A foot stamping, toys out of pram, dummy spitting, waah waah waah nomination for Philip Cole, chairman of Cheltenham for Europe. He’s thrown a tantrum and is heading off to become a citizen of Luxembourg for the ‘unimpeded freedom of movement of the EU’, after 25 years working as a traitor for the EU because of the ‘pig ignorant’ Brits who just don’t understand and don’t really give a fuck about his attempts at turning the UK into a vassal state of the EUSSR. Here’s what he said;
“I spent 25 years working for the European Parliament in what I consider a noble cause and it is hard to describe just how angry I feel at the rigged, bought referendum and the fact that 37% (not a majority, but even so) of my fellow-citizens are so pig-ignorant that they regard that contribution as worthless.”
Well, son, it’s because your contribution WAS fucking worthless. Nobody outside the political elite wanted to be part a federal, undemocratic organisation that was led by shit bags that nobody outside the EU parliament voted for, and just wanted our money. Notably, isn’t entirely making a clean break of it. He and his family are keeping their house in Cheltenham for use as a holiday home.
Let’s face it. Considering how many remainers there were in parliament during that time, surely it’s more likely that the referendum would have rigged in favour of remain? You lost, you cunt, far and square. Quit your bitching and fuck off. Incidentally, fuckflake, The EU is not the same as Europe. One is a continent the other is a Sovietesque political entity. And our decision to leave it, was our democratic right. We are STILL Europeans.
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
Fuck him and the horse he rode in on, what a cunt!
Oi Cole stick your star spangled sphincter up your arse. What we need to get everyone inside is a war with France.
I would generally oppose gratuitous bloody conflict as a rule but … you know… the fucking French… reason enough I’d say. And thinking about it, it wouldn’t be gratuitous and fruitless at all seeing as it would end the crossings of muhammed’s Airbed Navy at a stroke (of a cutlass that is) I would have it written into our Articles of War however that we must send an expeditionary force down to Martigné-sur-Mayenne amply provisioned with cannon and shot sufficient to level the shat-heau of one Dick Strawbridge and his purple headed wife. Smug bastard turncoat cavorting with the enemy!
Is the ISaC flagship The Black Pig still provisioned and ready for sea? We wait but on wind, tide and an overdue delivery of 400 gallons of combat strength Newccy Broon (should be enough to get us to the french coast anyway ?)
Spot on cunting and it is astonishing just how many people out there cannot distinguish between Europe and the EU. I genuinely believe that many Remainers voted that way as they misunderstood what the referendum was for – i.e. they believed they voted to stay in Europe. The EU is no longer a trading agreement as it was first intended – it is now a fountain of insidious legislation and a vehicle to achieve a European version of the USSR.
Well, Old (f’)King Cole is not such a merry old soul. He can fuck off to Luxembourg, sit on pavement cafes and whine on about Brexit until his heart is content. Perhaps he could team up with Steve Bray and they could enjoy sucking each other’s dicks.
See ya Phil you treacherous old cunt!
Dont come back, you baguette eating frog fondling degenerate
Fuck Eu.?
Or hookup with Steve, Verhofstag and a few fellow travellers into an EU daisy chain, then do the Madness walk in a circle like some perpetual motion machine
I am 11/16ths English, but I still think the House of Lords is a repository of piss-stinking sacks of clinical waste which should be sent to Unkle Tel’s ovens asap. I am 4/16ths Scot, and think Sturgeon should join them. Remainder is Rheinlander kraut, and I despise Merkle.
So this shrivelled-up little cunt is going to Luxembourg. The soap-flake state. I seem to remember cunting this arsehole place a year or so ago. Ought to be on Sir Limply’s shit-bucket challenge list.
I’m trying to give a fuck to give but I can’t even find a pig ignorant one going spare.
Enjoy Luxembourg, Europe’s tax haven for massive global corporations. Surely there’s a trough deep enough for you there.
Vacant house in Cheltenham?
Better not tell the council.
They’d probably slap a compulsory purchase order on it and then fill it with dinghy rats.
Not a chance. His current house will become this slimy cunt’s holiday home, which he will only use for 364days a year.
I’d fill it with pikies, let the cunt try and get them out.
Good, got any space for the rest of the Remoaners and enrichers too?
Wouldn’t that be superb. Fill the entire Luxembourg up with fanatical Remainiacs who still can’t accept the result. Afterwards, when they’re living crammed, ten to a room, explain that there’ll be 300,000 entering their haven every year, 150,000 Ooga-Doogas from Nigeria/Ghana/Somalia and 150,000 Dooshka-Dooshkas from Poland/Romainia/Albania.
No, you can’t have a referendum on leaving the Reich.
“……rigged, bought referendum”.
He doesn’t work for Trump’s campaign team as well, does he?
oh fer…
In all fairness to the traitorous piece of shit, at least he has followed through on his threat to fuck off and leave us in peace.
(Would dread to think of some of the things that will be posted through his leterbox after January 1st though.)
Just think of the amount of other gobshite cunts who were mouthing off about leaving Blighty and setting up home in Europe, because they love the EU so much.
Didn’t happen, did it?
Why? You may ask.
Something to do with the good folk of Europe hating virtue signalling fuckwits who like to lord it over the local bumpkins, refuse the learn the language and think that social meedya infuencer and freelance guerilla marketing executive are a piss take and not an actual job title.
I’d like to post some paraffin soaked rags and a lit match through his letterbox.
Emma Thompson and her dipshit husband moved to Venice and became Italian citizens at the end of February. They made a big song and dance about it. They weren’t so keen on publicising it when they slinked back to the UK, to stay at her mother’s place in the Scottish highlands when Covid first hit Italy though.
A cunt for our times.
I’d like to close the borders up, round up traitorous bastards like him, that pansy Adonis character, Blair, Mandy, Heseltine, Grieve, Soubry etc, have them publically whipped then hanged. To save time, Bray and some of the lesser but more loudmouthed cunts would be shot at dawn.
Why wait until dawn, shot on sight gets my Non EU vote ?
Ah , Anna Soubry… I imagine her walking the streets at night seeking customers who have ‘a taste for the bizarre’.
I expect she does Roman Showers when bladdered.
At dawn. In November. On a wet Wednesday morning.
I fear for the home islands it still may not happen. West Oz voted by a two thirds majority to leave fedrat Oz in1933 after being blackmailed to join in 1901, still farkin’ waitin’. Dog bless good Sir Nige, he’s the diamond amongst the turds. I very much enjoy his YT posts
West Oz is so far from the rest of the country they could probably set up their own independent republic and Canberra wouldn’t be aware of it for years!
Send him in a box.
Via the Channel.
The fascist EU is so full of it’s own self-importance, it doesn’t need lickspittles like Cole to bolster their self regard. The EU is furious that the UK have released the first Covid 19 vaccine – earlier today, their version of Goebells said their testing regime was better than ours, and the Krauts seem to have taken it worst than most:
Ha ha ha, notice that the uber cunt Adonis is spitting bile too in that article the treacherous little gay cunt.
Cheltenham for Europe. Fuck me that must be some important organisation. The EU must be fucking devastated to lose it.
25 years working for the EU parliament. No wonder he is upset. 25 years doing fuck all of any value with unlimited expenses and fuck off salary.
I do hope there are no pie keys or burglars who find out his Cheltenham address.
Love that bit “working for the European Parliament “ to my knowledge no one works for the European Parliament apart from the cleaners, canteen staff and building maintenance. Every other traitor just picks up loads of money and gets massive benefits for polishing their arse on the chairs if they could be bothered to stay after signing in for the day. The European Commission is the only power in the European Union and has been since the commissions inception. A collection of plastic plant pots has a greater quotient of democracy than the European Union ever has or will.
Well the old twat will have to work for a living now.
Mopping out trap 2 in some Parisian pissoir,
Where someones honked up undigested frogs legs.
Or emptying the bins in some Magaluf shitpit.
Take your marigold gloves Phil.
Don’t ever come back.
Take the rest with you.
Thanks Philip.
The Referendum was definitely not “rigged” or “bought”. It would have been if the remoaners had even dreamed for one moment that they could lose. But with the political establishment, the media on their side and that glossy propaganda brochure through every letterbox (not the peaceful type) in the country how could they lose? That’s why they were so desperate for a re run which would, of course, be as bent as Julian Clary. Four and a half years later they’re still bitching and crying about it. I hope this traitorous bastard Cole is sitting outside some pavement cafe and some dirty A-rab chops his dumb head off and feeds it to the goats.
Fucking cunt!
If I had to leave this country,
And live somewhere else,
It wouldn’t be fuckin Luxembourg!!
Its never acheived anything, not known for anything,
Not famous for anything,
No famous people.
The only thing I know about Luxembourg is its full of boring cunts, cowards, ducky types and windowlickers.
Only way id set foot in Luxembourg is in a panzer tank .
I think it was summed up when Luxembourg was mouthing off about what the UK should and shouldn’t do in a ‘leave settlement’ with the EU … a member of the (UK) public was asked about what they thought about (uppity) Luxembourg, and they replied that they thought Luxembourg was only a radio station …. That just about sums the Cunts up.
Such a disaster for the Country…how will we ever manage without him?
Silly old cunt We voted to leave it’s called democracy ??
Leave your key on the way out of Blighty Oh I forgot you are keeping your home here Hypocrite ???????? Roll on Jan 1st
He hates this country so much yet he won’t fully leave. What an utter Cunt of the very worst kind. I wonder if his work included using EU funds to pay for Peugeot to relocate from Coventry to Eastern Fuckistan. Maybe he helped Rolls Royce close the factory in Glasgow and relocate that to the former East Germany. Whatever his ‘ work ‘ was it did not eliminate the industrial scale corruption and expenses abuse. Fuck off mate and when you get there Fuck off some more. Cunt.
I bet this twat really got his jollies pretending to be “part of the power structure” of the Fourth Reich.
A useful idiot with his masters laughing at him behind his back.
Fuck off and don’t come back, on pain of public flogging…
He will come crawling back in a few years to use our NHS. They always do..
Im not convinced Luxembourg is a real place anyway.
Did you hear what Barnier said when asked what was the sticking points in the negotiations Miserable? ‘Poisson’ he said. French for fish. Cunt.
They’re not poisson they’re fucking fish.
Well they’re lily-livered slimy bellied cowardly fish maybe poisson. But in our waters they are FISH manly, upright with a courageous fighting- spirit.
There’s no comparison.
Evening Miles, I DID see that.
Cheeky man!
Just hope we’re not betrayed (will be) on the fishing industry.
Feel sorry for UK fishermen,
They deserve better.
Edging is best, if Brexit is successful or the EUSSR folds then he as a house in the old cuntry. I’ll a total and utter cunt.
BETS! Me a cunt.
Happily ignorant of this cunt until just now. Luxembourg is welcome to him. Perhaps that old cunt Jean-Claude Junker will put him up and they can suck each other’s dicks from here to eternity.
Boil his head in a vat of piss.
In a similar vein to those Rorschach ink lot tests that shrinks use,
I’ve just done a horrendous splattery shit and upon inspecting the pan it looks just like this cunt.
Uncanny or what?
In a similar vein to those Rorschach ink blot tests that shrinks use,
I’ve just done a horrendous splattery shit and upon inspecting the pan it looks just like this cunt.
Uncanny or what?