Piers Morgan [12]

Piers Morgan, for being a Flu Manchu hypocrite. Ever since this shit started, Morgan has been one of the most hysterical in their outright terror of this virus. Constantly screeching at ‘celebrities’ who have broken ‘the rules’ as though they were laws. Well, now he’s gone and done it himself being photographed in a taxi, without a mask. He even issued the same kind of bullshit explanation that his targets have come out with:

“I put my mask on seconds after this pic was taken, as the cab moved off. I should have done it before I got in but ironically, I was chatting to the paparazzi & I forgot”.

Yeah, yeah. Morgan has spent the past 9 months screaming at people, both on his show and on Twitter, about the rules and how anyone who didn’t believe in the bat flu or didn’t follow the rules, was a ‘covidiot’. He’s held everyone, from sports players to actors to musicians and especially politicians, to the highest standards. I don’t think it’s too much to expect that someone who does that be held to the very same standards.

Personally, I don’t give a fuck if someone does or does not wear a mask in a taxi. But if you’re someone who has been dementedly demanding that others follow the rules, you’d better be damn sure that you’re following them too. Especially in public. Morgan’s excuse is bollocks. It’s nothing more than a hypocritical attempt to absolve himself of responsibility. Put his mask seconds after the photo was taken? How convenient. Shame there’s no proof of that. Cunt.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

29 thoughts on “Piers Morgan [12]

  1. Lock the multi-chinned cunt in a room with a pissed up, angry and heavily armed Jeremy Clarkson.
    Thaaaaat’s better…?

  2. Standards have collapsed.
    Taxi drivers would have refused to stop for a cunt like this once upon a time.

    He should walk anyway,the lard arse.

    Hopefully then the Chiggun boys could machete his arm off.
    He could write a book about it afterwards.Dictate it I mean..

  3. PD admin

    Could you lose the picture of Morgan and replace with a picture Susanna Reid by herself. She’s much nicer to look at but she’s a cunt for working with the smug wanker.

    I’d do her in the street, I’d mount her during a funeral ceremony.

    (Judging by her expression I think Piers has dropped a “silent but deadly” – DA)

  4. I have never watched his show-just critical clips by political vloggers.
    Do you reckon he has ploughed that bint next to him?
    Is he a closet?

    Years ago, when people had morality and the viewing audience abhorred hypocrisy and open deviancy, a cunt like Morgan would have been “finished”, after the phone hacking & photo faking scandals.
    Corpulent cunt, oven ready twaxit.

  5. Smug,deceitful,self-opinionated MegaCunt…a bag of shit that someone should set light to on Bigfoot’s doorstep before ringing the doorbell and running away.

    • Morning Mr F, following a weekend cunting, I’ve been doing some ‘Internet research’ into Bigfoot.

      There are many many Americans that wander the back woods in CAMO gear making strange screaming and whopping noises whikst checking out strange wooden structures.

      Further detailed work caused me to stumble on a dark key, goes by the name of Mandingo, he appears to not wear CAMO, in fact doesnt wear much, but makes women whoop and scream whilst they check his wooden structure.

      Going by some of the pics, I’d say he’s more of a big two foot…

      • Morning,Mr.DiCunty

        Be better still if Morgan was bummed to death by some Mandingo Bigfoot…after being set ablaze and trampled,of course.

  6. One of a long line of slebs and politicos who have made a “silly mistake.” They clearly think they are above the common herd and the Chinky virus won’t touch them. Fuck you Morgan you arrogant wanker.

    • “Silly mistake” means I got exposed as a hypocrite. How many politicians have made a “silly mistake”?!…

      • Has the fishy wee burny sturgeon resigned yet?

        If it was that alien Cummings, it would be headline news for days on the fucking beebeeceee

  7. Insufferable cunt.

    Let’s not forget this A1 cunt was fired from his job as Ed of the Daily Mirror printing false pictures of the U.K. Armed forces allegedly committing war crimes.

    The mans a utter wanker.

  8. Should have been made to dress up as a woman, then offered to Peter Sutcliffe as a going away present.

  9. Why anyone even mentions let alone watches this vile pile shit is beyond me. A wonder some poor demented squaddie hasn’t taken terminal action for what he did. Covid likes fat people, one can always hope. Fuck off.

  10. Fat cunt should be offered a cream-filled choux bun decorated with a nitro-glycerine icing, live on TV.

    I would pay to see him bite into it only to blow the top of his head (which he doesn’t have – see my previous post in the last Piers cunting) into Susanna Reid’s lap.

    Gobby, fat fuck.

    (Not a fan then, Paul? – DA)

  11. He really is a giant loudmouthed knows fuck all cunt. Can’t stand watching him or his nodding screeching pouting side kick.

  12. Does a column in Viz. He’s called Pierced Organ, top of his head is a bellend with a ring through the japs eye. Comments on his celebrity friends he’s had dinner at the Savoy with recently e.g Darth Vader, Buzz Aldrin, Bjork, C3PO, Albert Einstein, Hitler, Al Capone, The Queen, The Kray Twins, Lulu etc…..

  13. Morgan is a shit cunt of the highest order.

    Maybe he does have a firmly held opinion on something but he’s built a career on moving from left to right, top to bottom and inside out.

    I can’t watch the cunt anymore because the last thing I want to hear in the morning is another row when I’ve just been to bed on one but……. he’s a clever cunt regardless.

    I heard in on Mike Graham a while back and he sort of gave him the run around and Mike Graham is no slouch.

    I think what he actually represents is the hypocrisy and contempt those in ‘power’ have for us mere mortals.

    Time was once if you were in the public arena and you were exposed as a cunt then you had to fall on your sword because the media would fuck you royally.

    But the meeeedja, politicians and slebs et al are all sort of 2 sides of the same coin these days.

    You scratch my back and well……..

    Piers Morgan berated Justin Tredeau for blacking up in the early 90’s because he wanted to create headlines, actually who gives a fuck really, I loved the Black and White Minstrel show but that’s another matter but when he gets exposed wearing a Nazi uniform at a party probably 30 years ago the story doesn’t go anywhere.

    Why? IMO because he’s a power broker in the media who could create problems for anyone who goes to town on him.

    But here’s the thing, he’s just launched a book, the title I can’t remember and I picked it up off the shelf in Tesco last week and read the back cover, without question it’s written to appeal to the likes of me, short extracts say ‘If like me you are fed up with the cancel culture, if like me you are fed up with feeling you’ll be prosecuted for saying…. If like me…. if like me……. and so it goes.

    But I put the book back on the shelf, in part because he’s a cunt but actually because I simply didn’t believe he believed it.

    Interestingly it appeared little or no copies had been sold.

    Karma can be a right cunt.

  14. “Out from the door of the farmhouse came a long file of pigs, all walking on their hind legs… out came Napoleon himself, majestically upright, casting haughty glances from side to side, and with his dogs gambolling round him. He carried a whip in his trotter”.

  15. Few people encumbered with a name like Piers Stefan Pughe-Morgan could have overcome such adversity to become the leading light in British broadcasting. His good looks, intelligence and charisma have won over his detractors and attract people to him like moths to a flame. His natural talents have elevated him to the status as one of the most talented and respected men in the western hemisphere.
    I – I think I love him.

    I cry when I read some of the unwarranted things said about him. To criticize him is simply being spiteful and vindictive. Just stop it. You’re only jealous. You bitches.

    • Probably very much in the minority on this nom.

      He has done some pretty despicable things in the past which will not go unforgotten however his views on Brexit (post 2016 referendum despite him being a Remainer), gender issues, US gun laws, political correctness, BLM and woke shit to name a few are broadly in line with my own feelings on the matters.

      Sure, his views can change like the weather, he has been (and still can be) a bit of a theatrical and egotistical cunt sometimes but in my opinion there are far greater politician, sports people and so called “celebrity” fuck wit cunts out there who I would prefer never to see or hear from again.

    • Hi Allan

      Like many, totally fucked off with almost everything going on and with everyone in the UK in recent months/years. In the the interests of mental well-being made the conscious decision to totally abstain from MSM and other platforms which inform me of the continual shite being spouted and the continual demise of this once great country.

      Now that Brexit is finally happening (albeit not to the extent I or other Leavers wanted) feel a little more positive about things. Totally realise far too little, far too late but it’s a start.

  16. Watched a bit of BBC news today … don’t as a rule but my 15 month old boy turned it on then chucked the remote down the back of the sofa which he found fucking hilarious little shit! Anyway they showed a two minute report on that Chinese female civilian journalist wang wang or something can’t remember the name who had been jailed for reporting the truth about wang Chung flu on you tube at the start of the pandemic in Wuhan. The bbc news just said she had been jailed for four years no mention of her being locked up for fuck all apart from telling the truth about the Chinese cover up and her being on a hunger strike and being in prison for months being force fed through a tube! Surely thats a story about human rights violations that the leftists should love. But no they gave her two minutes of airtime then they showed a thing about how hard it is being black at Cambridge university and how difficult it is to get a decent haircut when you have an afro and this went on for ages! Luckily the wife came to my rescue before I chucked the tv out the window. Everyone’s a cunt especially that fat fuck peirs Morgan I wish he died tomorrow from buggery

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