This ugly tart, who crawled to fame originally on one of those Saturday night low rent “talent” shows, is the epitome of a skank.
I think she made a record that stank almost as much as Margaret Beckett’s bloomers, and when her “singing” career ended somehow (and God knows how because she is hardly a looker) managed to become a sort of media talking head on some trashy daytime TV show. The tabloid press also love her, and she is hardly publicity shy – every threadbare mediocre detail of her sordid relationship with an ex actor, a Joey Essex wannabe gets prominence in their tawdry pages.
Anyway, today she has become a style icon, modelling her latest wardrobe from the eveningwear section of Primark:
I wonder the outfit didn’t have her price list attached on a sandwich board.
It is sad to think that there are probably thousands of British schoolgirls who aspire to this trollops lifestyle – a monument to ugliness, talentlessness and the grace and poise of an obese elephant with Diane Abbott on it’s back.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Do NOT click on the link provided in the esteemed Mr Boggs’ cunting as you will be subjected to numerous pictures of someone whose teeth resemble those sported by Dick Emery’s vicar.
For fuck’s sake, who the fucking fuck pays attention to these oxygen thieves? I sometimes feel my mind falling into a bottomless pit of despair and hopelessness. Think I’ll end it all by dressing up as a fox and getting a sign that says ‘all rugby players suffer from The Gayness’ and head off to rural Northumberland.
I like this song…
I had forgotten the vicar CMC – here he is when he met Dominic Grieve and Anna Soubry:
In modern Britain, we worship mediocrity. By we, I mean the great unwashed, the lower orders.
Jordan had a book that was a ghost written account of her sordid, tawdry rise to fame. It dominated the best sellers lists?
Celebricunts like Jade Goody are the new “people’s Princess” when they Cark it.
Reality tv shows full of vacuous, vain, oxygen thieves, fill the schedules on the idiot box.
Music is now almost exclusively about the lowest common denominators.
Ms Solomon is popular because she is plain, speaks like she has a cock in her mouth, is educationally sub-normal and with kids by various fathers, is just like “them”.
This is what the young aspire to?
Stop the world. I want to get off.
Katie Price, the only woman to have written more books than she’s read. Now there’s a loose woman! You could probably get 12 cocks and Jeremy Beadles fist in there!
She has a Mott that would easily take the Fist of Pat Jennings.!
A revolting , slack fannied, old tart, the epitome of slagdom presented as a “busy working mum.” This piece of trash should be ashamed to poke her ugly face out the front door let alone parade around in the tabloid press. Why anybody has any interest in these old whores is beyond me. Even B&W wouldn’t go near this bag of shit!
The woman is just a lazy cunt. No basic hygiene in the morning, showering ect.
This sort of thing is upsetting on a Monday morning.
Is it true that she had children with a mongol? Is that even legal?
Being a colossal pervert, I Googled her to see of she had any ‘leaked’ naked photos. There are some full frontals, minge covered with her hand, but a nice pair of big, pink, hard nipples, standing to attention.
Unfortunately, nothing to get in a lather over or to invalidate this rather good cunting.
(I think the use of “pervert” threw your post into the mod pot, Paul. Just have to improvise next time round. I guess wanting to see that trollop has seriously affected your judgement, lol – DA)
There are some pics of the filthy cunt on xh@mster. Instant erection-losing, vomit-inducing material.Can’t post link.
Got a link so I can carry out my own resarch like any good WASP, (White Anglo Saxon Pervert), should?
Another product of the Simon Cowell “star” production -line…started out on The X Factor (didn’t win) before I’m a Celebrity,designing clothes for Primark,advertising Iceland frozen foods,appearing regularly on Loose Women, etc.
She is as thick as pigshit,slovenly,common,talentless and has a face that should only appear on television when jumping Beecher’s Brook in the 3.10 from Aintree….and yet she will have made a fortune…how utterly depressing.
Only slatterns and escapees from The Home for The Mentals go shopping in their nightwear
She’s Jewish.
‘and their neck and neck taking the canal turn for the last time’
‘and together still running up the hill…’
‘at the line…no it will have to go for a photograph…’
‘Solomon….by a nose’.
In that case I won’t make a tasteless remark about ” The Boy in the Striped Pyiamas” and wonder if that’s where she got her habit of wandering around in her nightwear.
Thanks for confirming my assumption upon seeing that beak. Not often seen, a RSP chav. Most have a bit more dignity about them. Stacey Chanelle, eh? Was she born in Dagenham? She was. If only her talent lay in assembling Diesel engines!
“…thick as pigshit,slovenly,common,talentless.”
The next Lady Fiddler perhaps?
…it would be a fucking step-up from the last candidate.
I thought Gemma was a lady of some breeding. Grammar school and RADA?
Or am I being obtuse?
Oh Gemma could never be marriage material for a Gentleman of my class,Mike. I could hardly expect some strumpet of an actress to feel comfortable at the dinner-table as I exchanged witty repartee with the upper (but not as upper as me) echelons of rural Northumbrian Society….it just wouldn’t be fair on her (or my distinguished Guests)
No, Gemma is for bedding,not wedding.
Prince Andrew suffered the same quandary with Koo Stark….as a “man of honour” he put Duty first and married someone more in keeping with his social position. He went on to breed a couple of delightful children to carry on his illustrious bloodline and provide us Plebs with yet more reasons to cheer his selfless family.
Gawd Bless ‘Em.
Just shows…the traditional ways are the best ways.
It is of no consequence, but I remember that former victim of wokeness “don’t start me off” used to have Kenny Everett’s Concorde nose sketch as Solomon’s header photo, still makes me chuckle to myself, otherwise never heard of it!!!
My ( of late ) ex missus followed her on Instagram or something like that. 55 years old and watching this daft bint go about her daily life. The voice is is like a fog horn. Stacey that is. I used to tut as she had the volume up.
She is with that bloke from eastbenders. It’s all above my head. She also watches that cunt couple that did that sausage roll song.
I just don’t get it. And women.
Better off single I think.
‘The Meek shall inherit the earth’.
Well, they got that one wrong didn’t they.
Another famous celebrity I have never heard of. Wearing PJ’s in Basildon? Say no more. She cannot help looking like a beaver, but there is no need to put it about.
Top of the morning to you Mr Cunt Engine!
Surely you mean “møngrel”? I actually knew a chap with a “trophy wife¹” from Ulaanbaatar. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, as some of those Mongöl chicks are quite easy on the eye if you like that kind of thing.
Although I have myself delved deeply into the bounties and treasures of the Orient since regaining my freedom eleven years ago (speaking Chink helps a lot here), this kind of chick is more my bag these days:
¹ a “trophy” (wife) was a mildly disparaging term used to describe those often weedy and/or nerdy-looking greenhorns posted overseas in diplomatic service with the FCO (usually second Secs) who got married to impossibly gorgeous and exotic locally-engaged members of staff. These marriages seldom last.
You are Lawrence Logic (aka CS) and I claim my £5.
Actually, RTC, and more for Autie’s benefit really, that footnote provides an excellent example of hyphenation after an adverb (ending in “ly” &c) being strictly correct usage.
is a self-explanatory piece of FCO jargon. LE staff TACOS¹ are actually very interesting from a legal standpoint.
¹ terms and conditions of service
Trophy wife= gold digger.
Get stuffed.
World, that is.
Shrunken heads? The gang we bumped into inflated them like hot air balloons, to see those things rise grinning above the undergrowth was enough to put the shits up even the Jivaro’s
The hot breath of the Chief kept ’em aloft
A poor man’s Jordan.
Talentless, horse-faced, slapper.
I must be a daft cunt because just so long has she didn’t open her gob I quite fancy her. !!!!!
I’m with you. I’d bend it over and damage her trades-mans entrance for a while. Not sure I’d let the old chap near those gnashers though.
Partnered with her male analogue, Joe Swash.
Together they are cunts bigger than the sum of their parts, which I didn’t think possible.
Those Butlins adverts. I am counting the cost of god knows how many radios I’ve smashed with my 10 lb sledgehammer
What’s the difference between Stacey and Harry and Meghan? Has she risen up or have they won the race to the bottom? Seriously I really don’t see much difference.
TKMaxx Surrey wear next?
Talentless trout.All me me me.Bore off love your “act” is long over.Crawl back under your rock
Thick as a brick she may be but I’d still yom her kipper.
Nice to see one of us maintaining the standards of this site.
Anyone got Gerard Houllier in the Dead Pool?
With teeth like that, it could eat an apple through a chainlink fence.
I remember ISAC old boy, Birdman had a big thing for Stacey Solomon.
I remember birdman. Scary and funny in equal measure. Wish he was still here. I often wonder what happened to him. Didn’t he live in Spain or some such place. Always at odds with the locals as I recall.
Primark, eh? About her mark, I would say.
Actually, Poundland would be more apt for this chav princess knickers from a Southend vending machine cockgobbler.
Stacey Sodomite, and that fat-arsed, fat-lipped slaphead wanker Murs, all of the genus Cowell, appeal exactly to the brain-dead, muzzle-compliant denominator that buys full-price Ed Sheeran CDs off the supermarket shelf.
I wouldn’t buy an Ed Sheeran CD even if they were a penny each.
A penny each is what the fat mongoloid Ginger gargoyle should be commanding for his busking.
That fucking song of his this generation of virgins broke their hymens over – ‘Shape of You’ – with that line, ‘Now my bedsheets smell like you’ – what, tuna and period blood? Classy.