Piers Morgan (11)

Yes, it’s that gobby flabby wanker again. I suppose you could cunt this bellend daily, so what is today’s reason?

He’s been having a pop at celebrities that flout Covid rules regarding the gathering of people, including Lawrence Fox for having dinner with friends, and pop slapper Rita Ora for having a birthday bash in some boozer.

Now, I imagine there are those hysterical fuckers who will agree with him for jumping on the poor worn out beast that is his high horse, and maybe they are right.

However, Morgan tweeted recently how proud he was of his son attending a BLM rally in London, where social distancing was nowhere to be seen.

Fat hypocrite wannabe shock jock cunt.

Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye 


49 thoughts on “Piers Morgan (11)

  1. If ever there was a reason to abandon flaps for the a-hole, he’s it. Come on fellas of ISAC, I’ve room for you all this festive season 🙂

  2. One of the biggest cunts this cuntry has ever produced.
    An absolute whopper of a cunt with extra fries and a large coke.

  3. Yeah, his brat social distanced “as best he could”.
    If the little cnut had stayed at home instead of attending the career criminial w@nkfest (no doubt for a few more likes on his social media pages) he could have socially distanced a great deal better.
    Gobsh*te obviously like his father.

  4. It is becoming glaring apparent that there’s Covid rules for the rich and famous, and quite another for us mere minions.

    • Yes the rich and famous only mix with the rich and famous not trash likes us so, as in everything else, they think they are untouchable by the batshit flu. A classic example being our very own Jellyfish PM.

    • A taster of life to come under the great reset style society in order to deal with climate change.

    • I think someone has nominated this desperate z-lister cunt a few days ago. Don’t know what happened to it, but doing a Google she looks, talks and acts like a desperate z-lister cunt. Ergo – she’s a cunt!

      • «Rita Ora» is a modification of the kiwi Maori greeting «kia ora», often said by women called Margaret.

        In parts of England where Derbyshire neck was still prevalent in the late 18th Century «Rita Ora!» was ideolect among the cretins for a bizarre sex act. The etymology of this is unclear, but is thought to be via «rita» meaning “pearl” in Spanish and the eponymous cordial. However the pèrversion itself clearly involved spattering the swollen necks of the afflicted with inspissated orange squash prior to other activites, often violent, usually of a sexual nature.

      • Ah, Rita Ora. A classic dooshka dooshka tart makes good in Britain. Basically an Albanian prossie with a record contract.

      • Hmm, how to enter the UK when you’re a drug-dealing, Albanian thug with a bit of police history?

        “I is Kosovan… I war refugee… I very poor…”

    • Rita Ora-like kia-Ora:

      Cordial at times, mostly diluted and tasteless.
      Darker than Kia-Ora and this one is not only for me and my dog, it’s for crows too???

      • That Kia-Ora ad with the little black lad and the singing crows would cause a woke mushroom cloud if it was shown now.

        Wasn’t Rita Ora ‘married’ to that other trollop and ‘wifey’ media whore, Delegvigne?

        Slags of a feather and all that.

    • He is the Jeremy Clarkson of tabloid media – both of them are loud, fuck-ugly, opinionated, obnoxious, thick-as-pigshit cunts!

      I think that just about covers it.

      • I like Clarkson though, you can tell it’s tongue in cheek with him. That and he sends the environmentalists into a meltdown.

      • I agree with you SV. They may appear to be similar, Clarkson has his tongue in his cheek and knows it whilst Morgan has his head up his arse and doesn’t know it.

      • Piers Morgue spends more time talking over or interrupting his guests than letting them speak. This is what journalism has become; a provocative, frustrating, antagonistic attempt to humiliate the interviewee. Morgan does it best because he’s a bullying coward who wants to make it all about him.

      • I do believe Clarkson smacked the cunt many moons ago and gave him the scar on his sizeable forehead.

    • No it isn’t.
      I’ve applied for an EU grant for extra capacity for ultra cunts like this gum flapping sack of guts.
      Boris flew off to the continent to get it signed off for me.
      The cunt.

  5. Who? Oh, you mean the twat who invented stories about British soldiers in Iraq.
    Piers, a quick word over here, if you please.

    • Which staged photos at the time included CIA director Gina Haspel, currently enjoying a stay of execution at GITMO.

  6. I would have thought his brat is a typical member of the BLM rank and file……white, posh, rich and privately educated. He did give a thank you card to the black cleaner who cleared up his drunken vomit at University so he’s down with the bruvvers ya!

  7. A gigantic cunt and no mistake. Have you ever noticed that this twat seems to be missing the top of his head? You can draw a straight line from the top of his forehead to the nape of his neck; I suppose that must count as the top of his head instead?

  8. Phone hacking.
    Headline fabricating.
    Carbohydrate stuffing.

    The living embodiment of Roger Mellie, sans humour, bird and tolerance for booze.

    “Oven ready cunt”?

    • The cunt can only think he has the moral high ground if he has a 10 second memory. Wasn’t he involved in hacking Milly Dowlers phone?
      Despicable Bob of shit.

  9. If my kid attended a BLM rally, when he got home, all his stuff would be in the yard and all the door locks changed.

    Sorry snowflake! You’ve been dispossessed.

    Merry Christmas to all. ?

  10. A massive cunt from day one keeps on giving. A walking dildo and if my Christmas wishes come true… one can but dream

  11. I cannot abide this fucking wankstain Morgan. He is a smug, sanctimonious, scandal ridden nonsense merchant, who’s tenure at that shitrag The Daily Mirror was engulfed in scandal after scandal after scandal – Phone hacking, Fake Iraqi Prisoner Pictures and City Slickers Inside Share Dealing to name a few. This scumbag should have done serious hard time at HMP and been given a quick crash course in soap dropping, but instead hypocritical gas artist Morgan was given another media platform in which to indulge his favourite pastime of yakking total inane fucking bollocks – and with his sidekick Reid who is far up his arsehole she is practically drinking his tea for him.

    A total ego maniac and planet sized cunt.

  12. I have to say Morgan has to be the only cunt that’s been decunted only to be cunted again.

    Milly Dowler phone hacking – Cunt

    The cunts stance on cunts trying to undermine the largest democratic vote in history – De cunted

    Stance on BLM and general cuntishness – Cunt.

    That’s a very special type of cunt.

  13. Forget Beethoven’s Ode to Joy (please…) ; “Piers Morgan is a Cunt” is the song for our times.
    Overstuffed sack of rancid, fat-based clinical waste.

  14. He’s not fit to lick the Brillo’s shoelaces when it comes to interviewing. He’s an arrogant, irritating, giant shit of a man.

    Hoo-ee, what a cunt.

  15. When he goes to hell, he should get five minutes a day in heaven for his continuing cunting of Mr and Mrs Markle. Just saying.

    • We are in complete agreement on that point my reptilian colleague cunting.

      Merry Christmas to all. ?

  16. This utter cunt of an ego is all wind and piss. He did indeed stand up for democracy when the remain slime were trying overturn the vote. However he is still a cunt who asks a question and then talks over anyone trying to answer, quite why anyone would be interviewed by that turd is beyond me.

    So his son thinks BLM is great , well let them have his inheritance as reparations.

  17. This fat cunt is the worst type of human, unfunny, I know better than you, slimy paparazzi shit stain.! Every self respecting bloke should knock his teeth out upon meeting this pile of puss, I would gladly kick his jaw out of place.!

  18. Viz have him doing a column from time to time. He’s called ‘Pierced Organ’ with a picture of his face with a bellend for the top of his head, with a cock ring through the japs eye. Has him going on about his mates like he does in real life but with Viz taking the piss i.e. “I had dinner at the Savoy last night with my good friends Darth Vader, The Queen, George Clooney, Buzz Aldrin, Pele, Rudolf Hess, Bjork etc…..

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