Mick philpott is a cunt, Mairead philpott is a cunt and Criminal Justice System is a cunt.
These two fucking parasites drew up a plan to start a fire then rescue their kids to get a better council house, of course it failed. Six children aged 5 to 13 died.
There is so many aspects to this case I cannot mention them all due to brevity.
How the criminal justice system let them out is fucking indefensible, they should have died in prison.
Serving only 7 years, free to enjoy counselling, life coaching and new identity all at taxpayers expense of course.
The Criminal Justice System Is a load of bollocks to let this vermin out. The noun Cunt was invented for this trio, respect to Sir Limply Stoke for cunting mick philpott in 2013.
Nominated by: Cuntfinder Junior
….and seconded by: Freddie the Frog
Mairead Philpott
Say hello to mother of the year, Mairead, recently released after 7 years in nick for burning alive her six children. Now given a secret identity and looked after by the state for the rest of her stinking life. Sometimes I think the peacefuls have some good ideas…….stoning to death would be too good for this sub normal piece of shit.
...and here’s another from Obersturmbannführer Von Stink Finger , this time regarding Travellers
The UK Justice System and Travellers.
So PC Collins, the unfortunate Policeman skinned alive by the ethnic group called by wokes “Travellers” has had a refusal to increase the sentences of those who murdered him.
Yep you know travellers . Dusky women dancing by a campfire, earrings glittering in the dancing flames. While a gentleman of the road plays haunting melodies on a violin. The smell of hedgehog burgers wafting from the apple wood fire.
What a load of if Cunting romantic shit.
Animal abusing,cousin loving, flytipping, non tax paying , thieving untermensch.
Oh your a Traveller that’s ok you dont have to pay tax, you can flytip without prosecution, target the elderly, you can skin humans alive.
Fuck the justice system and fuck Cunting travellers.
Saw a documentary about the case a few weeks ago. Even her father thinks she’s a cunt.
In my view that pair of shitstains should have been charged with multiple murder and given a life sentence, with no prospect of parole.
There is a class of person who breeds without any idea of how to raise children or care for them…the children are just the result of benefit greed and a system that allows the “parents” to keep popping them out whether they are capable of parenting or not.
To call the Philpotts animals would be to do animals a disservice…animals care for their young…scum humans don’t.
The benefits system has much to answer for too:
The press conference photo-opportunity is vile. Where were the two cunts hiding the onion?
Unkle Tel’s oven, for a long, slow roasting for this pair.
They need handing over to ISIS. They’ll sort this pair of cunts out.
Look carefully Belinda – there were no tears! Tissues yes, dabbing dry sociopathic eyes, but no tears.
To be fair bludging vermin breed the same, she’s saved the taxpayer six lifetimes of benefits, health care and imprisonment costs
Having looked at the photos, I concur.
This is “is a cunt” after all, not The Guardian ?
I dare say it would have been more fitting if they had been burnt at the stake.
The criminal justice system is a hoax.
The philpotts are the Harry & Megan of UK crime.
A wicked deed done to young children, THEIR own children,
In petty revenge.
Im not joking when I say im a supporter of the death penalty and both these benefits scum should of hung.
Its natural justice and sets the scales square.
Remember Mick Philpott on telly offering out Anne Widdecombe? ??
What a cunt.
Hang em.
Indeed I do remember, Miserable:
One can only hope that Philpott stumbles into some heavy Karma.
Although I would need a more furtile imagination to dream up a fitting sequence of mishaps that Philpott would richly deserve to have befall him.
It’s a crying shame that the soft cunts that sanction and allow these despicable people to be let off the hook don’t suffer the same fate as the victims. Funny how punishment is more severe for not paying Council Tax or bad mouthing an ‘effnick’.
Controlled and coerced by a truly evil Man, but kill kids and you should spend the rest of your life in prison.
You are not fit to be free.
Council estate scum who should meet the same fate as the kids they murdered.
Mick Philpott used to always be in the tabloids as Britain’s worst benefits scrounger before this happened.
He loved the minor celeb status.
Gormless Mairead is obviously simple,
Thats not a excuse, id top her in a second, but shes not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
They lived like ‘shameless’
All at taxpayers expense,
Not genuinely needy just lazy, feckless, workshy scum.
People like this should be sterilised forcibly and put in labour camps.
Thats me being soft as its Christmas, normally id have the cunts rendered for candles and their lazy hides made into lampshades.
One of my Grannies, who was 1/4 kraut, had some lampshades in her dining room which looked suspiciously human hide…
A wonderful actress. She’l be on the red carpet at the Baftas with Shamima Begum with all the luvies clapping and cheering as both are clearly victims of misogyny.
This is what happens when cunts breed.
This is one of those cuntings that however justified doesn’t give any satisfaction. Mick Philpott was a cunt up till the point he set the house his children were sleeping in on fire.
Beyond cunting now, perversely the one thing he always chased throughout his life is now the one thing that will fuck him up, publicity.
Is he smart enough to keep his head down and become invisible? I doubt it, his ego will out him and he won’t survive long out here.
Seems Mick has to serve at least 15 years, neither of them should have seen daylight again.
The older I get, the more I’m convinced
that Adolf was on to something.
Filth like this should be offed.
Good afternoon.
In Nazi German if your kids messed about at school your benefits were stopped.
One of the very few ideas that they had which we should adopt.
So let’s get this right.
They needed more room at home. They wanted someone else to pay for it.
And what has she now got?
She isn’t a cunt…..but you are right fellow cunters. The Criminal Justice System certainly is.
I was hoping someone might put an end to this grim duo while they were in prison.
(O/T but hilarious….Breaking – Cunt calls cunt a cunt!
Was Campbell pissed/depressed at the time?
And in any case: the previous actions of Campbell is a classic case of pots, kettles, black (sorry, kettle of colour)
Campbellend writing in a quality rag like the mirror and calling out Johnson for being a cunt; that’s a bit fucking rich.
That’s a bit like Ian Brady calling out Peter Sutcliffe as a truly evil, nasty piece of work.
I suspect the only reason Campbellend woke at 4:00am was to pour himself another tumbler of cheap Scotch. The cunt.
He was only ever a tabloid hack (on the Mirror) until he crawled up Blair’s arse (and Martin McGuinness’)
Reducing complex issues to moronic soundbites is his speciality.
I misread that as “WaNking before 4 am”…
What a nice precedent to set!
Kill your kids,
do some half-arsed appeal to the media with lots of sobbing and boo-hoo-hooing
End up being found guilty
go to prison, do not pass go for at least 7 years, and then get released
get complete anonymity (remember the Bulger killers?) and probably a new house paid for by you-know-who
Expect a few more cases like this
I remember when this happened and Mr and Mrs Scumfuck appeared on the devils lantern. Being a sarky and untrustworthy cunt I called them as guilty from the off.
Felt fully justified when they were found guilty of turning 6 kids in to pop tarts. Should have been murder charges but in articles I’ve read they managed to get it knocked down to manslaughter.
Scrounging, fraudulent scum bags of the highest or lowest order.
Why the fuck she should get new identification and a life of luxury at the taxpayers behest is beyond comprehension
When the fire took hold they had the option of saving the kids or running, leaving them to burn to death and making up a cover story.
Option “B” was the one they went with – murder.
Prison, life – and a fucking good belting every Friday.
Fick Tosspot will be spending the rest of his life on the run.
Fancied himself as a bit of a daddy, now a thousand psycho chavs will be looking for him.
Happy Christmas Fick,try to stay away from sharp objects.
PS: don’t try too hard.
Except that Mairead is female, Cuntle…. unless she’s now self identifying as male. ?
A minor detail Ruffles, old bean, minor details don’t stand in the way of cunting.
He’ll be out soon enough so think of my post as a pre-emptive strike ?.
According to Messrs Twattcock, Halfwhitty and Unbalanced we’re going to all die of the chong snuffles* before that happens.
*Or become airborne and nocturnal with limited vision. #Ihatemoths
Still seven years to go before his minimum 15 yr sentence is up. I doubt they’ll ever let him out, he’s already as evil as Hindley & Brady combined in the public mind.
After 7 more years of increasing wokery he’ll be likely pardoned and offered compensation.
Fucking mass murderers. If I had my way these two cunts would be tied down in front of a steamroller and be crushed from the feet up. Fucking evil. As for the Criminal Justice System, it will never change until all the judiciary are subjected to the same shit that victims of cunts like these are put through. Perhaps if their families had been torched they might take a less obscenely lenient view.
So wonderful to hear of a “steamroller”! Many a CUNT will never have had the privilege of seeing one! Nevertheless a suitable end for a pair of utterly worthless CUNTS!
Pikies……filthy, asocial, thieving bastard cockroaches. If the people in your own country (Ireland and Romania) hate your guts fuck off to England. Plenty of free money, free land and the criminal justice system protects your Yewman Rites. (your yewman rites to do what the fuck you like)
Fucking pikeys are sub-human.
Inbred Oirish or Romanian cunts with eyebrows that meet in the middle, claim to be good “God fearing” folk yet regularly break every fucking one of the Ren Commandments.
Plus a few more:
-thou shalt not covet thy cousins ass
-thou shalt not leave thy horses to starve to death or give birth in someone else’s field
-thou shalt not spread a ton bag of pea shingle in a pensioners driveway, despite them saying no, then charge them £5000 and intimidate them into paying
Cunts-Hitler really was right when he was ovening these dirty cunts.
Aren’t there Australians who do this? Start a fire to be able to put it out so they can be the hero?
The scum de la scum.
Mrs and Mrs 8 Ace are alive and well.
Have very little faith in our legal system and even less so when some peaceful kiddy diddler who got 26 years for his awful crimes is out on license after 8. What is the fucking point apart from certain persons earning millions in legal aid. What the hell is wrong with a nice piece of hemp rope? I have the latest edition of the drop calculator. Bang to rights I would push that lever.
Common parasite scum who should be put down.
They should have burnt the cunt with a fucking blow torch!