The Covid Fire Break

A month or so back a 2 week lockdown was proposed by Sage to get the virus under control.

The option wasn’t taken up.

Sir Kweer Charmer seized upon this as an example of where Boris was going wrong. He is very good at this. We must have the firebreak he ranted, denouncing the govt for their recalcitrance.

Well, the land of my fathers employed just such a strategy. Welshcunt Drakeford imposed this measure for the good of the Welsh and possibly to show what cunts the Tories are.

Worked well didn’t it?

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

31 thoughts on “The Covid Fire Break

  1. Wonder if he has taken the time to visit his rapist son in prison lately?

    I know for a fact that fellow convicts love sexual deviants, especially one who was sent down for a “sustained rape” so his anus will be VERY popular.

    Instead of continually trying to control people, he would be better of baking his delightful son a cake with a file in it.

    • Apparently both his sons have criminal records. One has to wonder what went on the ‘social worker’ Drakeford’s household in their formative years.

      I spent eight months from March this year as a Social Work Assistant, a dream job I’d coveted after 21 years in Children’s Services admin. Had to jack it in because of the ever-increasing shit they were putting in our way to stop us doing the job face-to-face with people. I walked away knowing that I’d achieved change and improvement on all my cases, however having to had to do so by circumventing the constantly new and draconian ‘rules’ being imposed.

      If we ever turn this shit around I’ll go back to it in a heartbeat.

  2. The Welsh are taking a right bumming from their government. I’m amazed they haven’t started launching flaming sheep at Harold Bishops house yet.

  3. Meanwhile in Wuhan they are having massive parties, the economy is booming and Corona virus is history.

    This should provoke some questions but fucking silence.

    • Apart from Trump, no fucker seems to be calling the Chinks out on what they did. As you say, silence.

      • Strange indeed, the Wuhan bat laboratory Chinese virus has sped up Chinese economic hence military dominance by decades, meanwhile Biden is going to flush what’s left of US economic hence military power down the khazi by signing up for the great reset and the Paris climate accord.

        The EU is going to give the U.K. the kicking of the century until we submit and the media think the most important thing to concern us is diversity.

        Yeh hah pilgrim.

  4. Dame Kweer always wants to have his cake and eat it too (a fairy cake perhaps?). He is very good at saying what he is against, and highlighting the balls up others make, but he never really has any plans of his own. For such a clever little faggot he is woefully short of ideas, all mouth and no trousers, big hat and no knickers.

    Like the face nappies, if “fire breaks” worked the figures would be going down, not up. I can’t see how “the science” can explain that, and they don’t try, do they?

    • The face nappies were specifically targeted at women. And boy did the split-arses swallow it. Talking of swallowing, not to gloat or anything, but us of the other persuasion, you know…

    • Since outside of Cardiff and Swansea we have such a miniscule population density of dark keys, and the great untreated from related shores, the Arse Injected Death Sentence (which makes up a proportion of this vax) has never been much of a problem for us.

  5. Oooh this is one I can get my incisors into.

    This CUNT who has spent his entire life and career licking Jeremy Corbyn’s unwiped arsehole, has a son with a sub-normal IQ whose currently languishing at Her Vaje’s pleasure for violent rape. Before that he’d been outed as a pee-dough by an online snare group.

    This cankerous CUNT has written endless dissertations on topics such as social injustice, youth justice, social mental health, you get the hypocritical picture.

  6. Our lockdowns do not work…simple as that. The only lockdown that would work would be to close the borders and get everybody to stay in which is impossible, especially when you consider we can’t stop the Dinghy brigade turning up. Even if you had zero infections etc it only take 1 cunt to turn up with and it starts again, lockdowns are total bollocks and they are only doing them to control the strain in the underfunded NHS. The only way to get on top of this is to vaccinate everybody but not everyone will have the vaccine…?.
    It really is a pile of cunt, and this time next year Boris will be there saying ‘you can now have three households together at Christmas’.

      • I doubt it. We’re about to be shafted on the EU and the party will already know the cunt is a blustering liability. I suspect he’s already a write-off as far as the northern ‘red line’ constituencies are concerned.

      • I don’t know what that Jim Henson creation we’ve been seeing since March is, but I know it isn’t Boris.

        He went into ‘hospital’ for two weeks with the ‘virus’, after advocating herd immunity. Yeah right.

  7. So a man made covid Chinese pox has effectively ended the Western idea of freedom. With hardly a whimper. We are the most pathetic generation to have ever lived in this country. A disease with a 98% chance of recovery has destroyed a thousand years of progress. Boris and all the rest can go fuck themselves. Unfortunately the population are sheep. Scared sheep cunts.

    • Hang abaaaaaht Smug cunt… weren’t you supporting vaccinations and lockdowns the other day?

  8. Er no. I said I dont have a problem with vaccine even though I wont be having one because with a 98% recovery rate its not worth bothering with.

  9. I do like the Harold Bishop ANALogy. When I was a nipper we used to sing “Neighbours, lick my bum and taste the flavours”. The writing was always on the all I guess.

    • Why the hell’s he got a stool in front of him? Were they expecting the precursors of Westlife to turn up?

  10. Admin, I think someone has hacked B&W cunts account, it can’t be the real B&W the posts are all ‘wokeish’ and there hasn’t been a ‘Go Fuck Yourselves’ all day ?

    • You could have warned me that it was a PJW link. Now I’ve got priapus.

  11. All this jumped-up covid terminology makes my piss steam.

    Social distancing.
    Rule of six
    Fire Breaker.
    Bubble up. (Worst of the lot)
    Circuit breaker. (Boris wants shorting out across a 3 phase circuit, with the said breaker removed)
    The ‘new’ Tier 4…..etc.

    Just please fuck off with the lot of this bollocks and do us all a favour.

    Next slide please…….!

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