People of Colour TV

Really confused as to which country I’m actually living in lately.

I had a message on my so-called ‘Smart’ TV the other week to re-scan it to get the latest channels.

I duly did this and whether by some sort of coincidence or otherwise, since then it appears that just about almost every single presenter, newsreader or advert participant is a ‘person of colour’!!

WTF is going on in this world of ours?

Nominated by: knobrot 

109 thoughts on “People of Colour TV

  1. Of course the telly is full of these colourful people . The demographics of shitholes like London show that 99.99% of the population fit the description.

  2. I looked up European historical figures.
    That was interesting, go to images, you’d have never guessed how many Feargals there were…

    • Its not that the people on the ads are black’.
      Its that your being feed a message.
      A clumsy heavy handed message, your being manipulated.
      Its insulting that they think the general public wouldn’t realise this.
      Im white, I identify with other white people.
      I live in a predominantly white country.
      Whoever is pushing this agenda is a fool.
      It causes resentment and gets peoples backs up.
      If your going to manipulate me at least do me the favour of doing a subtle job of it.

      • Question for you Miserable: Do you think it was subtle at its origin? I mean, it’s so blatantly obvious now, the PC bollocks they’re attempting to indoctrinate us all with, but can you remember when this all started? I can’t pinpoint when the ‘message’ was first mentioned.

        I think it’s been a gradual creep to us to this moment in time, and now ‘they’ are so sure of themselves that ‘they’ can’t help but be overtly aggressive with the ‘message’.

      • Social media and the mongs that use it have certainly not helped, but the BBC and the Guardian are very much to blame. They have been feeding people this apartheid in reverse BAME crap for years, as well as dumbing down white heterosexual men and promoting trannies and other deviants. Now, as you rightly say, they are ‘sure’ of themselves and are well cocky now. That’s why the wonderful Defund The BBC was started. Because people are sick of it and them.

      • Do you think that will happen, Defunding the BBC? I wonder why they chose to pursue the PC route, given they were (once) world renowned for doco’s and such.

        All in the name of staying current and ‘edgy’, I’d imagine.

      • I think it was becoming noticeable during the so called “caring nineties” leading up to Satan Blair slithering into number 10

      • No Kiwi to be honest I dont remember, good point!
        Maybe theyre so sure of themselves that theyre overplaying their hand though?
        Because now its blatant,
        At first I questioned myself,
        Is it my imagination?
        But it isnt .

      • You’re right in that they are overplaying their hand. The problem is that they’re being aided and abetted by multinational corporations and Governments, and so have the momentum regards getting the ‘message’ out.

        I’m hopeful, possibly naive though, in that the tipping point will come soon and the propaganda will start to be questioned, refuted and pushed back on by more people. ?

  3. Can’t believe this is still running as the active cunting. The short thing is, Dave Benson-Phillips was a decent presenter, good and efficient at his job at the time.

    Why don’t they bring back Floella Benjamin?? Maybe because she’d likely sock their PC woke Cultural Marxist/Common Purpose garbage up their inable-to-wipe-themselves arses?

  4. I used to watch The Guinness Book Of Records except when Ian Wright became a presenter the entire front row of the audience were black. My gran said at the time, quote: “They’re a’ black!”. This must have been about 2004.

    There was a very cocky little cunt called Vas Blackwood (I’ve never heard of him either) on Pointless last Saturday. What kind of name is Vas? The Vas Deferens is a duct that takes away spunk in my vocabulary. The team-mate was another cocky cunt Nick Moran who directed Telstar: The Joe Meek Story and wouldn’t shut up about it. The BBC is full of cunts, with black people now being over-represented IMHO.

    • Vas Blackwood was Lenny Henry’s best mate, collaborator and co writer. He was in that Delbert Wilkins thing.
      He is a cunt.
      Nick Moran is a luvvy, who tries to portray “tough geezers” in films and is as convincing as such as Meghan Sparkles us as a Royal?

  5. Does anyone remember ceefax or teletext on those televisions? I loved playing Bamboozle on it. 🙂

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