The Garden of Eden

Those who say the Garden of Eden is a mythological story and nothing more.

A cunt say Russell Brand, a complete cunt Owen Jones? A complete and utter cunt Lineker. A monumental cunt Branson. Oh no he’s intergalactic. Anyway there are gradations of cunt. But there is one set of cunts way out on the edge of things isn’t there?

The solid fact of Evil in the world is what I am talking about here.

We all have our favourite atrocities don’t we cunters? The ones that stick in your mind. Mine is he strung up his victims so they had to stand on their tiptoes, if they slipped they would hang themselves. He left them there for hours. That was in America. Over here -Brady and Hindley of course. The Black Panther case I remember-poor Leslie Whittle down that drainage shaft always stuck in my mind.

What about the structural Evil of Nazism or The Khmer Rouge? They committed unspeakable crimes, beyond belief. And yet they happened.

Now this is exactly where the story of the Garden of Eden comes in and explains things.

Quickly that out first parents rebelled not against some human King or Prince or Ruler but against the Ruler of the Universe, the Creator. The Creator of all things, even themselves. And because of that rebellion the human race has been tainted by Original Sin ever since.

Concupiscence it is called (that we have an inclinations towards evil throughout our lives). We are wounded in ourselves it means, in the very grounds if our being. In other words (what I am sure cunters instinctively agree with) THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH HUMAN NATURE.

Come on cunters put your hand up. We all have those vicious evil little thoughts of what we would like to do to our enemies. Nay, what we would like to do to our neighbours, work colleagues. It’s just in us.

Big subject. But quickly the teaching is we are not born good or bad but are born with the potential to be good or the potential to be evil.

There is no other philosophy or religion that explains human nature quite so accurately as Christianity does.

Nominated by: Miles Plastic 

97 thoughts on “The Garden of Eden

    • Just remember when reading this nom that no one preaches like an atheist, or so I’m told, lol.

      • Part of being on ISAC is being exposed to views you don’t like. Even religious baloney. If you don’t like it you know what to do.

  1. Genesis 3:1 “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made.”

  2. What a load of absolute shite.

    Just because we are intelligent apes doesn’t make us that different from the blood line. Apes have a social structure, it’s just that ours is more complex but the basics are the same, work together to survive, our complexity gives rise to greater conflict.

    Original Sin, just a construct to keep the faithful (sheep) in their place.

    • Would an Alpha male get some rope and cleverly string up a rival Alpha male so he had to stand on his tiptoes and leave him there for hours?

      • A great one Miles! Yes we have a cunt nature because if God had not given us a choice to disobey Him, He would have created nothing more than robots. We have the world we live in today because He keeps His promises. We are all cunts but some reject truth and are absorbed with themselves to the point that they become the kind of cunts that the rest of us can’t tolerate. Thus ISaC was born.

  3. I’m nice to those I feel merit such treatment and a cunt to the other 99% of society.
    Praise the Lord.

  4. Has the lockdown stopped you knocking on doors Miles?
    People have faith or dont. End of. There is no arguing with either.
    The Garden of Eden is an allegory not historical fact. Nothing wrong with that. Otherwise — Yawn.

    • Miles@
      This garden of Eden, it was meant to be in the middle East!
      And as we all know its a bit shite for gardening, too dry.
      It was probably a couple of bushes that needed watering, a couple of palms and a few cactus.
      It was probably a bit like Rhyl sun centre without the swimmers or waterslides.
      England has the most beautiful gardens in the world,
      Lush grass, plenty of rain, rich soil,
      Nowt better than a cottage garden,
      No way some jews and arabs could win Chelsea Flowershow!
      As for the evil thoughts,
      Thats what keeps me smiling!

      Stop badmouthing the nazis!
      What have they ever done?!!

      • Only once Miles.
        As a kid, we were the same age,
        He was by today’s standards a mentalist.
        No redeeming features, a out and out sadist, a creepy fucker,
        And every instinct I had told me he was bad news.
        In the end I battered him and told him to stay away, as I think others did as well.
        Some people are born bad,
        Theyll always be bad, you cant change them.

  5. “My favourite atrocity is he strung up his victims so they had to stand on their tiptoes, if they slipped they would hang themselves. He left them there for hours.”

    That cruel bastard sounds like my geography teacher at school who used to get you to stand on a chair. He’d then grab hold of your sideburns (not that they were very long at 12 years old), then get you you to jump off.
    This nom would attract more comments if it was about “cruel punishments in school.”

    • But where did his cruelty come from Bertie? You were only saying the other day in the ‘Humanist UK’ thread that man was ‘inherently good’?

      • Hannah Arendt’s analysis of Eichmann and his trial has always stuck in my mind as being most likely the case when cones to explaining the source of evil:

        “Evil comes from a failure to think. It defies thought for as soon as thought tries to engage itself with evil and examine the premises and principles from which it originates, it is frustrated because it finds nothing there. That is the banality of evil.”

        I think this goes some way towards explaining why other primates are incapable of the levels of evil to which humans are prone, as well as highlighting the apparent motivelessness of what we think of as the most despicable crimes.

        Good, nom.

    • Afternoon Bertie, afternoon all.
      Funny you should mention that form of punishment.
      We had a RI teacher at school who did the same thing, but with the refinement of kicking the chair away.
      They were a rum lot back in the day.

      • Cuntalugs – wouldn’t it be the RI teacher who was the most sadistic of all?
        I would think he probably had a picture of you swinging from a rope when he kicked the chair away.

      • Ha ha.
        We called him “Sexy Saunders” because we reckoned he got a pèrvĕrted pleasure out of inflicting pain.

  6. The genesis story is Old Testament is it not? But let’s not split hairs. If God is all knowing he would have known the serpent would have Eve pick the fruit from the tree of knowledge would he not? If he didn’t know he is not the all powerful being that he is claimed to be.

    Some say the interpretation of the original scriptures is inaccurate, god actually said ‘let us make man in our image’ God was plural not singular which would suggest God was not a sole creator but part of a race of higher beings. Some have gone on to say a race of higher beings genetically manipulated humanity.

    Moving on to the story of Noah and the great flood, an all powerful god would not need to flood the earth and erase all but a few members of humanity, this is more like the act of a scientist sterilising a test tube after his experiment failed.

    Moving on to the discovery of the gnostic gospels and the gospel of Judas Jesus came upon his disciples praying and laughed at them, when they asked why he laughed he told them they were worshiping the wrong god, later he explains the god the disciples worshipped was not the same God he was born of but a minor deity. I can’t remember the story in full but it’s worth looking up if you’re interested.

    There’s much in the bible that should make one question the actual power and intentions of the god revealed within.

    Back to good and evil.

    Isaiah 45:7
    King James Version 7

    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

    None of above is a denial of the existence of god or indeed gods but three major religions all stem from the same source and can’t agree on what or who god is.

    We have the vengeful god, the raging god, the peaceful god, the loving god and multiple other personalities of god.

    Why would god want us to live without knowledge, like Pets or livestock? Why would a god give us free will then condemn us for using it?

    Christianity has some attractive principles and I’m not anti Christian but Christians can be some of the most judgemental of folk which isn’t very compatible with following Christ.

    Religion is very messy and beyond my grasp.

    • Sixdog@
      Science is now saying the great flood is a actual event stemming from the end of the last ice age.
      Glacial sheets thawing, sea levels rising, etc.
      Little Greta would of loved it.

      • I know MNC, if you’re ever bored watch some of Kent Hovind’s you tube videos on the flood.

        He is a creationist and religious but interesting and you get to see the other side of the debate.

        Jordan Maxwell is also worth a look if you want an alternative view of genesis and the roots of Christianity. I’m not recommending either as a source of facts but I find the whole subject fascinating.

        The BBC also have a video on their site presenting a scientific argument against free will. Even the BBC can still be accidentally interesting.

      • Kent Hovind is a malicious, lying, coniving toe rag and I wouldn’t trust as I could throw him.

        Also you said other side of the “debate” that implies creationism and Intelligent Design are in some way equivalent to actual science. They really aren’t

      • No, I said the other side of the debate, no equivalence was implied. Kent may be all the things you say and more but he’s also worth watching if you want to see how arguments are constructed to reinforce those who want to believe.

        Science may one day prove the existence of god.

    • You hit the nail on the head there. If God is omniscient and has a divine plan which he set in motion then he knew what was to happen in the Garden of Eden well in advance and would have been aware of every act of evil committed my men there after.

      This very fact alone should put into question the question of human free-will in the Christian worldview but also the lack of internal consistency of God being both omniscient and omnibenevolent.

      What seems to me is that God created the universe, the Garden of Eden, Adam, Rib Girl and the naughty tree, he knew in advance what would happen if either of them ate from the tree, which they did and then evil came into the world by way of original sin and this is somehow our fault and not God’s fault for setting up the system in the first place.

      Jumping past the flood and the covenants with Abraham and Moses to Jesus we see that God has been very magnanimous. He has decided that he can’t forgive us for the absolute cluster fuck which he set up, resulting in billions of souls being tormented in hell for infinity but for finite crimes so he is going to sacrifice himself.

      Yes you heard that right folks, he is going to come down from heaven in human form, then sacrifice himself to himself in order to forgive us for being exactly the way he made us. Not much of a sacrifice compared to eternal hellfire – more like a bad weekend for him but I guess it’s the thought that counts.

      • Afternoon Tits.

        I know you won’t like my using this word, you’ll think it a cop out. But all the talk of God being omniscient and omnipotent and for allowing Evil in the world in the end is a MYSTERY which we can never understand.
        As God is a mystery,

      • God created evil as he created everything Miles. God moves in mysterious ways indeed but it would seem he set us up to fail. Even the most devout believer must have doubts.

        Are we to believe that the bible is without error as Muslims believe the Koran to be? If we accept that there is a god is it then possible that the bible is a barrier to understanding god rather than being his word?

        Acts of what we consider evil are often linked with some form of mental health issue.

        But then we view abortion as a matter of rights, it’s troublesome that the destruction of upwards of 60 million unborn souls is not regarded as evil and the church’s don’t seem to want to comment on the whole. There are some who view this scale of abortion to ritual sacrifice.

        If God deemed to exterminate the human race in the flood for whatever sins they were committing back then you’d have thought he was well overdue to have made an intervention at some point in the last 100 years.

      • I don’t much care for the idea of being created from nothing, put in a playground, and when I die if I don’t measure up, I have to suffer torment n hell for eternity? Fack that!!

        Mind you heaven sounds fucking boooorrrriiiinnngggg too.

  7. “Turned into my worst phobia
    A crazy man’s utopia
    If you’re lost no one can show ya
    But it sure was glad to know ya
    Only poor boys take a chance
    On the garden’s song and dance
    Feel her flowers as they wrap around
    But only smart boys do without”

  8. Little Kylie is asleep in the RE class, the teacher notices and says “Kylie, who made the world and all the people in it?” The boy next to her prods her with a ruler and she wakes up and says “Oh my god!”
    “Well done” says the teacher. Ten minutes later she’s asleep again, the teacher say “Kylie, who is our Lord and Saviour?” The ruler goes in again and she wakes up and says “Jesus Christ!” The teacher says “good answer”.
    Ten minutes later she’s dozing again and the teacher says “Kylie, what did Eve say to Adam after giving birth to her sixteenth child?” Another prod with the ruler and she wakes up and says “If you poke me with that thing again i’ll snap it in half and stick it up your arse!”

  9. I love these paintings, and the illustrations on that bastion of sense, the watchtower. Everything and everyone chilling out, all of mankind and the animal kingdom. So, the big cats have decided to go vegan, and are not going to eat those tasty looking lambs, chickens and people, which they only do normally by choice. Allegorical? Apocryphal? Or bollocks?
    I was given a copy of watchtower once, and I had a look, it was hilarious, like some pious demented rag mag. But, the best thing about it was the cover illustration. It too had a lion and a lamb having a cuddle, and there were people from all over the world living in harmony. I knew they were from all over the world because they were wearing stereotypical clothing from their regions, and none was more funny than the Mexican geezers, complete with ponchos and sombreros. Oddly enough, there weren’t any gay fellers on it, which always puzzles me, as there are plenty of gay vicars and other ranks. How do they square that circle, that no religion allows gays, some punish the act with death, and they still believe in it. I wouldn’t want to be part of something that said I was a disgusting freak. I can only imagine that they think that as they are good people that it doesn’t apply to them. Or, like most followers, they believe the parts they like and dismiss the rest, like some pick and mix bullshit.
    I have met a few people recently, who believe in a ‘creator’, they don’t know who he is, or has any purpose, and they don’t follow any code or practice, or worship them, but they fully expect him to look after them when they die. Surely that’s just an imaginary friend?

  10. I see… people are cunts if they say the Garden of Eden is a story and nothing more.

    That’s not very Christian, is it?

    Mind you, neither is The Garden of Eden.

    Why would you want to spoil a perfectly good story by claiming it’s the literal truth? It’s an allegory of Jewish construction written some 600 hundred years before Jesus was even a twinkle in God’s lecherous eye…

    It’s a theological use of mythological themes to explain human progression from a state of innocence and bliss to the present human condition of knowledge of sin, misery, and death, and is fuck all to do with Christianity.

    With today’s understanding, The Garden of Eden is the sub-conscious mind of a human being.

    • But RT let’s go through all the philosophies. No, let’s not. Too much.
      When I put this up on the Nominations page you wrote something like I paraphrase this is as all passé and since the age of reason and The Enlightenment we have come to understand Man’s psychology.
      BUT IT DOES NOT EXPLAIN EVIL. The common man will listen to that but he doesn’t really believe it because he knows from experience that there is a darkness in our very nature. An inclination to evil reagardless of reason.

      • My favourite part if this film was the talking snake. No, the talking donkey. Definitely the talking donkey. It definitely happened.

        Furthermore, Religion is definitely not an advertisement aimed at credulous halfwits for a product that doesn’t exist. Definitely not.

      • At the time you submitted your cunting, Miles, either you or someone else asked for suggestions for an alternative title.

        I proposed three possibilities. My exact words were:

        1. Humanists.

        2. Children of the Enlightenment, who instead of Old Testament biblical allegories rely on science and reason to structure their understanding of the world and that of human psychology.

        3. People who do not accept that snakes were able to talk 600 years BCE.

        I never mentioned anything about the subject of evil being “passé”. You said in your first sentence that the cunting was for:

        “Those who say the Garden of Eden is a mythological story and nothing more.”

        I merely provided some alternative wordings.

  11. Wish I hadn’t entitled it The Garden of Eden. Should just have been -‘The Problem of Evil’.

    In the dictionary it says-

    profound immorality and wickedness, especially when regarded as a supernatural force.
    ‘his struggle against the forces of evil’

    It’s that I am interested in. Have any cunters experienced that?

    I know I have. I have met Evil. He had a water pistol on him. And he was jokingly putting it to our head. An awful cold presence. And a horrible evil atmosphere that anything could happen.

    • No, the Garden of evil is an excellent metaphor. An illustration so clear that it defies all misunderstanding.

    • Perhaps God shouldn’t have invented evil, and the world would be a much better place.
      Mind you, God isn’t averse to torturing life for his own amusement.
      The scriptures proclaim that he drowned everyone except for one family.
      Ergo, we’re all descendants from an inbred family, so we can’t be held responsible if our wires get crossed.

      • If God exists he is Evil incarnate. Why else would he choose to create a world of such unutterable suffering? Particularly of the innocents?

      • Long before the Garden of Eden, Lucifer got too big for his boots, actually wanted to take down the Big Yin so was cast down with his cronies and Lucifer is the source of evil and he runs this ‘world’ and his domain of hell.

        God created man giving him free will, knew that some would mess up and others would serve him. There is a spiritual warfare going on and it comes to an end one day.

    • God did create evil, if god created man then he/she is responsible, can’t just throw hands up in the air and say it’s not my fault.

      If God does exists and is the great creator then he/she is solely responsible for everything, just because the religious mob don’t see that doesn’t make it right.

      • Spot on Sick, and God created free will which led to evil, or the serpent which led to free will.
        No matter how it’s dressed up, God is responsible for bad as well as good.

      • You cannot love God if you are programmed to. That’s why God gave us free will. Even though we can do terrible things with it.

      • It would seem then, that God is perfectly happy for wrongdoing to continue, even though he can stop it at any time.

      • Good can come out of Evil. It is an opportunity to grow as well. God allows it for those reasons.

      • Well good for him. I bet the relatives of the victims at the Manchester Arena are overwhelmed with joy, awaiting the good to come out of the evil that was committed in his name.

    • Why would anyone love god if he/she is responsible for all of creation where evil is allowed to exist.
      The notion that anyone needs to love God is just the church asserting its authority, the church is the greatest evil in the world convincing the flock that suffering is gods will ….

    • Miles, I may have posted this story before but here it is again. Many years ago before I was born, my Mother and some of her siblings and spouses got together around an Ouija board. The board was placed on a table with drop leaves. Anyway, after however long of them asking questions and what not, the table got up into the air and started banging against the walls the with the leaves flapping. They all ran from the room and shut the door on it. The table continued to bang and flap for hours. They were terrified. I believe they summoned a being, not entirely evil but naughty for sure.

      • Yes I remember that story of yours from the Ghost Hunters thread. Stayed with me Cuntologist. I often wonder when I think of it how it affected the people present. I mean if it had a lasting effect on the their lives.

        All that you said earlier about the Lucifer and his cihorts being banished from heaven I believe absolutely.

  12. Miles – “Garden of Eden?”
    I can’t help but think that there’s a book somewhere in this for you!

    • Perceptive of you Bertie. I did write a poem as bout it. Never published. The word ‘tiptoe’ featured a lot.

      • Wasn’t this one, was it?

        The kingdoms of experience
        In the precious wind they rot
        While paupers change possessions
        Each one wishing for what the other has got
        And the princess and the prince
        Discuss what’s real and what is not
        It doesn’t matter inside the Gates of Eden

        Tiptoes, tiptoes, tiptoes, tiptoes,

        Tiptoes, tiptoes, tiptoes, tiptoes,
Tiptoes, tiptoes, tiptoes, tiptoes,
Tiptoes, tiptoes, tiptoes, tiptoes,
        Tiptoes, tiptoes, tiptoes, tiptoes,
        All tiptoe inside the Gates of Eden

  13. It was the “gift” of free will that screwed everything. In each of us is the ability to be both good and bad. It is our choice. You are both God ( the father )(Perfect) or God the son ( Imperfect). Jesus embodied all that is within us today. Jesus was guilty of sin also. Eventually, Jesus followed a better and more righteous path, a path that we can follow, but only if we choose.

  14. God visits Adam and Eve one day…….Adam is sunning himself on the beach while Eve is splashing about in the water.
    God turns to Adam and says “you cunt!…..I told you I didn’t want the fish to smell like that!”

  15. I often get a sense of duja ve.

    It’s when you experience the feeling that you’ve been dyslexic before….

  16. “There is something wrong with human nature”
    1. Loving the caps (which I cannot reproduce as even WordPress doesn’t like being shouted at.)
    2. No there isn’t. We’re quite well adapted for survival as pack apes in a hostile environment, and haven’t had time to catch up with the packs being a lot bigger and the large predators being a lot rarer now. Ethics are definitely rare in the natural world, btw, and it’s quite something that we’ve got any at all.

  17. Imps from the pit?
    Most of the world’s worst atrocities have been committed behind the banners of religion:
    wars, genocides, witch trials, inquisitions…..

    Man created God.
    Man created fear of God.
    Man created The Devil.
    Man created fear of The Devil.
    All to control and subjugate.
    That is pure EVIL.

    • I’m not religious but I think the religious conflicts we see are more to do with human nature than anything else. If religion didn’t exist we’d just find another excuse to bash each other’s heads in.

      • Yes such as resources and territory.

        Even our closest relatives Chimpanzees (which don’t appear to have a notion of God or religion) have in the past split into 2 tribes and gone to war with each other.
        The Gombe Chimpanzee War for example.

  18. Evil eh?
    From the 70s to the noughties, a visit to a UK city could have got you murdered, by bombs aimed at innocent civilians by the IRA, an act that seemed compatible with their catholic faith. Now, we have the same threat, this time from another load of crazies who follow a slightly different middle eastern fairy tale, and these cunts are guaranteed a better seat in their afterlife for doing it. Retards.
    I’m sure in 200 years, there will be holy books that start ‘a long time ago in a galaxy far far away…’

    • Hmm – God disapproves of ye ale, shagging and people enjoying themselves.
      So he floods the world, committing genocide and just leaving Noah in his matchbox to commit incest and bestiality.
      God doesn’t like Sodom and Gomorrah (Now known as Brighton and Hove) so he burns them down, murders everyone except for one guy – but turns his Wife into a pillar of salt.
      God ain’t keen on all that Egyptian thing so murders 10,000 Egyptian soldiers by messing about with the red sea.
      Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord..
      The mass murderer – to the Hague to answer for your actions you bearded bugger!
      “Nice crib big G – what’s the rent”?
      “It’s all free geez – just don’t scoff that apple or you will have your arse out the door – who’s that shifty looking bird staring up at the apple”?..
      The house of God has no walls, but the luxury homes of the salesmen of God have very nice and expensive walls.
      Children are NOT born sinful or evil, and for any religion to state so is just an incredibly evil and hateful thing.
      Good and evil are right and wrong, and an entirely human choice.
      Right, time for my sermon at the Church of the Fonz! ??

  19. My personal favourite line was this:

    Now this is exactly where the story of the Garden of Eden comes in and explains things.

    A made up story about a garden explains people, places and events which wouldn’t happen for thousands of years. It’s comedy gold I tell you.

    It’s not for me to pass judgement, but in my experience some of the most duplicitous, conniving, dishonest, manipulative and out for personal gain at my and others’ expense, have been god fearing, church going, bible bashing religious types. Evil? I’d say so. It’s funny how the teachings of Jesus and the word of god goes out the window when there’s something of material/financial value to gained.

  20. Excellent nom.,Miles…excellent.

    ‘Forgive them for they know not what they do’ …. Luke 23:34.

  21. Remember-the latest religions are:

    Extinction Rebellion

    All fundamentally flawed.
    All based on false narratives.
    All evil, at their root.

    Take a knee cunters, be it in church, at school or on the football pitch?

  22. This nom got me looking at images of gardens,
    Im going to make a garden arch for missus Miserable out of driftwood.
    Well done Miles!!
    Another triumph!?
    Someone up there likes us!?

  23. At risk of coming across as unoriginal I think Epicurus had it right.

    If God is willing to prevent evil but not able, he is not omnipotent.
    If he is able but not willing, he is malevolent.
    If he is both able and willing then whence cometh evil.
    If he is neither able nor willing, then why call him a God?

    Granted the last clause was added in more recently but still a valid point.

    • Nicely put, TIIS.

      I don’t deny the right of anyone to have faith or follow whatever god they choose, so long as it doesn’t adversely affect me. That last part more for the carpet kissers than anyone else.

      That said, I cannot get my head around why anyone would not have a problem with an ethos which demands ‘believe in me or you’ll be punished for all eternity’. I think most of us know it’s a more effective strategy to gain compliance through persuasion and free choice, rather than outright threat. Still, takes all sorts I suppose.

      • Yeah the whole believe in and worhip me or it’s hell for you is a typical mafia-style shakedown.

        Knock Knoc!:

        Who’s there?



        Yes, let me in!


        Because of what I’m going to do to you if you don’t!

    • Remember, “God works in mysterious ways” – which is the final refuge of the bible basher who can’t fight his / her way out of debate, a debate won by common sense and reasoning.

      • When good things happen it’s because of God’s infinite power and wisdom, when bad things happen God suddenly works in mysterious ways.

      • If you are referring to God of the Bible Lord cuntony then it’s simple I guess; the God of the Bible gave man free choice. Not a get out I suggest. If you have a free choice and choose to do evil then you can’t blame some other cunt!

      • @Everyonesacunt

        If God is all powerful and all knowing, then he knew creating the Garden, Adam, Eve and the apple would lead to evil and subsequently to suffering of conscious people for potentially all eternity if the idea of the Christian hell is to be believed.

        It would have been far more kind and benevolent of God to simply never have created life in the first place. There can’t be evil or suffering if there is nobody to do evil or suffer.

    • Nature, not god, created the situation where living things fight against each other to stay alive. Even trees try to outgrow each other to get more of the sunlight. It isn’t about evil, it’s survival.
      Humans have evolved a mental capacity greater than any other living creature on Earth, which allows them to think of even more ways to succeed and to make sure others fail. Thinking about these is one thing, putting them into practice is another. If I could, I would. Because I hate most of the bastards.

  24. A real thought provoking cunting Miles, excellent effort. Sorry for a belated comment I’ve been out all day breaking lockdown rules.

    • Ive recently come into possession of some of the original garden gnomes from the garden of Eden,
      And am making a one time only offer to own your own piece of biblical history!
      In used condition, these vintage pieces will be the envy of your neighbours!
      Each comes with a letter of authenticity.
      This is only open to regulars of ISAC and admin,
      Anyone interested send blank cheque to
      Miserable Antiquities
      The North

      • The thing is You can’t prove the existence of God and you can’t prove that God doesn’t exist.

        Big bang? what caused this? God isn’t a bloke sat on a cloud with a beard. God, if you believe is supernatural. The big bang creating something from nothing; (a whole universe and that’s a lot of something); was a supernatural act because it is beyond any natural phenomena that mankind can even get close to understanding.

        Please each of us have our opinions but don’t cut and paste any astrophysics theories by Hawkins or any one else, because all they are are theories. Can’t as yet be proven. Just like God.

        Well done Miles.

      • @Everyonesacunt The “Big Bang” is a term that was first popularised by a rival scientist who preferred the steady state theory.
        Technically it wasn’t a big bang but a sudden expansion of energy and matter from a hot dense state.

        Seeing as how the laws of nature, the 4 forces, space and time came into existence at that moment, asking what came before the big bang is like asking what is south of the South Pole.
        It’s thought that universes might come in and out of existence periodically/cyclically.

        Your willingness to invoke the supernatural rather than saying “we don’t know the answer” is a sign of personal incredulity.
        This is in addition to the fact that the supernatural, is a suspension of the natural order and is untestable by the scientific method which is naturalistic by definition.

        You are doing what a lot of people do when referring to scientific theories and using the colloqiual usage of the word (hunch/guess etc).
        A scientific theory is subject to natural laws and begins as a hypothesis which is an explanation of obervable facts.

        A theory the higest level of confidence in science and the scientific method is not intended to prove an hypothesis but to disprove it. If it cannot be disproven then it graduates to the level of theory and used as the best current description of a natural phenomenon whilst always being subject to review, change or even being overturned entirely. The same cannot be said about superstitious religious dogma.

        Anything which is subject to the laws of nature can be observed, predictions can be made, tested and conclusions drawn. The same can’t be said about the supernatural.

      • Also worth mentioning is that if something is real (like a God allegedly) then it is possible for it or evidence of it to manifest in reality and thus be proven real.

        If something isn’t real neither it, nor evidence for it can manifest in reality which is why the saying goes that “you can’t prove a negative” in the case of epistemology.
        For this reason, the burden of proof always resides with the person making the positive claim of a thing existing and nto the person who simply rejects the claim in lieu of evidence.

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