Human Rights Do Gooders (Lawyers, Celebrities & Labour MPs)

Human rights lawyers, celebrities and Labour MP’s who recently interfered in the deportation of 37 Jamaican rapists, murderers and paedophiles definitely deserve a 1 million megaton cunting. On Tuesday (2nd December) a plane took off at midnight with THIRTEEN prisoners convicted of the above crimes. It should have had fifty. However interference by so called human rights lawyers, backed by bleeding heart Labour MP’s such as Corbyn, McDonnell and Abbott and celebrities such as Tossa “I don’t want to work with white people” Thomson, Naomi Campbell and Naomi Harris (Moneypenny for those who don’t know) with their open letter campaign, managed to get 37 of these scum off the plane, and now they’re still in the UK.

The law that allowed this deportation flight was enacted in 2007 and was voted for by the Abbottapotumus. But here’s what she had to say about its use on this occasion;

“Deportations epitomise the government’s continued ‘Hostile Environment’ agenda. Not only is this agenda unjust, but also the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has now found that the Home Office broke the law with its series of hostile environment policies and inhumane treatment of the Windrush generation.”

This has fuck all to do with the “Windrush generation”. This is about removing dangerous, convicted criminals from this country. And I’ll bet that not one of these cock suckers gave a single thought for the human rights of the victims of these scumbags. No, the lawyers thoughts were all about the legal aid money. There are plenty of causes these MP’s and so called celebrities could have gotten behind, homeless veterans, cancer research, heart disease research etc. But no, they chose to demand that a bunch of foreign murderers, rapists and paedophiles be allowed to stay in the UK because of THEIR human rights.

Some of these scum will be released. If just one person is murdered, if one woman is raped, if one child is abused by one of the filth who was removed from that flight, then those lawyers, MP’s and celebrities should also be arrested and charged with the crime that was committed, because THEY will be just as responsible for the crime as the perpetrator. They enabled it to happen. You have to be a genuine piece of shit to consider the rights of criminals to be more important than their victims and potential victims. They should be taken to meet the victims and victims families and made to listen to what the scum who removed from that flight did to them.

What a bunch of utter cunts.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

43 thoughts on “Human Rights Do Gooders (Lawyers, Celebrities & Labour MPs)

  1. It is about time that the do gooders were made responsible for the costs of their actions. The Stansted 15 or what ever got away Scot free after being found guilty of criminal damage and costing the taxpayer a great deal of money. Looking at photos of the libturds who crop up in such situations once is always overcome with an urge to kick the shit out of them.

  2. Good nom QDM, a real piss boiler this one.
    Let’s hope that one of these Yardie scumbags stabs the daughter of one of these human rights cunts.
    The chances that not one of the 37 will reoffend is virtually zero.
    I remember Theresa May had severe bother getting rid of that Abu Hamza, hate preaching cunt when she was Home Secretary.
    A truly shocking state of affairs.

  3. That header picture is perfect admin!
    Exactly right for this nom (great nom?)
    The criminal scum being deported are being fawned and breastfed by lefty do gooders,
    Simply because theyre black.
    The use of the mention “the windrush generation”is to scare off debate,
    The term ‘windrush generation’ is being turned into a sacred cow, and its wrong.
    Yes they came here to work and settle, and?
    Doesn’t make them heroic?
    Don’t hear the americans fawning over the irish generation,
    Or Australia about the convict generation!
    These men arent sufferers of mistreatment and racism,
    Theyre criminal scum!!
    Fuck deporting them
    Hang the cunts and send them back in bodybags.

  4. Thought that slag Emma Thomson had moved over to Italy and made herself an Italian National
    Social distancing hypocrite is living in Scotland till the pandemic is over
    Send all the fuckers back and let them fight it via Jamaica not here scumbags

    • Yes, she and her dipshit husband very quietly hopped on a plane and moved into her mother’s house in the Highlands. It was only a couple of weeks earlier that they’d put on a big show about moving to Venice and becoming honorary Italian citizens. Weren’t so keen on making their tail between the legs return to the UK (which they continually announce their hatred of) public.

  5. Fuck the Windrush and its generation of scumbags and benefit fraudsters, the cunts are going to get even more compensation.

    It’s typical of the labour cunts, lawyers and do gooder celebrity cunts, when they see some darkie criminals being kicked out they scream windrush.
    Most deportations go ahead with no issue until it’s the turn of dark skinned types, for some reason a Jamaican criminal has more right to be saved than a Romanian pikey.

    Deport the fucking lot, criminals or not, they are all cunts!

  6. Foreign national? Commit a crime here?

    Serve the sentence then home you go. If it’s a suspended sentence, do not pass go, transport to airport and off you go.

    Assets confiscated and sold to pay costs.


  7. So where are the human rights lawyers on 10 months of us being put under house arrest, unemployed, enforced separation from family and friends, and enforced medical tyranny?

    Answers on a piece of used shit roll (if you could find any left on the shelves to start with).

  8. Don’t people realise that the UK owes absolutely everything to the Windrush generation.
    If it wasn’t for the Windrush generation and their contribution we’d all still be living in caves hunting wooly mammoths.
    If it wasn’t for the Windrush generation we wouldn’t have had Sir Lenny Henry to bring us the gift of laughter.
    Without the Windrush generation we wouldn’t have Jamafrican patois/bastardised English as the accent of all the UK’s yoof.

    • Right you are HJ, didn’t commuters in 1950’s London just sit on the buses twiddling their thumbs because the dumb whitey in the drivers seat sat there going “Brmm brmm” because he couldn’t drive the fucking thing until the Windrush Generation saved us and kickstarted the post-war economy.

  9. Lawyers labours do gooders twatter follwers scribblers all know that in the real world ? 80% of the population would deport all foreign criminals and illegals in a heartbeat. They are one of two things.
    1 money grabbing cunts.
    2 twatter attention seeking cunts.

  10. Well that is a superb cunting. Since most of you cunts have been slagging off pretty useless Patel for months. There is fuck all she can do about it. I hope any readers of this illustrious website are armed by these feral cunts. Fuck em all, anyone who votes for the left deserve a good fucking.

  11. These bunch of hand-wringing bleeding heart cunts really are the dregs of this country, not one of them would want to live next door to any of these ‘victims’ or see their kids mixing with them in the neighbourhood. All of them without exception will be BLM agitators yet I will bet the victims of these criminals will be mostly black but who gives a fuck about that?

  12. I am only surprised that Linekunt didn’t throw his hat into the ring.
    I see thousands of Indians were allowed to protest the plight of Indian farmers in Birmingham, this weekend. Absolutely no social distancing and absolutely no strong arm policing☹️

    Meanwhile, 5x police mobilised to tackle a dangerous “non compliant” super market shopper who had no mask but was exempt, or the father who had Christmas lights in his front garden, raising funds for a mental health charity, visited by the New political stasi, forced to switch them off ☹️

    I also see the dingy riders at Penally camp have been protesting against the quality and variety of food provided, whilst the annual homeless death toll , many ex HM Forces, due to freezing to death, starts to rise ?

    Great Cunting QDM, beautifully crafted ???

  13. If a foreign or dual national is convicted of a crime in the UK they should be immediately deported after conviction to serve their sentence in their home Country, stripped of UK Nationality and never allowed back in the UK – living here is a privilege and if people don’t get or respect this then be gone.
    And the filth who bleed the public dry defending the indefensible should go with them.

  14. If I even began to describe what I’d do to these vermin (the crims and their defenders) I’d probably have plod kicking my door in. Let’s just say that I wouldn’t show a single one an ounce of mercy.
    They wouldn’t be deported. They would suffer. ….But not for long.

  15. Cheroot Fucking Bliar, human roits liar…
    Just about sums the scumbags up. In my not very umble opinion, they are WORSE than the bloody crimes.

  16. Four people have been charged with criminal damage over the toppling of Edward Colston’s statue.

    Rhian Graham, 29, Milo Ponsford, 25, Jake Skuse, 32, and Sage Willoughby, 21, will appear at Bristol Magistrates’ Court on January 25.

    Rhian, Milo, Jake and Sage. Why aren’t I surprised? Mddle class student daddy’s paying woke liberal cunts to man. Milo cunting Ponsford? Sage fucking Willoughby?!! I fucking ask you? Their names alone just scream ‘cunt’.

      • They all sound like names from Monty Python’s Upper Class Twit Of The Year Show sketch.

        What makes me laugh is that the Somerset police were actually scared of this shower and didn’t wade in. A total laughing stock.

  17. Labour kicked Churchill out then imported loads of Windrush and never took records of it… then have the gaul to call the right, wrong. Work that one out. Cunts.

    • The post war Labour government also gave the Soviets jet technology. I kid you not. They gave that tech to our enemy, on the condition that it was only to be used for commercial aircraft. And of course the Soviets said “Da, tovarishch. Of course we only use for civilian planes”.

      • Very true Quick Draw, the soviets did a bit of re engineering supposedly, built lots of the engines and stuck them in mig 15’s. I am sure Rolls Royce attempted to obtain licence fees from the commies but they said bollocks. Further to this tale of woeful traitorous fuckwittery when Stalin was informed that the British would be asked to assist the Russian jet race he replied basically what fucking idiot would give us jet engines? Well the useless traitors within did not let anyone down even then. Sounds very familiar.

  18. Naomi Campbell is a known and infamous cunt.
    A psychotic shit who looks like a black Afghan Hound with a bad ‘Irish Jig’.

  19. I wonder how these cunts would act if it was a family member of there’s that was raped , murdered or robbed , but it’s ok if it’s someone else’s , there self serving selfish fucking cunts , I hope they suffer at the hands of a hardcore criminal one day

  20. I even tried to stick my dick up my arse this morning because its that long however the tip only reached the fur with the cloisters. Because i feel like everything i say im sticking my own dick up my arse.

  21. I even tried to stick my dick up my arse this morning because its that long however the tip only reached the fur with the cloisters. Because i feel like everything i say im sticking my own dick up my arse.

  22. I’m not clicking on the ‘main’ thread because I was a cunt and caused cuntitude on it.

    Human Rights Lawyers can eat dust.

  23. Sirs:

    “Rhian, Milo, Jake and Sage.”

    Can Kaden and Jared be far behind?

    In the US, not only can we not deport the useless fuckers, we’re on the verge of simply legalizing crime for people of a certain hue.

    South Dakota is looking better by the minute.

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