Just been scrolling through distinguished Patrons. Fuck me a more
Pompous list of names you wouldn’t find anywhere.
In my mind this is aimed at what B&WC called ‘the anti-religious mob’ on here. I would just like you to consider the company you keep…
Won’t go through them all, so it is selective. Just the ones I know.
Professor A C Grayling CBE (Vice President) pompous phosopher twat
Shappi Khorsandi (Vice President) pompous journalist twat
Polly Toynbee (Vice President) humungously pompous commentator twat
David Baddiel pompous ‘comedian’ twat
Baroness Blackstone the epitome of pomposity
Ed Byrne just an unfunny Irish comedian so not so pompous just a wanker
Professor Richard Dawkins FRS robotic tosser (to me)
Maureen Duffy pompous shit poet twat
Angela Eagle MP pompous labour mp twat
Stephen Fry so so fucking pompous
Ricky Gervais twat (to be debated)
Dr Evan Harris pompous liberal mp twat
Richard Herring chronically unfunny pompous bore
Anish Kapoor pompous aisan writer twat
Baroness (Glenys) Kinnock colourless and boring with her husband-
Lord (Neil) Kinnock the Windbag
Stewart Lee fuck me partner of Herring cunt equally unfunny and pompous
Mike Leigh pompous lefty playwright twat
Ken Loach tosser (one for Miserable)
Lord Macdonald of Tradeston tosser sidekick of Blair
Bob Marshall-Andrews QC posh spoken pompous labour cretin
Ian McEwan pompous wank modern novelist
Jonathan Meades pompous cunt in liberal dark clothes, dark glasses
Suzanne Moore big haired feminist bore
Dame Jenni Murray so very very pompous but I’ll let Mr Boggs comment on her
Christina Patterson up her own arse pompous sky commentator
Sir Philip Pullman CBE putting horrible things into our kids minds pompous cunt
Sir Salman Rushdie pompous prick
Paul Sinha the one Chaser I don’t like because of his pomposity
Sir Patrick Stewart pompous luvvie
Laurie Taylor pompous radio 4 host
Sandi Toksvig ffs says it all
Just thought some old names there. The list must be old. Anyway Humanists have an air of pomposity about them..
Nominated by: Miles Plastic
Yes, most of them are complete cunts. The point is I’m not, so association of ‘anti-religion’ is not valid.
Hmm. Nothing grotesquely pompous about religious folk though, eh?
What I just predicted.
A vainglorious middle class prat that feels compelled to make others endure their piss and wind to their own self satisfaction, as well as diregarding or deriding the views of others is tiresome regardless of faith or lack thereof. One has found evangelicals and atheists the most guilty of this. At least you can get drunk with a papist.
Good nom Miles.
Not sure I know what a Humanist is, but if that ducky fucker stevie Frys involved its something to do with cramming stuff up your arse.
That list was chockful of cunts,
Your God should punish them for their impertinence,
A good old fashioned plague or something.
All suspiciously fruity types?
Dont hear them mocking the mullahs down the mosque though?
Cramming stuff up your arse ?
Stop drooling.
I haven’t had a good drool in ages. ?
Me neither.???
A plague of Whittys from the sky!
Landing with a thud & then demanding you find Elliott and his stolen shell.
Coronavirus was sent to kill the gay types but instead of simply smearing it on every ticket to celebrity dancing on ice they released it to the general public – they are as useless as those Russian fker who were supposed to keep me novichok safe! ?
‘not sure I know what a Humanist is’
Bertie says he’s a Humanist Miserable. I look forward to him commenting. He will be able to explain all about it I’m sure.
RT as well.
If Berties one they cant be that bad then!
They should of used Bertie as the poster boy rather than that crooked nosed sodomite Fry.
The four attributes of humanism are curiosity, a free mind, belief in good taste, and belief in the human race that people are inherently good. Bad people can be encouraged to follow the path of normality. If they don’t, we simply employ Unkle Terry’s oven!
You have been rather selective Miles with your list of humanists. Notable humanists include Bertrand Russell, Albert Einstein, Margaret Atwood and Gary Numan.
Bertie…I’m not being facetious here but do you really believe that “people are inherently good” ?….I genuinely don’t. Most people, when you strip away the facade that they present because they want to be liked/accepted etc., are selfish and try to deceive both themselves and others that they are actually “good”.
I think you’re right Dick.
It would be more correct to say that people are born inherently good.
It’s the environment into which they are born and reared that fucks them up.
I only subscribe to the parts of humanism that I like!
The rejection of supernatural beings such as gods is fundamental.
Im not sure I’m inherently good?
I stroked a kitten then started a fire at a nursing home.
Im capable of dastardly deeds
And saintly behaviour.
Am I well balanced or bi polar?
(Sicky@ fill in your own ‘bi’ joke!?)
I would only be worried Mis if you’d set fire to a kitten and stroked an old lady at a nursing home!
Quickly yes I suspect some cunters will come on and say the usual stuff about the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury being pompous with their ‘big pointy hats’ . But I’ve never really believed that. The real pomposity dresses down not up. That Johnathan Meades I mentionrd is an example- dark jacket, and T-shirt, dark glasses on.
His voice full of pomposity.
If it doesn’t hurt me crack on.
Is what I used to think.
I doubt they will be holding islam up for scrutiny..
‘We may be kiddie-fiddlers, but at least we’re not pompous’, said the Church at any given moment in time.
Justin Welby, pompous cunt.
I bet he likes to take it in the rectory.
I heard he is going on an extended holiday, maybe to get plenty of cock in private (too many prying eyes in the rectory)
And in the rotunda
Miles-it’s time you followers of ancient sky fairy tales realised that:
-Man created God
-Religion is all about control
Finally, with regards to God, two words:
If God can only be found subjectively then only you can prove it.
Excellent nom. as always, Miles.
That bum bandit Stephen Fry He’s just so fucking pompous Like He’s so mega important He’s a fucking Ex Jailbird ??
A total twat of the highest order what does He do apart from being a Queen?
Something about certainly bothers me.
I’m not religious but I’m not gifted with certainty god doesn’t exist. I’ve been giving more and more thought to this lately and been doing some research into the subject. The original biblical texts have been mistranslated, and edited with some parts left out so what modern organised religions preach is far from what was originally written.
There is much wrong done in the name of god but science enables much greater wrong to be released into the world.
It bothers me that either side of the argument believe they are the ones to whom truth belongs, real truth is independent of anything, once you apply perspective to the truth it’s tainted.
Aspects of religion bother me. If God is all powerful and knows exactly how a persons life will play out before they are even conceived how can god then condemn that person? If God is all powerful and omnipresent and omnipotent then our lives are as purposeless with a god as without one.
Maybe the god that created us is the one Jesus speaks of in the book of Judas, actually a junior deity and the real God is beyond humanity.
Certainty stops us from questioning the big questions of our existence. Believe what you will but you should be willing to re-examine why you believe it with an open mind.
Evening, S.V.
…..”the real God is beyond humanity”…I must say that Is what I wonder. I don’t believe in some old fella sitting up on a cloud but do wonder if “God” is something that, for all our “science”,is beyond human comprehension…something that we can’t prove or disprove because we quite simply can’t grasp the concept.
Fuck me,that really is a pompous statement but it’s what I believe
PS…I mean that my bit is “pompous”…not yours.
🙂 .
Nothing pompous about it DFF, it’s a sign of the thought you’ve put into the subject, on close examination neither side answers the big questions.
Many of the believers who attach so much importance to religion are sinners from a previous life. They are continually seeking redemption and forgiveness as a guilty response to the hedonistic lifestyles they have led.
I, for one, have never stuck my tongue up a ladies arsehole nor found myself pissed as a newt in a hedgerow at 3 o’clock in the morning, such is the pure, unblemished and sin free life I have led.
Churchgoers need to realise that the answers to all of life’s problems is not always found at the bottom of a communion cup.
If it wasn’t for Covid lockdowns and the cancellation of the IsAC Christmas bash Bertie, you could have experienced both those sins plus a few more no doubt.
The Christmas bash is still taking place LL – it’s virtual with the help of realistic sex dolls. I’ve ordered the Meaghan model shown here – used only once by a halfwit.
I rate Sophia as the best of the bunch, Bertie. Followed closely by Clementine.
Paul would you start a whipround for me?
The sexy redhead Andrea is right up my strausse!!
Ill keep her in the shed.
I’ll let you have a dabble at a weekend!
So are you suggesting that our very own B&WC is about to be ordained?
I fink he knows nofink abaarht it.
Well that’s none out of two for me, I’d be fucked if I Believed
If I had to classify myself as anything, humanist would probably come the closest. That’s all.
For further information:
All the information you need to is in the list above. That tells you all you need to know about it.
The premise is valid regardless of which cunt agrees with it or not.
Torch them all.Waste of spunk
I envy people with faith.
Its a strength.
Think about it, if you believe your destined for a better place then surely death holds no fear?
You have the answers,
You can walk upright in the certainty that your seeing lost loved ones again!
Im not a Christian, or anything,
Not a atheist either,
But to have faith?
Wish I did.
“You can walk upright in the certainty that your seeing lost loved ones again!”
Not this side of Christmas they won’t.
Strength or weakness?
Regardless of faith, death itself should hold no fear, MNC.
It isn’t something we can avoid no matter how much (or in my case, little) exercise you take or how many probiotic health
pills & protein products you take. Sooner or later it’ll get you so there is no point worrying about it. All you can do is hope is for it to be quick, painless and in your sleep.
Faith only puts fear of death into people by removing any guarantees of a life in paradise. The threats of an eternity of being burnt in hell all the while being b*ummed by well endowed goblins for not toeing the line set out in the various manipulative holy texts tends to do that.
My mother had unshakeable faith. You’re right in what you say. It is a massive strength. She refused to take pain relief when dying of cancer, because she didn’t want to lose her awareness. The faith was greater than the pain. She wasn’t afraid.
She was convinced that she would see all her friends and family that had died before her. Belief was total.
I don’t have that, nowhere near.
She was sixty two.
If God exists, he moves in ways too fucking mysterious for me to understand.
Evening, MNC.
Evening Jack.
Thats what I hamfistedly was trying to say.
Great and terrible things can be achieved through faith.
I just dont have it,
Some speccy goofy Timothy sandal wearer never convinced me.
Or the new ones, jolly lezzers in dog collars.
Sorry about your old mum mate.
Don’t see anything ham fisted in your post MNC. It rather chimed with my own views.
Thanks for the thought. It was many years ago.
She loved Christmas.
I trust you will be making merry this festive season?
You want up their own arses loony religious crank cunts? I’ve got ’em.
Cop this bunch of total wankers:
What a load of preposterous shit. Just like all the other religions.
GJ. You will burn in Unkle Terry’s oven. I will pray for you.
Pray not for me my friend, I am way past redemption.
Plus, if this god cunt is real, he gives children cancer, and lets his representatives on earth bum them.
On balance, I always wanted to retire somewhere warm.?
Aye, I always do.
Everything paid for, shame I dont get to go the boozer with my old mates as usual but there we go.
My favourite part now the kids have grown up is taking the dog out early doors,
Tracking deer, go for miles.
Hows the pup?
Humanist and atheist are not the same thing and not all humanists are smug, lefty pricks like these fuckers. I disavow.
If God exists and created the heaven and earth, why do the religious types think he has been hanging around the Earth, he (obviously a bloke) probably fucked off to some other part of the universe a long time ago. The ‘life on Earth’ could have just been a prototype and the real deal is in Alpha Centauri.
We will all be dead in a million years, stop worrying about it.
Not sure what this proves. A list of cunts who seem to call themselves humanists. So what? These fuckers are cunts therefore religion is good? And which religion?
I would nowadays defend western Christian values due to the attacks on it and the fact that it stands for higher moral values than Marxism or Islam. But that does not in it’s self make the organisatíons of Rome, the CoE and the rest paragons of rectitude. Far fucking from it.
I was brought up Catholic. I am now atheist. Doesnt make me a mate of AC Grayling.
I don’t see anything in Fry’s statement that I’d disagree with. It’s not a statement I’d make, and I don’t attach labels to myself, but what he’s said sounds reasonable enough to me.
As much as the majority of the list above are arseholes, I would much rather endure their company than any pope, Archbishop, imam, or any other pious cunt.
I never thought I needed a label, or a group to join, or a movement to follow, it’s only an issue with me if I’m asked to explain why I don’t believe.
It’s actually liberating to know you have a finite time in existence, and it would be prudent to make as much of that time count. And, that doesn’t mean being a cunt to people is ok. Altruism should be it’s own reward, not the promise of eternal peace, or the threat of eternal suffering.
I thought Tulsi Gabbard was alright until it turned out she’s one of the ‘Young Members’ of the World Economic Forum.
Anyone in the public eye are ALL CUNTS.
People call others conspiracy theorists but the BIGGEST global theory is an omnipotent deity calling the shots.
MK Ultra 101.
Bowing down before a totemistic sky fairy and being given credence? FFS,it’s not called blind faith for nothing.
Take your truth serum shots like the good flock.
#Pissuparope. ?
* No angels were hurt during the making of this broadcast.
Humanism along with Atheism is just as religious as wokism and Catholicism.. If you dont believe in a religion you just believe in another load of bollocks. Thats humans for you.
Best piece of advice an erudite and percipient friend gave me was that “Most people are stupid”. It’s true, whether I like it or not.
Pompous – ‘having or exhibiting self-importance.’
An overtly religious person who believes the ‘creator’ of a universe of a billion trillion stars takes a personal interest in the behaviour of one species on one planet around one of those stars accuses others of pomposity? As the great Jerry Sadowitz once said, fuck my pubic hair.
Try Chapter 23 of the Gospel of Matthew.
As several people have pointed out, the fact that some arseholes believe in an idea does not negate said idea. And if I were religious, I’d be very, very wary of attacking the non-religious with a list of twats who just happen to be humanists.
You want the ‘anti-religious mob’ to ‘consider the company you keep’? Likewise…
Joseph Ratzinger
Justin Welby
Ann Widdecombe
Salman Abedi
Ayatollah Khomeini
Osama Bin Liden
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
The Osmonds
Cliff Richard
Etc, etc, ad fucking nauseum
And remember before you reply, John 18:23..
Jesus replied, “If I said anything wrong, you must prove it. But if I’m speaking the truth, why are you beating me?”
Started typing mine before yours appeared – essentially the same POV on this one, apologies for duplication!
Tony Blair
Jimmy Saville
Some cunts are humanists.
Some humanists are cunts.
So what?
Cunts abound in whatever tribe you examine. No biggie.
Would I rather be proselytised by an obsessive Catholic or an obsessive humanist, each trying to discredit the other? Hmmm.
“There is no God” is no more a falsifiable hypothesis than “There is a God”
…their unfalsifiability is contingent. Therefore this is a fruitless exercise.
However, the more you use physics to dissect the universe, the weirder it gets, and the more it looks like a tune, the less like a picture.
I like that. Call it God if you like, just don’t ask me to believe it gives a fuck about humans. It’s much, much bigger than that.
Abdul is paddling across the Channel in his dinghy when it starts to deflate (hurrah!) . So he’s splashing about when a boat comes by and the captain says “You look like you need a hand, can I help you”.
“No thankyou” says Abdul “Allah will save me.”
Half an hour later a trawler comes by and a fisherman holds out a long pole……”grab the end of this, i’ll pull you in.”
“I can smell bacon sarnies, that’s Haram” says Abdul “I’ll wait for Allah to save me.” So he drowns and goes to peaceful heaven. (Hurrah Hurrah!)
Abdul stands in front of Allah and says “why didn’t you save me O Mighty One?”
Allah says “ I sent you two boats you dumb cunt.”
The people on Mr Plastic’s list are indeed cunts, but at least they’re not pædos* like all religious leaders undoubtedly are.
* not sure about Stephen Fry…let’s be honest, if he was arrested for n⁰ncing, it’d hardly be the surprise of the century, especially considering his “husband”, the mucky bugger.
I liked that Sandi Toksvig was just assumed to be a cunt and not worthy of a more descriptive effort of her many failings.
She’s an unfunny, ugly annoying cunt. Just to get the ball rolling….
One difference though, if Fry was caught hanging out of a boy, his fellow humanists would happily feed him to wild dogs, unlike the god squad, who tend to protect their wayward cunts.
Seems to like the youthful back passage doesn’t he?
He likes buggery, word play that shows hes oh so clever,
Obscure facts that show hes oh so clever,
Being famous, compliments, and peeping through keyholes.
Although im betting he doesn’t like beer, hard work, casual racism, and having his nose rebroke.
Not got much in common.
I hope his nose got broken by the father of one of his youthful attempted conquests…
My 10 year old nephew is almost certainly going to be a fudge packer…I shudder with dread to think of the horrific shenanigans he’ll be up to in several years’ time…eeeuuregghh…?
I think the Humanists will move slightly further up my personal ‘League Table of Cunts’ when they start blowing themselves up in crowded places or beheading those infidels who don’t agree with their one-eyed views.
On recent form (in fact on the form shown for at least the past 2,000 years) the major religions of the World are all in the top half of that table (and most definitely vying for ‘a place in Europe’).
Biggest pricks of all are the deluded fools that share the same ‘pretend friend’ yet still insist on murdering each other.
Mr Fry seems to have missed a trick. Doesn’t he know that bandits are more than welcome in heaven these days? Forget about that homophobia in the Bible, Justin can fix that.
That is a list of the honour guard for Hell’s back door. Scary shit.
That baldy goggle eyed Fenian fuck, Sinead O’ Connor is a loathsome piece of shit.
Makes out she is a big humanitarian and spouts all this shite about the evils of the church. Then she openly supports those Sinn Fein scum and the IRA. So, she doesn’t like abusers, but is all for a bunch of murderers. Also, after her ‘conversion’ to Muslam and her remarks about white people after the Manchester Arena bombing, she should have been put in a mincer. A despicable controversy whore and a semtex sucking cunt.
And now for something completely different: