy’s name, you rotter!
He is blonde haired with blue eyes with the face of an angel and seems to make a bee-line for pretty young women with large breasts; he is not backwards in having a crafty feel of them too. He is only 6 years old, so he gets away with it, whereas I wouldn’t.
I don’t think I have to worry about him being afflicted by the Gayness.
He sounds like a future mask-in-back of the van, Paulie. No need to worry except I hope he’s blond, not blonde. ?
I’d still shag Ellen Page whatever she wants to call herself. As long as she hasn’t had her tits cut off.
Did you hear the one about the Brighton school (had to be Brighton didn’t it) that sent it’s pupils a questionnaire asking which gender they identified with?
Now you might think there would only be two possible answers.
There were 25. I’ll repeat that Twenty fucking five!!!
They included “demiboy” and “gender fluid”
What the fuck is a demiboy? (autocorrect just changed that to demigod, I don’t blame it!)
These people aren’t just cunts they are EVIL.
It wouldn’t be quite as bad to be peddling their filth to adults who at least would have the maturity to tell these cunts to fuck off.
But to be peddling it to pre-pubescent children is brain washing indoctrination.
They are looking to turn the next generation into a generation of freaks.
Unkle T’s oven is too good for them cos it’s too quick.
Bung them in a locked cell and starve them to death.
A nice lingering death, should take a couple of weeks or so.
Today I completed my online application for a new passport, and according to the instructions we only have two genders to choose from. So that’s official from Her Majesty’s government.
Victor Frankenstein would have had a field day with these cunts. A bit from here, a bit from there, wonder what he would look like for a cock for a nose?
‘With’, not ‘for’ – what a silly cunt.
Graft this deviant a buster gonad sized pair of bollocks just under its chin so I can kick two birds with one hobnail boot.
The Good Law Project.
Who backed Gina “The Cunt” Miller in her legal case against the government (and, by extension, the British people) when she tried to stop Brexit.
Yep. They’re a monumental bunch of cunts.
The Good Law project’s main man is fox battering, dressing gown clad, barrister Jolyon Maugham, or Lolyon as he’s known to m’learned friends. Comes to something when even your fellow lawyers think you’re a cunt.
I’d love nothing more than to see him really suffer.
And currently the 16 year ol he/she/it ( transitioned at 14 ) has successfully won in Court against the NHS for allowing a minor to undergo transition as he/she/it says ( now ) that he/she/it was too young to understand the issues.
We live in a he/she/it shithole of a LGBGT Multi worg society.
Throw the little cunt into a furnace.
And the NHS should ban all trans operations for life.
The Good Law Project, Public Interest Lawyers ( that Uber cunt Phil Shiner’s bunch of crooks), notice how they have such wholes names?
Wholesome ffs
Soooooo what is the real gender of a “transgender boy”? Am I just out of touch? Was it born a boy or girl? Aw hell fuck it. Why do I give a fuck?
You don’t.
So this little turd should be put before cancer patients, and other terminally ill people including my own father? Fuck off you cunt and fuck the wankers who are helping him.
This boggles my mind.
This person is not yet an adult therefore their parents should be the ones looking after him and telling him wait until he’s older.
Also, are the parents aware of what this person is doing? Wanting a sex change, legal proceedings etc?
Do parents not speak to their children these days?
I don’t have children.
There was a time when I felt left out because my family and friends have children and I don’t.
14 years old. You can’t watch Batman at the cinema but you can chop your genitals off.
This used to be known as child abuse. yup piss is steaming hot set of cunts.
I had surgery recently and as I was being wheeled into the operating theatre I told the anesthesiologist that I was really interested in what he did and asked if it would be OK if I administered the anesthetic myself.
He said, “Yeah, sure, knock yourself out”….
You just know that a bunch of arseholes calling themselves “The Good Law Project” are working towards exactly the opposite. A bunch of posh lawyers who all went to Public School and got bumfucked from an early age. Now they try to normalise their own sick degeneracy.
As for this Page weirdo…. never fucking heard of her which is probably why she is desperately seeking publicity in the hope of attracting the attention of Hollywoke. Why doesn’t she just suck cock instead of acquiring one?
The usual disgusting degeneracy all funded by the taxpayer.
The lawyers are guilty of deviant behaviour.
Everyone involved in pressing this case should be rooted out and shot.
“My blue haired teacher says I’m trapped in the wrong body and it’s my legal and human right to have puberty blockers and have bits hacked off or added on – and if I don’t get it I’ll sue”! ??
“Nobody stopped me from taking puberty blockers and having bits hacked off – I’m going to sue”! ??
The NHS should NOT be used for vanity operations for the mentally ill – go nuts, go private.
And no gender reassignment whatsoever until the victim is 18 and then has to spend the next 2 years living as the pretend gender they believe they are, and no right to sue if these freaks change their mind.
This is all bollocks.
The founding fathers of the NHS must be spinning in their graves.
Good Law Project ably funded by legal aid no doubt. Have the fucktards noticed that the country is in a bit of a state what with bat lurgy, Brexit plus a totally fucking useless government (the norm unfortunately). Surely the lad in question could go on line and locate a suitable deviant more than ready to carry out the task. That odd cunt in Germany’s out the slammer now, dab hand with a paring knife that one. Soon have the little twats nether regions resembling the aftermath of an explosion in a butchers dustbin. Job done legal aid saved everybody happy.
Just emailed them to reassure them that I know where they live.
The lefties remain scum love the NHS so much they want to Sue it so some 14 year old twat can wear his sisters bra and tights – if these cunts ever need teh NHS for something mild like cancer I hope they are told to fuck off while a boy gets fitted for high heels the sub human cunt scum.
I’ve just been criticised for mentioning the 70- or 80-year-old argument about parliaments comprised mostly (or exclusively) of men making laws governing women who, since they’re the one who get pregnant, would probably be better informed about women’s matters.
Can you see where this is going?
“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!” I was informed. “Whaaaaat about women with testicles?” (blink: huh?) “They get prostate cancer too!!! You are denying them a voice!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
I won’t mention the men who get pregnant – I don’t think there were any of them in the Cabinet 1918-1939 era. I was so ashamed for my ignorance.