Do Not Attempt to Resuscitate

NHS Cunts who Pressure the Elderly into agreeing to ‘Do Not Attempt to Resuscitate’
(DNAR) orders

It is now some sort of sick NHS policy to get old people to agree to this at all costs. Apparently, little old ladies and gentlemen are visited by nurses who then, kindly, arrange for fucking great notices to be delivered for the poor old souls to put up in their homes to confirm they do not want any attempts to be made to resuscitate them.

If this process meets with resistance eg the person says “Fuck right off”, the GPs just put it on the elderly person’s medical records without consulting them or their relatives. Job done. NHS saved.

There is evidence of this happening in residential homes for the elderly back in lockdown one. Now it is becoming more brazen.

Any of the elderly that Covid 19 might miss are now being dealt with by Dr Death and his Angels of Mercy. “Save the NHS”. Why?

Nominated by: Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea

66 thoughts on “Do Not Attempt to Resuscitate

  1. Speaking of resuscitation. Why do I have to type in James corden is a cunt to find this page ?
    Mind you its a laugh reading his 8th cunting

    • I found it again through a Reddit link. Whether that reset my wotsits or it was just coincidence I have the Willie Foggiest.

      As for the DNR orders, you don’t even have to be that old, over 60 by all accounts depending on the circumstances.

  2. The one thing this “pandemic” has taught us is that the NHS and the civil service is shit. And those in charge are cunts.

    • It was shit back when I started working for it in 1995, at that time we had the ‘Patient’s Charter’. It’s taken them quarter of a century but at least they’ve come clean now and admit to the current ‘charter’ being ‘yeah actually we do just want to kill you’.

  3. Whatever you do, poncy BUPA hospitals who might get Gaylord Andrew Adonis, Remainer madman (or madam): DO NOT RESUSCITATE (even if he only only has a butt plug stuck up his arse)

  4. Is isacunt turning into a nightclub? Refused entry early doors again this morning. As for DNR I have personally experienced this and it’s really down to the person’s choice not the health workers and staff. I think family and loved ones need to know and respect it either way.

    • Couldn’t find the site anywhere on Goggle. I wondered if it had been shut down by F Troop of whatever the army unit is called that is patrolling the internet searching for Covid 19 dissenters. If you are looking in, chaps, fuck off you sad cunts.

    • You’re bang on the money, Rob. Called ‘TEPS’, Treatment Escalation Plan, which give direction on what treatment a pt wants, DNACPR amongst them. As far as I’m aware, this is discussed FULLY with the pt/family and the reasons for it are stated. There is about a 10% chance of surviving a cardiac arrest outside of a hospital environment. TV shows where they turn up, shock asystole and get ROSC are absolute bullshit but it gives people false expectations. Anyone know what a proper resus attempt is like? It’s brutal. You will crack ribs, even on young pts let alone the elderly. There will be blood, vomit and all manner of bodily fluids. If they’re in a shockable rhythm, we shock them, not what you see on the telly, either. We try to reverse reversible causes, all the while swapping CPR providers regularly unless a LUCAS has been brought by HEMS. We will intubate, cannulate and carry out invasive procedures. If we get ROSC, we load and go to ED. All the while, the family, if they wish, are watching you, praying. Think the above is bad? Try doing that on a baby or a child. The most common reason for a DNACPR is that it is unlilely to be successful. Until we see it, however, we are oblihed by law to continue even if a relative says they have one. If we see it and carry on, we’re also breaking the law.

      We don’t give people a chance if they’re over ninety? Fuck off. Went to a 93 yof, having a barn door STEMI. ECG showed it getting worse. Sent it to the CCU. Within an hour of her call, she’s on the table in theatre having two STENTS fitted. It was a privilege to watch the surgeons work and be part of the process that saved her life.

      To say we just write them of is an insult to myself, my service colleagues up and down the country and the doctors and nurses in the hospitals. I expected it from the Daily Mail, but not this site. Maybe it’s time to leave.

      (Everyone take a deep breath please – DA)

      • Congratulations DCI on your excellent nom on the vaccine. 230 responses and counting must be some sort of record!
        I will be nominating you for “the nom of the year,” which carries a prize of 100 free face masks and a dozen Scotch eggs.
        I, for one, am grateful that you and many others in the NHS are so passionate about your work.

      • Please don’t leave. You’re needed here as a corrective to uninfomed Daily Stormer tinfoil hattery, of which there seems to have been an upsurge. But I’d understand if you did – it’s annoying me too.

      • I understand your frustration Komodo but that comment very much comes across as cunting other cunters.

      • Completely disagree General. I’m sure many others, including myself, are in agreement with Komodo.
        Unless you are singling people out by name, then I don’t see how anyone is “cunting a cunter.”

      • It’s basically calling those who disagree with his perspective far right conspiracy theorists Bertie. Sure a couple on this site are but most aren’t. I’m sure that wasn’t his intent but it doesn’t come off good.

      • PS The last thing we’d all prefer not to see is the “cancel culture” creeping in on this site.

      • Oh, and I’m not advocating for cancel culture either. That’s the reason I actually took issue with Komodo’s comment.

      • To clarify – my position is unequivocally to support free expression, whether I agree with it or not. I’m not cancelling anyone. I expect the same freedom of expression. Justifiable criticism of an extreme POV is not ‘cunting the cunter.’ Hold your nose and take a look at the ‘Daily Stormer’ if you doubt me.

        There would I suspect be no such objections if a Militant Tendency keyboard warrior turned up and started opining, and was told to piss off back to The Canary?

      • DCI, I don’t doubt your sincerity going by the passion of your postings. I would feel confident being under your care, so long as you didn’t know it was me ?

        But you are one out of many and whilst undoubtedly there are many, many more like you unfortunately there are always cunts in a group. It’s like the police, army, teachers, there’s always cunts in there.

        We can’t exclude the notion that this DNR doesn’t happen maliciously. I’ve seen quite a few mentions on twitter and I don’t believe all these people just made it up going by the tone.

        I think you’re taking this too personally because you feel very emotionally involved with your line of work. Stick around and add the counterbalance to tinfoilers like me (not far-right though).

      • TTDCI@ Easy old chap, your service and insight are valued and respected – no need to be doing one Sir!

      • Please don’t leave. Your contributions are valued by many here. Plus, you are so fucking lovely to call to mind when reading them, DCI Gene.

        (Indeed. But sometimes cunters need a bit of a thick skin on this site, and not take the bait personally. We don’t cunt cunters, but by the same token everyone – on this site at least – is entitled to an opinion. DA)

      • Nothing in what Komodo said is in any way cunting cunters, just an opinion on some of the claims made, particularly on the vaccine saga.

      • For what it’s worth, I think all of us here would agree that it would be very sad to see yourself and Komodo leave DCI. Even though I frequently disagree with your opinions the fact that ISAC isn’t an echo chamber is part of what makes it so great. If you two left then things round here would be a bit more boring.

      • Please do not leave, DCI. Just put it down to the deliberately persuasive bent of the Daily Wail. Find a story, gloss over the inconsistencies and the key details and present it as if the world is about to end.

        File along with similar Daily Fail ‘stories’, such as all GP’s are lazy cunts, work a handful of hours every week, when not at the local golf course and whilst trousering £100K a year.

        My wife’s Aunt swears by the advice of the Daily Wail ‘Doctor’ in the medical section. God fucking help her…

        I would wipe my arse on the paper, but I have far more respect for my ringpiece and perineum and would not permit them to be tainted with print of lies, lazy, sensationalist journalism and hatred.

      • I happen to think that cunters are a cut above your average web surfing wallah, and I also think that you are able to express your own opinion here, without the subsequent shit show that is all too common on other sites.
        Opinions are like arseholes, everybody’s got one. If ISAC becomes an echo chamber, we might as well all fuck off.
        As for the NHS, without it, I’d have been dead years ago, as it is, I’m still here, thanks to the ambulance / paramedic bods, surgeons, nurses, specialists and all the other staff.
        The NHS isn’t perfect, nothing is.
        If you don’t like it, don’t use it.
        Wouldn’t like to see anyone leave ISAC.
        Especially those that owe me money.

      • DCI@
        Dont you fuckin dare.
        Stay right there.
        As foul-mouthed argumentative ambulance paramedics who are also sexual deviants go,
        Your my favourite.
        Every one occasionally sees their arse on here, but just carry on cunting!
        If you jack it in, youll miss me and get distracted in your work
        Give the cunt on the stretcher 50ccs of viagra instead of insulin or something.
        Dont you dare go, I’ll never forgive you.?

      • DCI, I understand why you must get so pissed off with some of the comments on here. You do the job, you know what you are talking about. I’m sure most people recognize that.

  5. My Mum agreed to a DNR order while she was in agony from stage 4 lung cancer last year.
    The hospice made her as comfortable as possible, but we know they were putting a little extra something in her drip to help her along.

    Hard to accept, but it was her wish.

    The government have now tried offing old people by sticking them in covid loaded care homes. Obviously that wasn’t reducing the NHS or pension bill fast enough, so they are now playing the part of the grim reaper to speed up the process.

    I told you this would happen.

      • Reinhard Heydrich would be proud.

        I wonder when octogenarians and the long term sick will be ushered towards their last communal shower?

      • V alarming; reminiscent of the Nazis’ T-4 setup, which ironically started with a request from parents of an affected child to the “relevant authorities.”

    • It’s absolutely cynical and calculated.

      So is the unloading of an experimental vaccine over the winter months when the elderly are at most risk of dying. Makes it easier to fudge the statistics, as does gradually implementing it instead of doing it all at once.

  6. Personally if I’d reached the point of needing resuscitation, I’m not sure that I’d want it…that’s just me though.

    I suppose in the future some very hard decisions will have to be made regarding “quality of life” and “expense” as medical advances enable people,some in pretty dreadful states,to be kept “alive”.

    • We need a grown up conversation on exactly that. Another lockdown looms which will not work like the last one. We will be on 4 5 and 6 lockdowns soon and for what. No Cost benefit analysis done, this nation is trashed for decades and all we will have achieved keeping some old people alive for a a couple of months longer.

  7. This is pure bureaucracy in action, officials so far removed from the people that people become statistics and problems.

    The bigger the organisation the larger the disconnect.

  8. Cor! I just increased the size of the photo in the nom. It’s Hesselslime after the op! He’s still an old fishwife.

  9. My dad died last year at 84. I was raging about the mention of DNAR. My dad knew he didn’t have long to go and agreed it verbally but then it was mysteriously removed for but us it was heart wrenching, awful, fucking shit that the NHS could have such a cavalier attitude to death. The cunts.

    My dad mercifully passed away in his sleep after weeks of pain. When I go I will be kicking and screaming out of this life and they can give me all the resuscitation attempts and drugs they want. If medicine is improving then I want a robotic prostate and a new liver if necessary.

  10. Another sneaky thing is organ ‘donation’. It’s now legal for the hospital to take any or all of your organs (hopefully after they’ve DNR-ed you), unless you have opted out. That’s right, now you have to opt out, whereas previously you had to have a badge allowing the organ grab.
    Of course it would be cynical to suggest DNR helps to avoid damaging your internals for better harvesting…
    Any comment, DCI Gene?

    • They can keep their grubby mitts off my Hammond organ – I borrowed that from Dominic Grieve for my turn at the ISAC Christmas party!
      (Percy and his parrot skiffle band “disappointed” last year due to innumerable allegations of racism and violence!) ?

      • “Percy and his parrot skiffle band “disappointed” last year due to innumerable allegations of racism and violence!)”
        Things were going well last year Vern until Percy broke into
        song with his number . .. . . .
        ? I’d rather be a parrot of colour.
        Than a crow
        Big black crow. ?

    • I am seriously considering donating my body to medical science.

      Having contributed precious little to the betterment of my fellow man and woman (and received so much), it would be nice to think I may eventually be in a position to overcome my innate selfishness and give something back.

      If nothing else it should save Lady Creampuff a bomb in funeral costs.

      • Ruff – I think you should choose cremation on a pyre just to annoy Extinction Rebellion.

      • They’re not going to want your shrivelled,wrinkly old bag of bones…they’ll be after the likes of me.
        I’d donate my body but I’m afraid of The Gays using it for immoral purposes or The Sooties eating it.

      • Ruff ive donated my body to a travelling fair!
        Im hoping to bring joy to the masses as star attraction on the Ghost train!
        Do something useful with your
        You could donate to Hollywood
        Be in the film industry!?

      • Are there no limits to your altruistic narcissism, Miserable?

        @ Dick – Frankly I would have thought the appreciation of a few Gays and Sooties re your mortal remains would be the least of your worries when you’re sucking cocks in Hell with a red hot poker up your arse for all eternity.

      • Aye well when you put it like that,RTC….you might have a bit of a point.

        Lesson learned.

      • I’d like to do something similar when it comes my composting time. Perhaps donate myself to one of those ‘farms’ where they study decomposing bodies, or else drive myself up a remote Scottish peak and leave the elements have their way. It sounds quite noble to go out exposing oneself.

        The good thing about said eternity in Hades Dick is that 2020 has confirmed us a bursting global supply to be already ahead of you in the queue for the red-hot poker pogo games.

      • Wokey@
        I want to die of a massive heart attack on the M6 plowing into the coach trip from a London mosque.
        Then left up on the moors,
        The breeze caressing my jacobs,
        Exposing myself to passerby’s.
        In death as in life….
        Hail Odin!!?

  11. Several years ago, the government, in particular Jeremy Hunt, stated the single biggest issue in the United Kingdom was the social care bill.
    People living longer being a key part.
    The roads go unrepaired, social projects underfunded, schools in poorer areas neglected.

    Maybe, DNR saves money. Lots of it?

  12. Saint Marcus of Rashford is at it again.
    He’s now spouting that his ‘Mammy’ had three jobs all at once.

    So Rashford’s mum had three jobs and still couldn’t afford a loaf of bread and he went without dinners? Do fuck off and pull the other one. The cunt makes it up as he goes along. Or his ‘people’ do, what a load of virtue signalling bollocks.

    • If ever there was bullshit loaded on top of bullshit this is it, The Rashford saga is like a fucking fairly tail, but the whole thing is being driven by the BBC.

      In the news today the knee bending shite is to continue because the players (overwhelmingly ?) want to carry on with the gesture.
      Cunts. (Probably too scared of being cancelled on social media. But anyway, that’s for another thread – DA)

  13. The old term for this was the Free List, people on their last legs being allowed to die and long may it continue.

    • Do not attempt to resuscitate.
      State sponsored execution, and I have personal evidence of this happening (neighbour manages a large nursing home in Harrogate) – money was paid to promote this policy, money is being paid for non qualified personnel (£300 a time) to falsely fill in death certificates with “Died with Covid” on them. (No such medical condition as Covid BTW).
      Nursing home and care home staff forced to accept elderly and infirm infected residents who had been moved OUT of half empty coronavirus wards knowing full well the homes did not have the staff, equipment or training to prevent devastating outbreaks which killed many. But the Local Authority were accessing a Government slush fund and being paid £3000 for every person they took.
      This is murder, nothing more, nothing less.

      • That sounds a little too sinister, I thought only a doctor could fill out a death certificate?

        Not sure what it all has to do with people who are terminally ill being kept alive by drugs to quell the pain being allowed to die when they stop breathing, seems to be a right and proper way of going about things, why resuscitate someone who will just live a few more hours or days in pain.

  14. Before MP’s take the oath, they should be made to agree to a DNR order. That would send the self seekers down another career path.
    Get To Fuck.

  15. To be fair, the NHS has operated the ‘Liverpool Pathway’ for sometime, another way the cunts like to off people taking up beds and time.

    Palliative care in social medicine is none existent. I would rather (and will) bequeath anything I have to Macmillan Trust, those people know how to look after and treat someone at end of life.

    Greedy parasitic clinicians with libtard agendas could/should learn a thing or two from them. In the privatised care industry coming by 2030 all of these cunts will be in the private sector where people demand, and sue if they don’t get, the results they pay for.

  16. My mum decided to put a DNR in place while all marbles were still in place.

    When she was 85 she decided she’d had enough and took all the pills she had available. Found on the floor by emergency services, very close to death. Was resuscitated and spent the next 10 years forced to suffer what she was trying to avoid.

    All her assets went to paying for ‘care’ that she didn’t want.

    Follow the money

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