Covid Vaccine Side-effects

Just read a list of possible side effects from the new Covid vaccine!


drowsiness, fatigue, and restless sleep
thirst and sweating
tingling or numbness in hands and feet
ringing in the ears
blurred vision and eye irritation
fluid retention and ankle swelling
mild allergic reaction
abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, and constipation
bladder irritation and pain, frequent urination
confusion and disorientation
anxiety and paranoia
anemia (low red blood cell count)
vomiting blood that may look like coffee grounds and bowel motions that look like black tar
severe allergic reaction, including swelling of the face
kidney and liver problems
coma and death
Long term side effects:
kidney and liver damage
bleeding in the stomach and bowels
increased risk of a heart attack.

Only joking… these are all side effects of Ibuprofen.

Take the vaccine.

Nominated by: DCI Gene Cunt 

235 thoughts on “Covid Vaccine Side-effects

  1. Talk abaaaaaht cuntishness…what kind of selfish cunt insists not only they get the vaccine but everyone else doe as well. Some of us thankfully are highly unlikely to get ill from Covid 19 and should be able to get on with our lives and earn an honest crust. Do you know my social is ruined at the moment… I may as well have been living on a fucking desert island you cunts.
    Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

    • It’s religious cunt fever. History really does repeat itself, because we’re cunts that don’t fucking learn. The only solution it seems is to inflict cunt on others in the hope we all descend to cunt, then together we’re all cunts.

      My health is my business. Anyone saying I should take anything for the good of others can fuck right off with that superstitious wankery.

      • The whole management of this virus has been a joke, lockdowns etc don’t work yet we still carry on and on.

      • When you go over to Jamaica to build your house B&W, do you think the government there will demand that you prove you have had the vaccine? I’ am of the opinion its up to the individual but airlines for example can and will be right cunts about this.

      • Qantas are leading the way LL, they announced a while back that you cannot fly with them unless youv’e had the vaccine. I wrote a cunting abaaaht it.
        I hope there are no issues regarding Jamiaca and compulsory vaccination but to be honest as with most official rules etc in Jamaica money will get round most issues.

  2. The vaccine and anyone to do with it can suck a dick….

    I’ve already tooled up for the mutant / zombie apocalypse when everyone end up looking like Matt “The Cunt” Hancock.

    Funny that the big slimy hole that is London has been demoted…made my day.

    • We’re tooled up too.

      Ammo shortage? Not in our house. We have about 3,000 rounds of 38 Special and around 2,000 rounds of .22LR.

      I can make a headshot with my S&W 586 at 18 yards. Zombies don’t stand a chance.

      • Unfortunately they took our guns long ago.

        I would love an assault shotgun, something along the lines of an AA12 or D12 Pump…. Although I doubt very much I would use it solely on zombies, liberal lefties are fair game too.

  3. Sorry for being off topic, but how does one go about getting oneself a specific piccie? I think I’ve been a cunter long enough now to try and ‘get with it’.

  4. I saw some fucking film with midget cunt Tom Cruise in and he could arrest people for even thinking of committing a crime.
    Well when Bill Gates has most of us injected with Windows CuntCovid 19 home edition cunting could be a thing of the past. We could be arrested for thinking Boris is a cunt or wanting to slap James O’Brien. C’mon cunters we are the resistance.

    • There will be many a husband who will be doing the opposite to the in-laws Bertie, using the vax/anti vax argument to dodge all manner of things.

      • What abaaaaht those criminal minded ruffians LL…you know the type who have their eye on the wife’s mother’s house…I bet a few rotten bastards will go aaaht and deliberately catch Covid and turn up at the in laws Christmas day all hugs and smiles.

  5. Chaps and laydees:

    As an antidote to the woes of the World, I would like to recommend my current favourite:

    Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey 35%
    £16 a bottle (£30 for a l) at wankberries. *

    I bought a few for Christmas the other week. Had to buy a few more, since!
    Give it a go?

    * other robbing cunt supermarkets stock it.

    • Is that £16 for a 70cl bottle or a litre? If it’s 70cl and you’ve got a T’co clubcard (or you know someone who has and can get one for you) a litre bottle can currently be had from them for £20 instead of the usual £24 – offer until 02/01/21.
      Here endeth a consumer advice article.

      • Sorry, Juan. Didn’t mean to copy you. Your shorter piece and my slow typing to blame.

      • Fucking wankers at wankburys- no clubcard here, but it’s £30 a litre at wankburys?

    • Good tangent.

      We’ve just got some Christmas booze in.

      6 pack Newcastle Brown Ale
      6 pack Fat Tire Ale
      6 pack Stella Artois Cidre
      2 bottles Mohua Sauvignon Blanc
      6 bottles Clos Henri Petit Clos Sauvignon Blanc
      2 bottles Veuve Clicquot Champagne

      Suppose I better get something for Boxing Day. And for the Mrs.

    • God that stuff tastes like pure dirty bumholes. Better off just getting the usual. They even got an apple one, once again ruins a good bourbon.

  6. What pisses me off is if you say you have reservations about taking an untested drug, you instantly get labelled an anti vaxxer, and have signed up to church of David Icke. Which is bollocks.
    I don’t think Bill Gates is trying to put a chip in my head, make me infertile, or whatever else the tinfoil hat brigade are saying.
    I don’t think it’s a ploy to make ‘big pharma’ or its shareholders bonkers rich, although it will happen as a consequence.
    My fear is grounded in actual reality, one that has happened time and again, and the only conspiracy or cover ups are the companies involved trying to limit the damage from the unintended consequences of using their products. From insecticides and herbicides like agent orange, DDT, and more recently Round up, to medications and treatments like thalidomide and many others, only prolonged use, and exposure to more of the population uncovered the very serious side effects of the normal, prescribed use of these innovations.
    Not that long ago, my brothers marriage nearly dissolved because of a post natal depression treatment prescribed to his wife turned a normal person into manic depressive psychotic. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I think the drug was called Seroxat or something, and I’m not sure if it was removed or if it was more regulated, but the effect on my sister in law was not uncommon, and immeasurably worse than the ailment it was prescribed for. Obviously there was no conspiracy involved there, it was just an unintentional consequence of a treatment that was developed to help.
    So, can anyone tell me of a drug or treatment, that is expected to be taken by everyone on planet earth, that was went from inception to wide scale distribution in under ten months?

    • For a ‘virus’ with a 99.97% recovery rate IF you get ‘it’.

      But no, to hell with you you anti-masker, anti-vaxxer, you’re killing your granny!! You evil self-centered CUNT.

    • To your point GJ, I can remember not so long ago commercials on telly all the time for a medication for Zantac. I think it was for heartburn. It was very popular and had been on the market for quite a long time. Now you see commercials by lawyers who want victims to join lawsuits against the makers of Zantac due to cancers and death as a result of taking Zantac.

      It’s not the only medication that’s happen to either. Johnson’s baby powder comes to mind, now found to have caused cancers and death.

      It is scary.

      • It is indeed buddy. I remember back in my 20s, I fucked my back up fucking around, as you do, and I managed to get some brufen which eased it a bit. A mate of mine was an army medic, and he told me that was the biggest cause of injury in the army. Blokes pushing on through the training carrying muscular injuries would take them like smarties for the anti inflammatory effects, which in turn gave them stomach ulcers. They went in the bin after that, and I’ve since avoided taking any medication unless my life depended on it. I know people my age who are taking shit loads of meds, and they all look rough as fuck, which makes me wonder, ailment or medication? None of it is risk free, and you have to make that choice whether it’s worth it or not. Obviously if you’re really fucked, there is little choice, but the amount of shit people take where diet and exercise would be a far better option is bonkers. Then there is the addiction side of things, I know some who can’t live without co codamol, yet insist they are not addicted. One cunt moved and changed doctors, and the new one was concerned about the amount of that shit he was pounding down himself, and prescribed a lower dose. The guy wasn’t happy with that, and fucked off back to his original doctor who carried on plying him with the stuff, gratis thanks to the Welsh NHS. And, don’t get me started on the happy tablets…
        As you will know IY, one of the things that made me giggle in my time in the US was adverts for medication, 30 seconds of how they are going to transform your life, then three minutes listing the possible side effects!

      • That’s quite the story, GJ. Yikes!

        You’re so right about the meds commercials on Yank telly. They are on all the time. What cracks me up is after all the great things a drug can do, followed by all the possible side effects (some including things like stroke and death), they always say, “Ask your doctor if is right for you”. Shouldn’t the doctor be telling the patient what’s right for them? I mean, who has the medical training in this equation? Bloody hell!

      • Apparently it’s caused a specific type of cancer. Not sure which. The issue is that of course, plus the makers (Monsanto) knew about it, but didn’t take it off the market.

        What I don’t get is you can still buy the stuff at the DIY outlets.

      • It’s widely used on crops that feed around 5 billion people daily. So need to be clear about which cancer and which case

  7. My mum and dad (both in their 80s) have their vaccinations scheduled for tomorrow.

    Apparently it’s not a one shot deal. 3 weeks later there’s a second jab. WTF?

    • Evening IY, hope you are well. It seems that even with some kind of light at the end of the tunnel, true to form with this whole pandemic, lockdown or no lockdown, masks or no masks etc , nothing will be straightforward.

      • Evening LL. I am well. Hope the same is true for you.

        Nothing is straight forward is it? My mum was telling me about the Oxford vaccine plus another one I’ve forgotten about. She’s going to have the Pfizer one I think. Not sure.

        I’ll admit I will be holding my breath a bit. At their age and with my mum’s COPD, if they took a bad turn from the vaccine it’ll probably be lights out.

        If that were to happen, I wouldn’t be able to get to the funerals. That’ll save me the cost of a flight back to the UK at least, so every cloud…..(just trying to cheer myself up as I am a bit worried about them). Cheers – IY.

    • I would ask each of your parents to consider how they feel their current immune systems are, when they last felt ill etc and how it affected them, before making their decision.

      • Yep, fair point WokeUp.

        My mum has lung issues. I think it’s COPD. Bottom line for her is, if she contracted it, it would probably kill her. My dad is a bit frail as you’d imagine at 86. He’ll just do what she tells him to do. They have ‘flu jabs each year and seem to do OK with those.

        They both seem fine about having the jabs. I guess we’ll see what happens.

  8. With respect to DCI Gene, he or she is obviously posting from a position they genuinely hold, because they feel they have the evidence and experience to hold it. Others of us are posting opposing opinions and views, based on opposing evidence and experience we feel we have. The one thing I wouldn’t want is for this to all descend into a cunter against cunter debacle. I think we’re currently skirting on the right side of not making it personal, and hopefully it’ll stay that way.

  9. DCI Gene Cunt
    on December 14, 2020 at 9:50 pm said:
    I have. If you’d seen/done a fraction of the things we/I have, I bet my gold-plated pension you’d change your tune. I genuinely believe it.

    Sorry DCI Gene, I had to copy and paste this as there is no ‘reply’ button showing for me for whatever reason.

    I have a ‘gold-plated’ pension also, if that’s what you’re referring to Public Sector pensions as.

    I don’t disbelieve there’s a virulent new flu strain that’s been particularly nasty towards the elderly and the vulnerable with co-morbidities.

    I just don’t believe that the entire world is at risk of death from it, and that those of us who aren’t at risk of death from it should be shut down and masked forevermore.

    • ‘I just don’t believe that the entire world is at risk of death from it, and that those of us who aren’t at risk of death from it should be shut down and masked forevermore.’

      I agree with more of that than you think, but, some without any co-morbidities got it and died from it. Personally, I’m sick of it. I’ve seen more death this year than ever before, and, whilst not ‘getting to me’, it’s taking it’s toll, and, as per the post earlier commenting on my ‘Narrow’ experience, I think I’m entitled to take umbridge!!

      • I’m not an anti vaxxer DCI, in fact I’d strongly suggest everyone ensures their kids are vaccinated for MMR etc. The problem here is that there’s no data on whether this current covid-19 vaccine actually reduces transmission of the virus, all the data shows is that you personally gain some immunity to it. If it doesn’t reduce transmission, then it should entirely be personal choice whether you take it or not. For me, a fit, 30 something, I have no interest in taking a vaccine with potential side effects, for a virus that I most likely won’t even notice I have. Now if it reduces transmission I’d have an opposing opinion, but until I’m shown otherwise they can fuck off.

  10. Fuck that!
    I hold a grudge.
    Your names have all been noted and passed on too the authorities.

  11. For whatever reason, your replies don’t have ‘reply’ buttons underneath them, and you are becoming increasingly hyperbolic. I’ve tried to be moderate, but you’ve snapped my patience. Everyone respects that you are a paramedic. But because you have dealt with this or that case once a week, that does not make the national picture. You are the disinformation agent in this picture, by trying to emotionally manipulate the rest of us into thinking we should be ashamed of ourselves for doubting your ‘testimony’. You’re one ambulance operative, out of the entire UK, preaching to us that this is all real and HERE AND NOW AND DEADLY AND DEATHLY DANGEROUS based on your one, ONE empirical experience. We’re not having it Gene, just drop it. And if you won’t drop it, come back with something bitchy and supercilious, just to prove it to us all. I’m done with your purely emotion-driven CRAP. Is there an ‘ignore’ function on here?

    Let’s not spoil a brilliant nomination that’s been fun, informative and scary to varying degrees, by getting into ‘she pulled my hair’ territory. By all means disagree, that’s cool. Just do it in a way that doesn’t cunt the cunter. Thanks – NA.

    • ‘Disinformation Agent’? Brilliant! ‘One empirical experience’? Even better!!

      Who’s the ‘We’re’? Not everone’s agreeing with you just as not everyone’s agreeing with me. I’m afraid that’s life.

      ‘Is there an ‘ignore’ function on here?’

      Yes. It’s called ‘Scroll On’.

      • Yeah I’m sorry DCI Gene. It was ’emotionally charged’ and I do apologise for being cunty to a cunter. Like I was trying to say but then lost it, you have your point of view and others have theirs. Peace out.

  12. That was a party political broadcast by the DCI ‘meat wagon’ party.

    Now it’s time for the Blues And Twos At Ten,
    followed by 999 What’s Your Emergency at 10:30.

    Good evening.

  13. Even though I’m not getting the vaccine, im not denying people are dying,
    And respect the work DCI does,
    He sees a lot more of the effects than any of us.
    I just don’t trust the media or government and im unconvinced about the vaccine,
    Im not a consiracy theorist but I cant shake the hunch that a lots going on that we aren’t privy too.
    I hope the vaccine works.
    Hope it saves vunerable peoples lives.
    Will I take it?
    Its down to individual choice I dont dismiss those who take it or those who dont.
    This country has got into the habit of listening to those in charge without question and im not playing.
    Fuck this government.

    • I think many people feel the same way, MNC.

      All the companies who have developed a vaccine I am sure want it to be safe and to be the answer to a devastating problem. I feel the problem lies in its promotion and marketing by the MSM. We all know ‘fake news’ is a thing now and that you can’t trust Sly or al-BBC to tell you the sky’s blue on a sunny day. So why would we automatically assume what they’re telling us is true and accurate now? It’s because we want to and have a vested interest in believing them, i.e. our continued existence on this planet.

      Don’t get me started on the fucking government. Sunday (yesterday) will be the absolute, final, 11th hour, last straw, no ifs or buts end of Brexit trade deal negotiations. Oh wait, we’ll keep talking. Again. You cannot trust anything they say, but they’re right on the money with the vaccine. Really? Fucking really?

  14. Chunky@10.24
    You don’t seem to be able to grasp that in the same way you are able to make an informed decision that you don’t want the vaccine, others are able to similarly decide that they do want it.
    Why is it that you expect to be able to freely make your choice but for some reason those who feel differently are being coerced or “blackmailed” in your words to do so? Is it because so many in favour are old buggers who are incapable of making a rational decision?
    The prism through which you view this reminds me very much of how Robin Bastard who recently left us took similar dogmatic stances.

    • Don’t compare me to that wind up merchant ?

      I do think people are being emotionally blackmailed. We’ve been beaten down for months and the narrative has now been framed solely around the vaccine as the only solution, the only way out, which is absolute horseshit.

      If I asked you a year ago if you would accept an untested rushed experimental flu shot in exchange for your regular normal free life back (having been taken), you and everyone else would punch me and call me a cunt, and deservedly so!

      We’ve been deceived by the government and media. If you knew the threat was exaggerated and that your freedom was not theirs to take, you’d tell them where to shove the damn vaccine.

      I do think older folk are more susceptible to the pressure, out of fear of pain and death. Totally understandable. It’s hard to break through to you guys! We’re shouting whilst the gov has a 10,000 Watt speaker system to bombard you with!

      • The Covid vaccine is neither “untested” nor “rushed”.

        Fast tracked, yes, which is a big difference from being rushed.

        And it has been fully tested.

        Agree – you’re not at all like Robin. He didn’t disseminate conspiracy theories and fake news.

      • Really Ruff, ‘conspiracy theories and fake news’. That is cheap. I expect that crap from the MSM talking heads, not someone with a conscience.

        ‘Fast tracked’.. is rushed. That’s some top shelf cognitive dissonance right there mate. You know it takes several years to conduct proper and thorough studies, not months.

        “And it has been fully tested” – Accept, it hasn’t has it? Not tested on the elderly or children, only a particular age bracket of healthy people.

        So well tested that people have had reactions within the first 2 days, leading them to state anyone with severe allergies should not have it.

        Yeah, not rushed and fully tested. Whatever you say pal. The tests don’t conclude until 2023 and medium to long term data on mRNA vaccine technology in humans doesn’t even exist yet.


      • The allergy thing isn’t anything new, if you have ever had the flu jab (which I doubt) one question they ask, other than are you fit and healthy to take the vaccine is ‘are you allergic to eggs’
        Pfizer have started phase 3 trials on children 12 and over and as it is extremely unlikely that there will be sufficient vaccine around to immunise children for a very long time the trails will be complete long before then.

  15. If I was young and healthy, I think there’s a good chance that I wouldn’t bother with the vaccine. Unfortunately, getting on a bit now, underlying health condition, but nowhere near out for the count. Consequently, I will be having the vaccine. Not because someone tells me to, because I’ve got eyes, ears and life experience.
    It’s about belief and judgement, I believe in one man …… me, and seeing, hearing and reading about the events of the last year, leads me to the conclusion that this China Virus is a serious threat to me, but I’m fucked if it’s going to get me, if there’s anything I can do to thwart it.
    I’m not hiding away, I’ve worked all through this shit. Common sense and wariness have been my aides.
    So far so good, It’s a personal decision what anyone does, and I do what I think is best for me, based on my own analysis.
    Other people may come to a different conclusion.
    Good luck.
    Good evening.

  16. Bearing in mind the site rules this has been toned down.

    If you dont want it. Dont have it but dont use horseshit as your logic.

  17. Testing for new drugs takes years, if you wish to jump in after 6 months testing, fill your boots.

  18. It all boils down to a general scepticism of authority, along with their paid talking heads “Experts” “Academics” and “Intellectuals” that might just conceivably say any old shit that raises their bank balance.
    Such scepticism may be a good thing, or it may be a bad thing.
    Personally I haven’t a fucking clue because there’s really no such thing as an unimpeachable source of correct information, especially not on the internet.
    Nothing from either side of the argument is trustworthy or agenda-free.
    Hope that doesn’t sound too paranoid…

  19. Night all, vaccine, no vaccine it’s up to you, not going to tell anyone what to do or what to think. This is the one place I thought we could respect that others are entitled to their own opinions even those we don’t agree with.

    If anything this thread encapsulates the fear generated by a on the scale of things not very dangerous virus.

    Heard yesterday that there may be a genetic predisposition involved with the severity of a persons reaction to this virus, if that’s the case it should be possible to test for the faulty gene and offer the vaccine to those with the gene or faulty gene to be precise.

    There are enough Cunts to be cunted without cunting other cunters.

    Someone somewhere is experimenting with Ebola or the like to see if they can equip it with airborne transmission.

    Sleep well.

  20. And that rambling old bald twat from the World Economic Forum didn’t help with his bad Donald Pleasance impersonation and laughable Utopian wank fantasies.
    Just humour him until the nurse comes with his injection…

    • Oh yes, eminant virologist Bill Gates.
      But the hoi polloi get accused of internet expertise.
      Money talks, Bill, here’s a quid, it says fuck off.

  21. Whether or not you take the vaccine is entirely up to you as an individual. It is your right. Just the same as it is a business proprietors right to only do business with people who can prove they have had the vaccine.( ie let you on their plane, in their shop, in their cinema, on their bus/train etc ) That is their right.
    Don’t get vaccinated, refuse to wear a mask or social distance during these terrible times, I will support your choice but don’t start bleating when you cannot get into a supermarket or pub or on a bus or train or plane because others will not accept your intransigence or “deeply researched ” internet based opinion rather than the opinions of thousands of medical scientists.

    • You make it sound like the mark of the beast.

      “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

    • The link doesn’t work due to new government regulations that state anything negative about the vaccines will be removed from the internet. They slipped this one under the radar a couple of weeks back.

      Not sinister at all.

      I came to the conclusion some time back that the government are using this virus to delete old and sick people.

      Their reason for this is to ease the burden on the state pension pot and to reduce the number of expensive treatments on the NHS.

      I am a cynical fucker.

  22. The day I buy anything said by phoney baloney “experts” on the Internet will truly be the day I drop over.

    The way I look at it? if you want it, get it, if you don’t want it, don’t get it…fucking simple and anyone who is convinced by people talking drivel on forums needs to get their head tested.

    This whole scamdemic (as far as I am concerned) had been built on fear, lies and plain stupidity….

    Fuck Whitty, Hancook, Boris and all the others to Hell and I hope they suffer the eternal torment with the Devil’s red hot dildo up their arses.

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