Norman Lebrecht

Norman Lebrecht, music “journalist” is a cunt.

For those of you who have managed to avoid this individual, he runs a classical music site called “SlippedDisc” where he puts up posts that would embarrass an inept 11-year old.

I often wonder if he is “Norm”, the hospitalised husband from Dame Edna’s excellent ditty “The Night We Burnt My Mother’s Things”…(and, come to think of it, no self-respecting refugee would’ve worn my mother’s frocks, either).

Nominated by: HBelindaHubbard

26 thoughts on “Norman Lebrecht

  1. Most critics,be it music,art,fine-dining etc,, are jealous Cunts who criticise those who “can” because they themselves “can’t”.

    PS…Why is he depicted as an oven-ready chicken going under Tower Bridge(?)

    • Indeed, Mr F…I’m as confused as you. The original 50 ft duck/pic was a stunt to publicise an online bingo site, I believe.

      • Evening Dick, Mr Cunt Engine.

        I believe the header artwork centres on an interest in the universality of our biological make-up and landscape; combined with Admin’s collective sense of the sublime, examining Lebrecht’s inbuilt hesitation as part of the process of decision-making, where the chicken’s body is neither the object of objecthood nor the art-object. Rather it is the oblique object of Admin’s true intentions.

        Hope that helps. 🙂

      • Excellent – a healthy diversity of opinion!

        That’s what we like to see here on ISAC. 👍

  2. Jesus, I have seen such a boring web site in a while.

    I’m off to read the TV Licencing website, makes for a better read.

      • Quite right. That’s what trying to reply on a small phone keyboard with shitty auto-correction does to you.

        That and lack of proof reading makes me a cunt.

    • I was mildly intrigued by ” ISRAEL PHIL DOES HANUKKAH JAZZ” but when I realised that it wasn’t an expose of Sir Philip Green fucking a transexual Rabbi,I lost interest.

      • Just scrolling through the articles, classical music seems rich pickings for the Deadpool for the amount of obscure musicians and conductors dying.

      • I thought that all of the classical music composers had died a couple of hundred years ago…no idea that Cunts were still churning the shite out.

      • Conducting music today is probably only part of it Fiddler if the Proms are anything to go by as they are busy mouthing off about BLM, Brexit and waving rainbow flags about.

      • Aye,if they’re anything to do with ” The Arts”,they’ll be Bummers..all “creatives” are…..most likely The Aids that’ll have got them.

      • Curse those effective, modern HIV drugs, eh Mr F?
        The country would be better off with a few thousand less degenerate h0mos and drug addicts.

  3. Classical not really my thing but I did see a performance by the Bermuda Philharmonic Society.
    An enjoyable evening apart from a strange moment when the bloke playing the triangle disappeared….

  4. I like classical music, except when some fat singer is warbling along to it, and tend only to listen to Classic FM these days (despite “Zander” Armstrong, Aled Jones & some other naff presenters). I can’t abide people who seek to analyse good quality music that has stood the test of time to the Nth degree with their own, worthless opinions. It would seem NL is one of these. An up his own backside, arty-farty, jumped up Nigel Dempster type gossip columnist for the classical music world. He’s notable for one of his books costing Penguin (his publisher) a fortune in court fees, damages and the recall of unsold books following a defamation case brought by one Klaus Heymann (founder of classical music record label Naxos) which they conceeded and settled before a High Court hearing took place.
    A c*nt who, as Dick F says, clearly can’t.

    • I did music at O” level and struggled not to resent the music because of the analysis we were forced to do. Same with English Literature. I like what I like because I do, simple as that.

  5. If criticism was worth money we’d all be loaded on ISAC!

    I can decide if I like something or not, critics are cunts who use way to many words to say good, bad or indifferent.

  6. I recall that utter cunt David Walliams did a regular radio show about classical music and composers, which was riddled with innuendo and Carry On style ‘ribald facts’ about the likes of Beethoven, Chopin, Dvorak and so on.

    Needless to say, it was absolute crap and yet another celebrity cuntmangle trying to turn something serious into something ‘funny’. Which leads me on to my next cunting….

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