I’ve been watching YouTube coverage of the anti lockdown protests in Londonstabistan (Saturday 28/11) and the Old Bill were getting well stuck in. 150+ arrests apparently.
What a contrast to the middle class demos against brexit, the death of Saint George Floyd and the usual tree hugging wankers.
Then the coppers skateboard with the cunts, dance with the poofs, kneel down and run like fuck. I don’t blame the coppers on the ground…..we all know the cunts who are giving the orders.
By the way, there were plenty of BAMES there, including one young lady pinned to the ground by the yellow jacketed useful idiots.
What the fuck is happening to this country?
I’m not sure but I know who’s side i’m on.
Nominated by: Freddie the Frog
We are a dictatorship.We are now living in a George Orwell novel.No hope for us mere mortals.Screw the establishment.Bunch of wankers.Torch them all.
The Met are “led” by Superdyke Cressida Strap-On Dick. As they said about soldiers in the First World War – “lions led by donkeys”
It wasn’t the donkeys who made the lions paint their nails at Gay Pride marches, dance at Extinction Rebellion street jamborees, or take the knee at BLM demos. In fact the donkeys specifically told the lions not to take the knee when on duty.
Lions or donkeys, they’re all cunts.
I agree absolutely with your cunting Freddie the frog. The cunts telling plod on the street should be fucking hung for treason. Way the media bent politicians money grabbing human rights lawyers are going sadly very sadly we are heading for bloodshed on the streets. A very sad sick time to be “normal “
‘The cunts telling plod on the street should be fucking hung for treason’
Exactly. NOT the boots on the ground. I have a lot to do with the police, and, I’ll tell you this, the majority, if not all of them I speak to are as sick of this shite as you and I. Anyone fancy stepping up to the plate and showing ’em how it’s done, they’re recruiting:
Good luck.
Spare us the sob story. If that were true they wouldn’t go heavy handed on these protesters, they’d join them in support!
The police get no sympathy from me anymore. They’ve chosen their side. If upper management is the issue then they need to speak out or resign.
And I’m sure that you, in their position, would be leading the charge with your resignation letter.
Do me a favour.
Selective, some of you. You see a carefully edited video on YouTube, posted by someone that has no agenda, (yes, that’s sarcasm), yet you believe it, but, when the edited version of Saint George Flloyd is shown and arseholes are up in arms about it, you disagree? Again, I refer you to my link.
For what it’s worth, my mum went to the one in London a few weeks back and a man was arrested dressed as Santa. In front of a child with his mother. As far as I can gather he wasn’t being violent or anything, and yet the police still picked him off.
Yup, I saw that Tso. It’s one for the history books. The santa man baited them with the costume only, and its the perfect example of police acting like state enforcing goons.
No laughter. No dissent. I suspect the police didn’t know why they picked santa at the time.. It’s a hivemind mentality, which is very disturbing.
Gene-unless your own personal contact with police officers extends to The Met, Liverpool, Manchester, Wales, Scotland and all the larger metropolitan force districts, you are making an assumption based on a limited number.
Go and look on YouTube-it’s all there, free to view, hours and hours of footage showing the jackboot in full force.
Remember the minors strike-coach loads of southern officers who couldn’t wait to kick the shit out of a few “Northern Monkeys”. Again, well documented use of excessive force and violence.
Certain people are drawn towards certain careers-if it gives them a chance to excercise “certain” proclivities ??
And certain people are drawn towards certain protests. Do you really believe the police would use force against a load of people who are not causing any problems at all?
It takes two to tango, as they say.
For god sake Robin, if you’d actually watched any of the footage you would have seen completely peaceful protest punctuated by police picking off individuals. It’s not a matter of belief when there is video evidence from multiple sources.
The police have unequivocally demonstrated two-tier policing and heavy handed tactics to suppress dissent against government policy. It’s not even a matter of debate any more.
That Miners strike paid for a lot of good holidays, extensions, new cars and so forth. Overtime was running like thick gravy. Some of the coppers sent Scargill postcards from exotic places.
A truely awful fucking mess that strike. One could say that the end of the miner was the final nail in the coffin for England everything started turning to shit after that, anyway thats what I think (maybe metaphorically)
All shown and not edited, obviously…
Exactly, well,said ?
These videos hardly ever show the beginning of the incident.
Plenty of these protests have the usual group of rent-a-thugs who are not really there to protest peacefully, but are looking for a bit of trouble.
But, hey, let’s all just be like the sheep who comment on YouTube videos and just slag off the police, shall we!
Like the MSM ?
DCI and Robin, you’re both making unfounded assumptions. If it helps with your cognitive dissonance and allows you to sleep well then by all means continue.
I however watched the live steams. Two at once. I know what I saw. There was no violence, nothing. It was the police picking off people isolated at the fringes, placard holders, women and easy targets.
But hey, gotta keep that Soviet style lie going, right? Forward as one, comrades!
‘DCI and Robin, you’re both making unfounded assumptions’
I doubt you appreciate the irony in that statement. Still, if it helps with your cognitive dissonance and allows you to sleep well then by all means continue.
Big Chunky
They’ve got to start somewhere to start to reduce the crowd and eventually disperse the crowd. But when they do, the person being arrested invariably doesn’t come quietly and peacefully, and then the yobs join in.
But, hey, you clearly have your very obvious anti-police bias so we aren’t going to agree.
Gene-I am talking about unedited live-streams too?
They are still there-go and look.
You say the police are recruiting DCI? However, like me, you know that you’ll not pass the diversity test unless you’re a
BAME or a one legged, 4’6” lėsbian who can’t run.
Most of the “officers” look heavy and unfit. Weight, and plenty of it, seems to be the main quality required for a job with the Met nowadays..
There were real riots in Paris over the weekend. Our miserable Police Service would have shat themselves. It is all very well kicking the stool out from under a granny in Trafalgar Square, facing down masked yobs wielding street furniture is another matter.
Massive bunch of overweight cunts.
A good excuse to remind us of this
Hahahaha! Damn, every character on The Fast Show was hilarious.
These anti lockdown cunts have got it all wrong. They should deface war memorials, pull down statues, block bridges and glue themselves to trains. Then the coppers will just stand around like wankers. No old ladies thrown into meat wagons when the latte libtards are on the street.
Anyone else remember a song from their schooldays called “The Bold Gendarmes”?
Sums them up nicely.
It wasn’t fine a week ago for crowds to gather, outside, and exercise their inalienable right to protest.
It was fine yesterday for crowds of scum to lay seige to Harrods and other large stores to buy stupid corporate tat.
The decision by Bojo to ban protest above groups of 2 people is the most cynical authoritarian move we’ve seen in peace time. Utterly outrageous.
What was that video game that got banned years back?
Going Postal?
Well fuck knows but the behaviour of the coppers this year has been a disgrace.
A politicised police force is a tool of a fascist state.
Get some more pies delivered to the station you fat woke cunts.
Look at France where Macron is trying to ban photographing or filming on duty police officers at the same moment video of french coppers kicking the shit out of some black fella. Now they are kicking shit out of people protesting the new law.
The world is moving into tyranny, I’m waiting for us all to be assigned credentials to use the web and start getting social credit scores.
The people will realise it’s time to rise up when it’s too late.
Ah so, another fine export from the little yellow bastards, ‘social credit’.
“Well if you haven’t done anything wrong you have nothing to fear” said the gormless window licking public.
“The people will realise it’s time to rise up when it’s too late.”
Exactly 6D – Should be obvious to anyone with the slightest rememberance of history that “the time to fight for freedoim is whilst you still have it!”
-Nigerians mob handed✔️
-extinction rebellion ✔️
-paramilitary blacks✔️
-peacefuls outside embassies ✔️
-Sikhs protesting India ✔️
-anti Brexit✔️
-anti Trump✔️
-whites protecting heritage✖️
-Tommy Robinson ✖️
-anti lockdown✖️
-78 year old women, solitary lawful protest ✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️?????
So much cuntishness, so much.
I hope that records are being made and justice will be served, eventually.
Fuck Boris
Fuck Kahn
Fuck Dick
When the law doesn’t apply to everyone there is no law….
When the government declares war on the people, the people are absolved of any further obedience.
John Locke.
Damn straight Odin – a people should never live in fear of ITS “government”; rather, government should be in permanent trepidation of THE people who PERMIT ITS PRESENCE!
I wait with deck chair, popcorn and lashings of foaming ales in expectation of a thrilling gala telethon event hosted in Westminster London titled – The Night of a Thousand Lamposts.
The “bobby on the beat” are just as woke and corrupted as the top.They dont police by consent, they police for the state. They can all go fuck themselves.
The way things are going, plod are a hair’s breadth away from the public removing their consent.
Got a link to your evidence? I’m not talking about edited YouTube videos, either, a genuine, tangible link, with government signatures. No, didn’t think so.
I think you will find the college of policing is behind all of this woke bollox which means, as you will know , you cannot get a promotion without agreeing to all this woke bullshit. Every cunt who goes along with this is complicite in the stazifacation of the the police and our society. So as I said they can all go fuck themselves.
‘I think you’ll find’ – Were you wagging a finger in the air when you typed that!!
So, you haven’t then. And the fact that lots of coppers don’t want/aren’t interested in promotion shoots your ‘All corrupt etc’ argument down in flames.
I never wag a finger. I couldnt give a shit about what anyone says about anything. All I do is say what I think.
You don’t say… Try a little factual content or humour.
The majority of the pigs are slime who enjoy beating / fleecing the poor, white and baffled…easy targets like motorists are their bread and butter.
Ask them to sole a crime without the aid of CCTV, Facefuck or DNA is like asking a chav not eat Iceland oven chips.
Fuck the filth and remember the miners.
Or asking them to deal with pie key scum who rock up to a village green, break barriers and bollards for entry, and start their usual festering and looting.
Too risky. Might break a rainbow coloured nail.
And Ian Tomlinson.
I remember that.
SHHH-nothing to see, here…
Ian Tomlinson was a newspaper vendor who collapsed and died in the City of London after being struck by a police officer during the 2009 G-20 summit protests. After an inquest jury returned a verdict of unlawful killing, the officer, Simon Harwood, was prosecuted for manslaughter. He was found not guilty but was dismissed from the police service for gross misconduct.
Seems the officer involved walked away.
Good old IPCC?
Simon Harwood had previously been sacked from another force for doing the same thing, applied for the Met and hired despite being found guilty of violence towards the public and despite warnings with regard to his conduct.
Pig filth, vermin – from top to bottom.
If the police do not discharge and uphold the law fairly and without favour or prejudice they are not the police – they are a private army of fascist thugs.
Get rid.
I would slash their funding by 5% for every year they refuse to drop the mates rates and woke shit and be impartial
I remember that. Was there that day but didn’t see it.
Utter scum move, even more so by the IPCC. The police are all jolly circle jerkers, and masonic at higher levels. Corruption and perjury are fair game when it comes to their own.
An old man who lives around the corner from me was confronted by the police outside his house, as they were doing a raid on another house on the same street suspected of selling drugs. He was asked by a copper in a 4×4 with a gun “Who does that red car belong to?”. The old man replied “I don’t know and even if I did I wouldn’t tell you”. The cop said “I could arrest you for obstructing the police”. The old man then said “Go on then, that’s all you lot are good at, arresting pensioners, but you just stood there and watched while statues were being torn down and memorials were being vandalised. You’re nothing but a load of bullies and cowards”. The copper then scarpered very quickly.
Buy that man a pint ???
The police all wearing masks whilst outdoors in fresh air deserves it’s own cunting.
The police are stopping people crossing borders (not the one in the channel) tier 3 to tier 2, ‘what’s your postcode and your journey bruv’
Wills and Kate (yes I would) are on a nationwide train tour, not much of a problem for them crossing tier borders, the purpose ‘to say thank you’ , yep definitely an essential journey.
A lot of those ‘police’ cunts where apparently paid security guards.
What needs to happen at the next lockdown protest the police need to remove their headgear and refuse to police the protest. There must be enough coppers who are also not falling for this total bullshit.
‘There must be enough coppers who are also not falling for this total bullshit.’
‘Course there aren’t. They’re all state Fascists. The ‘experts’ on this page have decreed it so.
West Midlands contribution to modern policing!
Skye – what a babe!
Jawline like Desparate Dan.
Thank you for the link-made my day?
‘King hell!
Is that a trànnìe? ?
Oh yes. And isn’t she a beauty!
Should be easier to stamp on when the inevitable riots start.
A transbender with a taser…I’m staying the fuck away from it.
Go fuck yourselves. ?
Police police, my house has been burgled, we were held up by gun point and my children are really upset. Ok, we will send someone round in a weeks time. A week? Yes sorry budget cuts with our increase diversity awareness.
A week later, this cuntish specimen knocks on the door. What the fuck is that! DCI Hadacockeeoff reporting for duty. Fuck off your scaring the kids they are asking for the burglars back.
Fucking gormless cunts.
Hypocrisy not its strong suit obviously…
“She added: “This is really important day. It recognises that people who simply want to exist, be themselves, be loved, laugh and feel safe are too often marginalised, attacked and subject to hate crime and abuse for simply existing.”
So not like every white hetero-male in Britain then… boot ugly fucking freak you are. honestly; could you seriously stifle reflexive projectile vomiting (followed by incapacitating convulsive laughter) if this fucking thing rocked up at yer door? Frighten me fucking dog too.
This is doing the rounds.
Britain 2020…
Yeah, she cares about her mum sooooo much she stuck her in a home for other people to look after her………
Where is Dr Shipman when we need him? My old mum (a nurse) used to joke about wishing Dr Shipman was her GP toward the end of her life. Except it wasn’t a joke.
Robin-that is by far THE most cuntish thing I have read this year.
Congratulations ?
Thanks CG?
I can be a complete cunt sometimes. Okay, most of the time.
I’m tempted to cunt myself in nominations. I suspect there might be quite a bit of support for that one?
Very true CG! But like the spaz in the picture, I’ll still have a load of fun doing it?
Probably because she didn’t feel able to look after her herself. That’s a very bitter, twisted thing to say Robin.
She trusted them well enough when she off loaded the old dear and has now changed her mind. She needs to make her fucking mind up.
Sometimes there’s no other choice than to get professionals to care for someone who is so ill. My auntie was put into a cancer hospice in New Moston and they were wonderful with her until she died.
Couldn’t agree more Norman. My sister and I are on the verge of putting our mother in a home due to her advancing Alzheimer’s.
The trouble is, this woman in the video stuck it on Youtube, looking for “likes”, and making herself look like a “Karen”, as they say in the States. If she was that concerned she should have called the police.
What would the police do then?
I’d wager a guess at fuck all except tell her to follow “due process” via the care home management.
Of course you can always come back with the old “lessons have been learned” trope.
My mother cared for my father until she physically couldn’t cope any longer, with no help whatsoever. We are all trying to keep a roof over our heads in the most uncertain of times, so we couldn’t help out full time. It was the most difficult decision she has ever made, and with him on death’s door in hospital with covid he caught at the care home, the guilt she is feeling is unbearable. What do they say? Walk a mile in their shoes.
Something I have noticed that didn’t appear in the MSM was the protests outside parliament in Denmark that lasted for 9 days, with people banging pots and pans to get the MPs attention.
The general gist of the protest was to prevent the Danish government from signing into law a motion that would allow the police to drag people from their home and physically restrain them while they were being vaccinated against their will.
Thankfully the protests were successful.
Why do you think the police are being so heavy handed here and when do you think the same law will be fast tracked through our parliament?
If the cunts try dragging me off to get their cunt vaccine I will take a few of them out and if I die then so be it. No fucking way I will be made to have this vaccine, by all means give it to the willing and vulnerable but do not try and force it on us.
The cunts.
Not a peep about it, Odin.
The journalists have been criminally, and IMO intentionally, negligent in their duties and obligations this year.
The notion we have a free and independent press is absolutely fucking dead. 2020 is the year legacy media finally became an irrelevance, and indeed an enemy of the public.
Stay well away from me or be hurt.
I do not comply, but I do injure.
This is now a fight for our existence, and I DO NOT COMPLY.
And if every copper on the ground disagrees with fascist boot boy selective policing why the fuck don’t they refuse to assault people? – pretend they are BLM maybe..
Excuses and justifications mean fuck all when it’s their boot going into YOUR face.
Fuck them all.
Great attitude there Vern?
Have fun enjoying the feeling of the cold steel as it snaps closed around your wrists ?
Have fun seeing your Country disappear because you were too busy being a cunt and constantly baiting people like the malicious little prick you are and too cowardly to do anything about it whilst people WITH SOME BALLS did something!
Go fuck yourself, you are a toxic clown and I am sick of you.
I have never cunted a cunter before RB but I will take the risk of being booted off the site to make the point.
I wasn’t baiting you at all. I was simply taking the piss out of your post. It was the sort of thing I expect to see written by teenagers in the comments section on Youtube.
Calling me a “malicious little prick” and “cowardly” is bizarre when you don’t even know me. You should try getting to know someone before you start throwing insults like that around.
Your anti-police bias is quite clear. I wonder, if one of your female relatives is raped, or a child you know is kidnapped, who will you call? Will you investigate it yourself? Quite frankly, I would like to think that if you re-read your post you would be ashamed of yourself, but I won’t hold my breath.
I have never deliberately baited anyone. I have, however, called certain people out on their bullshit. We can all be big, brave, rebellious keyboard warriors in the comfort of our own homes, but if we write something ridiculous and juvenile we should expect to be challenged.
It does, genuinely, surprise me that you come onto a site that exists to allow people to call other people a cunt, and yet you are so sensitive that you get so upset when someone dares to call you on your bullshit.
” I wonder, if one of your female relatives is raped, or a child you know is kidnapped, who will you call?”
The police, who then assign it to the detective branch, not the flat foot gumbos currently enjoying their authorisation to act the cunt to make a change from being overgrown traffic wardens.
” Will you investigate it yourself?”
I think many of us would like to take charge if we knew the culprit.
And if you didn’t know the culprit?
Please enlighten me regarding your investigative technique.
Did you miss the part about the detective branch?
Feel free to come back with some pithy bollocks about “well they’re still the police”.
Less Robin Bastard, more Obfuscating Twat.
Fuck off.
Robin – you’re the only person I know who can apologise for baiting someone and then compound it by jumping in with your size 12’s and dishing out another helping!
Wait a minute – did I say size 12’s?
Have you ever thought of becoming a policeman?
If you report such a serious offence it will of course be allocated to a Detective, as it is their job to investigate the most serious crimes.
You still haven’t explained how you would investigate such allegations. I’m waiting for you to share your expertise…..
What are you repeating yourself for after I’ve already answered? You’re an echo chamber and this places two Bob version of Mr Logic. Last response from me, you’re not worth the bandwidth.
Try a few weights on your chest during your bath, there’s a good egg. ?
Where is this so called “baiting” Robin B is being accused of?
A difference of opinion, coupled with a spot of joshing, is hardly baiting.
And the notion of him cunting other cunters is absurd.
I never apologised for baiting because I wasn’t baiting anybody. I was simply calling certain people out on their bullshit and asking questions. Unfortunately some people misinterpreted that as baiting.
It seems that it is okay to go on repeating lies, which have been proven to be lies, and that’s okay, but questioning it is not?
I’m not baiting anybody now either. I just don’t see why keyboard warriors should be allowed to spout such extremist rhetoric and not be challenged on it.
Oh, and they’re size 10s?
I forgot -yes, on the BLM shit thread I got into a back and forth with General Cuntster and I did wind him up a bit because he was sticking to the lies made up by Trump and Giuliani. I was out of order then, and I regret that. I should not have been so childish.
I don’t think it’s so much as baiting by Robin, I would describe it more as sneering. You would be surprised to find out that I agree with you on many things Robin. I think what riles people is the aggressive way you sometimes put things over.
When you bait me Ruff, you do it in such a caring, understanding way! ?
Evening Bertie, Creampuff is a gent, unlike that uncouth fellow Miserable which would be the equivalent of being called a “Bell end” and then mooned at from the top deck of a passing bus.
Rarely has a truer word been said. You are welcome back at Creampuff Manor anytime LL!
@ Bertie.
That’s because I love you. ❤️
Evening LL.
Ruff Tuff is indeed the kindest amongst us.
Miserable is a rough diamond but we can polish him -(not Poe – lish him) However, he does have the biggest heart amongst us.
My problem is I am completely incapable of taking anything, especially myself, seriously. So I then question and, ultimately, poke fun at people who do take themselves seriously.
In the process, I end up getting too serious myself, and prove what a cunt I am! Apologies If I have offended you Mr B.
Like you I very rarely take anything serious, and I ruffle feathers, have upset a few,
But hats off to you, you put me to shame!
But, this is a great site when we all get along,
And youll end up with admin giving you the boot,
You can take my advice or not, dont really give a fuck,
But maybe calm down a bit?
Vernon Fox is a great lad and youve upset him.
(Never fear, we are watching – DA)
You’re right about the “people who take themselves seriously.” Fortunately Bertie isn’t one of them.
Aw! Shucks! Lady Ruff is a very lucky lady.
Thanks for the comments. For what it’s worth I have a lot of respect for you – insightful, usually very funny and never nasty, your comments are always worth reading.
I’ll go and have a lie down in a bath full of iced water and see if that helps?
Meant it in good faith,
Relax a bit, be part of ISAC,
Never get along with everyone,
Thats impossible, but its at its best when all getting stuck into nominated cunts.
The worlds full of cunts and we’re a minority we may as well stick together?
You may be some time….
Night, night Cuntlestiltskin,
Sleep tight.
“…on the BLM shit thread I got into a back and forth with General Cuntster and I did wind him up a bit because he was sticking to the lies made up by Trump and Giuliani.”
You seem really confused about the evidential process Robin, these “lies” (if lies they be) are the work of the 700+ US citizens who were/are sufficiently concerned with the conduct and lack of ‘integrity’ of this election that they are willing expose themselves to SERIOUS PRISON TIME if proved to have lied. Giuliani is merely the conduit through which they are being presented. Neither he nor Trump are the originators or authors thereof. For fuck’s sake
Cunty chops
This discussion was yesterday. Do try to keep up, there’s a good chap.
Well said Vernon!!
If I am to die, it will not be without a fight. If I am to live, then it shall be free.
If I am constrained, then I am not free, nor do I live.
Very profound.
And also complete bollocks. Unless you go and live on your own private island, you will always be “constrained” to some degree. You will never be “completely” free either. Unless you want anarchy, and good luck with that.
The comment shows the futility.
If we wish to live in a relatively peaceful and (generally) law abiding society, and keep safe, we all have to accept some restrictions and loss of freedom in our lives.
True “freedom” is a myth, a dream, something floating around the ether. If it were to exist in reality, you would see the anarchy that I mentioned previously. Then you would welcome those restrictions back.
That was the essence of the comment.
One thing I notice in these protest videos is that when the crowd descend on the police they are way outnumbered. The may try to control us and stop are right to protest but when it comes down to it the true power is with the people…if only most had the bollocks to rise up.
C’mon let’s get them. ?
Nothings ever black or white (except BWC) I see the need for a police force and acknowledge its a hard job and they see some terrible things.
I also know they can be fuckin liars, devious cunts, and bullies for the government.
Depending on the nature of if asked for help by the police,
Missing kid? Id help
Nutter with knife? Id help
Copper at a protest getting a kicking?
Fuck you.
Remember the miners.
I’m agree we need a Police force MNC and they aren’t all bad, but a lot are bullying cunts. Never had any major trouble with them as to be honest you rarely ever win when going up against the law. Can you imagine having a copper mate? You’d be paranoid that they would be checking your house aaaaht for stolen goods or drugs if you invited a police mate round.
I would like to bang a nice female cooper though…whilst she took the knee.
Coppers are ALWAYS on duty B&W.
The stories I could tell….
Once when a young un, I got chased by coppers on horseback BWC!
The cunts thought they were McCloud or something,
Anyway they handcuffed me to the horse while they waited for a van,
The copper was trying to crush me between a wall and the horse,
My grandad had horses (rag n bone man) and if you blow gently near their nose and whisper calming them they settle down.
Copper realised what I was doing and rapped me on the nut!?
They gave me a kicking in the van, but hold no grudges,
If the boot was on the other foot id of put the cunt in a wheelchair..??
Did you have your legendary beard when you were a young un MNC? The copper may have thought you were a peaceful. ?
No it was more like peach fuzz.
A little tune to lighten up the day :
Ticky fairy playing again above.
All this talk of coppers has made me hungry, fancy bacon.
Anyone see ‘Eddie eats Christmas”?
Eddie Hall trying different Christmas food.
He was in Bristol trying Carribbean stuff and to be fair it looked fuckin great!!
15 bastards and 1 other cunter I reckon…. ?
Oh look, another swathe of tickies, is there a Dominion counting machine in Robins nest?
Donny was robbed, the libtards have screamed their way into all facets of life and media indeed.
If you believe “Donny was robbed” you may enjoy watching his star witness Melissa Carone, giving evidence alongside Rudy Giuliani. It’s on YouTube and is very entertaining.
I must say, after her testimony I’m convinced!
Didn’t come across as drunk at all?? She does however come across as angry and adamant She just has that lazy drawl so (stereo)typical of urban American females. And what does her past sex life have to do with her evidence…?
…and I would invite you to explain the media’s slavering keeness to pursue a bit of petty bitchery about someone who is in media terms ‘a complete nobody’ and their absolute refusal to pursue Sleepy (soon to be Weepy) Joe’s bag-carrying, meth head, whoring, criminal son?
She’s a prime example of the sort of people who signed all those affidavits. And she was such a brilliant witness Giuliani had her give evidence!! I’m not sure who’s lost the plot more – Melissa Carone or Giuliani.
Those people who signed all those affidavits are either mistaken in what they saw, or they are hardline Republicans/Trump lovers, or they are just plain lying for whatever reason.
If you are not aware of the concept of lying you might want to look it up on Google. They were probably persuaded by Giuliani and his team that nothing bad would happen to them. Look at Melissa Carone – hardly the sharpest tool in the box.
Even William Barr, the US Attorney General, has stated that there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. This is the man that Trump himself appointed to the position.
People can make whatever claims they want, but they haven’t provided any actual proof of wrongdoing.
Proof – another thing you might want to look up on Google.
Still, it doesn’t matter what I think. You have been convinced by the Donald and Rudy show, so you just believe what you want to believe.
Nighty night, sleep tight.
I feel incredibly sad the way my country has gone. We used to laugh at South American countries whose coppers acted like this. We valued and protected free-speech and libertarian values. We might not like what you had to say, but we respected your right to say it – even if it offended someone else. If we felt offended, we told them so, or switched off the TV and just got on with life. We could trust our politicians to help the working class, and if they didn’t, we could vote an alternative. We didn’t buckle at a bad flu, and if the NHS got busy, that’s what they were there for – they would have coped, like we have done throughout our history. We were a homogeneous race and, while not all of us were Christi@n, our country was based on Christi@nity: 12 men in a jury (as the 12 apostles), a sense of fairness and justice and, all largely agreeing on what was right and what was wrong. Homosexuality as mainstream was wrong, transsexuals were wrong, animal cruelty (halal and kosher) is wrong. By all means, we’d accept gays and trannies, but not as normal. We welcomed all races here as long as they abided by the rules and our way of life.
Now the fucking loonies have taken over. Old people unable to stay warm in winter due to idiotic green policies, people denied the opportunity to buy a cheap car to get around – all to follow some made up fucking nonsense about “saving the planet”. The planet will still be here whatever the fuck we do.
Cunts all of them.
I’ll leave this here to further cheer you up,
Welcome to the asylum..more proof, as if it were really needed.
“Was, in fact, female”.
What, with a penis, testicles, XY chromosomes and forearms bigger than my thigh?
And is it appropriate to be grinning like a gurning champion while brandishing a dangerous weapon?
It is, indeed, an asylum.
Wasn’t Piers Corbyn fined 10k each time he organised a protest yet BLM got off Scot free?
‘Bat Flu’ disappeared and no other origin has since been purported.
Government downgraded COVID-19 from a high-risk infectious disease in mid-March, a week before 1st ‘lockdown’ – its status hasn’t been varied since.
No Koch’s postulates isolation and identification of what ‘COVID-19’ actually IS, as confirmed by CDC.
Multiple testimonies by families in the first few months globally of death certificates being blanket-branded COVID-19 regardless of actual cause of death.
No ‘test’ publically available until mandated masks came along after several months. PCR test, which as confirmed by creator Kari Mullins, is NOT to be used as a diagnostic tool. Mullins died in November 2019.
UK gov and health figures all freely available on internet showing that the actual number of deaths of under 60s from just COVID 19 alone, without any co-existing morbidities, is 360 or so approx. That figure hasn’t increased for several months (since ‘testing’ came along and the initial outcry over fraudulent death certification went public).
UK gov openly pulicises decision to combine all coronavirus diagnoses/deaths in reporting from October 2020 – subsequent massive spike/second wave narrative.
Pfizer vaccine approved after being in production for just months, when typical vaccines take years to develop then further years to trial/get approval.
Openly admitted first RNA vaccine (ie implanting cell DNA to be activated in the body, rather than a dose of the ‘virus’ itself) to be put to market. Pfizer admits trials will likely continue for a further 2 years.
Microsoft has patent 060606 for a biometric nanotechnology chip to link bodily activity to cryptocurrency. NOT conspiracy bullshit, freely available on patent website to look up.
I could go on, but I really shouldn’t need to.
Thank you for posting that.
The pansies won’t take any notice, they’re glued to the haunted fish tank filling their nappies.
*Note I said ‘pansies’ not ‘poofters’ , every man to themselves and all that.
Said in jest and without malice, which is a rarity for me. ?
This site has diversity!
Haha, no problem Stilskin. I’d prefer ‘poofter’ as at least that doesn’t leave me a pansy. Believe you me, if it comes to it that I have to fight any and every weapon I can find at my disposal that can cause harm and resistance, I will. COMMUNISTS are never going to take over my and your life, don’t you fucking worry my friend. Afraid of real life gore and viscera I am not. Come to my door wrong-footed, and you forfeit your life to a decent-looking corpse.
The above could have been a draft of the 3page hairdryer I sent to both my lads’ school heads a month ago but adding the rider to the effect that…
“…and in light of the above stated FACTS which I have brought to your attention I deem the actions of this government to have been irresponsibly reckless and hostile to the point of criminality and treason within the realm, thus; to force my children to comply with your ad hoc unlawful ‘regulations’ would be tantamount to inciting them into a criminal conspiracy and I will not hesitate to take legal action in redress.
The youngest had a laminated pass handed to him within half an hour and I got a reassuring call acknowledging AND ACCEPTING my position!
My eldest’s however are a fuckwitted shower of twats and just this afternoon I slammed the phone on the eldest’s Head of Year having given them a final warning about any staff cunt quizzing my lad about why he isn’t wearing a fucking muzzle. Today he came home with a swanky yellow swing tag jobby announcing his right to tell them to “…so get fucked ya’ nosey bastard!” and a comment from his HofY “your Dad… he’s very…erm… interesting isn’t he!”
He grinned… “yeah, that’s my Dad.”
Next question – will we be getting daily figures of those who’ve died within 28 days of receiving a Convid vaccination?