Natalie Morris and Faima Bakar of
These cunts write that white people are “trash”, that all white people are racist, that anti-white racism doesn’t exist (the stupid cunts), that the Muslim grooming gangs are “no problem” and “a myth” (the pedo-defending cunts), that white people are all privileged – even though Morris’s dad was a wealthy TV presenter who got her a job at ITV – the hypocritical RACIST CUNT!
Nominated by: Seanie
Supported by: Dickie Dribbler
Admin, 2 possible links for your use should you decide to run with the nom. Too many other links for Morris & Bakar on to go through to pick out any other specific articles to back up the nom claims made by Seanie (see for example
Incidentally Morris’ dad was the late Tony Morris from ITV Granada Reports in the North West.
I don’t know who these cunts are but the Metro is a shit rag. It is a free version of the Daily Mail, the latter rag being for right-wing people who are too thick to read the Telegraph.
The Metro has to be given away; that tells you everything you need to know about it.
TT GG@ – it it’s free you are the product.
How would she cope if roles were reversed?
All brown people are trash, all brown people are racist, the KKK aren’t a problem, are a myth, that Indian (guessing here) people are privileged (and they are massively over represented at the highest education centres).
The story would be front and centre on TV news, newspapers, interweb stuff, for evermore.
Remember kids, its us that are wrong.
Get to fuck.
*royalties paid some time in the distant future if any cunter has coined that sign off*
Never heard of her, thank fuck. Cunt..
These two on fire?
Why not?
As ever, it is so awful living here that they want to leave the country. I do hope that they are able to find the perfect place to live.
Bakar is originally from Bangladesh which she always writes positively about whilst slagging off England as racist – Bangladesh being about 90% muslim now because all the minorities have to flee from the unchecked murder, rape and pedophilia inflicted upon them by the “religion of peace” cunts.
Exactly. Deport or roast in Unkle Terrys oven. I don’t care which.
Shit doesn’t burn,
Oh it fucking will.
Thankfully, the one thing I can say with near certainty is that since they invariably live in London or the Home Counties I have almost no chance at all of bumping into one of these cunts.
Bakar resides in some East London muslim hellhole which is rapidly degenerating into Bangladesh (the turd’s shithole of origin). One of her articles was about how the English countryside is racist!
Always a good time to revisit this
The minute they are challenged they crumble but when they can’t claim racism they disintegrate
That was a great find, and pretty much sums the bastards up – they really have no idea what it is they stand up for, or even want.
Moggie63 whenever I challenge BLM advocates on this question I ask them but what if I was black and asked this question. What do you want? I get the nobody of colour would ask such a question.
I show the video and then
I point out how they quickly divide themselves and bring race straight into that divide. With nothing to say they Play the race card
Of course Black Lives Matter it would be stupid to say and racist to say otherwise but I feel that the aims and methods of BLM are pushing the narrative back many years and there need to be another way. In fact the way that we were progressing until some fuckwit cop who had a personal gripe with a nasty piece of work decided on the 25th May 2020 to carry out his duties as he did.
However when we arrest Boris and Matt and Rishi and Whitty for the crimes they have committed against our once great nation I would like the arresting officer(s) to have undergone their training in Minnesota
Brilliant! Thick fuckin cotton picking cunt didn’t even know what she was moaning about ? CUNT!
With 16 pints the one in the picture might be worth a necklace.
Just not a pearl one.
Fuck me man!
She looks like Abu-fucking-Haamza?
Natalie &faima, or curry & chips as theyre commonly known are racists.
But then so am I,
But at least im not a paki or paki lover.
So we’re all sorted!
Fucking right MNC, the mere sight of a paki is enough to make this Englishman want to puke.
Sewer rats Thomas.
Sewer rats?
This would be somebody murdering somebody, spitting on their corpse and saying “you murdering scum!”
Leftwing self-awareness at it’s finest people.
Watching Douglas Murray interviewed recently and he went into depth about this, the aim to for equality but to actually promote minorities as more evolved superior beings.
It’s brainwashing, we are being taught we are inferior and must submit.
Fuck off, white people are already the ream minority and if we surrender in our own lands we are done.
How would she deal with Mr Wentworth Day MP?
Our dog’s behaviour was getting a little bit excessive so I took him to vet.
I said, “I don’t know what to do, every time he gets close to our p@ki neighbour he gets really aggressive. What do you reckon..?”
Vet said, “Muzzle him.”
I said, “He might be, I did see see him once, standing outside the mosque”….
On the claim that Muslim rape gangs are ‘a myth,’ Peter McLoughlin’s book “Easy Meat” is a highly recommended and forensic account of the hellish practice and evil establishment cover up. The idea that his work is fictional is utterly preposterous. Patel’s report is utter crap, written by vile cunts who have no conscience.
I will stop there as I know an esteemed fellow cunter has a nom in the offing.
Chuck her off a cliff.Brown rat
That’s unfair to rats.
TT GG@ – it it’s free you are the product.
There is yet another bunch of Mudslime groomers currently going through the court system in Kirklees Bradford and Wakefield.
Scroll down the article and the names are listed, not a white boy to be seen.
Seems to be an ongoing trend, how many have there been so far 200, 300, more, I have lost count. And these two silly fucking whores say it’s not a problem
Correction, one white boy (maybe, well he has a whitish name ?)
It’s funny how nobody at the Metro bothered to call these two shitweasels out on their own, very blatant, racism. No, you pair of pricks. White people are NOT trash, woke, far left retards like you are trash.
I’ve complained to the metro several times and the cunts don’t even respond. Also registered two complaints with IPSO, they’re a total waste of time though.
Getting pissed off with these type of cunts slagging me off
If you don’t like it here FUCK OFF and stop wasting my air. Fucking cunts…..
If I want gobshite P@kis who think they own the world, I’ll book a weekend in Londonistan and go on the town with Suckdick Khan.
Fuck the Metro and fuck those two ISIS licking, BLM sucking, rapist loving skagbags. Every bus and train station in the UK is full of discarded Metros. They can’t even give the shite away.
PWWWAGPATSBACCBSM – This is my new movement. It’s called “‘Pregnant white women with a gun pointed at their stomach by a career criminal black sociopath matter”.
I bet it’s all a trick anyway, Bob. A BLM myth to spread anti-white hate. I bet the cunt isn’t even dead.
Saint Chicken Floyd George is alive and living in Dawn French.
I remember the 80s pop magazine Smash Hits used to ask this question to bands or singers they interviewed: ‘If you could wish anyone in the world dead. It wouldn’t be traced to you and it would be seen as natural causes. Who would it be?’
Well, these two scum cunts Morris and Bakar for a start. No danger.
Don’t like it here? Fuck off
Thanks for posting my humble cunting. I would like to add that a few days ago Bakar posted the following:
Basically a free advert for a lovely Christmas tome by none other than Asim Qureshi of CAGE, a man condemned by the government as an apologist (not to mention fundraiser and advocate) for terrorists and extremists, famous for describing Jihadi John as a “beautiful young man”, and a twitter associate of our semi-literate cunt friend.
Yes, after a year of demanding that “silence is violence” and white people have to be “anti-racist” and condemn everything, this silly jihadi cunt is now saying muslims don’t need to even condemn terrorism. I knew she was a cunt, but even I was surprised (a little).
P.S. if you’re interested, all their articles about race are collected here:
Many of them are quite (unintentionally) funny, such as the latest one from Morris about why it’s racist for white people to fancy black people! Some interesting insights into the rabid insanity of your average BLM woke cunt.
From one of her ‘articles’:
‘Transgender teen who began transitioning at four is having gender reassignment surgery’
’16-year-old Trinity Neal, from Delaware, U.S, knew that she was living in the wrong body before she had even started primary school.’
This makes me feel physically sick. To project such views onto minors is in my boo a form of child abuse and I would not, under any circumstance, wish for this author to be around a child of mine or any child for that matter, unattended. Children’s welfare is paramount and condoning as well as encouraging the defilement of their minds and bodies is a form of child child abuse.
And no, this isn’t the only time said author appears to have courted controversy. She appears to have a spiteful, vindictive and at times downright hysterical obsession with matters of race, religion, sexuality and gender; her primary target white people. And as stated, she never appears to do much beyond fire-and-forget, within her own self-infatuated social circle. No debate. No recourse. Just further and more protracted protestations on her part for which she seems to think she is beyond question. The real world doesn’t work like that, dear, especially with matters/accusations YOU chose to raise yet appear so reluctant to address beyond your own voice.
The apparent and sheer arrogance and hypocrisy of this individual, coupled with the degree to which her rants (privilege) are tolerated. Seems to me has not so much earned her position in life as been put on a pedestal, free to pretty much say what she likes and to free with fairness, accountability or truth.
None of came about by chance. The rag and other platforms she writes for are all littered with countless other operatives of the same ilk. The platforms affording their hypocritical bile know exactly what they’re doing, including exactly what to do when the author’s views and deeds are brought into question.
Having seen countless examples of her affronts within METRO and beyond, and not at all surprised she appears to have attracted so much criticism. And yes, I can go beyond name-calling, Faima. Any time you want a civil debate, why don’t you hit me up. Talking of hitting, your latest ‘Smashing Karens’ story contains an image under which you wrote and I quote:
‘No time for your white tears, Karen’
This appears to be yet another example of your tepid hypocrisy on issues you claim to care so much about. Attitudes like YOUR’S make me sick. You’re like a spoiled, obsessive little brat given a position you have neither earned nor deserve. YOU are the type of person who causes division, and suffering. You cannot live with your own rules and seek to drag everyone else down to your level, and when your plans inevitably fall apart around you your first and only recourse is to play victim.
You’re little more than a useful idiot. You do not possess the life experience or maturity to think for yourself, let alone lecture others. Your position is not earned. And every single day the civilized world questions your motive, agenda, and affiliation. And hiding behind sensationalist headlines won’t alter that in any shape or form – the likes of METRO can only fool some of the people, some of the time.