A “These-You-Have-Loved”, hit of yesteryear, “whatever happened to///?” cunting please for golden oldie Welsh windbag Neil Kinnock, former Labour leader (failed), EU bottom feeder and wild eyed buffoon.
Just in case you thought he was dead (I certainly did! – DA), just to show a few organs are still working, he got out a crayon this week to write a piece for The Guardian, to save you having to read that expensive bog paper, here it is digested by Yahoo:
Even Blair has admitted it would be stupid to try to rejoin, apropos Heseltine’s senile idea this week, but Kinnock, like Gaylords Adonis & Mandy just can’t let it go – after all, he, his raddled old wife and bald cretinous son have all done very well out of the EU – far better than most of us. Self serving motherfucker.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
(Must be a Dead Pool favourite surely! – DA)
No doubt he thinks that since the President Elect once ripped off one of his speeches, he is now relevant again.
He thinks wrong.
Total twat. Demonstration of the career politician in action. Did nowt but fucked over the daft sods that voted and supported him made millions of pounds out of his career as a politician. A bent money grabbing false socialist wind bag. His cunt of a son now following his morally bankrupt footsteps. cunt
-Two faced✔️
-untrustworthy ✔️
-Oven? ✔️✔️✔️
A well deserved “lovely lovely lovely” cunting for the greatest asset the cuntservatives ever had-until the flabbapottimus ?
Like the corrupt cunt Scargill and other “socialists” (B’liar / Khan / Burnham), acts like the people’s champion whilst feathering his nest.
One if the few people whi’s Spitting image puppet was actually complimentary. Although to Neil, complimentary means grabbing as much “free” stuff as quickly as you can?
Get back to the valleys-they’ll be a warm welcome in the hillsides.
Or maybe not?
One of the Grand Poo-Ba council of EU Apologists because the folding stuff goes directly into their banks, Kinnochio will never say never. Regardless of the detriments to Britain, the subjugation, the laws, the free movement of criminals, he’ll keep the Reich flag flying. As they say in the valleys, ‘EU über Alles.’
If all of these past-it Politicians had been a bit less keen to let the EU fuck The UK to the point where the people said ” We just want out”, there wouldn’t have been all this bother. Instead they happily sat back and let the EU take increasing liberties and interfere in British life while they hid behind the “There’s nothing we can do,we are subject to EU laws”…and in The Kinnock’s/Heseltine/Mandelson etc. cases were very well rewarded by the EU for their lack of action.
Kinnock was The Quintessential Windbag..a lodestar for aspiring Gobshites everywhere.
Good morning Mr F…I trust you’re well?
I remember as a child what a cunt Kinnock was for failing to negotiate some small pebbles and dipping his ginger backside in the sea…
Morning,Mr. Cunt-Engine.
I am well,thank you…not sure how long it’ll last…I’m thinking about going into town to buy some Christmas essentials…Bushmills,blue cheese, Port,tin of Quality Street etc..the thought of mixing with screaming brats,fat chavvy women,doddery old farts and assorted determinedly “jolly” Christmas shoppers fills me with dread.
Never mind opening an hour early for “our front-line heroes”, fucking shops should open an hour early exclusively for the better class of shopper…like me.
@ DF-F: I most strongly recommend the Co-Operative Emporium’s excellent Stilton. Pick up a case of their weirdly-named ‘Yellow Legs’ Australian Pinot Grigio while you’re there. Addictive.
(This has been a pre-emptive post aimed at former servants of the Empire whose inflated stipends no doubt paid for inferior, if unaccountably prestigious, products from the likes of Waitrose. You know who you are)
Quite. How did a simple ‘common market’ idea become such a hot bed of unsolicited rules, law making and a general bullying dictatorship? If only the referendum in the 70s had gone the other way. We would certainly be free of 99% of the Eurofilth B’liar gave a free reign to. Ok, we would all still be washing our own cars because Parvel and co wouldn’t be here, but I would bet my pension that the UK would have been a far safer, more prosperous and contented place without it. Fuck the meddling corrupt EU. I hope a few more members take the plunge, and finish off Kinnock and Co’s gravy train. Hopefully if they do their leaders wont be as spineless as our last 3 and stand up for their people.
Ok, I give up. The Kinnocks have got me banned somehow.
I blame Margaret Thatcher.
If the coal mines were still open this cunt could have visited one and either fallen down a mine shaft or got buried under a slag heap.
Then he wouldn’t have to fret about the uneducated masses telling Brussels to Get Fucked.
Complete self serving vermin.
we ain’t leaving rather having a ‘closer relationship’ with the eu than before as May and Johnson have both said – what part of leaving don’t you understand – kinnock died several years ago it’s his body that just won’t let go – all flabber and flubber
Even the Germans are having a laugh at our futility of escaping:
German comedy! It comes to something when Britain is the focus for German humour (surely von ov se greatest ever oxymorons).
I just don’t understand what peoples problems are with a self serving champagne socialist too much saliver in his mouth welsh slaphead?
Itd of been for the best if hed of drowned on that beach….
He’s a would have been if it weren’t for being a slap-head ginger cunt, but at least he was the last ‘Labour’ leader that Labour ever had, as much as I despise them. I remember the NCB, ‘Coal Not Dole’, and going down the local workingmen’s club to get our food parcel back in 84/85. He wasn’t ‘awwriiight’ but he wasn’t Scargill’s lapdog ring-sucker either.
My dear departed dad used to call this cunt Neil pillock, he would have loved ISAC he was even more sick and twisted than i am……
Could it have something to do with the fact thousands of people employed by the EU earn more than national leaders?
An old article from Wales Online states the Kinnocks made an estimated 10 million from the EU.
That’s a lot of money for a socialist……
That’s a lot of money for anyone! Apart from a billionaire.
Maybe he wasn’t ‘awwwright’ then. Maybe he was just a scum-sucking cunt after all. Like Peter Hain and Huw Irranca-Davies who followed him.
Hain started off with a pathetic campaign office in Ystradgynlais that’s now a charity shop.
Irranca-Davies is part of the ‘Giovanni’s’ empire of chippies across the South Wales peninsula. When I worked in Social Services, we had a referral in on one of his kids, just saying.
Leave Kinnock alone you cunts. He stands tall with Drakeford and Windsor Davies as one of our great comedy actors. Lovely boy.
At least Kinnock isn’t an ex-social worker with a convicted rapist and pee-dough for a son, unlike Dickford.
Sins of the father are visited on the son…or some such rubbish.
A fat cunt and a convicted sex criminal…such lovely people we have in charge.
I was a Social Work Assistant for the last 8 months, a job I’d fucking coveted after being SSD admin for 20 years. I’d reckoned without COVID bollocks in theory stopping you from doing anything and everything the job should entail. I got around it by just flat out lying about what I was and wasn’t doing with my cases. But the pressure of getting ‘caught out’ got too much for me in the end. I did fucking good work with my cases though. My favourite was a 6 year old with ADHD (genuine) who I got to regulate his behaviour with some simple self-reminder tactics and subtle changes of language towards his younger brother annoying him. When I told him I was ‘moving on’ he was despondent, as I was for him. These despots are CUNTS.
Is he oven ready?Piss off to Euroland you Welsh twat.Push him off a cliff
Boil the whole fucking family in a vat of piss then stick em in Terry’s oven.
I honestly thought this old grasping useless self-important windbag was wormfood a long long time ago!
Imagine my disappointment when I read this nom a few minutes ago to discover this old grasping useless self-important windbag is still stealing oxygen, and feeling he’s still worthy of a seat at the adult’s table!
What is Cunt in Welsh?
As my mother unceremoniously announced to me and my older brother who had used it, one night, “I know what that word means… it means cunt”.
I fucking love my mum.
That word could be leavened with a vowel or two
Good Scrabble word though
This Cunt couldn’t even win against that cretin Major. What was his next career – Oh that’ll be in the EU. Then he got is wife ( also a Cunt ) a job and then their fucking spawn. He was so fucking corrupt his Mrs had to resign as PM of Denmark.
This ginger shit stain was in charge of corruption at the EU. When an MEP was reported for swindling cash the girl who reported him was fired for ‘ bringing the EU into disrepute ‘ A top cunting and I hope he fucking steps in front of me when I driving. What a Cunt.
I hope you drive a steamroller…
This useless honking wind filled bald cunt made Labour unelectable for years. Laughable how he he went gunning for ‘rogue elements’ and the Militant Tendency (although they were admittedly cunts), yet Kinnock allowed and even endorsed the rise of Satan Blair and all the hell he brought on the UK (open door migrants, Iraq, closed pubs, smoking ban, military graves, infestation of Pak-A-Maks, Somalifilth and Dooshkas, closed post offices, Afghanistan, caving in to those Sinn Fein scum and so on). Kinnock is as much to blame as Blair is. Cunts, the pair of ’em.
And let’s not even start about Kinnock and his revolting family riding the EU Parliament gravy train. eh?
I still remember a Kinnock speech (or song) from the 1987 Spitting Image General Election Special.
‘It’s worse than all your deepest fears. I’m so bad, she’ll be in for years’.
And that’s pretty much how it was. Labour were fucking abysmal and no threat whatsoever to Maggie. People even preferred the Owen/Steele alliance to Kinnock’s goons. That just shows how bad Labour really were.
I remember a picture of the addled old fart at, I think, a tube station, having to be shepherded through by his cowson. Senior looked completely vacant.
Like many others, I was surprised to hear he was still defrauding the planet of oxygen.
His son is a drip off the old cunt too.
But seeing Kinnock reminded me of another bit of TV I saw today, a heartbreaking advert for Save the Children featuring a dying little baby, unable to ask for help. The advert urged you to give just £2 a month to help save her.
If 11,000 people responded with £2 a month, that would not save the little baby, but it would exactly pay the £264,000 per year salary of Neil Kinnock’s daughter-in-law Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Chief Executive of Save the Children and wife of MP Stephen Kinnock. Indeed if 20,000 people gave £2 per month, that would probably cover Mrs Stephen Kinnock’s salary, her other employment costs and the money paid to Sky for the advert. When you toss in Stephen’s salary and expenses, the Stephen Kinnock household are bringing in just shy of a cool half a million pounds a year from public service and charity work. …..The use of charities as a massive cash cow for the political classes is a real concern.
I’ll save my cash not save the children- I might offend them due to my pasty complexion
When he was leader of the Labour party, he was fairly on the fence about the EU. It’s only since he and that miserable skank wife of his became EU ‘ambassadors’ that they’ve jumped on the bandwagon to save their pensions. I am/was a remainer but democracy is what it is. Fuck off to the welsh (sic) windbag.