Cultural Enrichment (from our uninvited guests)

Diversity is Our Strength: more cultural enrichment from our uninvited guests

Police have charged 32 men in West Yorkshire (Kirklees) with more than 150 child sex offences against eight teenage girls.
Surprisingly the offenders all seem to have quaint sounding foreign names. Will the BBC claim that there are 32 CUNTS who all have mental health issues concurrently? Imagine the furore if 8 peaceful virgins had been abused by 32 Yorkshire Lads!

(Link to the story is here – NA)

Nominated by: Sir Cuntalot

47 thoughts on “Cultural Enrichment (from our uninvited guests)

  1. 32 mentally ill followers of a peaceful religion were fitted up by racist white 12 year old girls – and it was really whitey who did it all anyway.
    The BBC reports..
    Time for a very serious conversation about removing islam from the UK.

    • People have been trying for years. You should see easton in Bristol. Its like islamabad, which is a perfect name for the folk.

  2. Anyone who believes in a sky fairy is mentally I’ll. That goes for priests also. Bring out the boltcroppers.

  3. Who the fuck genuinely believes that diversity is our strength?
    The proverb, “Too many cooks spoil the broth”, has been around much longer, and is more accurate. Unless of course you’re a member of the left wing woke brigade, who seem to revel in the company of kiddie fiddling ragheads.
    Every mosque in Yorkshire should have one of these cunts hanged by piano wire from a lamppost outside it.

    • Unless you are talking about the EU, then unity is a strength.
      Make your mind up, wankers.

  4. If all goes to plan they will all get long sentences like some of the other scum that have been dealt with already ie 26 years etc. The last parasite that got 26 years for noncing offences was let out a little while back 8 years behind bars then out on licence. The only good thing was some lag had a good attempt at cutting the fuckers throat the retributionary attack was foiled but the cunt got forty stitches. So long sentences short time keep the whole fucking party nice and quiet and after a week or so everyone has forgotten what these foul bastards have done and how our wank government and civil service plus senior police, council workers and so on think it better that some little girl is abused than the peacefuls are upset. Of course according to the Home Office report into noncing there is some indication that certain ethnic and cultural groups feature more often in these sort of offences but the required data to establish this was not collected. There you go plain as a fucking pikestaff the woke shit rules over all. Fuck them and their huge pensions the time will come.
    A very happy Christmas to you and yours, may the coming year bring better for all.
    I will now begin an ancient family tradition of getting hammered til 2nd Jan

      • I have booked my table at the local for tonight and dragged my own weight in turkey etc home.
        I have a mighty thirst! ??

      • I wanted to go out but I cant be arsed to ram a scotch egg down my neck and 6 pints of cider. Gives me heartburn .

    • We’re already there at Stiltskin Towers. According to the plan, sobriety is scheduled for January 2nd but is subject to local variations.
      Roast beast tomorrow.
      Get stuffed.. Ho Ho Ho.

      • Chateaubriand for me, had venison last year. Was lovely. I will go back to Turkey next year.

      • I got a turkey, as the three chickens I saw looked like anorexic chihuahuas.
        Have a great Christmas everyone, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do…!!

  5. This isn’t ever going away, followers of the peaceful one actually try to mirror his life but in Blighty they have the opportunity to do so with white infidel girls making it twice the accomplishment.

    The liberal left are now moving to make love for the young more acceptable even for those not compelled to do so by religion.

    There’s no way of fighting this without actually fighting. For too long we’ve accepted the unacceptable for a quiet life, unwilling to put our heads above the parapet, unwilling to risk the consequences of speaking out or even publicly backing those who have.

    The consequences of keeping our heads down in this case is the sexual exploitation of young girls.

    We can point the finger of blame at them or we can take a good long look in the mirror.

    • I would love to fight but pitchforks don’t do much against sub machine guns the the government protection service (plod) are armed with. I am the legal owner of some cutlery but not sure if I’m allowed out with it.

      I used to carry a 6 inch knife on my belt when I was a scout. It was a part of my uniform…..go figure?

  6. That is fookin classic. I scrolled down the list of names and amongst the list of Mohammads and Jibber Jabbers there is one Michael Birkenshaw who has obviously been keeping some bad company. Poor Cunt.
    Missed you guys. Been away virus dodging.

      • I can imagine Al BBC:
        “Today, 32 Yorkshire men were arrested on grounds of grooming, among them Mr.Michael Birkenshaw, a local UKIP supporter. Now back to Nick with more on the wonderful EU, and coming up, a special report on how Polish people are hard-working tax-payers and how black people are all victims of….”

    • CaliAngel – great to see you back, darling.

      Where’s your rather fetching avatar though?

      Hope you’re well and enjoying the festive season.

  7. Was one of them Tenmil Sokhet? Used to work in Kwikfit?

    What a cunt.

    Pleased to report we have finished testing all of the Sloe Gin now and hoppy to say it was all lovely. Fuck knows what the Fast Gin will be like!

    Merry Christmas cunters – stay grumpy.


    • Fast gin is what I’m going through in this bastard heat, about a litre a day with tonic and lemon just to knock me out in the middle of the day. Too hot for beer or whisky.

      • Ive got a bottle of single barrell of jack daniels for when in doing the Christmas dinner tomorrow. Im going to be dancing round the kitchen with sprouts flying back to brussells.

      • Shackleton, we poor sods are freezing and you just have to rub it in don’t you.
        And we have just been sold down the river by The Jellyfish.

      • With you there on the gin front, Shackle.

        We’re into Tanqueray for the classic flavour or a cinnamon spiced one (very Christmassy) from a boutique distillery. To be taken neat though, not adulterated with tonic! ?

        Merry Christmas to all cunters. ?

      • Hayman’s Royal Dock Navy Strength is b good as a pink, no tonic needed. Great flavour.

    • Damn. I’ll have to finish the Tamnavullin before I crack open the Craigellachie. Otherwise it’ll become a blended in my gut.

      Merry Christmas, Gunner S.

  8. The BBC won’t even report it, nasty racist news.
    If you follow a prophet who married a 6 year old, though waited until she was 9 before having sex with it, it tells you that it’s okay to do the same.
    I have a Fullers Imperial Stout (10.7%), a Brewers Reserve (8.5%) and a cherry imperial stout (13.5%) put aside for Christmas along with a 750ml of Baltic Trader (10.5%).
    When the kids have gone to bed and the father-in-law has pissed off home, I can sit and enjoy them.

  9. Jingle bollocks. I got pissed and forgot to get sprouts. I’ve decided to shit on some grapes and bake them instead.

  10. Scum ,scum ,dirty ,filthy disgusting , amoral , wicked , evil, vile, poisonous, distrustful, society, wrecking, selfish scum.

  11. A price worth paying?
    Aye it is if everyone last one of these foul cunts is strung up 5 minutes after sentence handed down.
    Fucking subhuman garbage.

      • The police interview need to secure a “Yes” from them so they can edit it into a video confession How about:

        Have you ever fucked a goat or shat in a urinal?

  12. If there is one issue that shows how debased out government and institutions have become, top to bottom, their ongoing denial of industrial scale rape and abuse of helpless girls has to be it. They are as vile as the perpetrators.

    • Worse.
      Because the police, social services and by default the government, were not only complicit but enablers.

      Time for a new regime.

  13. I suggest we start hanging them infront of other offenders to show them what they get for it. Nice short drop hanging from a stool. Sick Muslim cunts

  14. I can see The Guardian headline now ‘Racist white girl falls on penis of oppressed asylum seeker’.

    • Six Indigenous British Asian men, who’ ancestors built Britain, sexually abused after being lured to a flat above a kebab shop, by white, drunk 12 year old girl who had been warned by police, social services and education officials for similar, previous offences.

      Commenting to the Bradford Daily Capet, head of social services Ms Pandora Sunbury-Patel, admitted it was a shocking example of life in modern Yorkshire:
      “Allah be praised. God is good.
      Yes, we are aware of the severity of the problem-many, many, innocent Asian men are subjected to a daily barrage of sexual harassment from the, nasty, feral and frankly inhuman white female filth that inhabit the estates of West Yorkshire. Some of these girls are as old as 14-making it almost impossible for the poor innocent Muslim males in this area to travel to work or mosque in safety. “

      When asked what she thought might be the root course of the problem, Ms Sunbury-Patel replied:

      “Kafirs. They are dirty unclean whores, not fit to live amongst Gods chosen children. La la la la la la Allah Akbaaarr”

  15. What fucks me off is that these carpet kissing cunts aren’t really n*nces. They go after these girls because they are the easiest white women around and white women are lower than shit. White women don’t wear letterboxes and show their hair and areas of flesh. Ergo they are filthy, immoral whores and should be treated as such. Any Western woman who has been to a peaceful country knows this. It is a culture clash…….they hate us with a passion so shagging our children or stabbing us in the street is fair game and what we deserve. Libtards don’t understand this …..or don’t want to.

    • ‘Libtards don’t understand this …..or don’t want to’

      They don’t want to. There is s quote from Chesterton .-when he would talk about people in some era that had a blindspot. ‘The great gap in their minds was…’

      Funny it is actually about God. The Libtard is retarded in his superficial understanding of religion.

      ‘Oh its all too serious and deep. We must teach them how things are properly done in a modern western democracy..They will abandon their religion once they see the way we do things. We’ve just got to persevere.

  16. The phrase, ‘Diversity is our strength’ gets scoffed at.

    Well, it’s true. For those that keep saying it.

    Diversity=fewer whites. When the likes of the London mayor say, ‘Diversity is our strength,’ he means that diversity is their strength, not ours.

  17. I saw this about 2 weeks ago on the BFP YouTube channel.
    Typical MSM don’t report it, like the terror stabbings in The Hague and Burnley. If they do report it it usually comes up as mental health issues.
    Our this basis I could dtive a van full of explosives into a Mosque, kill hundreds and claim mental health issues. I’d get Peter Sutcliffe’s old cell, take prozac for a few months and then be let out into society without a tag for a bit of stabbing at the Fishmongers Guild. Sounds like a plan.

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