Lord Heseltine (7)

A nomination for Fascist Old Fart Of The Year for the senile, pissed YFront user Lord H, who has a spiffing wheeze for bringing Britain “back into line”. How does mini Adolf want to do that? – well, of course, Remainers should start a campaign “immediately” (if not sooner) to rejoin the EU:


Why should they do that?. Well forgetting for the moment the personal gain old Micky Heseltine gets from the EU (several million each year in grants for his fucking private arbortorium (tree growing) – a vital component in our export drive, of course, it will ensure that Scotland stays part of the British Isles.

To be honest my response if Fuck off EU, fuck off Scotland (ditching them would mean they would have to be geneorous with their own money, not ours) and more importantly fuck off Heseltine, you disingenuous old cunt.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

45 thoughts on “Lord Heseltine (7)

  1. Hesseltine is a greedy amoral CUNT. He is allegedly part of a Caymans Island Registered tax avoiding development company which buys land at knockdown prices and then uses “persuasion” to obtain planing permission (even in the Greenbelt) from corrupt local authority politicians and planners. An utterly greedy deluded CUNT who should quietly disappear to count his ill gotten gains, which are too vast for the old bastard to spend before he dies.

  2. Nasty old remoaner cunt. Heard him on the radio just a couple of days ago bashing out the same old project fear bollocks. Don’t worry shithead, brexit won’t see you going short you fucking greedy old bastard.

    • Lord Heselslime@

      Never enough in the trough is there?
      Get a haircut you fuckin bumboy.

  3. Why does this silly old fart give a fuck anyway? Surely he’ll cark it before long anyway.

  4. One of the true, EU fanatics. It’s a religion to him. It was back in the 80s when he dreamed of being a wespected Pwime Minister, one who would properly align us with the Reich filth. He must’ve felt close to the throne the day he shoved the knife into Thatcher. The vain old cunt never wore the crown though subsequent PMs signed away this country’s sovereignty anyway.

    Shove a Sikorsky up your arse.

    • Thank Dog we were saved by the Thatcherite Eurosceptic* John Major!

      * That’s the way he sold himself during the leadership contest, the alternatives being Heselcunt and Hurd.

      Same as when Cameron stood against David Davis – Cameron positioned himself as the most Eurosceptic!

      You don’t get to be Tory leader without pretending to be Eurosceptic. Just ask Boris Johnson.

      • I suppose they have to be ambiguous enough to play to both sides. Labour does it too. Jeremy Covid was a huge Eurosceptic, voted against joining, voted against Maastricht, rightly admonished them for their laws, becomes leader, sniffs power then suddenly he’s clinking wine glasses with myopic Islington Remoaners and takes the nickel.

        Apparently Thatcher attempted to obtain Major’s support in her final weekend though he wasn’t available due to having “toothache.”

        What a shower of cunts, especially Heseltine.

      • That didn’t stop Thatcher from lobbying hard in favour of Major, urging Tory MPs who previously supported her to vote for him as her anointed successor.

  5. No doubt that the EU/UK waters/ fisheries argument will be resolved thus….
    The EU countries get the fish and we get any cunt in a dinghy….

  6. Irritatingly for some on here (I’m not sure why), but Tarzan¹ is yet another British politician I met during my former life in diplomatic service. He seemed quite a reasonable chap, and I recall we had an interesting conversation about arboriculture (he likes trees).

    However, I fear his inevitable cognitive decline may now be in free-fall. The notion of rejoining the Union on any kind of favourable terms is silly beyond any rational analysis.

    ¹ a selection


  7. If the smug cunt likes Europe so much then he should dig up his expensive trees and fucking plant them in Bulgaria.
    I hope one of them falls over on him,preferably in time to make the news Christmas Eve.
    Fuck Off.

  8. If Heseltine isn’t a big enough pain in the arse, the tartan cunt, aided and abetted by some McPaki is threatening more trouble. The grovelling Scotland do to the fascist EU (“our friends”) is unbelievable – she wanto ban the RN – fucking cheek – make the old whore walk the plank:


    • The “tartan cunt” (she really is a proper Berkshire) is also responsible for my reaching for my monocle. Not RTC’s Ctrl-V antics after all.


  9. Does anyone know a politician who’s actually motivated by what’s best for the people or one who even gives a flying fuck about the people? I don’t despise him any more than any other politician, Labour\conservatine\libdumb. Fuck all of them, we live in a world of smoke and mirrors hidden by a thick smog.

    Fuck the lot of them, they are all out to get us.

    • Once upon a time, the arrogance of British politicians almost invariably found its root in precisely this attitude:

      Since those days, and in the opposite direction, we’ve also suffered from (more accurately: voted for) a new strain of pathogenic pondlife: from Estelle Morris to Jess Phillips. The Great British Public keeps diving the wrong way; this admittedly chiefly due to the duopoly of Lab/Con, which has prevailed since Edward VIi was shagging prostitutes. .

      Moreover, this time last year we did it again¹. Although de Pfeffel may seem at first glance more in alignment with Ted, he actually has far more in common with such utter scum as Neil Hamilton. He is a low-grade opportunist, but unlike Hamilton and thanks to the skills of the late Mr Cummings, Boris was propelled into the ejector seat.

      That documentary about Heath, although scarcely fresh, is well worth another watch. It is curiously appurtenant (or: “germane”, as Autie might have put it) to our current circumstances too, I’d say.

      ¹ no choice?

  10. This cunt has outstayed his welcome by about forty years. Probably still thinks he is President of The Board of Trade.

  11. Most recent Newsletter from GET BRITAIN OUT:

    December 11th, 2020

    Dear Friends and Supporters

    This week began with claims a Deal would be concluded by Monday, but as expected, the supposed deadline for getting a Deal came and went – just like all those before. If anything, things have gone backwards!

    The United Kingdom’s Chief Brexit Negotiator, Lord Frost, has claimed the European Union has recently introduced several last-minute proposals on both fishing and State Aid which had already been ruled out early in negotiations. Included in these were demands for the EU’s COVID-19 Recovery Fund to be exempt from any ‘Level Playing Field’ restrictions, but they are now also insisting the UK’s own COVID-19 recovery package should be fully regulated and restricted by the European Court of Justice – NO Chance!

    This is the kind of one-sided unreasonable logic still being proposed when there is less than three weeks until the end of the Transition Period. It baffles the mind.

    Following the failure to get any significant progress this week, Prime Minister Boris Johnson flew to Brussels on Wednesday night for a meeting and dinner with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. Clearly there was not much agreement and both Lord Frost and the EU’s Chief Brexit Negotiator, Michel Barnier were instructed to continue talking, with the two leaders agreeing to set another deadline for a decision on trade talks to be taken this Sunday December 13th. This will be a significant day, with the 13th also marking precisely one year on from Boris Johnson officially winning his electoral landslide.

    Frankly, we are not expecting much on Sunday.

    The Paymaster General, Penny Mordaunt MP, was about as non-committal as possible (just as she is when I write to her myself!) when asked by Brexiteers in Parliament if there was no agreement in place by Sunday – would the Government walk away? She simply stated: “There is a firm deadline of December 31st!”

    No doubt on Sunday we will see the Prime Minister once again chicken out of walking away on World Trade Organization terms and dance to the EU’s tune by extending talks deep into the rest of December – or beyond, who knows? This will do nothing to help businesses in this country prepare for changes after December 31st 2020. However, fingers crossed the Prime Minister proves me wrong and holds his nerve!

    The biggest reason I’m not holding out hope for the Prime Minister sticking to his deadlines, is because backsliding and compromises have already begun. This week saw the UK Government’s resistance to the Northern Ireland Protocol collapse, and alongside this, the divide between different parts of the United Kingdom is growing even further – not helped by negotiations between the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Michael Gove and EU Commission Vice-President, Maroš Šefčovič in the UK-EU Joint Committee. NOTE – these are separate negotiations to the negotiations on a Trade Deal.

    As part of the compromise, Gove has agreed Northern Ireland (NI) will now remain in the Single Market. NI will have to follow EU regulations and be subject to the rulings of the European Court of Justice. In what way is this a reasonable solution when it separates off part of our United Kingdom – effectively keeping NI – and any businesses which exports to NI – still shackled to the EU?!

    Of more concern is the fact we do not yet have full details of what the Government has sacrificed to make this deal. Gove has given a statement to the House of Commons, but the full legal texts are still to be released.

    For the life of me, I really cannot understand why there is no transparency from Boris, Gove and the rest of our Government, when they are supposed to be negotiating on behalf of the people of the Great British Public – and those who voted them into power – and believe me, I have questioned them many times on this!

    Alongside this lack of clarity, the Government has now removed sections of the UK Internal Market Bill and the Taxation Bill which would have overridden the Withdrawal Agreement. A worrying sign of acceptance which does not bode well for any commitment to our red lines.

    However, not everyone in Parliament is capitulating to the EU’s underhand tactics and effective ‘blackmail’. Leading members of the ERG, the Vice-Chairman, David Jones MP and Sir Bill Cash MP have put forward an amendment to the upcoming Taxation Bill, which would once again ensure there was no doubt over sovereignty in the entire UK, by once again giving the Government power to override the Withdrawal Agreement. This is an endeavour which we wholeheartedly give support to, and we will be watching closely to see which MPs back a true Brexit in the coming days and weeks.

    On another important issue, it has already been confirmed there are also rumours of a fishing sell-out on the horizon, with unbelievable suggestions of a new fishing so-called transition period of somewhere between 3-10 years.
    What planet is the EU living on!

    This would be a complete abandonment of our goal for annual negotiations and control of our waters and ecosystems surrounding the UK. We have already independently agreed separate agreements on fishing with Iceland, Greenland, Norway, and the Faroe Islands. So why not an equivocal agreement with the EU?

    While there could be grounds for a small amount of time during which the level of fishing allowed by foreign boats could be phased out to give time for new UK fishing boats to pick up the slack, and for foreign fishermen to find other work – anything close to 10 years is frankly an insult. This would not be ‘Taking Back Control’ of our waters – so the French and the EU had better get used to the idea, once and for all…

    Talks are still moving at a snail’s pace. The EU’s overall sentiment seems to be to try and keep things as they are or to still try and force us into a corner – with the aim to effectively extend the Transition Period. So far, we have rejected their proposals, but the fact they still have the temerity to propose suggestions like these seems to demonstrate they are desperate! They are trying to throw the book at us to try and rub out our red lines at the final stage of these negotiations.

    Somehow Mrs von der Leyen and others in the EU Commission and Parliament – even after over 4 years – do not understand, for the British people, these red lines are set in indelible ink!

    At the Press Conference following the latest EU Council Summit and Dinner – which went on for more than 12 hours, Brexit was apparently discussed for only 10 minutes, the rejection of UK principles was there for all to see – with von der Leyen clearly smirking today, when talking about the idea of the UK regaining our ‘Sovereignty’.

    Clearly von der Leyen – as a deeply entrenched Federalist – either does not understand or does not want to understand anything about the EU’s closest foreign neighbour, the UK. Perhaps she should get out of the flat she has had built deep inside the EU Commission building, and spend a little time in the rest of the world to attempt to understand what exactly makes people – like the Brits – ‘tick’! It also makes me wonder why she – and Leaders like the French President, Emanuel Macron – do not understand why so many in the EU Member States are so unhappy with the current state of play within the European Union!

    Perhaps this is one of the results of the consistent loss of sovereignty those on the Continent have experienced in recent years, but we care for our sovereignty – and the individuality of our people – and we don’t find it something to be smirked about, as von der Leyen did today. This is why we have consistently fought wars to protect our sovereignty – and to help our close neighbours.

    The idea of helping out neighbours seems to have been abandoned in Europe. After years of friendship and a genuine attempt to bring people closer together, EU officials are now telling Member States they should behave in a cold and disinterested way towards the UK in the event of ‘No Deal’. The Prime Minister even suggested phoning or visiting President Macron and Chancellor Merkel to try and smooth things over, but both suggestions were rejected outright by the EU Commission, who are hell-bent on holding onto control. If this really is the mentality of those in Brussels towards a country deciding to leave their little club, we want nothing to do with such a petulant and childish organisation.

    Perhaps after ‘No Deal’ kicks in, and they see the strength of a new Global Britain set free from EU regulations while European businesses struggle with paying tariffs to their biggest customers in the UK, we ‘might’ consider coming back around the table. However, it would have to mean the certainty of adult behaviour from the EU instead of ‘blackmail’, meaning progress on almost 90% of trade talks so far could be put to good use. Otherwise, we will prove we can do perfectly well without them.

    While the EU continues to make a mockery of the idea of our reclaiming sovereignty – and as a result, slow progress in the trade talks, the Department for International Trade has been extremely busy in the last 2 weeks, with the UK signing a further 5 trade agreements with countries around the world, including agreements with Canada, Kenya, Vietnam and the powerhouse economy of Singapore, with whom we do over £16 billion of trade. All of this comes at the same time as progress is being made in talks with Australia, New Zealand and the USA. So much for being shunned by the global community.

    • RTC They are certainly right – the fucking Brexit talks are like the DFS sale – always 50%, off it never ends and the product is even more shitty than the sales talk.

      The only reason the Leydon and Barnier cunts are talking down to us and demeaning us, is because Boris is allowing them to do so

      Of course they are aided and abetted by quisling cunts like Adonis and Heseltine, who have done fuck all but crawl to the EU for decades.

      Why Boris, of all people, is so scared of offending the bunch of dishonest fuckers is beyond my imagination

      etted by quizlings like Adonis and Heseltine

    • Thanks for this,RTC.

      There was a time, not so long ago when I would have found this all too depressing. Having fought for over a decade to get us the fuck out I enjoyed the moment in June 2016 with friends and colleagues.

      The endless missed deadlines point to any so called deal being BRINO or worse.

      We have been sold out.

    • A good summary of where we are at Ruff. You’ve put some legwork in to produce your post and I commend it to the House.
      ? ? ?

      • PS. RTC is usually spot on with his predictions.
        I’ve won a fortune betting online for the last few years with his tips for the size of majorities – notably when he accurately predicted the size of Boris’s majority – not a very difficult thing to do you might think.

  12. The EU constantly take the piss and hold us in contempt precisely because they know this country is full of anti British traitors like Hezzelslime, the B.B. fucking C and countless other dirty bastards. They should all be locked up and executed on Tower Hill.

  13. I believe in cat flaps too, RTC, but I’m less than compelled by such a surfeit of Ctrl-V action.

    For one thing, it is apt to cause “pinching” when viewing threads on my telephone, due to tabulation over-runs. For another, I don’t read the content. Links can be embedded using «a href html», don’t you know? That way, readers can see/watch/hear the article(s) in the original, and I don’t have to put on my monocle.

  14. Tarzan makes a lot of noise about Brexit.
    Makes you wonder what he stands to loose personally over it . He certainly doesn’t give a fuck about anyone else.
    But didn’t he have a soft spot for Westland Helicopters ?

  15. They are still talking…… it’s going to the midnight on the 31st when there will be a deal ?

    Slightly off topic, the German Herman has announced a ‘tougher lockdown’ over the Christmas period…. that will go down well with the Krauts

    • Are we shocked or even mildly surprised?

      May as well drag the pantomime out until Christmas and into the new year even. I fully expect a ‘crisis’ that will end Brexit in the interests of the people. I’m not sure what shape the crisis will take but it will be bigger than Covid, something that allows Boris to save face.

      It’s more apparent than ever that what you think you are voting for and what they actually do with the power your core gives them are two different things, sometimes the very opposite of what you believed your vote was getting.

  16. Old Dazzlegleam was always an arsehole. Personally I shall never forgive him for the way he knifed Thatcher in the back….

    • Nor me treacherous bastard – and it did him no good whatsoever, politically though no doubt he gained financially from crawling up the EUs arse.

  17. God he’ll be dead and dust soon so who gives a fuck about this old fossil?

    Like anyone else who’s spent a whole lifetime accruing wealth through dubious and devious means, it all means NOTHING when you go for the big sleep.

    I hope this wrinkly ancient cunt toasts on the Devil’s pitchfork with a 12` black dildo inserted in his wrinkly old traitorous arse for all eternity.

  18. When you vote for shite, you get shite, why the surprised outrage?
    Was it Einstein who said the definition of idiocy is repeating the same action and expecting a different result?
    Well apply that to the window lickers who think their attendance at the ballot box will make any difference.
    Useless, treacherous politico cunts and their hapless, gullible audience who throw their brains in the bin and imagine their vote will change the status quo.
    It’s us and them, always was.
    Deface your paper by writing “I have no faith in any of the candidates” .Then general strike, let the slaughter begin.
    Guy Fawkes was right. But hey ho, divide and conquer.

  19. That cunt Patten has reanimated and climbed out of his tomb and stuck his oar in. What about Honkers Chris, you fucked up there, didn’t you! Another Tory grandee, WTF? GRANDEE means backstabbing money grabbing cunt. Fuck em all, did you also see this- BBC presenter criticised after claiming British gardening culture is ‘racist’

    James Wong, who has presented the BBC’s Countryfile, claimed “UK gardening culture has racism baked into its DNA”

  20. Moving into 2021 and still not a sign of leaving the EU in reality, as Boris extends negotiations again (I’m shocked, I tell you).

    Democracy is a fucking sham.

  21. Boris is a fucking disgrace, off with his head what a pathetic shower of backstabbing two faced cunts, incompetence in this government is astounding, walk away you thick cunt how fucking hard is it.

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