Matt is quoted in the DM article as saying “If you have, in future, flu-like symptoms, you should get a test for it and find out what’s wrong with you, and if you need to stay at home to protect others, then you should stay at home.” The DM say this implies the common cold.
Fuck me, if I have flu like symptoms, I know I have them, I don’t need a bloody test to tell me that I have a cold or flu and I’ll be staying at home, preferably in bed if I’m bad enough.
Matt also went onto say that the British work culture needs to change in that one shouldn’t go to work with a mild infection and pass it on by soldiering on. Actually I agree with that; I hate snotty people on the train or at work – they are just spreading their infection. What I don’t agree with is this mindset of ‘getting a test’. Are we really that stupid that we need a test for a cold? Where is all this money coming from for tests? Surely its cheaper to change the law to make it crystal that you’re not welcome at work until you are no longer a snot factory?
The article goes on to quote Matt “I want this massive diagnostics capacity to be core to how we treat people in the NHS so that we help people to stay healthy in the first place, rather than just looking after them when they’re ill.” How about you do more for healthy eating and preventative messaging rather than spunk it all on tests?
I detest this man; he is the living embodiment of a D minus homework score. He looks like he’s a 12 year old with ageing syndrome.
Nominated by: Cuntologist
And this from Cuntsince1066
Apart from fucking over the country, this man now wants sympathy because an elderly relative has died from Covid. Nothing else just Covid. (I can’t wait to find out the deceased age or other underlying health conditions). This cunt is now trying to hijack this death for the Covid bullshit he has inflicted on us for his own ends.
Apart from giving his pals hundreds off millions in PPE contracts this man has proved himself to be nothing but a cunt again and again.
The cunt was allegedly holding back tears, what a totally shallow cunt. When this all comes to an end and a scaffold is erected in Hyde Park I want to be the man in the dark hood holding his head for display to the baying crowd. Might even start watching some ISIS videos for ideas. I would consider it to be just Like watching YouTube on a how to fix a toilet or change a car battery instructional video.
Yes, staying at home is a great idea when you’re ill. Of course, any illness can be made much worse by not being able to pay the rent or energy bills, buy food or, in fact, anything else at all because zero hours contracts don’t pay you if you’re not at work and you are by no means guaranteed to get SSP. This cunt seems to think we all get the same salary package and expenses as him. Grow up and learn about the world around you, you entitled bastard!
It’s also worth pointing that if you’re just about surviving on the pay from 60 hours a week on minimum wage (many companies no longer pay extra for overtime, no matter how many hours you do) then SPP at £95 per week isn’t really going to help a great deal. But hey, you don’t want to infect the management.
That should, of course, be SSP.
I hadn’t considered people on zero hours contracts; you’re quite right. Such an arrangement reminds me of the people that turned up looking for work during the Great Depression only to be told ‘nothing today’. Today’s troubles just compound their misery.
Mass immigration from the EU has driven the zero hours contract culture, fuck them.
I sneezed all over my toast this morning.
I can’t believe it, snot butter….
It’s the lowest of the low to publicise a dead relative in order to sell an agenda that takes lives. This has always been about lives vs lives. Not lives vs economy, or NHS vs Tories, or any of that bunk. It’s lives vs lives. And, I can publicise a friend who committed suicide 2 months ago. Being that he had intermittent suicidal ideation throughout his life, he too was a vulnerable person, not 83 (as is the average age of C19 death) but 41. He expressly voiced his consternation at the effect lockdown would have on his mental health.
His life, apparently, is a price worth paying for a virus that is likely to never go away (like the seasonal cold/flu), has a death rate of less than 1% of those infected, and has hardly registered on the direct quality of life for anyone under the age of 80. The government are acting as if we can eradicate this thing as if this is an achievable end game. It’s not. And, Matt Handonhiscock is leveraging family bereavement to assuage our anger at the total insanity of neverending, pointless lockdowns.
It’s cowardly bureaucrats like this that prove big government is full of farcical nerdy virgins, thirsty for control over our lives as some kind of insecure megalomaniacal power fantasy. He’d be ineffectual if politics didn’t grant him some kind of sway over our lives.
Fuck this dripping little choady cunt.
Sorry about your friend. There’s barely been a mention of suicide rates from the bureaucratic dickwads or their MSM talking heads, yet I suspect the figure has risen dramatically.. enough to change hearts and minds if known widely.
It’s a fucking disgrace.
Thanks The Big Chunky Cunty
It’s tough all over. Hard times. I’m one of the luckiest ones. I’m able-bodied, warm, fed and around loved ones. Despite losing my industry (English teaching to ESL students) and having my own side-gig business put on hold (Muay Thai coach) I’m lucky I have my mother’s home to return to. The car went, my savings are dwindling and I’ve had to sign on for the first time in over 20 years. But, I have paid into this system consistently. Always been a straight shooter. So, I’m not losing ANY pride over it. I’ll keep paying my way, by hook or by crook.
But, imagine old people in homes, isolated from familial care or affection. Imagine single people, in social accommodation, alone, poor and facing down a Christmas where Cunts in Westminster um and ah over whether you can go to your folks to celebrate. Imagine having a business you’d built tirelessly for decades, brick and mortar snatched away by clueless, doddering bureaucrats with no experience in your realm, toying with your margins like it’s some chemistry experiment to see how the media will react. They shuffle the formula, tinker at the edges, scrap it, repeat it, turn it on its head. They’re pulling stuff out of their arse. All you can do is watch and react. You can’t plan. You cant make promises – to anyone.
All the self-employed, business owners out there who did the noble and brave thing of trying to forge their own destiny by being an entrepreneur are being fucked hard, dry and up to their throat by all this.
I’m so fucking angry. And, I’m the luckiest of the lucky. I know this. God bless those in a less fortunate position.
Epic post Flappy
Intelligent, articulate and passionate.
Our calls to mental health has rocketed. I include suicide/attempts in that. Two, last Friday, alone. One the day before, too.
12 suicides and counting in my campaign group DCI (ExcludedUK) – it represents the 3 million sole traders and self employed (myself included) who have received nothing since March and it is fucking gutting finding out who is the latest.
This is a silent scandal and I could not be more furious with Sunak the snake and the “Government” in general.
They need prison time when this whole rotten business is investigated.
Ivory Towers.
That’s the problem with Matty-the-twatty.
Like most of his “never had a proper job” cunty mates, he measures everything by his own personal circumstances.
I know people who gave been “seriously” ill and have had employers leaning on them to return to work-example, one of Europe’s leading solicitors, pressuring a family member to return to work after a full hysterectomy, just 4 days post op, when she was signed if for 6-8 weeks: one rule for them……
Hancock displaying the only privilege in Britain-class privilege ?
Send him to Scotland-plenty if free products fir this “bleeding cunt”???
‘Are we really that stupid that we need a test for a cold?’
You don’t work with the general public in a healthcare capacity! Fucking thick cunts who call 111/999 at the drop of a hat because, and I quote, ‘I want to be checked over’. Whine that they can’t get hold of their GP which is absolute bullshit as we call their GP in front of them, and, lo and behold, speak to them and make an appointment which the time-wasting cunts could have done themselves. 111 – those motherfucking cunts need a cunting all of their own, but it’s a bit niche – sent us to a Covid positive pt who, and I quote as it appeared on the MDT: ‘Feels unwell’, CAT 2!! Really?? Less than ten minutes on scene, the majority in lecturing. More time doing paperwork and Datixing 111. Other cunts call as they’re ‘Struggling to breathe’, despite answering questions from the 999 call handler. Worse is when some cunt calls on their behalf. CAT 1, and the cunts answer the fucking door to you themselves, speaking in full fucking sentences.. If you all realised the extent of the above time-wasting, every day, that goes on, you’d be horrified.
I have heard horror stories from a friend of a friend who is a nurse in A&E – people turning up with a bleeding finger that just needs a plaster! They should be given short shrift. I keep forgetting we have a nation with a big element of thick.
Not sure if I’ve already said this but he looks like one of those police missing person sketches. Very uncanny valley look to him.
We keep hearing about people not going to A&E because of fear of Covid but you can bet your life that a large proportion of the ones not attending A&E are the time wasters.
Re: the Noms-brilliant description.
Matt-the-twat, he actually does have the appearance of a 12 year old with progeria ?
A face that deserves slapping.
As has been pointed out it’s highly unlikely, that whoever he’s talking about died from from Covid alone. There was most likely some other cause like, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes…fucking old age.
But what really gets me is the Brave New world types are always looking for a way to identify, catalog and control the population. Massive diagnostic capacity my ass!
Here’s a novel thought…why don’t you fucking politicians…especially those of you who are in the government…worry about things like Brexit and actually, leaving the EU. Or how about this…stopping the flood of illegals crossing the Channel. Maybe even focus on lowering taxes and controlling spending.
You political cunts worry about that shit and let me worry about my health.
Playing the fucking victim so he can invent a new way to monitor the population. Useless political cunt!
Merry Christmas to all. ?
And kicking out the freeloading cunts from the EU living on the state, our weak bastard politicians cant even ship out Jamaican criminals, a plane load of 50 ended up with only 13 leaving because of fucking lawyers. Cunts! , if they have committed crime, are not British kick the cunts out end of story.
There was something on the box last night talking about reducing the UK foreign aid budget, the quote ‘It may be difficult to restore it to 0.7% because the reduction is popular’, too fucking true it’s popular, should have been dropped to zero.
Rant over ?
The next planeload should consist of all the fucking lawyers who are booted out mid-Atlantic. THEN start on the expulsion of the foreign criminals.
Hey sick,
Love the hashtags! ?
Merry Christmas to all. ?
Healthcare in this country is now on its knees due to Covid. GP surgeries are over-run with patients (25m being seen UK-wide in the space of 1 month) and we are now seeing cancer patients whose cancer has spread and is now terminal due to them not receiving treatment in time for possible remission. The NHS has a backlog of people seeking hip replacements, who are hobbling around in agony, hoping their turn will come soon.
Hand-on-Cock has summarily demonstrated that he is so hopelessly out-of-touch with what is actually going on in everyday lives that he thinks that the NHS has capacity to test everyone who has a sniffle. Test? test for what, exactly? This will also open the gates for thousands of lead-swingers to take time off work due to some to be tested, suspected viral infection.
Also, who is going to pay for this arseholery.
Matt the fucking prat.
And if you point this out to Hancock he would just say ‘Watch your tone’.
He’d struggle to say anything at all, unconscious and with half his teeth missing.
Rather than break down why this cock needs the death penalty imposed upon him urgently, I’ll proceed from the unanimous guilty verdict of treason and crimes against humanity instead.
So, the big day!
We’ll start with some ritual public humiliation. Shave his head and put him in a stocks where his head is near ground level. The public may only spit, guff, piss or shit on him. This will be strictly enforced, don’t want him getting an early exit! Mounds of shit shall be cleared to ensure adequate ventilation every 15 minutes. After 24 hours a pear of anguish shall be inserted up the batty and turned one revolution every 12 hours until the rear end ruptures, then the humiliation phase is complete.
Next some good old fashioned racking, stretch him out a bit. I’m sure he’s been too busy recently killing the country to take the time to do stretches himself. Also we don’t want him to get infected from the shit by touching his face with his hands, so we’ll add a nice sulphuric acid drip to his hands whilst he’s stretched, followed by a quick drying over hot white coals on one of those torture wheels that turns really god damn slow.
At this point he’s surely fatigued. We don’t want to prolong the torture as he needs some vitality for the main event! Which is, hanging upside down legs apart and a two man saw, starting at his genitals, cuts down through him to his head. Apparently a victim can survive quite awhile as the blood keeps going to the head.
His remains shall be sold as edible delicacies to the Chinese in order to refinance our debt.
Bloody hell that’s very nearly put me off my early lunch. Fortunately any mention of the rack always conjures images of a laughing 7 foot Charles Hawtrey.
Do I get the impression that you don’t particularly like the cunt?
I would PAY to pull the lever on this cunt, I would toy with him first though as he shat his corrupt friend contract awarding drawers.
Hancock is the most dangerous politician in country (with the possible exception of Gove). Boris is just a soppy puppet cunt. Hancock is preaching the cult of bone idleness that will suit the bovine, stupid, obese , backsliding, sponging bastards who now make up a huge and ever increasing percentage of the UK population. “Sick note” used to be pejorative term wherever I worked. Now it is seen as a badge of honour.
Yet another faceless personality-free cunt whose vaulting ambition far exceeds his capabilities.
Moon-faced cunt
Just replace Wankcock with Hitler, exterminate all those over 75 (they would die soon anyway), all Peacfuls and Dark types (they are susceptible to catching Covid) all people with underlying conditions (cant risk the fuckers taking up space in hospitals)
A public hanging for him.Him and the SAGE party have ruined our lives and country.I despise him.Adolf Handycock.
He’s just a rat in a barrel full of rats.
I fear that the Cock might be a candidate for the PM job when Blow Job realises what a twat he really is, falls on his sword and fucks off to the House of Cunts.
What a complete shower of shit we have for a government. All a bunch of self-serving career politicians safe in the knowledge that it doesn’t matter how badly they do in their government jobs, they will always find some cushy number in the private sector.
And expects lots of OBEs and knighthoods for those cunts at SAGE and other fuckwit talking heads that totally fucked up the pandemic crisis in this country, as well as screwing the economy.
Won’t Dominic Cummings get an OBE?
Matt Handlecocks was unable to establish a career in anything worthy, and thus had no option but to seek a place in Parliament.
Here’s another Cabinet Cunt
Gavin ‘the cock’ Williamson
There’s being patriotic and there’s being a cunt, I feel the latter applies.
Sure, I don’t care what the US or EU think, but publicly implying that the UK got the vaccine first because we’re a better country than any other is just political jockeying.
Let’s hope no one dies from the vaccine, cunt will be served up for breakfast, Tory, entitled, twat.
Also what kind of message does this send to all the raggy heads who are lined up on the shores of Calais waiting to come across – good own goal you utter cunt.
The thing about him is. He is positively enjoying this covid dishing out rules, with his smarmy face.
It comes to something when it’s all the old Tories like widdicome Duncan Smith ect who actually make any sense in this all.