Escaping Southerners & Londoners

Fucking escapee Londoners and Southerners are complete cunts.

After having a good laugh at us degenerate Northern folk a few weeks back when this corrupt government left Londinstabistan in Tier 2 the are all now jumping on a the last transports out of that infected hellhole to bring their dirty mutant virus with them.

Listen, just because your neighbourhood now looks like something out of Michaels Jackson’s Thriller doesn’t mean we want you here eating our pies and messing with our fat growlers.

Stick down there with your fucking jellied eels and pie and mash you cunts.

Nominated by: Spanky Mc Spank

124 thoughts on “Escaping Southerners & Londoners

  1. I wonder if the rise is also due to a certain place of worship. I’ll not say which one but that it involves carpet sniffing. Any place of worship should be closed. They are not a necessity. Places of business e.g pubs should be open paying tax into our fucked for the next 30 years economy.

    • I saw an interview the other day where a religious leader said religious services were essential during lockdown for the nation’s spiritual health.
      Fuck off. The only spirits I’m interested in are those filling my drinks cabinet.
      Any other type put the shits up me!

      • Well it’s the only place you can go out for a cunting drink in some parts of the county and they don’t give it away at the Mosquito’s

    • Bob, ‘Diversity is Our Strength.’
      Please embrace that concept- or feel free to say ‘Fuck Off!’

    • I was unaware of the origin of that banality; thank you RTC.
      How much diversity surrounds that thick adulterer?

      • Don’t know why this stuck in my mind but I heard Prince Charles or it was reported he is once said he would like to see more black faces on the parade ground. I suppose for the Trooping of the Colour (pun not intended) and the like.
        A laudable thing.
        Well certainly since he said that (many many years ago) we have seen more and more black faces. We have been inundated with black faces -in television programmes, as news presenters, reporters, in adverts. Not soldiers or not businessmen, not civil servants or solicitors or tradesmen.
        People think they are making strides but they’re not. Its just cosmetic.
        Like the make-up they put on before appearing on camera.

      • Come to think I wonder do the black news presenters have to put make up on? Maybe not. Just for whitey. To give him some colour.

  2. Lol, the great divide, I like the northern cities, down (daaaaaahn?) to earth, say it like it is.
    No pearly Kings unfortunately and whippets can’t sing “knees up mother brown (braaaarn?).

      • Marwood “we’re not from London you know…

        Farmers wife “I DONT CARE WHERE YA COME FROM!!”
        Withnail & I.

        Southerners on the run?
        Spare a cup of mocha soy latte guvnor?
        Organic pumpkin bread?
        Do what john?
        While nowt against some rosy cheeked barrow boy or cheeky chimney sweep escaping the Draconian rules of their pale leader,
        Nowt here for you.
        Go back to where you came from.
        And ive counted those eels in that pond!!

  3. The posh cunts, can’t just have regular chinky Covid they have to have their own special version
    Just wait for the usual Islington, Hackney and Brentford cunts crying out they should have the vaccine first.


  4. They need euthanising.

    As Boris Johnson said: “when a man /woman /tranny /cheeky gender-neutral cockney cunt is tired of London, he is tired of life.”

    • And as a wise man, (if I may be so immodest) once said, “he who is tired of life, goes to London.

  5. Never fear we will all be in Tier 4 soon.Another lockdown.Bore off the SAGE party.Utter shite.Torch them all.Bin off Blowhard Jellyfish.He is finished early next year.TWAT

    • The Jellyfish is finished ; let’s hope that he has not signed us up for anything terminal.
      He is an absolute cunt.

  6. Just heard on the news that the EU Trade Deal has been done… quelle surprise.

    Also, the recent, more virulent strain of Covid originated in South Africa… quelle surprise x2.

    • It’s a good deal, you can still have cod and chips, just be a bit more expensive.

      Just seen the news, a D day veteran Chelsea pensioner 98 years old has had the jab, he took the cold steel with a smile.

      • The Frogs are jubilant that we’ve caved in on fishing. Well what did they expect?

      • @RTC….Do you really care that much about the fishing? Most of the British quota’ll probably just be sold off to foreign owned trawlers that are suddenly re-registered as British anyhow.

      • Doesn’t bother me, Dick. Fishing makes up 0.1% of UK GNP, but it’s highly symbolic for Brexiteers.

      • We have Young’s (established 1805) ‘Chip Shop’ frozen haddock fillets once a week. Do you think they’ll be effected?

      • “We have Young’s (established 1805) ‘Chip Shop’ frozen haddock fillets once a week. Do you think they’ll be effected?”….hopefully YES….I wouldn’t be seen dead eating something as common as frozen fish.

        Do you have a nice pot of mushroom curry sauce with your fish?

      • Perhaps Miserable could call and share some of his classy “langoustines” with you..maybe a nice bag of “pommes frites” too…all smothered in Daddy’s H.P. Sauce.

      • I will share my langoustines with Rtc Dick, because hes a well mannered boy like myself.
        Your not getting any!
        To refined for your Fray Bentos palate!!

        The Scampi I had was Youngs!!?.

      • My missus would love that. She’s spending Christmas with Les Miserables, you know.

      • “Langoustines” are what Miserable calls “Scampi”….I can just imagine him finishing off a classy night out “down t’club” by calling at “t’chippy” for “langoustine ‘n’ chips…plenty o’ vinegar,crispy bits and a can of Rola Cola to wash it all down”

      • Hehehe ?
        Thats not far from the truth Dick!
        Not very adventurous with food.
        Although im eating a couple of tangerines a day at the moment!
        Id have scurvy if it wasnt for Christmas.

      • I always buy a single pomegrante at Christmas….don’t know why,don’t even like the fucking things…always end up chucking it to the chickens. Give the horses the apples and little oranges that I also buy and never bother eating .


      • Pomegranates are fuckin useless arent they?
        More a puzzle than a food!
        Anything you have to use a pin to eat can get fucked.
        Dick, whats a good Brandy?
        I dont drink it, but need to buy someone a bottle and want a good one?

      • Can’t help there,Mis. I’m no brandy drinker myself. It’s whiskey for me..mainly Irish. I’ve tried all make and manner of other spirits but always end up back with The Irish.

      • We love scampi, Miserable, avec tartare sauce, peas and French fries.

        Lady C likes brandy. Usually gets whatever’s cheapest, Sainsbury’s own brand last Christmas. Doubt she’d know a good brandy if it came up and ripped her lungs out.

    • You’re wrong with the new COVID strain Ruff. It is yet another variant in addition to the S.E England one.

    • Look on the bright side ruff tuff, he’s united the whole country, remain or leave, black or white, poor or rich now all see him for what he is, a fucking duplicitous Turk cunt masquerading as an Englishman, Unkle Terry, light the oven!!!!

      • Tommy Cooper wore the fez but at least was worth the ticket price.
        The other grease ball lamb handbag curator is a grade A twat.

      • I wouldn’t normally give a damn, Captain. But I have to admit that paying £39 billion for the privilege of becoming a vassal state is somewhat irksome.

        Then again, this country was finished 20 years ago, so not surprised.

      • Us snowflakes never had a chance. I guess i could could just stare at my trobbing hands and semi flacid penis to make me happy.

  7. I left London 40 years ago, that’s how much foresight I had.

    Fucking Norfolk, actually a really nice place.

    • Everytime i visit, i realise how blessed i am even if i look like worzel gummage and stink of piss. I would hate to live in that den of untruths and stabbing people in the back.

      • Ill retract that the only shithole i think thats worse than london is birmingham. They are the #1 cunts. And shit at it too.

    • Same as SV left londonistab in 1970, never went back, i like where i live in southwold suffolk, all them there londoners fleeing the covid pox can fuck off back there!

  8. I can understand why they have done it, but it seems a bit pointless really.

    A news report I read yesterday stated that the teenage mutant ninja Covid, the more virulent strain, has been in and around the Kent area since late October. So it’s had near enough 2 months for people to spread further afield. London and the South East being previously in Tier 2 has probably also not helped.

    In addition, it was also mentioned that the more virulent strain has been found in parts of Europe – Belgium, Italy to name two.
    Australia was also mentioned

    Now what was that old saying about closing a barn door after a horse has bolted……

  9. Fuck em sneering cunts. Still can’t have been easy seeing their home territory turned into an enthic 3rd world shit hole over the last 20 years. Politicians should hang their heads then be sent to live off the land for the rest of their days on a remote island. Loads of food in tins provided. Not one tin opener provided. Could make a good tv show. Politicians kill each other and starve. Vote on your choice of who is next to go.

  10. A new mutant strain of the virus? More convenient bollocks designed to scare people into submission.

    • PS.
      Don’t blame Southerners fleeing….I’d take any excuse to escape from the shitehole too…but they needn’t think that there’ll be a welcoming smile awaiting them in a certain (vast) corner of rural Northumberland.

      • Owen Jones managed to get out of London just in time Dick and is making his way up to rural Northumbria and Fiddler Castle as I type this.

        Just thought I’d let you know, so you can prepare an appropriate welcome for him – plenty babycham and some French Fancies ?

      • Little Owen’s probably sharing a charabang with Dame Elton,Philip Schofield,Diane Abott,Stephen Fry,Keith Vaz,Idris Elba,David Lammy and Lewis Hamilton….all organised courtesy of “B+W Cunt’s Tours of Gammon Lairs” Holidays….the Cunt.


      • Evening Dick.

        Well B&WC is certainly an opportunistic chap.

        He likes to think of himself as a modern day pirate. Not the AK-47 wielding variety though.

        It’s probably all that talk of plundering booty that attracted him.

  11. Essex people are travelling to Norfolk, and my schadenfreude warms the cockles of my old heart, because Norfolk’s going in Tier 4 on Boxing Day…

    Popcorn, please. 🙂

  12. Many ethnic Londoners got relocated to new city’s across the south east. Now if the replacement Londoners would relocate somewhere core conducive to their preferred way of existing COVID would be a winner.

  13. Fucking moaning northern cunts. All those fleeing “Londoners” are either posh fucking remoaner cunts or your own northern monkey boys fucking off home for Xmas.
    If you like I can send you daily trainloads of peacefuls, gays and assorted BAMES to cheer you up. See how you like that, cunts.

    • Well the police are monitoring train stations and coach drop offs.
      They play the theme to Only fools and Horses, and anyone who jauntily kicks his heels or stretches his braces is nicked.

      • ? ? ? ?
        We’re too busy stuffing our faces with eels and Watneys Red Barrel.
        With the new Saffa strain do we go immediately to tier 5, then 6,7 and so on every time it mutates?
        A bloke got beaten up by four yoof last Saturday, thank Alan we have plod to patrol the streets and pubs for mask transgressions, what would we do otherwise.

    • Keep those soft southern cunts daaaarn saarrrf where they belong!

      Anyone with even a remote cockney gawd blimey accent up here in the Lake District, will get short thrift back down the M bleedin’ 6


      • Your not wrong with that comment, Techno.
        The only fuckers who can afford properties in the South Lakes basin are Southerners cashing in on the inflated prices in London and the Home Counties?

  14. I’d pay good money to watch the jellyfish et al try and escape an angry mob hell bent on revenge for what they have done!

      • I would put them in dinghies and float them off down the Thames…….France is that way cunts! ?? Of course I would give them fishing rods so they can feed themselves with the British fish they have given away to the greaseballs. And a supply of water the peacefuls wash their feet in before they kiss the carpet. I’m soft like that.

  15. Meanwhile here in London I’m just carrying on as normal. I don’t know anyone who has had China pox. I don’t know anyone who knows anyone who has had chinky pox. What a load of old bollox.

    • It’s all feckin bullshit. Even those who’ve ‘tested positive’ with PCR is no guarantee that they actually had it. People just don’t understand, the PCR method is not a test or diagnostic tool, and certainly not when you’re doing it at 35+ cycles. All it does is amplify, exponentially, genetic material. You could have a fragment of the virus, up to a month post illness, and you could still ‘test positive’ with PCR. And that is without cross contamination in the hospital and the testing labs. And that is even if the genetic material they’re examining for is even what they claim it represents!

      Unless you actually isolate the virus from the patient directly or there are definitite clinical symptoms specific to the illness – loss of smell or trouble breathing are hardly unique – then you are shooting in the fucking dark.

      • Lest we forget-the common cold(s) prevelant in the UK are coronavirus strains, identified as such in the 1960’s.
        It’s cold and flue season……

  16. As he’s gonna have some free time soon we should hire Trump to build a wall around the M25 and make London pay for it. Fuck the cunts. Any Londoner I see round these parts is being dobbed straight into PC Plod.

  17. Oh, and the whole distinction between essential and non-essential businesses can fuck off too. Any business that provides somebody with a liveable income is essential by default.

    • Especially as the tax and rates paid by the business is used to fund essential services. Likewise the employees of said businesses.
      I can’t understand how this is never mentioned. Or is the magic money tree actually real?

      • The banksters stare at a screen and either add or remove a nought when the time is right.
        Smoke and mirrors bullshit,

    • Covid chinky pox has transferred billions from small business to Amazon and corporations. Covid is bollox. The Tory party as usual is the enemy of normal people. The Labour party is even worse. Were all fucked.

  18. I hear the supermarket shelves up north have been stripped of black pudding so i’m sending the Flabbott on the last train to Manchester.
    No need to fight over her…..plenty to go round.

    • Head to Bradford for booze and pork products as no cunt buys them in that neck of the woods.

  19. Personally I don’t have a problem with the cunts getting out of dodge, I live in the North, we need to stick together here it’s the Government who are the cunts here!

    • Nah, fuck them. The reason lots of them are doing it is because they think they’re above the rules us proles have to follow.

      • That’s the problem you see the cunting fucking rules made up on dodgy data, they don’t want us out of lockdowns those cunts, Tier 4,5,6 coming to us all, no point basking in Tier 2 or 3 like those southern cunts did a while back when we know what’s coming

      • Oh, I don’t like the rules either but these people escaping to their second homes implies a certain level of entitlement on their part. It puts a strain on local services as well.

    • Stucunt@

      Any North/South stuff in here is just banter.
      We know who our mutual enemies are,
      Every politician
      The left
      And the woke/snowflakes

      No animosity is meant for the chim chimney shandy drinkers!

      • A fine list. I’m adding tinkers and swarthy nomad euro trash to it, the ones that look like Parking Stanleys but will swipe your wallet in a flash. The cunts.

  20. I found it funny that the cunts escaped from the shit hole only to have tier 5 follow them. Oh dear how fucking sad you cunts. Only more is that the locals will hate them with a vengeance.

  21. I think they are just trying to escape that cunt Sadik Khan, so I’ll give the cunts the benefit of the doubt. Talking about Sadik have you seen that cunts mask made from TFL carpet?

    • He eats the nascent pubes of Bacha Bazi boys. His hairball’s his own fault he can choke to death on.

  22. I don’t want anyone from London coming to these regions thank you. They’ll be a different shade and be highly toxic.

  23. As I’ve said before, but it’s worth repeating…

    Fuck the North* – as far as I can tell, the North is entirely populated by scampi-eating, hirsute flashers and sociopathic gentleman farmers with an unhealthy obsession with Gemma Arterton’s backside. Fuck them.

    Enjoy Tier 5 in the New Year, cunts. At this rate, I might get to come and visit some time in 2033.

    * Other regional prejudices available on request.

    • The North is indeed filled with despicable characters and knaves CMC – luckily Sir Fiddler, MNC and my good self would never resort to such degeneracy – we are a shining light of virtue in the the never ending freezing darkness oop North! ?
      Ask my Barrister..

      • ignore this oaf. CMC!

        It wasn’t until I arrived in the Lake District from the Midlands a couple of years ago, did the area become the distinguished and dignified rural retreat neighbouring regions could only have wet dreams of emulating.

        Regrettably the Lake District/Cumbria has to rub shoulders with those uncouth wollers in the Pennines, Yorkshire and Lancashire. And of course we are also burdened with the Jocks just north of us.

        But the Lake District is the jewel in the crown, probably due to my timely/saintly arrival.

        Thank you (I take requests btw)

  24. As in March, the only advantage in this shitshow is not geographical-it financial

    Coronavirus-survival if the richest.
    There’s your real privilege in action.

  25. My sympathies and thoughts are with all you cunters caught up in the Covid lockdowns. I sincerely hope you can enjoy your Christmas, in whatever way you can or are allowed.

    Chin up, and hopefully this will all be over soon. ?

  26. As a born and bred Londoner, I can confirm that I will be following government advice for once and staying at home.

    The only reason for staying at home is because if I go away for any length of time the Europikeys will move in to my house and plod will take their side.

    This happens quite frequently in London amd it takes months to get rid of them because the gutless police see it as a personal dispute and not a crime.

    God I fucking hate London. What a shithole.

    • It really is, I was in North London (Crouch End, Finsbury Park) for years. Yummy mummy cunts in the former and stabby peaceful cunts in the latter. All in all, an overpriced, overrated shithole.

  27. I’m a southerner and I jumped to t’ norf. But that was just over three years ago to get away from the south before this shit was ever heard of.

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