
A 5th generation cunting for Sony for the deliberate frenzy created by carefully manipulating the supply to ensure it would not meet the demand for their new console.

Additional cuntings for people paying 3 x the RRP to get the fucking things on eBay, the cunts on eBay for exploiting the situation and finally eBay for allowing cunts to exploit the situation to the degree some people are flogging photos of their PS5 on the so called auction platform, some openly and some of them trying to fool the punter they are bidding on an actual console.

What a desperate fucking mess humanity is.

(We thought you’d enjoy an added dimension to the PS5 fiasco here – NA)

Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit

64 thoughts on “Sony

  1. Theres a sucker born every minute, and only yourself to blame if paying three times the price for something.
    Nobody forced you.
    A fool and his money are easily parted, and plenty of slick types only too willing to see you parted.
    Sometimes you ask to be fleeced.
    And no shortage of those who’ll help you.

    • They’re perhaps terrified of their, as Mr Fiddler eloquently called them, ‘piglet children’ throwing a big fucking tantrum on Christmas Day when they don’t get exactly what they want. Little Tarquin might ‘run away’ (for an hour until he needs Horlicks and Netflix) again.

      Give the cunts a ball and a hoop and tell them to be grateful. Little bastards.

    • Both my kids learned a good life lesson because of a PS5.
      My PS5, specifically.
      Both their eyes went out on stalks when they came home to see a shiny new PS5 sitting there. Their looks of disappointment and frustation were quite amusing as they were informed in no uncertain terms that it was Dad’s PS5 and the controller is always locked in a cupboard!
      What was the life lesson?! Not to assume anything because your Dad is a selfish wanker in wanting something purely for himself after years of having to share.

      • Absolutely loved that, Thomas.

        Kids are such loud, obnoxious, gimme-gimme-gimme creatures and assume everything is theirs. Good life lesson.

        I never have and never will accept being selfish as a negative trait, so long as it doesn’t harm anyone else. I just could never get my head around working my arse off, then having to spend shit loads of MY money on some fucking kid. Fuck that.

      • Fortunately I have led a bratless existence, but if I had spawned another fucking mouth for planet earth to feed, there would be none of that Santa bollocks. I’d want the little cunt to know it wasn’t magic that got them the shiny new toy that would be discarded in days, but their old mans fucking graft that paid for it.

      • Quite so, GJ.

        Yeah, we won’t have anyone to visit or look after our needs when we’re old and decrepid. I’ll admit that’s a worry, especially if I go before Mrs. Yank – BUT, I think to the decades of peace, quiet and no child related expenses I’ve enjoyed. I think I’ll come out ahead.

      • Think of the disappointment you’re spared when the ungrateful cunts pack you off to a home, hoping you haven’t spent their inheritance. Oh what a happy cunt I am, IY!

  2. The fact 40 and 50 year olds are crying about not getting their toy makes them cunts too.

    Grow up you fucking manchildren. And wake up too. The works us going to hell in a handcart while you play some woke bollocks game.

    Now if they make a realistic game where you can turn up at BLM rallies or libtard dinner parties…

    ..I’d better stop there I think…

    Last game I played was Tomb Raider on the PS1 years ago. Yes, I tried to get the camera under her arse and in her tits.

    Fuck off.

    • You might like the opening bit of Resident Evil 5, CB…going round an African village shooting dozens of g0llīes who were attempting to cannibalise you.
      Apparently, they might’ve been zombies but there’s not much difference:
      Cannibalistic behaviour
      Very dangerous
      Very agressive
      Highly reduced intelligence
      Barely understandable speech patterns
      That was the expansion pack, “Negotiating your way through Tower Hamlets” where the final boss is a giagantic, enraged Dianne Abbott.

  3. The morons paying way over the odds for the Play Station, will be the same morons who queue for days to get the ‘new and improved’ Apple tat each year.

    Gullible, muggy cunts.

  4. Is this the one that’s the same size and shape as one of Motorheads speakers?
    Fuck that and Fuck Sony.

    • They’re still kneeling, UT?!
      Fucks’ sake…will it ever end?
      At least there are no coloured riders in MotoGP or that sort of silliness would be in motorbike racing too.

      • No worries Thomas.

        Aye, they’re still knee taking. They’re also wearing rainbow laces this week (and next) in support of the gayness, trannies indoctrinating primary schoolchildren, rimming and benders with the Aids.

        Nothing against the benders, but schools should tell kids about all the extra diseases gays get from getting human shite in their mouths. And the fact they’re more likely to try and top themselves and be psychotic.

    • Dion Dublin says anyone who disagrees with BLM is automatically racist.
      That’s like saying any black people who disagree with the National Front are racist.
      Fuck off cunt.

      • I thought Dion Dublin was one of the few dårkie ex-footballers with a decent attitude and no chip on his shoulder.
        Should’ve known better.
        Every g0lly is an anti-white cunt, apparently.

      • Doesn’t he do some home moving programme now?

        I wish he would show someone round a nice country pile and for them to say “Mmm this is nice, spacious, open plan kitchen, look Rupert, we can even fit a single mattress in the space under the stairs for our house w*g”.

      • Plenty of black people disagree with BLM. Especially the bits about destroy Capitalism and defunding the police. Presumably this Dion cunt thinks they’re racist too? Well he’s probably right, because everyone is racist to some degree or other, like everyone is coloured, all depends on what they do with that self knowledge and whether they prefer to live their lives like decent human beings or choose to be cunts instead.

      • He’s another one going on about honkky privilege.

        The fact he has no broadcasting qualifications, looks like an escaped serial killer from a mental asylum and has a speech impediment, doesn’t seem to have stopped him from getting a job presenting a television series. Seems like black privilege, if anything.

        Daft cunt.

      • I’m just glad that United signed Eric Cantona when they did. Because Dion Dublin was fucking shite. The Black Brazil. Alan Brazil, that is.

      • I’d like to see white tradesmen boycott these racist BLM cunts. Need a plumber? Good luck getting a black one.

      • A woman presenter and 2 s00ty summarisers. Very representative of the average football fan. Couldn’t take any more when they went into virtual signalling mode.

      • Dion Dublin was another overrated cunt.
        I knew Millwall would boo and SO DID the RACIST pro balm cunts-they probably had all their reaction to the boing statements ready in July?.

      • BBC have been silent about the booing at West Ham (and likely lots of other clubs that you won’t hear about)

      • If it doesn’t their propaganda its not reported.
        The BBC reported years ago that the Artic would be Ice Free each summer by 2018 – its not so they keep fucking quiet the remain cunts. Same with everyone hating BLM or Extinction Rabble.

    • By letting fans in the stadiums in pathetically small numbers, any fans who boo (quite fucking rightly an all after months of this crap) will be identified, named, shamed and probably sacked from their employment.

      It’s too easy for virtue signalling clubs and too fucking painfully obvious that that’s how these fans will be treat.

      The FA or the PL is not a friend of the white working class. They have sold out and as a result so do all the clubs.

      Absolute treacherous Cunts.

      • Fucking right HJ, would give you ten upticks if I could. I love(d) football, so sick of this knee taking bullshit for a fascist, racist and divisive organisation.

  5. Another electronics company acting the cunt. The whole electronics business is a massive scam, from mobile phones to gaming consoles it’s all abaaaaht making you want to upgrade and if you don’t they try and force you to through software updates and compatibility issues. Didn’t Apple get caught slowing down older ipads via their operating system updates, as for Sony they are one of my favourite brands but this is all abaaaaht creating publicity.
    Well cunted SV.

  6. I had to google Sony PS5 to find out what the fuck it was. Shouldn’t have bothered.

    We’ve got 3 Sony Bravia HD TVs and a couple of Sony HDD /DVD recorders, a CD player, and a Discman, all are over 15 years old and still fucking ace!

    Back in the early ’70s my first portable cassette recorder was a Sony. A bit pricey, but the quality was outstanding.

    No doubt the next Sony thing I buy will be a piece of crap. But whatever it is, it definitely won’t be a PS5.

  7. I have a 10 year old Wii which I think I’ve used 3 or 4 times. One of these new consoles costs twice what my fucking car is worth.

  8. Children should be given a hoop and stick to play with if they have any energy left after a hard day cleaning chimneys. I don’t agree with my tax Pounds being used ,in the form of that iniquitous tax..Child Benefit, to buy a load of electronic tat for fat children.
    I’m also highly suspicious of “grown-ups” who have game consoles.

  9. I’ve got a Sony camera, it’s great except for the interface. Analogue controls and electronic engine is the best option for me.
    PIss 5 for a bag of sand? You cunt.
    On the bright side, it’s not microcock nerdcunt and his manwife.

  10. Kids are spoilt cunts nowadays. I was satisfied with a football (a proper leather casey, mind) and a Chopper bike. A Stones or Slade LP off my auntie Mary or a Persuaders or Sweeney Annual off my nan would be a Christmas bonus. Now the little fuckers want PS5s, iPhones and something else that will financially cripple their soft as shite parents.

    • Aye up Norm-the BEST Christmas present I ever received was a blowjob of a mates 16 year old sister when I was 14.?

      An Ovation electro-acoustic when I was 17 was ok to??

      • Sounds good to me, CG. I once remember when my sister’s 19 year old best mate was into animal rights. She was as fit as fuck (still is, in fact) and one day I was in Manchester City Centre and she was doing a ‘protest’ on Market Street about vivisection.

        Only thing is she was virtually Billy Bollocks. She had nothing on but an animal rights sticker over each nipple and a thong that was like an elastic band. I was 15 years old at the time and she didn’t notice I was there (the cozzers arrived eventually). I did so much ‘Uptown Top Ranking’ when I got home I had blurred vision and my arm nearly fell off.

  11. I worked for Sony for 6nyears up until 1987 and as an established insider am happy to confirm that they absolutely are cunts of the highest order…. D

    • Evening Dio old chap, I wouldn’t mind a 4k Sony TV to go in my flat…can you get any discounts for an old cunter?

      • B&W-join in the next BLM peaceful demonstration and you can have the TV, a Blue Ray and a PS5 at an “amazing” discount?

        Have you managed to score a nice Asian babe yet?

      • Evening CG,
        That’s not a bad idea although I’ll have to take the Audi down there to load it up with my ill gotten gain.
        No luck as yet with my pursuit of a Japanese lady, I’ll have to make do with the whitey lady I’m banging at the moment. ???

  12. I pity the silly cunts who sit in front of a large screen pressing buttons and getting excited thinking that they are actually engaging in warfare, driving really fast or good at kicking a ball about, you are wank in reality at all of the above.!

  13. With anything new, wait until the excitement dies down and then the price goes down as well hopefully.

    The same with those iphone things that seem to come out every year.

  14. Chuck the Playstation and all them other boxes of tripe in the dustbin.

    I’m glad I never had all these ‘mong boxes’ when i was growing up.

    A was happy with an old Francis Barnett or a 350 Matchless for Christmas,- so that I could smash myself up in real life. Or a .410 gun so that I could terrorise the neighbourhood, and shoot real ducks and geese down the Pavilion Gardens at night.

    Let’s pay a fortune to drool and marvel at some computer graphic fuckwittery on a screen that’s two yards wide. Folks must be fucking mad!

    And what is this Fortnight shit everyone keeps ranting on about. Are these magic boxes responsible for this pisspottery too?

    Sounds a bag of wank, – the lot of it.

    Terry, does your oven accept plastic and PCB’s? I’m willing to pay an extra surcharge for cleaning!

    • I’ve got all kinds of Sony stuff but I’ve more use for the cat food than I have for a PlayStation.

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