An emergency ruin my festive season cunting for Qantas the Australian airline.
According to these cunts you will need the vaccine to fly on their planes.
…and so it begins.
Who the fuck are these cunts to dictate that to the people who keep them in business? Apparently Australia have had some of the strictest lockdowns and now this, only a matter of time before the rest of the cunt flight operator’s adopt the same rules.
Alway fancied going to Australia for a bit of BBQ, fine women and shite beer but they can now go fuck themselves with a boomerang.
I’ve had enough of this bollocks.
Go fuck yourselves.
Nominated by: Black and White Cunt
This is what I feared when these vaccines were announced – that if you don’t have it, you’re ostracised as been “unclean” and part of the problem.
Discrimination, in other words. I’m sure the Wokes will soon jump on Quantas, especially if it affects BAMEs
And in my experience, Quantas are a bunch of useless cunts
Demolition Man is prophecy haha. I can’t quite believe how ludicrous that film is and yet it seems to be becoming our reality.
Schwarzenegger 2024!
I knew it would only be a matter of time before they started with this mandatory bollocks to deal with us ‘undesirables’.
I thought that was Stallone?
His mum was the epitome of a Demolition Woman after all her um, structural support. Was quite surprised to read that she hasn’t long carked it, back in September age 98.
I dunno Thomas, since when have airlines cared about public health over private profit. I think the relevant question would be who is funding the shortfall.
Poisonous spiders, deadly snakes, ex-pat UK cunts, Australians, killer shrubs and Crocodile Dundee.
No wonder you find so many Australians in the UK because their country sucks balls and smells like fuck farts.
(Talking of poisonous cretins and smelly farts, just wait for the next nomination to go live at 4pm – DA)
(The bonus nom at 5:10PM today is also an absolute corker. I was howling when I wrote it up – NA)
Seems reasonable enough. Not that I am likely to fly again in this lifetime.
Who are you and what have you done with the real Creampuff?
Why would any airline want potentially infectious cunts threatening the viability of their industry?
They won’t be the last……identity cards by the back door. Soon there will be uniformed goons everywhere demanding “PAPERS”!! We are already being encouraged to spy on our neighbours and grass them up if too many people turn up over Xmas. They will carry you off to get your vaccination and a spot of re-education.
See you in the Gulag cuntos. ??
I’d sooner fly Qualcast into the Bush.
Your missing nowt BWC.
Its a hot barren sand dune.
Save a few quid and buy some cheap lagers, take some tramps along as drinking buddies, and go to Jewsons sandpits.
If you get sunburn and fleabites then its a authentic as it gets.
Yes, noms by BWC.
It’s a hot third world country with knuckle-draggers isn’t it?
My mistake, thought you were replying to WokeUpTodayAndRealisedWhatACuntIAm
The Aussies have avoided the worst of the Chinky virus by having strict rules and secure borders. Compared with what you have to go through to get on a fucking plane, an injection is neither here nor there.
Seems like a reasonable public health measure to me.
I did laugh at the recent story though of the CCP recommending that flight attendants wear nappies, to avoid using the on-board shitters. If the toilet hygiene I’ve encountered on past flights is anything to go by, that’s a sensible pubic health measure.
Fucking hate plane bogs. Literal shitholes. Nappies a better option.
Oh yeah……blokes walking round a plane with their strides full of shit. Not a public health problem at all.
But that’s terrible…all the Trolley Dolly’s serving lunch with shitty nappies on? Stinking of shit, their arses waggling…
That wouldn’t be good for custom.
Thank you Cuntstabuble we’ve avoided the inevitable thus far by hard borders, with the added bonus of no new refo’s, Chinese sleeper agents or nasty cunts from oppressive shiteholes that buy their way in because of our corrupt system. Quntarse are a shite airline run by a snide, obsequious paddy git that’s sacked thousands of workers, but not taken a paycut or declined a bonus himself. They deserve to go out of business.
It wouldn’t be good for the environment either, having to literally jettison all those shitted nappies out over the Pacific. At least when they drop the ‘Blue Ice’ from the bogs it presumably just composts on the ground. “How Dare You” as Lippy Spawntalking would harangue.
If you can avoid it, don’t fly Cuntus.
Quantas would do well to keep B&W cunt off their planes for the sake of the cabin crews’ arseholes. Long haul with a soggy arse. Not good.
This will be challenged in court as forcing or coercing people to take any medicine is against international law thanks to the nasty business in Germany in the 1930s and 40s. I dont have a problem with vaccines.
If we’re not careful we’ll end up with QR barcodes on our foreheads denoting whether you’ve been vaccinated or not
The definitions of ‘Child Abuse’ in UK legislation includes inflicting undue medical attention/procedures/treatment on children. You can at best have your kids put on the Child Protection Register for it and at worst have them removed.
It may well be challenged in the courts, SC.
The rampant sense of entitlement that exists in the modern world means there are few things that don’t end up in the hands of greedy, grasping lawyers and all because someone doesn’t like being told that they can’t always have their own way at the expense (or potential expense) of others.
I’m not a lawyer but fail to see on what grounds any challenge could be made to the suggested Qantas policy. The proposal appears to cover everyone. There are none of the usual discrimination claim aspects involved (e.g. religion, race, age or sex).
I can’t see anyone is coercing or forcing anyone else to want to fly anywhere. Someone wants to get from A to B and back that is fine. Their decision. However, why should anyone think their desire to fly entitles them to dictate to any airline how they undertake that journey? These people forget who sets the T&C of carriage. Don’t like the T&C then tough titty, go elsewhere.
A self-belief that the dangers of the Corona virus are overstated counts for nothing (only time will tell if it is or isn’t). Back in the early 1900s asymptomatic Mary Mallon (better known as Thyphoid Mary) thought she wasn’t a risk to others. That belief didn’t prevent a few deaths nor did it stop the authorities putting her away for decades to stop her spreading the disease further (so much for her human rights).
There are already established international and domestic protocols regarding restrictions on free movement to inhibit the transmission of potentially infectious diseases. As one example think yellow fever. Some countries require proof of innoculation against it before they let you in. Over-reaction or simply good practice?
Is the Qantas proposal really that different? Is it not simply good business practice to help protect itself against potential litigation for negligence / duty of care failure from perhaps 200, 300 passengers (and more importantly the cabin crew) should they go down with the virus because they caught it from one of their flights? If the proposal means they lose the custom of a few anti-vaccers I doubt Qantas will care as long as they can fill the aircraft with certificated flyers. Economics will win out on that.
Also, the proposed policy is more or less in line with existing Qantas Conditions of Carriage anyway. They can deny you boarding if they think that you present any risk to the health and safety of anyone else on board or you have not complied with their medical requirements. The keyword here is “their” requirements. It doesn’t matter a jot what the potential passenger may think. It’s Qantas’ aircraft so their rules. Don’t like their rules? Then fly Virgin (if they manage to stay afloat), Rex or any other airline that is willing to take you.
Bloody hell Dickie, I imagine the old finger joints were aching after that!
Incidentally, what did you do before retirement?
No five finger/knuckle shuffle for a day or two that’s for sure, Bertie.
Mainly your typical white collar, office jack of aĺl trades paper shuffling admin stuff e.g. purchasing / import / export documents, a bit of personnel, clock watching, brewing up, chatting up the typists, carrying “sirs” golf bags on business meetings etc. Cr@p at them all as well (even the clock watching ‘cos of poor eyesight).
It paid well enough though for what it was so I couldn’t / can’t complain.
It’s fair to say that when I snuff it there will be no lasting record of a lifetimes employment. In fact, I’d be suprised if all I ever did at work hasn’t already been shredded and turned into bog roll. I think the only proper job I’ve ever had was a milk monitor at junior school.
It all means the eulogy at my funeral service will be mercifully short “he was born, he did nothing of note for (x) years, he died”.
I still find your posts interesting Dickie!
I fully expected you to say you worked for British intelligence!
Back in 17th century Eton caned boys who didnt smoke. Covid doesnt seen to affect smokers. Its the heat. Cocaine seems to eliminate the virus in the back of the nose. So all good for a great new years.
I’m with you B&WC. This is bollocks and so is anyone in support of it. They’ll be ready to roll these shite measures out, digitalIDs etc, just as quickly as the government drafted hundreds of pages of the Corona Act at a drop of a hat.
Covid-21 is already being prepped, the new ‘mutant strain’ oooooh fucking scary. Get to fuck with your fantasy bollocks.
Not even our computers are safe from the Chinese Virus anymore. Mine got frozen on a screen of an oriental man in a wheelchair cutting down trees, and it said “Invalid Logging”.
Can I be a pedantic motherfucker and point out to DA that it’s QANTAS (in caps) not Quantas.
Queensland and Northern Territory Air Service.
Sorry…I’ll get my burka.
(Corrected, you old cunt. Just deprived me of another pint – DA)
The general consensus seems to be that they’re QANTS either way.
Or just swap the first a for u, and drop the second = Qunts
Acc. to Dame Edna,… Quaintarse.
Had an aunt who looked just like.
I’m in the construction industry, already talking about not getting on site without the vaccine, take it or no money
The cunts know exactly what they’re doing
Fake/black market certificate and/or phone app, Mictor?
Haha what a piss take. You guys are outside all day! Tell them to shove it up their arse then throw them off a crane.
That’ll muddy the waters… People working outside, potentially breathing in through all those highly recommended “open windows”…
You might want to worry more abaaaaht getting aaaaaht of London B&WC nevermind flying to Australia.
The big news today is that there is a new mutated more virulent strain of COVID and a new ‘Tier 4’ is being discussed.
It’s only ‘new and mutated’ in the same sense that everything of Nancy Pelosi’s from the toenails up is.
It’s seems a bit strange because it’s going to be many months before everyone who wants a vaccine is going to get one.
Anyone in their 20’s won’t get the choice until the Summer so I don’t see how they can exclude people who haven’t been offered the vaccine.
2021 will be a very interesting year thanks to evil cunts.
Travelling internationally will will require the full China treatment.
Next news no insurance no holidays no nowt without the vaccine.
Thank you Stalin’s Ghost.
Who the fuck wants to fly in their overpriced shit planes anyway.Fuck Quantas the cunts.
I will stick with unloading ordnance from the Lancaster.
Nothing beats bacon and eggs with N*gger the dog after leaving a Paki town in flames.
I jumped tiers last night for a beer in Hertford before armagedon kicked in and was talking to a guy in the pub last night who was an ex coppers and his daughter works at Harlow hospital. She says 50% of the doctors and nurses have been furloged as there are no patients. He thinks it is all a load of wank. If this is true then all this tier 4, super spreading new strain must be a load of New World Order, 1984 bollocks.
I think I’m going to boil my own head in a vat of piss until all this shit is over!
We did our training in Arnhem Land with the ADF it’s a proper shithole ??
Qantas should pay us to fly and visit that horrible place they are total cunts??
If any cunt doesn’t want the vaccine then good luck to them. But Qantas are correct. I’d go further and say unless you’ve got a vaccination certificate then you can’t leave or enter the country. In fact, you should all be self-isolated until you come to your fucking senses!