I want to cunt teenagers, especially teenage boys.
I have a teenage son.
I could go into derails as to why he is a cunt, and give examples, but the length of this post would be akin to War And Peace.
In a nutshell, he is an arrogant, bullish, deceitful, manipulative, using disappointment of a mong.
He isn’t even my son, yet I have raised, in what seems like over a decade of my life I won’t get back.
He was a lovely little lad when he was, well, little. He doesn’t go round smashing up bus shelters, partaking of the herb, robbing people, etc. It is how he presents himself, engages with people, and the company he keeps.
He recently came up with his latest strapline, to his mum, whom he can do no wrong.
He said to let him be. I will abide by those words, and the cunt will rue the day he said them.
I have two other children, who are girls. Girls are so much easier to raise than boys.
Teenage boys.
All cunts and I wish them all the day they open their mouth to someone, who will make them end up eating food through a straw
Fucking twatting wastes of sperm, the lot of them.
Nominated by: Andrew Davenport
You just dont understand me!!
(Puts on Smith’s album)
Holy shit! You read my mind. I was just thinking about posting this nomination today but I’ve been beaten to it.
What’s the old adage? “The coof makes work for idle hands”?
Seriously though, that’s all the little fuckers are doing at the moment is hanging around the park and taking drugs. At least I have the decency to sit in the house by myself and drink loads of booze.
I was a very well behaved teenager – ask any of the surviving Broadmoor staff! ?
I try and avoid the teenagers (and most others) where I live as they are predominantly lowlife drunken junkie chavs who appear unused to the concept of manners and courtesy.
And if that fkin Rashford hadn’t stuck his enormous nose in we could have at least have had the pleasure of watching some of da yoot starve to death! ?
Bad form Saint Marcus!
I was a right Cunt when I was a teenager and tbf, I’m still a Cunt.
Perhaps it’s not the fact that your stepson is a teenager that makes him a Cunt…more that he is just a natural Cunt and always will be.
I cringe with embarrassment at what a arrogant, self centered, little prick I was as a teenager.
Teenagers are absolute cunts.
My lad went from a lovely little blonde haired toddler to a gangly know it all cheeky cunt.
Being fair to teenagers..there’s a couple who have occasionally come to give me a hand at work who were fine…the only other teenager that I ever really had much to do with went off to “Uni” and came back a spoiled slag….I haven’t spoken to her in years so perhaps she’s grown out of it.
Morning Dick,
By no means are they all cunts your right,
To be honest its part of transitioning from kid to adult,
Finding out who you are,
Asserting your own personality etc.
But I was a twat as a teenager,
Im lucky my dad didn’t murder me.
Morning chaps…can’t agree with this cunting as it’s more if a reflection of parental weakness than teenage shitbaggery.
I have 2 boys, almost 18 and almost 10 and ruled over them with an iron (but fair) fist right from when they were toddlers.
Not one single time have I allowed more than a tiny bit of cheek, never missed a single please or thankyou from them and as a result, they’re both respectful to me, their horrid fat mother and society in general.
Truly the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
People should have more of a spine when dealing with children to set them up properly in life.
Parents are fucking whining weaklings a lot of the time.
Nail on the head TTCE!
How many times have we all seen over-indulgent parents shrugging off Jemima’s latest public strop.
Most modern parents just want to be entertainers, empathising with their kids for fear of a knock on the door from Social Services for administering an occasional and long overdue slap across the legs.
As Mrs Kray and Mrs Sutcliffe would say “spare the rod/spoil the child”
I couldn’t have put it better myself Mr Cunt Engine.
If it means being critical of some other cunters, then so be it!
Those who are complaining should be proud of their sprogs for inheriting the proud tradition of cuntdom.
I knew I was on the right lines with my kids, when one day the mother in law said “ I think you’re being a bit harsh on him there.”
I tried to lay down the law with the kids Bertie.
But they sent me to my room without any pudding.
I live in dread for the day these types are suitors for my children.
Mind you they could try fetching a Goat Rider or Blek round..
Unhygienic cunts. All that snogging touching sticky finger and the rest of your lucks in. Bastards. Wish I was one.
I always believed that teenage girls were much more of a stroppy pain in the arse than teenage boys.
I will know for sure within the next 9 years, if GCHQ hasn’t shut our shop in the meantime. I’ll let you know as I have one of each.
And these shits are our future?Lord help us.National service for them.Teach them some manners
I don’t know, my teenage sons were a pain in the ring but I’m glad I didn’t have daughters, can you imagine Zoob and his peacefull homies turning up in their rented Audi, rap music blaring, cloud of ganga smoke so thick it looks like the back to the future Delorean, wanting to take the apple of your eye out for a good group sex session and then a trip to the cashpoint…
This happened to a mate of mine, I was there and all I could think was thank god I hace two teenage sons even if they can be cunts it’s better than girls at least you don’t have to be friendly with boyfriends who only want to bone her, yes boys not so bad until they wanna drive your car…..
I will forever treasure the wondrous feeling of relief I felt as a teenager the day my dad dolefully called up the stairs behind me: “okay, that’s it, I give up on you.”
Ruff, ive given up on you too.
Get yer hair cut.
FYI, Lady Creampuff made a “mistake” with the Wahl clipper just before Christmas. My hair hasn’t been this short since the 1950s! ?
I’ve just remembered I have a teenage nephew who is a total cunt, you know the type tries to counteract the weed effect with copious amounts of Redbull and a try a fuck haircut…. That’s the opposite to a fryer tuck.
He grunts, eats, smokes plays games, constantly updating his status, lots of selfies and the only things he talks to you about is all the reasons he can’t find a job, anyway a total cunt who no one in their right mind would employ….
Snowing like fuck here ??
Postponed my job on the grounds of health and safety,
And instead im taking the akita out to play in the snow.
Some of us still have a bit of teenage kicks about us!
My parents just don’t understand me…
This nomination is so unfair.
I wish I’d never been born. I hate you! (slam!)
Get back here right now! You’re grounded for a month! And clean your room you messy cunt!
I’m running away to live in the woods. And I’m taking the cat with me!
Good thinking, you’ll need something to eat.
Remember – a cat’s just not for Christmas.
If cooked and prepared properly, it should last well into the New Year.?
I wouldn’t want to be a teenager again. Life is confusing enough as it is but being a teenager with those changes happening with the body and the brain, no thankyou.
If I had the energy of youth and wisdom of age, that would be nice.
The nominee is making a fair point, he inherited this shit stain, it came with the package. Saying that, I wouldn’t put up with the wanker, my way or no way, perhaps slap a couple of his mates about (if you’re still physically able) and tell him to sort his shit out and he’ll get support, financially and otherwise.
Our two lads know the fear of dog, me. They get loved, fed and protected but do as they’re told and zero fuckery or else.
Saying that, I was a complete stroppy cunt, in trouble, expelled etc.
Anyway, fucking kids, I hate them as a rule and don’t get me started on millenials.
The nominee should threaten to kick his woman and her brat out. Dump all their shit in front of the house when they’re both out, put the fear into them of having to fend for themselves.
Good cunting.
Most folk I encounter under the age of 30 are complete cunts.
-narcissistic ✔️
Not sure I ever stopped being a teenager to be honest, apart from the wake n bake routine. Still fap like I’m a one man wank factory operation. Still cynical, snide, and generally disgusted at society.
We put moody teens down to hormones, but maybe it’s just the realization you have been seduced to participate in a dogshit society. A moment of clarity, that you’re surrounded by cunts who just want to exploit your energy at every fucking chance, and you have choice except to fight or die.
Then death beckons its bony digit to about 90% of these spineless simps.
Tch! Kids these days, eh?
Right entitled, narcissistic little cunts.
When ah were a lad…
Morning all!
There is a well established ritual for those entering their teenage years as shown by Kevin in this clip . . . . . .
As a parent of 2 teenage girls – I can assure they are cunts too.
My son will be 16 in April.
From birth he has received unrelenting famous Japanese discipline from his mother, and supported by myself who also received no nonsense parenting by both parents. After the passing of her mother at an early age my first daughter was extremely difficult to keep in line and to be honest I was most not keen to go through this again.
As a result my son is pretty good, polite and well mannered, honest and kind, studies hard without asking, represents the county at sport, takes a daily shower, again without asking and keeps his bedroom tidy. He is punctual and respectful of others, and he is a decent person. Not good at helping with housework and has to asked several times to help. And of course he has his moments with the both of us but we realise this is to be expected as part of his development into adulthood.
NEVER apologises for anything, very Japanese.
The behaviour of teenagers in my experience is directly proportional to the amount of time and effort spent on the discipline given by the parents. We went to appeal in order to get our son into the best local school (ahead of non English speaking immigrants), which has a fantastic reputation for pastoral care. As a result he has a group of like minded school and badminton friends who are not influenced negatively by the behaviour and actions not actions of others.
Not all teenagers are poorly behaved but unfortunately due to the lack of adequate parenting many are, and this will naturally be passed down to future generations.
Random one WS but I was very good at badminton, haven’t played it for years but I would love to take it up again!
You should do Vernon. It is an excellent sport for all ages, especially if you have the time, regular access to courts and one or more likeminded friends.
As we are now in Tier 4 access to courts is not possible and my sons sessions have gone from 3 evenings and County squad training on a Sunday to zero. Currently the county is 3rd (out of 35) in the Under 16 County league table and have qualified for the finals, which disappointingly will probably not now happen.
Very hard on young players, now 3rd lockdown has a detrimental effect on player fitness and motivation.
But you should definitely consider playing again Vernon. Will give you something to look forward to and help with general fitness levels.
Good luck.
Lets go smash some windows!!??
All teenage boys want the same thing, to be thought of as men. It’s their number one priority to be accepted into adult society and they can’t wait. They think if they do the things men do, they’ll convince people. What do men do? They swear, they smoke, they spit, they drink, they fight and they fuck. So teenage boys do the first three and pretend they’re doing the other three, hoping that people take notice and causing nothing but irritation and embarrassment.
They aren’t mature enough to realize that when you know you’re a man, you don’t have to prove it.
Interesting point about your son inheriting the ‘no apologising’ trait. I’ve found it to be the case in most Far Eastern cultures. Saying the word “sorry” is so difficult for them, you’d think they were going to lose their fucking tongue.
But I think we’re too far the other way in a Blighty:
“Have you got a Morrison’s More Card?”
“No, sorry!”
Living in the orient made me stop apologising for shite like that, but I will still say sorry when I’ve been a cunt! Which is quite a lot.
The problem is that many of these teenage cunts, male and female, take their cuntishness into adulthood.
My son does swear, he is nearly 18 but he isn’t a cunt, far from it. He has a girlfriend but no male friends, he studies hard at college and wants to go to University. He doesn’t smoke, drink or tell lies. He has a wicked sense of humour and is possibly the cleanest person on the planet, he baths or showers twice a day.
Where the fuck did I go wrong, I’m a rough, bricklayer, biker that drinks, smokes, fights and fornicates and I can’t for the life of me see what I did right.
I blame his Mum!
Thank fuck I have girls.
If I was ever blessed with a son, I know that I’d be informing King Herod as to where the little cunt sleeping.
And while I’m at it, fuck Xmas too.