Nicola Sturgeon (23)

Here we go again – Wee Krankie, Nicola Sturgeon.

Have just listened to her being interviewed and must admit she is the most reasonable sounding deranged loon I have ever come across.

Scottish covid deaths and a far worse record than England – nae bother even though she waited at every turn to see what England would do and was entirely responsible for measures taken.

Independence – Och Eye the noo. Thriving jock economy. No mention of currency or what the thriving jock economy actually is.

Scotland joining EU. – Och Eye the noo. Nae bother and see you by the way, there will be no harrrd border with England, their biggest market. So there wont be all the fucking posturing as with the Irish borrrrder then? Nae bother, by the way.

The Scottish people must hae their democratic right tae determine their status. (Again. After a once in a generation vote)

The fucking jocks deserve this demented harridan. The sooner they fuck off to the sunny uplands of the EU the better. They can all go au pairing in Bulgaria.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

46 thoughts on “Nicola Sturgeon (23)

  1. Go for it Nicola!
    Hope you win.
    Then we can tell you to fuck off and go begging to the Germans for a handout.

  2. The people of Scotland do deserve this erm ? ! Words fail , cunt. Got it cunt. Because they voted her and her party into power. So fuck em daft bastards all the way down the swanny until they vote her out. Essentially a mega cunt in charge of a load of stoopid stoopid cunts.

    • The expression ‘ Fool me once ,shame on you; fool me twice ,shame on me.’ has never been more appropriate.
      Ironically, the first time I heard these words uttered they were said by Scotty of the original and best starship Enterprise.

      • It’s never had any positive effect here mind, the mouth breathers keep voting and the same sacks of shit end up in charge.
        The sweatys have wee Jummy (sic) and we get BoZo the clown.
        Rinse and repeat,twas ever thus.

  3. Scotland’s largest importer of its goods and services is the rest of the UK, some 60% of total. The rest, around just 30 billion pounds per year, goes to the EU and the rest of the world.

    Scotland’s main exports are salmon, energy and whisky. Has the lovely Nicola learned nothing from the EU negotiations? An independent country with no EU support, cutting itself adrift from its largest export market? Not the best move, perhaps, eh Nicola? For her sake, she can only hope her supporters see through the salmon smoke and mirrors.

    A timely nomination.

  4. Perhaps an STI has addled her brain?

    She wants independence from Britain, with the advantages for her, that she can look big by spending big, albeit based on our charity, then as soon as she has independence she wants to shackle her country to the EU fascists?

    Where is the independence in that?. Go boil your hea’

    Demented old cunt

  5. The Scottish Nazi party is voted into power by Glasgow, and Dundee. So successful is the Scottish Nazi party for its voters that Glasgow has an average life expectancy just above Iraq. Way to go Nazis……

    • Legohead hates the English,
      Think way back in history one of the family fell at Culloden,
      Wee squarehead Davey Sturgeons blood stained the heather, and they still lament him to this day.
      Scotland deserves better than Nicola, that talking pig she owns,
      And her old boss with the busy hands .
      Ive never heard of a country voting in independence and voting to stay, surely that tells her something?
      But no, shes a one trick pony.

  6. Don’t know about the Scottish People but she’s done a wonderful job of convincing most English People that it’s time for Scotland to have it’s Freedom from the wicked Sassenachs who have oppressed them for too long.

    Who knows? Perhaps she’ll get together with Macron and reform The Auld Alliance…another poisonous little Cunt who allows his blind hatred of The English to over-ride long as they get one over on The English, tae Fuck with the long-term consequences.

    Give Scotland it’s vote and if they are so stupid and short-sighted as to decide to go..well,good. Most English people have had a gutful of their bigoted,parochial Leaders,anyhow.

    • If Wee Nicola knew just how many times I’ve broken her “No English Allowed To Cross The Border” mandate,she’d blow a gasket….perhaps I should ring up and tell her.

      • I also had a piss round the back of the closed public toilets in Jedburgh recently….defiled the sacred soil of Scotland!..I’d have squeezed out a shit too but I was frightened that The Gay Gordons might catch me with my bomb-doors open.

      • Careful doesn’t the Queen of the South hang out round those parts?
        Or is it hang oot….

      • Dick – after independence, I can just see you lying in wait on the Border astride Black Bess, waiting for any poor Scot to cross looking for work.
        After you’ve finished humping Black Bess, you leap out wearing full highwayman’s gear (the mask is purely for Covid purposes, not to conceal your identity.)
        “ Your scotch or your fuckin’ life! “

  7. The rise of the Krankies wasn’t part of Phoney Tony’s plan. The Scottish Parliament was supposed to be packed with New Labour parasites until the end of time, therefore independence wouldn’t be an issue.
    Still, he fucked off and filled his pockets with dirty money so no harm done.

  8. As a Jock living in England can I just say , with all the dignity I can muster , she is a Cunt.

    Economically her mad plan only works with oil at 150 dollars a barrel- no fucking mention of that on the BB raping kids C – the cunts.

    The funny thing is she destroyed the Labour vote which guarantees a Tory govt. I hope the poison dwarf cunt thinks of that as she dies.

    Did I mention she’s also a Cunt ?

  9. I hope they vote to leave, but if they did our governments history of negotiations with other leaders is woeful.
    The little ginger cunt would stitch us up, only to see special needs Boris tell us what a good deal he’s got for us.
    The eu would have a trojan horse, if they allowed the men in skirts wino bastards to join the club.
    If they didn’t allow them to join, this venomous little rodent would go cap in hand to the ching-chongs. That is how much she hates us.
    At least Glasgow would be free of stray dogs if she took the sweet and sour yen.
    I used to think we were stronger with Scotland in the union and liked the jocks.
    Not anymore, the dislike of England has spread noticeably in the last 10 years, sooner they’re allowed to leave the better.
    I just hop it’s nasty Nigel who’s in No 10 by then.

  10. There’s an article in today’s Telegraph (paywalled unfortunately) regarding a new pamphlet her government have produced with regards to “social etiquette and pandemic politeness” (I shit you not!)

    It’s basically a snowflake’s guide not to offend people when it comes to keeping your distance, not being hugged and what to do – politely – if someone isn’t wearing a mask.

    For example (and I quote)

    “if a stranger in a supermarket breaks two metre distancing, it suggests saying “I’ll step back and give you some space – it’s tricky in busy spaces to keep to 2 metres isn’t it?”

    Meanwhile, if a friend attempts a hug, the ‘pandemic politeness’ guidelines suggest saying: “I so want to hug you! But I guess we have to wait until it’s safe. I don’t want to risk harming you or anyone else you are in contact with. I’m giving you a virtual hug”.

    ….and that’s just a couple of examples.

    Inevitably it is being mocked on social media; and when questioned, Krankie said she had “no idea how much public money was spent on this campaign”

    Even her own supporters are trying to distance themselves from this patronising example of nanny-statism

  11. Wasn’t the cunt also just accused of siphoning off around a billion pounds from the covid relief fund, paid for by the UK tax payer, and unabashedly shifting it into the Scottish independence kitty instead?

      • I was always bagging him and I think I was the first to find him, unfortunately he was stolen again and I had to cancel out. RIP Chuck a truly great American hero and as someone has just said on Wireless 4 a really nice, modest man. You can see that from the U-Tube videos.

      • Yep, I’ve just noticed that. I’ll do the post in a bit – if Shaun doesn’t beat me to it and gets his picks in first anyway.

  12. Tenacious, and wholly committed. Stands and fights for what she believes. Even though she is flawed, you have to think “I wish we had that in Westminster.

    • I don’t know, she’s a one trick pony who is big on rhetoric, and poor on delivering on promises. And, a colossal hypocritical cunt
      That’s Westminster all over.

    • Not really, she’s as mad as a shit house rat and a dangerous individual.

      Like most collectors (for she is a collector) the reality of getting something is not as much fun as the chase and if she gets her ID4 day I would imagine she will vanish pretty quickly.

    • She is very rarely challenged by the MSM who seem to fawn over her. The only person who has had a real go is Andrew Neil
      and she fell apart when he interviewed her. He doesn’t like the SNP much.


    Don’t know why anyone else thinks there’s anything worth adding, quite frankly.

  14. Off topic but apparently the second person to get the vaccine is a Mr William Shakespeare. Doesn’t look too bad for his age either.

    • Wait until the cunt mutates into a fucking lizard of money…or maybe a grey?

      I heard it today on the wireless, all these old cunts lining up to be pumped full of shit while the Nazi doctors looked on and the BBC went into orgasmic raptures…..maybe they could include you TV license onto the injected microchips?

  15. She’s mental.Dangerous.Unhinged.Cart her off to the funny farm.One of those white coats which ties up at the back.As the Scottish Cyclops said bigoted woman.

  16. I believe in a United Kingdom. Devolution was a massive mistake, and Labour want fucking for it, all it did was give encouragement to nationalists.
    I’d give the people of Scotland another referendum, a final decision, one way or another, if they vote to stay, good, if not,then clean break, no Barnet formula, proper border, the works. If they want to use Pound Sterling as currency, that’s up to them, some countries use the USD. The thing is, they would have no control over it,so the BOE call the shots.
    The real fun starts when Shetland tells Scotland to Fuck Off. That’s when Scotland goes back 200 years.
    Northern Ireland is already lost, thanks to Boris putting a border down the Irish Sea, which leaves Wales, who will stay with England, because, for the most part, they’ve got more sense.
    Those who follow the thin lipped fanatic will be sorely disappointed.
    Good morning.

  17. I fucking believe in you. Give us a Celtic Union. Wales, Scotland, all of Ireland, Cornwall, the Falklands, Gibraltar, anyone and everyone else. Leave England to become the Islamic cesspool it’s well on course to become.

  18. Nicola sturgeon is like Celtic or Rangers-delusions of ability and the way they are perceived as a “big” club. In fact, just big fish in a small pond full of minnows.

    Scotland is the parasite feeding on the host England, under the deluded belief that without this symbiotic relationship, they will thrive.
    Cut them free and let them learn the hard way. I guarantee a brain drain – a mass exodus to the south east.

    Sturgeon is a cunt, drunk in power and Scotland needs her like we need Covid 19?

  19. If Wee Nippie gets her Scottish Independence the extremities will want independence from the Central Belt Glasgow Embra cluster. The Islands will take their oil, and fish and whisky and tourism and leave.
    Then the South will decide that being a dumping ground for windmills is not a winning formula, especially when England decides not to pay subsides as well as accepting the surplus on windy days and making up the difference in calm days.
    Wee Jimmy’s policy will be “If someone is having fun we have to stop it. And tax it (‘cos we have no other source of money, or “funding” as they like to call it.
    Somebody, way back in her youth was bad to her and now it is payback time. Or she had a drunken uncle – the family bad yin.

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