Sir Keir Rodney Starmer (8)

Starmer deserves a nomination.

He deserves for being a gutless, two faced coward.

Only a few days ago, (it’s Friday the 4th of December as I type this), he was doing rounds, telling everyone who would listen that he was against lockdowns and the tier system.

Then the little bitch told his MP’s to abstain in a vote on the issue.

What craven, cowardly shit he is. He could have told them to vote against it, thereby joining forces with the Tory rebels to shove a well deserved rocket up Jellyfish Johnson’s fat ass.

But no, the cunt told his MP’s NOT to vote, which handed the government a win by a huge majority.

FUCK YOU Starmer.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw 


23 thoughts on “Sir Keir Rodney Starmer (8)

  1. If you sit on the fence you’ll get splinters up your arse.
    I bet he’d like that, the gáy cunt. (allegedly – DA)

  2. Typical politician =Cunt. Two faced shits of the highest order. Unless they can get money out of it they couldn’t give a fuck about the country. I detest them all.

  3. I am sure Keir Rodney is a closeted q ueer, like Butch Green and all the other shit that crawls round behind him. It would explain the postion of having all the poofters in his shadow cabinet. I wonder actually if this second period of “self-isolation” was to save himself any embarrassment from the never ending Brexit debate. He certainly can’t control his own shitty backbenchers, such as Chris Bryant telling the Speaker to “fuck off” last week

    • He’s a closeted RSP, too. Doesn’t appear in his Wikipedia entry, but accounts for his hysterics over Corbyn. Koos.

  4. He doesn’t seem to pop up on the news like Magic Grandpa did.
    I think it’s his fancy hair.

    This Christmas I wonder if he’ll get the gift of AIDS?

  5. Mega useless cunt just like labour cunts in general. Sad truth is this country needs a credible opposition. For me the fucking Tories are a fucking wet bunch; probably where a labour/opposition party should be. The media have systematically moved everything to the left with their constant moaning about stuff that doesn’t really exist.. I could make a list but fellow cunters I’m sure you can do that as well or better yourselves.

  6. He took the knee and therefore he takes it in the ass. He also looks like Max Headroom with his gross gel-backed hair. Hell, he leads Labour which makes him a massive hairy fishy CUNT.

    • You said ” He took the knee ”

      You spelt ” cock ” wrong – he, like 99% of our MPs, is a sack of self serving shit. Would take it up the Harris if he knew how to put it on expenses, the Cunt.

  7. Sir Keir reminds me of William Penney, the Imperial College professor¹ who supervised UK nuclear weapon research in the 1950s – but without the native wit, gay banter, easy charm and charisma.

    ¹ Penney was, in fact, a bit of a cunt himself – as you will realise, if you watch the rest of that Equinox docűmentary. Is there a common theme here (thinks Neil Ferguson)?

  8. The gormless looking turd has just been on the radio to say Labour will vote for whatever trade deal the EU give Johnson, regardless. Nuff said.

  9. Kweer is all things to all men. The cunt.
    Let’s see how he gets on clearing the commie viper’s nest that infests his party.

  10. Wanting to lead the Labour Party is a sign of mental illness. A truly desperate cunt.

  11. He is another weak leader who doesn’t appear to have the balls to put his own house in order and give wayward Labour voters and the undecideds a reason to trust him and the party again.

    But as it is he is just drifting in the wind blowing in whatever direction is the flavour of the day.

    The Tories are as per usual all over the shop, and have been ever since Cameron fucked off 4 years ago. But have Labour seized the day and took advantage of the disarray Boris and co are constantly finding themselves in? Of course not. Too much dithering, abstaining and general obfuscation to the point where no one really knows what Labour or Starmer will do next!

  12. What an insipid cunt Charmer is.
    One of the first on his down on their knees when the statue topplers were on the rampage during the summer an all.
    “Please Sir…please can you Fuck off!”

  13. I haven’t changed my opinion from a few cunts ago. Still felching a teenage male Manilan prostitutes’ load out of Mandelbot’s wizened arse.

    That made someone laugh back then, hopefully it will now.

    Look, if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that bare-nakedly, any and all ‘politicians’, either side of the aisle, are just theatrical sorostitutes.

    They are ALL cunts to a man. Or woman. Or three-headed pansexual unicorn.

    • I wonder how the Gaylords Mandy and Adonis have been coping since the lockdowns started? – no chance to visit public lavatories or dogging sites – I imagine the Russell-Moyle/Streeting/Bradshaw/Kyle/Bryant etc etc are in the same little bubble.

    • Yeah sad news.
      Decent manager.
      Done well at Liverpool and made some shrewd signings but brought in some absolute duffers later on as well.

  14. The British are crying out for strong, honest leadership, direction and a plan.
    I cannot think of one MP or party that will provide this, and Starmer certainly won’t – he has civil war in Labour and will have until he expels the extreme loony left which is comprised of nutters, commies, terrorist sympathisers and Jew haters and stops treating the traditional working class voter base with contempt from behind the ever so fragrant curtains of his darling little mansion.
    But Starmer is well versed in the modern disease of “how to get rich and privileged even though you are piss useless”.
    The Gareth Southgate of politics.

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