Susie Dent from Cuntdown

Susie Dent is a cunt, isn’t she?

According to this energy-sucking gorgon, millenials have a point when they whinge about full stops being “offensive” (although not as offensive as Dent’s unwashed and smelly look). Dent looks up words in a dictionary on TV for a living so is definitely an authority on everything. “Full stops can be aggressive and using them can indicate resentment” she said as she rubbed more goose fat into her hair.

It’s hardly surprising this frumpy old trout is virtue-signalling. On Cuntdown she drones on, clearly unaware that the longer she prattles, the less time Rachel Riley’s legs are on the screen.

Hey snowflakes, Punctuation isn’t there to annoy or irritate you. It’s doing a job and helping the reader, whether it’s a comma, a question mark, or a semi-fucking-colon. Try omitting them in your GCSE and see where that gets you.

Boss-eyed Dent is one of those fugly women who attempt to look sexy by troweling on some eye shadow and lippy yet end up resembling the last tranny at the disco. She’s a constipated know-all on a cheap-shit programme for pensioners and students, and looks like a serial killer in a charity shop wig.

Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous

and backed up by Komodo

Supplementary material for further entertainment here, also a pic illustrating ‘fugly’ for those who can’t find a lexicographer…

67 thoughts on “Susie Dent from Cuntdown

  1. She always reminds me of a vicars daughter – a well brought-up young “gell” who is fraitefully good at grooming her pony, and always has freshly pressed navy blue PT knickers, beyond that, I don’t know much about her, except that she must be desperate, if she needs to hold on to Countdown for so long. You think she would want to spread her wings, just as the lovely Carol wanted to spread her legs.

    • Don’t hide your light under a bushel, Ghee.

      I also think Susie is a hot milf and I wager she is like a ferret on amphetamines in the sack.

      • I do too. I also like Countdown, have been watching it, on and off, since it started back in the 80’s and find it useful for a daily brain workout.

      • Susie was well worth a tug 25 years ago. Haven’t watched Countdown for many years, but remember it being one of the more worthwhile programmes on Channel 4 and daytime TV in general.

      • She gives me the horn, erection, boner, stiffy, diamond cutter, hard-on, throbbing gristle.
        She knows a lot more words for it too.

      • Hiding behind?

        The head..

        The jeans (when she prances out) , ,

        The everything .. I won’t mention The Mind Of Satan



        this dame is so cool

    • Me too.

      I would.

      And again.

      And again.

      (Oh look! Four full stops! I bet that’d get her moist in all the right places!).

    • Can’t understand why you lot are slavering over this trollop when Rachel Riley is on the same programme.
      Have some taste gentlemen!

  2. Never heard of her (don’t watch much idiot box).
    Full stop

    She does, however, remind me of one of my teachers who was a total “wimminz”, so she earns cunty points for that alone.
    Full stop

  3. She’s no Rachel Riley, but I’d still give her something that’d stick her pages together.

  4. A schoolfriend¹, who was a successful Countdown contestant many times in the Richard “Body Odour” Whitely days (and, rather worryingly, still watches it) described Susie Dent as a “young fogie” some years ago.

    I wouldn’t know, as I stopped watching it 30+ years ago. She looks more like a pre-menopausal “old trout” to me and Capⁿ Magnanimous alike. Which leads me to wonder if she has indeed stopped menstruating Period

    ¹ he pissed off to Melbourne, VIC, quarter of a century ago and represents Australia in world Scrabble™ championships these days

  5. Dubious about your punctuation ?….just randomly shove a row of little dots in….works a treat for me.

    • That would be an ellipsis if you put three dots. But I’ve just enlarged your script and see you’re a four dot man.

      • Too right I’m a 4 dot man….if 1 full-stop is “offensive”, just imagine how 4 of the little fuckers will be viewed by those who give a fuck.

        Morning All.

      • Morning to you Mr Fiddler.

        If dubious myself I fall back on a dash –
        I’m more of a dash man.

        Yes when we write our stuff I’m dashing, you’re dotty.

        I need to sleep.

  6. I went to ‘yooni’ as a mature student for professional reasons.

    There were young cunts on my course who had 14 GCSEs at A* and three excellent A levels. They had the grammatical skills of a dead hedgehog. I was offered money to read and edit some of their essays (I refused).

    When one lad showed me an essay that he’d received a poor mark for (he was outraged) I tried my best to not laugh my arse off. It was like something a seven year-old had written. In fact, the students noted that I had an unfair advantage as I was educated ‘in the olden days’ when grammar was taught (it was only a decade or so earlier, but hey).

    I think they find the full stop offensive because they hate punctuation to be honest.

    It’s too hard bruv, innit? Probably racist too.

    • I like to think of full stops as the heads of slaves thrown overboard back in the day?
      And use them aggressively to strike fear into the hearts of millenials.

    • I’d sooner have a wank into a dead hedgehog than touch any of that wizened trollop, she looks like the last chicken in the shop .

      • Just looked to see if I could find a better picture of her than the one at the top and it’s a challenge. She must have had a hard paper round when she was a kid. The Vorderman got torn to shreds on here last month and Carol is 3 years older. If I got stuck on an Island with those two I’d definitely be sending Susie off too look for fire wood.

  7. Where the fuck do these Offended Types keep coming from?
    Is there a laboratory in Londonistan churning the cunts out?
    Anyhow she’s a dog and I am somewhat alarmed by some of the romantic gestures being proffered by my colleagues.
    I’m going for my medicine now.

  8. Fuck me she’s rough on a close look. Wish people would leaver the full stop alone though, I thought the grammar Nazis were cunts but now we have people who can be offended by punctuation and the correct use of a full stop to signify that a sentence is in fact complete?

    There seems to be some kind of mass insanity in the air. From the assassination of the full stop to offering your young children to the gender reassignment clinic for bonus virtue signaling points, this society has the lot.

  9. The problem is, there’s too much comfort and not enough hunger. Consequently, people’s minds wander to irrelevant nonsense.
    This drivel would soon cease, if loonies like this demented airhead regarded a stale crust as an exotic feast.
    Good Morning.

    • Never a truer word said Jack. What we need is a war and rationing. Give the professional offended wokeists something real to worry about.

  10. Aussie or a panda, depending on punctuation: eats roots shoot and leaves (panda) or eats, roots, shoots and leaves (Aussie).

    ps, you might need to look up the Aussie slang of “roots”.

  11. They obviously do not like full stops since the thick cunts do not know what they are for

  12. That old dead cunt presenter (may he RIP) blatantly used to wank under the table at Carol Vordeman and now that other presenter wanks under the table at Rachel Riley. It’s blatantly porn for the older cunts. Channel 4 should be ashamed of themselves.

  13. In eastern countries the locals jest that the white man can become acquainted with the local language quickly by getting a live-in ‘walking dictionary’ (who may not look exactly like the photo).

    With this trout you’d get the whole thesaurus

  14. I’m only interested in Grace Dent. She may be a dog rough looking fucker, but I’d destroy her arsehole everyday of the week and twice on Sundays.

    ?Can’t do pics cos I’m a cunt.

  15. I disagree with this cunting. If millennials think full stops are aggressive what would they think of capital letters or exclamation marks?

    Suzie is hot and quite familiar with the dirty words in the dictionary.

  16. I would guess, that her taking offence to full stops is all down the chance of her getting any cock, has come to a Full Stop.

  17. Yes, Susie is a cunt for questioning the use of full stops, and sympathising with Millennials.

    However, although she looks like she could form a trio with Hinge and Bracket, I don’t think her body is too bad at all, – nor her demeanour in general.

    I’m betting she’s a right dirty fuck, and would have no reservations in taking up the tradesman’s and sucking you dry afterwards.

    I’d much rather have Susie in my bed as opposed to that old carthorse Vorderman.
    The only thing she’s been pumped full of is recycled Bakelite and other thermoset plastics. If I accidentally dropped a fag end onto certain parts on her anatomy i’m convinced she would melt.

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