Sir Patrick Vallance

Sir Patrick Vallance. One half of the Two Ronnies of Doom, appeared before the Science and Technology Committee this morning (Wednesday 9th December) and admitted that “there is no really hard evidence on curfew times”. He also said that the decision to impose the curfew had been based on the assumption “keeping people longer in an environment where there is also alcohol is likely to increase risk”.

What? You decimated the hospitality industry, on a fucking ASSUMPTION? You complete and utter cunt! You miserable, joyless, dictatorial scrotum. We’ve had NINE fucking months of this prick and his equally morose partner in bullshit throwing out nothing but doom and gloom. How can we now be expected to believe anything they’ve said, when this cockwomble now admits that the curfew had NO scientific basis? It was just a guess. We lost thousands of pubs when that grinning ball bag, Blair brought in the arbitrary smoking ban. Now we’re going to lose thousands more because some arrogant cunt, who’s actually regarded as an expert made a guess.

Fuck me. Vallance and Whitty make Oliver Cromwell look a fucking party animal. I’m sick of them. Someone in Downing Street needs to slam Jellyfish Johnson’s head into his desk, until the fat prick tells them, and SAGE, to fuck off. They have caused almost as much damage to the UK as the Luftwaffe. In less time. And they’ve been lying their asses off the whole time. Experts? The Keystone Kops displayed more competence than these clowns. And just watch. When this shit is finally over, Whitty will get a knighthood and Vallance will get a peerage. Lord Cunt of Pissflaps.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

50 thoughts on “Sir Patrick Vallance

  1. Vallance”Less science and more guesswork” is a mega cunt.
    Doris and chums love him.
    Therefore the country is fucked.
    Not that they care,naturally.

    • Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance our massive cunts who our being paid millions for a job that their absolutely shit at. Boris is just a fat spastic who plays along with what those evil cunts say. They don’t even care about keeping people safe anymore its gone way beyond that. All they care about is destroying this country and making millions of people unemployed so that people live in poverty. After all the scientists our still making millions so why is it a problem for them? If anyone still believes where saving lives and protecting the NHS pull your head out of your assholes you sheep. In 6 weeks time well see that lockdown is still not working and the scientists no full well thats gonna be the case. Im not saying we sit back and let all our old people die. Im not saying we let our hospitals become overwhelemed. To be quite frank thats gonna happen anyway as where in winter and apparently this new varient is 70% more effective. So lockdown will make no difference. It will just destroy jobs and businesses. Persides people will die for other reasons. How many jobs and businesses do we have to destroy before hospital beds our empty, there our no cases, there our no deaths. That will probably never happen so why our we locking down? How much longer our people going to accept lockdown for? Its been going on for almost a year. Why our we putting the needs of old people before the young? Why hasn’t shielding come back? Why have schools stayed open when their clrealy the main problem? Whitty and Vallance our nasty, arrogant people who our doing absolutely fuck all to get us out of this. Their taking control and abusing power and their enjoying every fucking moment of this. Boris hasnt got a clue what hes doing and is gonna destroy this country shouldn’t be left incharge of running a bath let alone a country. To all you lockdown lovers still out their. Youll see in the end that thisll do more harm than good when thr evil scientists our laughing at all you non essential workers. I no its not the war. I no its not a zombie apocalypse. I no it could be much worse. But the difference is the government our controlling this and its unnecessary and it could be prevented. And to all those who want to arse lick Whitty and Vallance remember their the cunts who said we need herd immunity, their the cunts who said lockdown isnt necessary and its unlikely itll spread in large groups a few weeks before bullying Boris into lockdown. Always remember that. Boris needs to step down or be trained on how to run a country. Whitty and Vallance should be sacked then exhaled from this country.

  2. Vallance can fuckoff and count his shares.
    We are being lied to, filled with shit, taken for fools and any daring to dissent or qiestion are on the wrong end of some police brutality or unexpected unemployment – how can Jellyfish and the clowns FUCKING DARE! ????
    I am not complying and am organising national days of protest – I am sick of this, the “Government” and pharma reps like Vallance acting like the great overseer.
    Who, anywhere, ever gave these BASTARDS rhe right to do what they are doing?
    Nobody, but the sheeple stare blankly at the idiot lantern and it goes on.
    This will go on until we, the people, stop it.
    And I am fucking well going to do just that.

    • Patsy vallance is from a long line of inventors and scientists.
      His grandad invented the vallance sheet, the undersheet in bedding,
      Hence the family name!
      Before that the family name was Gobshite.
      Science, whoever listened to that load of bollocks?
      Just go play out, break some rules, have fun!!
      Its Christmas, and im planning on being a covid superspreader!!
      Merry Christmas ISAC!!

      • This is what the science tells us, apparently:

        “SAGE experts have repeated their calls for tougher action, with behavioural psychologist Professor Robert West warning the Government’s current curbs were unlikely to contain the spread of Covid.”

        So why in the name of Christmas cunt are we following them?

        Merry Christmas to all Cunters and ISAC Admin, and a fuck awful shit Yule to all SAGE and Government bastards.

    • “Nobody, but the sheeple stare blankly at the idiot lantern and it goes on.”

      That’s the biggest obstacle, window licking mouth breathers who blindly swallow the kool aid dogma in between doses of reality TV and fuckhead slebs.
      Put Dr Hillary and Lorraine fucking Shithead in a barrel over Niagara falls.

    • The Science! Science tells us! Science. Science!

      Yeah well fuck you and your science, it’s bollocks and you’re wrong. Demonstrably so. This notion there is only one narrative, that it just happens to be the governments, that it is correct and that it is infallible, is total utter gobshite!

      The plebs who instantly default to ‘the science’ instead of applying their own reason and thought are half the fucking problem. We have the ‘cult of covid’ now, it has all the symptoms of a mass delusional psychosis, and it will be morphing into the Salem Witch Trials if we’re not careful..

      The public are fucking intellectually lazy and cowards. The data is all freely available. Fuck everyone and Merry Christmas.

    • I’m with you on this Vernon. It’s a big fat lie. Teresa the appeaser had shares in a pharma company and legalised cannabis use for medicinal purposes. Absolute ‘SUPERCUNTS’ the lot of them. We are just being lied to day after day after day. A big human cull ready for the big reset. I would believe some of the stuff we are told but Boris and co can’t lie to save their lives…oh but they are, the cunts. Boris seems to be a puppet for a higher order. Every high profile leader has had it but not died. The whole thing is a joke, are we really that stupid? Back in Wuhan its business as usual and we are a laughing stock.

  3. I understand that several of these “experts” in SAGE are not medical cunts but social psychologists. Their “expertise” consists in predicting how people will behave in certain circumstances. In other words guessing out of the back of their arseholes. These are the cunts who have driven us into all this lockdown bollocks and completely fucked the economy.
    Of course that Jellyfish cunt didn’t have to listen to these charlatans but he’s a wanker so he did.
    Bunch of cunts.

    • When they are being chased down the street by a vengeful baying mob they will have no need to guess our behaviour.
      If someone told any of us a year ago we would be living in North Korea type oppression over a cold we would have laughed at them.
      Well I ain’t laughing any more.
      Hospitals empty, people dying of preventable diseases which go untreated as medical staff are furloughed or doing TikTok dance routines (I imagine everyone who has had a loved one die due to NHS negligence will love those), the Nightingale hospitals empty, one in London “lost” (WHAT?!) – yes, that’s right, lost! ?‍♂️
      Death – NOBODY has died of, or with, COVID – it is a descriptor not a disease, and Coronavirus is simply the blanket name for cold and flu viruses – thousands of them, all of which have magically disappeared..
      At this moment in time I would cry with joy if I could string that slug bastard up in Number 10 as an example to the rest.
      And the coppers will be too busy engaging in sex acts with the public at gay pride and duffing up whitey to even notice – I will just replace Johnson with a hand waving pig! ??
      The Fox is rebellious.

    • A lot of them are also Labour party members, and some of them are Labour activists. I’m pretty sure at least one of them also stood for election at least once.

  4. Vallance is a shitstain. Too many vested interests, the least of which being honest with the general public.

    Well all this is over, he’ll be lauding it no doubt, either praising or slagging off Boris, depending on which way the wind blows. But he’ll make damned sure any subsequent shit that gathers won’t be clinging to him, the cunt

  5. Hello everyone. I came across this site when, in an idle moment, I Googled “BLiar is a cunt”. Like many others I imagine. Is this one of the most Googled terms? Probably, but I digress.

    I’ve been lurking for a while and enjoying the masterful comments from some of the contributors here but I have to break cover and make a comment about the absolute, gold plated pension, incompetent, personality bypassed cunt who’s been nominated here.

    Hospitality venues are spreading the virus so we’ve shut them and we don’t give a flying fig about businesses failing or the economy failing because we “made up some science you plebs” and here’s a PowerPoint slide a special needs class made for me earlier to prove it.

    Well here’s a thought for you, you absolutely fanny, there’s no proof pubs are spreading the virus and, as assumptions go, it doesn’t even make the top ten. Schools are spreading it you absolute fuckwit! Oh, we can’t shut them because of children’s mental health you know…it’s the science. No it’s not, it’s absolute bollocks more like. Children will be quite happy skiving off school, some will no doubt actually learn from home (like the rich kids who have mostly been pulled from school because their parents can afford to avoid the risk – are you included in that demographic you sanctimonious cunt?!). And, as it’s all state funded, no businesses will be wiped out.

    And relax ….ready for a solitary Christmas and an oven ready BRINO?

  6. The Marx brothers would have managed this panto-demic better than the shower of shit we’ve had in charge….and this cunt, and Hancock and every other cunt who has been stuck in front of a TV camera all appear to be enjoying their fifteen minutes way too much….

    • He might look like Joe 90 but he’s really one of the fish people from Stingray. Maybe we can give him away to the French like the rest of our fish.

  7. Was it the content of my first, attempted, post that bounced it? Or isn’t posting that easy?

    (Good morning. Usually First Posters, will often find their first couple of comments automatically go into moderation. It’s a way of controlling bots/spam infesting threads. But yours is fine. Welcome – Day Admin)

    • Thank you ?

      I’m used to struggling to get posts in on another site and where it’s a real challenge (no names no pack drill but the name has connotations with an anniversary in early November!).

      Great site BTW?

  8. Being fair to the scientists…they advise…it’s the Govt. that must decide whether to follow their advice or not. It’s also the Govt. that must balance cost in lives against bankrupting the Country and all that entails.

    If this fucking shithower of a Govt. didn’t want to take the “ruin the Country” path,I’ve little doubt that they’d wheel out some scientists who would obligingly “advise” the course-of-action which the Govt. had already chosen.

    • True, but it seems to me that there are scientists and scientists that have the government’s ear.

      I’ve read a number of news articles in the Telegraph from other esteemed scientists discrediting the advice coming from SAGE, but which is subsequently ignored by the Government.

      Seems like a closed shop mentality where whatever SAGE says usually goes.

      • “Scientists that have the Govt.’s ear”….they have the Govt.’s ear precisely because they are whispering the Doomsday scenario that the Govt. wants to hear and use as justification for their actions.


      • Morning Mr F….I’d wish you a Merry Christmas, but could only imagine my sentiments garnering me a slight sneer from the Fiddler estate…so instead, I’ll bestow “moderately good wishes” towards you (and every other ISACunter).
        Here’s to an unpleasant and spiteful 2021!
        It’s going to get fucking well spicy, I reckon!

      • Morning,Mr.Cunt-Engine.

        Aye,it looks as if next year is going to be a vintage one for Cuntishness.

        I hope you get everything that you so richly deserve this Christmas.

      • Ho ho, I already have!
        I finally crowbarred that fat, frigid limpet out of my house a couple of days ago. It took 2 fucking years but she’s finally signed the house over solely to me (for lots of my money, naturally).
        Fuck the cost…it’s worth every penny. I’m on cloud nine!

      • I love Dick’s senitment “…you so richly deserve…”

        No hint of malice…


        not much anyway

    • All the best to my fellow cunters and grumpy bastards.

      I am overly happy today. Mrs Norman’s mother (who I have little to no time for) can’t come for Christmas Dinner. So it’ll be just me and the Mrs. Just the way I like it and all other relatives can also fuck off.

      Glad you got rid, Thomas and that’s it’s worked out the way you wanted.

  9. Why would anyone give a shit about a disease with a 98% recovery rate . Fuck the cunts. I’m having my entire family over and Boris can stick his rules up his arse.

    • I wonder how many people will get busted for having Xmas?

      Big fine like the uni students who had a party, or no recriminations like the MP who travelled the length of the country spreading the WuFlu?

      I’m with you on this one. The only question is how to respond to a knock on the door. Tell them to FRO, tell them it’s a BLM party so it’s allowed, or lick their arse to try and mitigate the fine?

  10. -“They have caused almost as much damage to the UK as the Luftwaffe”-

    A magnificent line. The destruction has been terrible.

  11. Piano wire, lamp posts and the experts in a line is all we need for a Holly Jolly Christmas.

    As demonstrated by the past, people eventually get fed up and turn against those who would lead them to destruction… just have to wait until the masses have nothing to loose then you will see some proper riots.

    At the moment this government is still throwing them crumbs while they continue on the path to destruction but it will come.

    • All being well.
      I would rather live a day on my feet than a lifetime on my knees.
      And seeing Johnson get the Gadaffi goodbye would make my day!
      (Not the bumming tough – that’s what binmen in Royston Vasey do – ask MNC!)

      • That would be a good quote regarding the sportsmen who seem to be spending a lifetime on their knees.

    • Let us celebrate our history. We used to hang the condemned from our glorious bridges along the Thames. I suggest we make full use of that infrastructure.

      At next years toff boat race I want to see the crow pecked decomposing remains of all these traitors still swinging from the arches. Maybe it can spice up the race a bit, having to manoeuvre through a bunch of swinging corpses.

  12. It also implies that we need the government to enforce these measures on us because we can’t be trusted to drink responsibly and behave ourselves in places where alcohol is served. Fuck off.

  13. I had to take a disabled chap to the Royal Sussex A&E last night, I was for warned that the Hospital is jam packed with humanity and they will probably transfer him to Worthing Hospital. Got their about 9 pm and guess what ? A&E is almost empty . When I asked questions , where are all the Covid Patients I was met with silence or evasive action.
    I stopped believing Valance & Shity months ago and what I experienced last night has only reinforced my belief that this whole thing is not a conspiracy but incompetence on an epic scale.

    • Interesting.
      I have heard similar tales about empty hospitals.

      What these cunts don’t realise, is that you cannot fool all of the people, all of the time ?

    • They don’t even get their lies straight (the first rule of lies is to stick to the same story FFS)!

      Whatever you thing of the vaccine situation the first thing we’re told is that it’s only affective after a second dose. Now, in order to inoculate more people, only one dose is needed we are told.

      I wouldn’t trust this Government to run a bath if they found it with the plug in and instructions on how to turn the taps on, never mind run the country.

  14. Schools, colleges and universities must be the main culprits of spreading. My son is 12, his entire year is in a ‘bubble’. All 330 of them, mixing. Add parents and siblings and you can see how quickly it could spread. Once they opened the schools, all other businesses should have stayed open.
    I’m an accountant, had 3/4 clients pack up and can see the writing on the wall for a few others. The pubs I have are just about surviving, but fuck knows for how much longer if we stay in Tier 4.
    It’s now all bollocks. No justification for shutting pubs but keeping schools open. It does make me wonder whether the conspiracy theories about control have some truth in them.

  15. Pubs can’t open but places of worship can. Churches, mosques, synagogues are not a necessity. Some people will say pubs aren’t a necessity but it is one of the biggest employers in the UK. Billions upon billions of pounds lost in tax revenue, billions to be paid out in dole cheques. But we can’t upset the carpet sniffers and God botherers can we??? If this cuntfest is still ongoing next Summer with 4 to 5 million on the dole, the balloon is going to go up big style. “We’re all in this together” spouts our Chancellor who’s worth £200 million. Shut up you stupid cunt, and take your insipid arse lickers Vallance and Whitty with you.

  16. These 2 make The Marx brothers seem intelligent.The Tories and the SAGE party are in cahoots.I envisage riots in the new year.People won’t stand for their shite no longer.What they wanted all along.A year under constant lockdown.Our country is ruined

  17. science and technology my great hairy ringpiece!

    Fucking woo and witchcraft committee. Oh sorry, that would be a step up.

  18. Witless and Unbalanced are liars

    The sage behavioural experts seem to know fuck all about being human. Experts my arse. Can’t stand that hectoring priggish” school mama Susan Michie in particular

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