Owen Jones (21)

A limp-wristed, whoops duckie cunting please yet again for ISACs favourite faggot, little Owen who is trying to spread despondency post Brexit:


(including pictures that make him look quite cadavorous – being the weekend perhaps he had been well and truly reamed by some of his friends)

Medicines will be delayed, the “poor” will suffer most – little Owen working to an Adonis/Mandelson/Starmer script and it sounds no better from his mouth than it does from theirs. We have had it all before.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

48 thoughts on “Owen Jones (21)

  1. Fucking arse bandit, we have spoken 4 years ago, and we are fucking right off, and so can you .

    • What makes you think we are fucking right off?

      The EU dictated Withdrawal Agreement, “the second worst Deal in history”?

      Or the similarly EU favourable 800 page Trade Deal to be ratified by Parliament in a single day with zero scrutiny or debate?

      Sorry, I got out of bed the wrong side this afternoon.

  2. I feel responsible for mentioning his name in the guardian post.

    Owen, i really don’t like to wish bad on anyone, don’t wish anyone harm generally.

    Please stay well clear of me though, I won’t be responsible for my fists or feet of you tap near me.

  3. Fucking sore arsed remoaner pile of posh dog shit. What the fuck does this cunt know about “working people”? The only “working people” this knob has come across are the Lithuanian fuckers who wait on him in his favourite vegan bistro…….and they probably flob in his latte!
    The arsebandit needs to fuck off to his beloved EU if he doesn’t like his own country……and the sooner the better. Wanker.

    • And take all his LGBT, Mudslime and dark skinned types with him.

      Keep Britain white and Bandit free.

  4. I am unable to fathom why this creature gets so much airtime. He is unaware of real world issues and has arguments which can only be described as simplistic in the extreme. Perhaps his friends in the hamster club work in the mass media.

  5. I’m assuming he means this EU, which concocted its plan for an army back in 2009:


    It predicts models for what EU defence will look like in 2020 (written in 2009), and talks, amongst other things, of factors including economic crisis, existential threats including pandemics, war between China and India, and how increasingly difficult it will become for citizenry to avoid the coming ‘sensor grids’, which will utilise nanotechnology and automation amongst other things. Doesn’t quite accord with the WEF and WHO’s visions they’d made plain this year, but you can certainly see where they spotted the leverage potential.

    Yeah, I’m sure Homowen would be first to enlist.

    • Can you imagine the problems that a drill sergeant would have converting Owen’s mincing to marching?

      • I’m sure there’s a joke in there somewhere about squeer-bashing, but I didn’t get much sleep last night :/

      • I think this is the reason many EU countries don’t pay their full whack of their Nato fees. Trump was right to give them a good cunting on it and we should too.
        Owen should just sit quietly in the corner sucking cock and fuck off talking bollocks about Brexit. He sounds like Y2K doom mungers predicting planes would fall out the sky at the stroke of midnight in 1999.
        Fuck all happened then.

  6. I’d like to see this cunt lurking around in certain suburbs of Paris trying to find some young A-rab boys to stick his little winkle up. See how his peaceful friends take to that.

  7. Dear Owen, Here are a few suggestions, 1 Fuck off and die. 2 Play with an automatic pistol, preferably a loaded one with the safety off. 3 Fuck off to the E.U, don’t let the door hit you in your abused ass on exiting. 4 just go to some peaceful country, and give it some speech on shirt lifter rights. Then see the ground coming to meet you as you approach terminal velocity. 5 cancel yourself. 6 Volunteer for bayonet practice with you as the target. Or meet up with some real far right fellas and let them give you a right shoeing, not that half arsed ballet they allegedly carried out last time.

  8. We need to fight for a democratic Europe. What an ignorant thick cunt. In his eyes democracy means everything he believes in, everyone else is a fascist. Even Gruniad got pissed off with him. Fuck off.

    • More than that, if “we” (ie you peasants) need to “fight” (ie write echo-chamber articles) for a “democratic Europe” the clear implication is that Europe is currently not democratic. True for you, boy, but that is probably not quite the picture you wished to convey?

  9. I got chased by a large group of lads last night, some of whom were carrying flour and water.
    I was thinking, if they catch me, I’m getting battered….

    • 3 blokes jumped me last night but I managed to knock one out.
      It might seem an odd occasion to have a wank but I figured if this was going to be my last night on earth I should make every effort to enjoy it.

  10. Should you wish to contact Mr* Jones, his representative is to be found at New Left Books Ltd, 6 Meard Street, London W1F 0EG. Fascinatingly, one of the directors of this outfit is a Mr. Tariq Ali….very likely that Tariq Ali.

    * Assuming that that is indeed his/her/ its/their/yibble’s pronoun

      • You are of a certain age (as am I) and I claim my £5. An immigrant not-very-proletarian champion of the masses with (oh yes) an Oxford PPE degree. My guess would be that SIS recruited him a long time ago, but it seems that he was under such comprehensive surveillance for most of his career that this would have hardly been necessary.

  11. Watching the london protests. 2 tier policing again. Heavy handed, punching. Picking people off for no reason. Telling press people to leave.

    Fucking disgrace.

    • BLM protest = Very good and mainly peaceful, including excessive damage to property, monuments and the Police kneeling down in front of racist, aggressive protestors.

      Extinction Rebellion protest = good including the Police partaking in the quaffing of Greek olives, French cheeses and 5 origin coffees with the middle/upper class protestors.

      Anti lockdown = Very bad protest, including Police brutality and multiple arrests of mainly working class protestors.

      • Fortunately recorded and reported by numerous non MSM independent youtubers.
        If the majority white people of the UK, actually saw, digested and computed this footage, we may get the real revolution that is needed.

      • These anti lockdown protests are either completely ignored by the mainstream media or relegated to a snippet halfway down the news page where the numbers reported are grossly understated.

        Very strange.

      • All the protests in Europe have missed the MSM. Really got to dig to find this shit

  12. Owen Jones is a total gob shite.

    LGBTQ rights… Homophobia…. Far Right Hate…. Islamophobia…..Tory Party bad…Labour party good… LGBTQ (again)…. Blah blah fucking blah.
    The annoyingly woke buzzwords and phrases roll off this cunts tongue at a thousand mph.
    Especially if he’s being debated and his claims debunked.
    Interestingly enough, as one of the UK’s most divisive little shitstains, he is regularly given a media platform to spout his bile.
    Fuck off and live in Belgium and sit on Guy Verhofstadt’s face while you’re there you little twat.

    • I daresay Owen is far too old for any of the parliamunters in Brussels, his over thrashed ringbit would make the Kalgoorlie superpit look petite.

    • I get the distinct impression that a little twat on his face would be right up Verhofstadt’s street, along with at least half the rest of the EU bunch.

      How coincidental that the seat of the EU is planted firmly in the Benelux, made up 2/3 of the countries with the worst sex abuse, trafficking and ‘kinder surprise’ porn records in Western Europe, from their filthy sewer-den city streets right up to their highest political and dignitary echelons. And that one of those countries also owns Sint Maarten in the caribbean, which happens to be a stone’s throw (by Jiss-lane Maxwell captained submarine, at any rate) away from Epstein Island.

  13. Late news: Hilary Mary-Ann Benn is popping up on the Wireless 4 news summaries, with one of his finger-wagging lectures, anti-Brexit, of course. He should get together with little Owen , the thinking pansy’s rough trade.

    • I think Owen gets a unfair deal on here.
      A expert on everything, a published author,
      A accomplished martial artist,
      From humble beginnings to heady stardom,
      Hes fought for his beliefs with petitions to roundhouse kick and one inch punches.
      You people make me sick,
      Jealousy is a ugly emotion.
      (Only because you have posters and t-shirts of him in your seedy bedroom – DA)

      • Day admin, you yourself must acknowledge his speeches are inspiring?
        I assume thats what you meant when you said “Owen gives great oral?”

  14. Oh well, tomorrow is the final deadline ( how many final deadlines is it now?) so little Owen can shut the fuck up.
    Yeah…… neither of those things are going to happen.

  15. ISAC should keep a close watch on Owen CUNT Jones’s inevitable, future decline. Now that he is no longer gainfully employed , he will need to rely on funding from his Marxist Mummy and Daddy, or from whichever fudge packing partner he is able to leech from. Soon to be listed for hire on one of Lords Adonis‘s or Lady Mangledbum’s favourite website?

  16. Owen Jones really is the poster boy for entitled millenial pricks who think the world owes them everything. Full of his own importance and empty of any real knowledge or experience.

  17. Over 17 million people voted leave you thick twat.We are a democracy.Leave equals leave dumbo.Oven for this bum bandit please Unkle Terry

    • I could quite go for a big mince pie with a few generous splashes of rum custard for the finishing touch now.

  18. The most obnoxious twat in the public eye(why??) by light years. Russell University degree or not as thick as two short arse bandit cocks. Completely devoid of intelligence just a head full of made up facts. Incapable of thinking on his feet and actually being part of a discussion. Could go on can’t be arsed Cunt.

  19. If ever the anti-Vaxers needed a poster boy, Owen Jones is it.

    He has been receiving sticky-white-love-piss injections up his arse (and orally), for years.
    He is possibly the biggest cunt in England.
    Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

  20. Jones will not be going near my Aunty Vax and especially my Uncle Dyson any time soon, I assure you!

    How ironic that the royal ship was named Q E 2, since far more queens have been on board him over the years.

  21. “Stay in Europe to change Europe”??? I think that ship sailed with Cameron’s “negotiations”. Also we aren’t leaving Europe Owen, that is a continent – we are leaving the EU.

  22. This weedy little wank fuck should have been passed around at Barrymore’s pool party, then beaten to death with a giant rubber cock, I hope he gets giant boils up his Anus.!

  23. So the biter of pillows wants to ignore 17.4m votes in the highest election turnout ever and he has the bare arsed cheek to claim he’s fighting for democracy. Cunt.

  24. I’ve only got this to say to the pallid twink,
    “ Are you feeling lucky punk? bugger off you filthy little cum-dumpster “

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