A fuck me drunk it’s all about me cunting for Khadi Gueye.
‘A tribute involving Black Lives Matter protest organiser Khady Gueye is being erected in the Forest of Dean to mark her experiences as a black woman living in a mostly white part of the UK.’
For those not familiar with this area it is Fred West territory. They are of the Deliverance variety of hicks. They treat anyone from outside the area as alien. In a word, they are ‘challenging’.
However, this poor persecuted kaffir is apparently singled out because she is black, innit. She wants a sculpture trail illustrating her suffering. And that of all the other kaffirs persecuted in the forest (ie her) The locals, unsurprisingly, are not happy.
Entitled, victim, identity obsessed non-contributing me me me. Get a fucking life.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Simple solution. Drop it off in Africa.
No persecution of ‘de bredren’ there.
Also no welfare. Now, off you fuck.
Yes this moaning, nothing better to do bitch, has set up something called the Local Equalities Commission. Sounds very important doesn’t it? She is ably assisted by one Eleni Eldridge-Tull….yes, white, posh and a fucking do gooder with time on her hands. All something the BBC loves so much, so predictable and so fucking boring.
Drop her off in Africa too.
She’ll soon learn all about equality.
Great idea; soon those countries will be able to proclaim’ Diversity is our strength ‘.
Eleni appears to have a nose like the keel of an ocean going yacht. And that look of pure adoration is sickening.
Imagine a whitey trying the same stunt in, let’s say, Zimbabwe, Somalia or the Côte d’Ivoire.
The only exhibit there would be, would be said whitey’s head on a stick. Or his mutilated corpse strung up as a warning.
Such equality across all nations. ?
It is whitey in this country who is doing it. Lefty, woke whiteys.
Bitches like Khady are simply front persons. Most BLM activists /supporters are white. Without white enablement and support BLM would be nowhere in this country.
(Interestingly, the next nomination coming up at around 9am, will be of interest to frustrated old hag/do-gooders like Khady. She will deny it ever happened of course, or will insist it was all whitey’s fault regardless – DA)
Yeah, I get that. It’s amusing here that the amount of Maori ‘activists’, for want of a better word, are very pasty looking. White, you could say. Any and all causes, the whiter shades are there in force.
I’d almost stop and listen if it was the full face moko, brown brothers and sisters that were doing the agitating. But it isn’t, so I don’t.
Good evening Ruff, good evening all. ?
It’s evening already? I’ve only just finished my full English breakfast!
Dementia is a cunt.
Evening Kiwi. ?
Apologies. My mistake…..good morning to you lot living in the past. Now don’t let your toast get cold!
She looks like a dyke to me.
Eleni Eldridge-Tull reminds me of Catherine Tate’s posh mummy driving around in her Chelsea Tractor with her 2 brats in the back.
One day she takes a wrong turn and ends up in Tottenham. “Mummy” the brat says “where have all these poor people come from?”
“Don’t look at them darling, they’ll follow us home.”
Catherine Tate, not everyone’s cup of tea, but the last innovative comedian you’ll see on the BBC.
How about a thousand sculptures in and around inner cities were old poor white people have seen their homes and neighbourhoods turned into crime riddle ethnic bame drug infested shit holes in the name of multiculturalism. And are too poor or old to move. Have their suffering plastered all over the news. Silent.
HMMMM, I hear one string banjo’s too. The bean flicking is strong in this one. Oven.
The Forest of Dean?
What a shame there aren’t any wolves left roaming about.
It would be delightful to see this sack of shit savaged to death mid-interview with some nodding Gay from the BBC.
Don’t like it here?
Then Fuck Off.
There are a lot of pigs loose there. Keeps the peacefuls out, shame it doesnt deter the chiggun folk.
Apparently in June she wanted to arrange a BLM protest in support of George Floyd but it was cancelled organisers who “felt pressured and bullied” by a council letter telling them “all lives matter”…it did eventually go ahead. Now she wants more “ram-it-down-their-throats” displays to get it through to the locals that Dark-Keys are the only ones who matter. We had a similar affair up here with some white woman and her 2 mixed-race kids….gave an interview to the local paper in which she said that the other kids at the High School sometimes took the piss out of her children’s frizzy hair…Oh,The Horror ! In the pictures accompanying the article about her BLM protest there seemed to be only her,her daughters,some daft female Councillor and about 10 school kids… lack of support hasn’t stopped them from now demanding the removal of a local Boer War hero’s statue.
It’s a load of bollocks to say that we’re racist out in the sticks….before lockdown I saw a Sooty walking around in the village….apparently he had arrived on a motorbike according to the gossip in the Co-op. After a village-wide warning was issued through loud-speakers for “da white women” to immediately go home and bolt their doors, a few of us braver (and heavily armed) locals approached the Sooty as he wandered around looking in the shop windows (obviously eyeing them up for rem-raiding or turning into brothels/drug-dens). Mindful of all the BLM fuss we tried to make friends with “Rastus” in order to avoid having a 1000-strong march of militant Dark-Keys descend on us. I approached him (my big-game hunting experience meant that I was the logical choice), proffered a banana,made eating motions,grunted several times (while avoiding eye-contact)…Alas,my attempts to bridge the racial divide were spurned…he looked at me,called me a “fucking mental Cunt” in the broadest of Scottish accents,climbed on his motorbike and, to the amazement of the large crowd that had gathered,rode off without a “by-your-please” down the street!
I have spoken to the local Council about raising a statue to our (obviously) visitor from the future…”Planet of the Apes” was not just a film,it was a warning. Hopefully a statue of our bike-riding bonobo visitor will appease our future overlords.
Once again Mr Fiddler puts a good case for his suitability to run this country. Unfortunately he forgot to mention the gays, the trannies, the remoaners and the tree huggers. No support from this woke voter i’m afraid.
Here I am watching our visitor riding his motorcycle off down the street……https://images.app.goo.gl/znwjKyqnQnvimNnZ7
Know who it was dont you?
Famed black stunt rider Winston Kneivel!
Evel K’negro
Bar(ba)ry Ape-Sheen.
Send her to Bongo Bongo land and see how long she survives.All me me me culture now.Oven.
Kinda Gay or whatever shes called is late to the party,
Bored and to much time on her hands, the locals should stake her out for the wild boar in the forest of Dean,
Stop her nonsense.
Then put her remains on show for the BLM awareness meeting.
If there’s one good thing that’s happened in an utterly shite year, it’s that race relations twixt black and white are back to what they were 50 years ago, and a good thing too.
People say I wasn’t racist till BLM or mass immigration
I had no issues till the media forced it down my throat etc.
Luckily I was a trailblazer and a racist from birth,
Saved me a lot of time!
Suppose its for the best all my neighbours are white,
All my family, friends,
And customers.
Almost beleive I was living in England!!
You ought to take a trip to Bradford, MNC. That’d re-affirm your predjudices. I picked up a car there last year…it was horrible. I thought I’d been transported into downtown Karachi.
I was a lefty virtue warrior until I went to West Africa in 1990. I might bore you cunts with this at some future date. I later worked in Seffrica. The saying is true – what’s the difference between a racist and a tourist? – about a week.
Bleck customers move their goods on the women’s heads. No need for vans.
White? Nah. You need to watch more TV ads NMC. Its all BAME innit. Or should that be BLAME? Blame the Whiteys.
If going back 50 years means they’ll be showing repeats of great comedies like Love Thy Neighbour, Mind Your Language and Till Death Us Do Part, etc, uncensored, then I’m all for it!
Morning RTC. I acquired all episodes of ‘Love Thy Neighbour’ last month. Utterly hilarious…I especially liked putting a couple on my phone to show the young people at work…they were amusingly horrified!
Morning Thomas. The irony is that comedies like Love Thy Neighbour did more to promote improved race relations than any of these woke cunts could dream of achieving today.
Except, of course, improved race relations is the last thing the Woke Left want. Just the opposite in fact. What they want is division in all areas of life, and the destruction of everything that made Western Civilisation great and dominant.
Possibly even further than 50 yrs. These awful woke attention seekers have turned me from an extremely tolerant individual into quite a racist non tolerant type. They are reaping what they have sown.
As atonement for the slave trade we should take immediate steps to make things right for those who don’t feel welcome.
We can start by selling this cunt back to the Africans. A sort of “reverse” slave trade if you will.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
I would fuck it as long as she called me Massa while I was banging away.
Then drop it off in deepest darkest Africa.
I’m still not racist, I’ve no problem with any race, I could even handle a sprinkling of BAME here with no problem.
What I can’t abide is the forced destruction of my culture and the re-engineering of the racial demographic in this white land.
We are tomorrow’s North American Indian.
HOW? ✋
Heap big trouble eh?
I’ve turned to the fire water .
Excellent riposte MNC.
Good old Jack Hargreaves, I wonder what he thought of the fuzzy wuzzy dervish?
Dunno about the how but love to understand the why.
Like you I find the present situation rather bad for the likes of us indigenous inhabitants of the British Isles. In fact the way what’s left of our culture and history is being demonised we good people of the Isles are suffering from nothing short of genocide. The real ball busting piss take in this stinking mess is that our own have turned against us and are actively seeking the end of us. Does one take the knee at each piece of woke statuary or does one do the decent thing and smash the thing into a thousand pieces then apply copious amounts of fire. Whilst loudly proclaiming your birthright. Must say that one on the left has an expression akin to an adoring bulldog
Precisely. It’s the doting idiot on the left we have most to fear from.
A couple of University tramps signalling their Virtue.
Britain-proven to be THE most tolerant society on Earth. At least it was, before the reset?
Let’s see how long before these baubles erected are up before they are ‘whitewashed’ or some other act of appreciation is paid upon them. Ditch these tributes in the harbour.
I have just received a newsletter from my council pension. The 12 photos in it show 2 whitey’s and the rest are black. The over 60’s in this pension scheme are 99.9% white f.f.s!!!
Oh why don’t you fuck off somewhere Brown.