Portsmouth City Council Recycling

Now don’t get me wrong, I think it’s important to recycle but what boils my piss is that the cunts are picky about what we can and can’t recycle.

‘You can recycle a plastic milk bottle but not the lid.

You can recycle cardboard but you have to remove the tape.

We can only recycle shredded paper.’

I put the bin out this morning and accidentally put a small takeaway style foil container on the top.

Rather than simply move the container into the general waste bin next to it, the lazy cunt of a bin man red tags me and didn’t empty my bin.

Considering our green bin is emptied fortnightly this was inconvenient to tell the truth.

On the tag it stated that by not sorting our recyclables correctly it creates more work for the lazy cunts down at the recycling center.

So basically I have to pay their wages through my council tax AND do their job for them.

I thought I could get round this by reporting my bin hadn’t been emptied, but apparently every bin lorry is now kitted out like the Starship Enterprise and has an on-board computer for logging these recycling infractions.

We are being encouraged to recycle to save the world so why make it harder?

Nominated by: The Cunt of Monte Cristo

33 thoughts on “Portsmouth City Council Recycling

  1. So the milk bottle top isn’t also plastic? Film the cunts and inform them that if they don’t take your recycled cack you’re putting it in the rubbish bin.
    Failing that, dump the offending plastic in the council offices. Wear a mask and a hat to remain anonymous.
    Fuck lazy arse council employees. Lead swinging, backache scamming illiterates.

  2. Don’t make your own life hard to satisfy these jobsworths.
    Put everything into the general waste, and they will have to deal with it themselves anyhow.
    Why aren’t the unemployed immigrants down at the refuse tip sorting this rubbish out for us? They all claim to want to work to benefit the UK (ha ha ha ha ha).

    • In other countries your paid to recycle your waste.
      Its a pain in the arse, with all the different bins,
      Ive stopped recycling, fuck them, ive put a tv in the green waste and covered it with leaves and cuttings.
      Once at the tip got a bollocking,
      The whole tip stopped,
      Because my helper had thrown a strip light out,
      Its classed as hazardous waste!
      They reacted like it was nuclear waste!

  3. I don’t give a fuck as long as I am rid of it. That’s what I pay my council tax for and the cunts only empty the grey bin every three fucking weeks anyway. If my grey bin is full then the crap goes in another one, simple as that. I don’t give a shit.

    I have held a vendetta against the cunts anyway ever since the coke can incident. One summer I did my front and back gardens from top to bottom. The brown bin was full to the lid with nettles, grass, twigs, thistles and all that. Unbeknownst to me some cunt dropped an empty coke can in my brown bin after I had put it out. The indolent wankers didn’t empty it and when I phoned to ask why the bastards said the bin was ‘contaminated’. I asked with what and they said a ‘soft drinks can’. A soft drinks can I did not put there. Aside from the ludicrousness of the situation I went apeshit at the cunts and declared war. Councils in Britain now are like Banana Republics with demented wannabe Idi Amins or Caligulas making up the most ridiculous rules and regulations. These cunts would put Hitler to shame and their ‘Only obeyink orderz’ employees are just as bad. Cunts to a man.

  4. My council have a list of what can go in the recycle bin, it’s pretty straight forward, the problem occurs when Joe public decides that something else should be included, usually the smart arses.
    Where I used to live my neighbour decided that yoghurt pots included those which were unopened (I assumed they were out of date), the bin men left a little note to say the bin was contaminated. Her profession – teacher, the next generation will be fucking useless.

    • Same with us. All pretty straightforward and had no problems.

      PS: unlike Portsmouth, shredded paper is verboten.

  5. I once went with my dad to a local refuse disposal centre. All the old man wanted to do was dump an old mattress. The Himmler at the gates said it couldn’t be dumped because it wasn’t household waste. My dad said it was because it came out of his household and it was wasn’t wanted. Himmler was having none of it, but he relented and let us in when the old man said if he didn’t he would shove the whole mattress up the miserable jobsworth’s arse.

  6. I don’t like slinging stuff out but sometimes you have to. We’ve got this old clothes horse, its had many repairs in the past but is now beyond help.
    It’s a real shame, we’ve had it for years. It’s the end of an airer….

  7. Recycling is a peculiarly LibDem, gay inspired style form of oppression. Make the silly cunts sort their shit in ever increasingly persnickety ways and penalise them if the make the slightest infraction. As if life weren’t crap enough as it is, this is just another layer of anal fucking for hapless, tax paying, law abiding residents.

  8. If you recycle your a cunt. All the plastic that goes to “recycling” goes to places where they have an industry dedicated to making cheap plastic shit. This crap mostly goes to Africa which doesnt have any recycling. They live in their own shit. The rivers are filled with the stuff, and guess where that goes. None of my plastic goes into the Ocean but goes into landfill.Where it came from in the first place.

  9. When councils started to adopt “green” recycling policies, our mob stated giving us 2x boxes with lids and 2x crates with netted tops:

    -1x box for paper cardboard
    -1x box for plastic
    -1x crate for glass
    -1x crate for tins

    They would then empty each type into separate compartments on the wagon.
    More often than not, the cunts would drop glass, leaving broken glass on the drive-stupid bastards.
    I happened to be home when they came, once. I asked the younger of the two emptying, if the council were meeting there proclaimed recycling targets?
    He just laughed, then told me it was all bollocks as it all went to exactly the same landfill as household waste-a large quarry some distance away.

    The shit-storm that council had when I sent an open letter to the local and a leading national paper, backed by photographic evidence of the lorries tipping off.
    Executives sacked. Waste contract-re-tendered. Seperate containers stopped and recycling bins introduced.

    Please don’t think of me as a Greta Mongberg type.

    I am a cunt.
    But not a fucking cunt?

    • Outstanding work CG, a credit to the community and a fine example of civic duty.
      Cunts sacked? National embarrassment? Result.

  10. The cunts who collect my recycling make more mess than they take away. Bin day is Friday and by the afternoon the road looks like a field after a festival. How fucking difficult is it to hook a bin onto a loader and empty the contents without them spilling everywhere? It’s not like they can’t perfect the process as it’s pretty repetitive. You could train chimps to do it and they’d do a better job.

  11. He’d come rolling on smiling the poor contestants having missed out on a holiday or something because the cryptic clues were so impossibly difficult they guessed wrong and often ended up with just a brand new dustbin curtsey of fucking Dusty. And there he was smiling. Cunt.

    • Wikipedia-

      For example, a wishbone brought on by Sonny Hayes came with the clue “Take one that never changes, add a pub and a precious stone, bring them all up-to-date, and now, you’re on your own.”, which the contestants rejected hoping it referred to Dusty Bin. Rogers’ explanation of the clue was: “‘Take one that never changes’, well, that could be Dusty Bin which of course is where you might throw a wishbone. ‘Add a pub and a precious stone’, well, that doesn’t point to Dusty. ‘Bring them all up-to-date, and now you’re on your own.’. Well, what about the wishbone? Sonny said ‘a large wishbone’, so what might a large wishbone come from? Something larger than a chicken. Turkey, maybe? Now, ‘one that never changes.’ is a constant, a pub can also be an inn, there’s a lot of precious stones but how many go with ‘constant inn’? How about opal? Yes, Constantinople, up to date, the pride of Turkey, you’ve rejected a 3–2–1 holiday!”. ‡‡

  12. Put the whole fucking lot at the bottom of the general waste with a later of putrefied crap and cat litter on top, to discourage nosey cunts from rooting through to check. If the Cuncil Counts insist on fucking us about and acting like dictators, them fuck them to hell. Great us like shit and get treated likewise in return.

  13. Recycling is hippy bullshit.
    I fucking hate sorting out rubbish by order of the council.
    3 bins? Fuck Off.
    Pissing about like an African on a tip?

    • Some of them are just lazy bastards, they’re looking for excuses not to do their jobs. All that’s important to them is finishing their round and getting home as soon as possible. We do at least half of their jobs for them, separating the different kinds of waste and lining the bins up ready to be emptied. It’s not as though the job’s hard, there’s no heavy lifting involved. Idle cunts.

  14. Up here Copeland council don’t seem to give a shit as I’ve put what I think is plastic into plastic tubs; what I think is cardboard into the cardboard bag, and what I think is glass goes into the glass tub.

    There is a guidance leaflet suggesting things that they don’t want recycling, but never mentions things like bottle tops and packing tape. And not once have I ever been red-flagged/tagged for not doing my duty in saving the planet!

    But then again some councils don’t help themselves by making it extremely difficult visiting waste and recycle centres, either because of opening times, parking restrictions, trade vans/trailers etc.

    And then they wonder why fly-tipping is so prevalent!


  15. When i lived in Northants they were dead fucking picky about recycling, even issuing fines to cunts who couldn’t be arsed. The self righteous cunts were all over it. You could have five different bins cluttering up your home for the purpose of being green and keeping he cunts happy.

    Then it turns out one of the councils involved was getting the recycling back tot he depot, dumping it all into single containers and shipping it off to China.

    I’m not anti recycling but for fucks sake make it realistic.

  16. There’s some cunts working at our local recycling dump. I had an old mattress to get rid of once, it wouldn’t fit in the car so I asked my son in law to help. Helpfully he borrowed a van from work, the cunts wouldn’t let us in despite me opening the van and showing them it was just an old mattress. The cunt said it was trade waste because we were in a van, a brand new van with his works logos and branding all over it, he works for a national chain of motor retailers not a fucking pikey. It was obvious to Stevie Wonder he’d just borrowed the van to help. We ended up parking outside and lugging it through the gates. Cunts. I turned up with some old paint in cans a couple of years ago, they had no recycling facilities for paint! They simply refused to take it. I asked what I should do with it, I even suggested I should chuck it in a hedge and I was shrugged at. I put it in the wheelie bin, it went to landfill, they have a non recyclable skip at the recycling centre but wouldn’t let me put it in. Utter jobsworth cunts.

    • Bertram@
      If I go the tip (trade waste) its £100 minimum,
      Half ton of scrap or a crisp packet,-same price.
      Thats the local authority tip.
      If I drive a few mile out the way I can tip at a private tip-£40.
      Theyre utter cunts.
      Change me to have a waste carriers license,
      Charge me to fill out paperwork,
      Have to wear a helmet,mask,hi vis, gloves, and safety boots.
      Not at the private one,
      Straight in, tip, pay, off.
      Councils are useless cunts irregardless of where you live.

  17. As with all Local Authorities, no doubt their PR budget for their recycling propaganda takes up a hefty proportion of your council tax.

    An anagram of ‘Public Relations’ is – genuinely – ‘Crap Built On Lies’. Made my gloomy Sunday a little did that.

  18. Best job in the world up at 5am down the pub at 3pm take it in turns. Real team players these guys.

  19. Ha ha recycling. The biggest scam in history.

    You cant hide the fact humans have about 100 years (and that is being generous) left.

    Meanwhile the peacefuls pump out 10 babies per mother. Hold on though, let me just put this egg box in a different coloured bin.

    Fuck off

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