BRINO (BRexit In Name Only)

I would like to nominate BRINO for a maiden cunting from me.
(Welcome aboard – NA)

Nearly 5 years ago 17.4 million voters carried a majority in the referendum to leave the EU. The questions posed were quite simple: “…remain a member of the European Union?” or “leave the European Union?”. No caveats, what ifs or riders. “Remain” or “Leave”. Leave won it.

I have just looked up the OED definition of “leave”. They define the meaning as “depart from permanently”. This raises the question of what frigging dictionary the Government use as their definition appears to be “stick a toe in the out door but don’t open it whatever you do”.

The news today is that a “deal” has been agreed with the EU. The PR campaign to sell this “deal” has already started with the Government stating they have “won” 43% of negotiating issues with the EU, “compromised” on 40% of issues and the EU “won” 17%. They try to make it sound like a wonderful thing for Leave voters:

But here’s the thing the various points laid out in the PR piece don’t have any weighting and, if they did, that “43% win” wouldn’t be a tenth of that. From what I can make out of it on the important issues we look as if we won’t be paying the EU for the future privilege of licking their revered arses and we may get our fishing rights back after a 5 year wait. We’ll still be following their directives and laws though and hoovering up the immigrants they keep pushing at us.

Honestly, I think the Government’s PowerPoint skills are exemplary compared to their negotiating skills. BRINO is a mega CUNT!

Nominated by: mikdys

73 thoughts on “BRINO (BRexit In Name Only)

  1. Good nom, mikdys. But to be honest I’m past caring now about this BRINO scam.

    The UK Remain Establishment and the EU have prevailed, never thought it would be otherwise.

    That said, we are promised 25% of our fishing waters back in 5 years, so not all bad. Well worth the £39 billion paid for the privilege.

    • And after 5 years, if the EU is dissatisfied with the new fishing arrangements laid down by the UK, it can impose measures against the UK fishing sector.

      Although the fishing industry is small fry in the context of the UK economy, it sounds like we have been stitched up like a kipper as a result of negotiations presided over by our own North Atlantic prawn – Boris.

  2. The deal has pissed off Steve Bray, Gaylord Adonis, Lord Heseltine, Bendover Bradshaw and the Westminster pansies, Anna Soubry, Hilary Benn, Dominic Grieve etc etc so it can’t all be bad news

    • Very true. If these cunts are whining then it’s a win for us brexiteers.
      Go on Hestletine chop yourself . Make my year.

      • We unfortunately have caved on some major matters that tie us to the EU. We have been Royally fucked over by an Eton Boy who will get away with it due to the fact that the majority of people either wish to remain or are too thick to realise they have been shafted.

      • Fr Upp, they’re too thick is the correct answer..
        Wave your little plastic flags you supplicant morons, keep voting for mainstream, drink the kool aid.
        The gormless British public need cunting.
        If only this plague were serious.

  3. BBC website this very morning…

    “New rules are coming into force on Thursday to govern how pilots can operate their drones. They harmonise the rules across all EU member states, Norway and Iceland – and will also be mirrored by the UK.“

    Now I don’t particularly give a shite about these modern menaces but we’re not even at 01/01/21 and we’re already “harmonising” with these EU cunts. Why? Has someone in Kent invented a drone that will fly across the channel and back?!! Or are there a few sad cunts who take these things on holiday ?

    Fuck the EU and Fuck Off Macron in particular.

    • I would guess it’s more to do with the operation than destination, I don’t think having the same rules as the EU on drones has anything to do with EU control but more to do with common sense. Plus I guess they were already formulated while we were in the EU so unless they are absolute shite why change them.
      Harmonisation of rules as well as being European is also global in some sectors.

      • Yep. There’s an important distinction here. The UK now, finally, can choose whether to go along with EU rules or not. Time will tell whether that proves to be 10, 50 or closer to 100% of the time. UK has regained sovereignty. Whether that will really mean anything remains to be seen but it stands. That was not the case as members.

  4. Spot on nom, Mikdys.

    If Boris genuinely thinks this steaming heap of shit is a good deal he is mental. If he thinks it will get him off the Covid hook with the voters or, more importantly, his party, he is deranged. More likely, he knows, as RTC points out above, the former is a scam. As for the latter, it is probably something far more sinister.

    Despite my pessimistic nom from earlier today, I wish all cunters a Happy New Year!

  5. Unless the European court has no jurisdiction over the U.K. we may as well have stayed in. One thing spouted by some eu cunt which made me laugh was that the eu wanted to see U.K. sticking to its animal welfare rules. In the case of animal welfare the only time animals got a better deal in an eu state was when the nazi party took Germany. We are supposed to be out we fucking better be!

    • The ECJ has no say here from jan and their laws mean fuck all here. Bill Cash,pretty good guy, and his team scrutinised the agreement and says we are sovereign so fuck off Merkel,Macron and the rest.
      Swivel you eu cunts.

      • True Uttercunt, but Johnson kept us tied to the Human Rights Convention ( EU Court Quango ) and will find it even harder to keep out the dinghy soldiers or indeed deport the little fuckers. Yep! Johnson yer a cunt !

  6. “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

    …or,as I’d have put it…

    “Fucking long way to go yet afore we’re done with the Cunts”.

  7. I would have nominated a chimp for our negotiations over Brexit.What do you expect?They all love Euroland.Gas all of Westminster.Piss off to Brussels you load of cowards

    • I see parts of Westminster are Covered in Plastic and scaffolding. Is this perhaps in readiness for a mass gassing ? I do hope so !

    • Next time there’s a war in Europe, and there will be,I hope we let the cunt stew in it. Don’t help them or take their fleeing refugees …or let the frogs in who are trying to avoid French taxes.
      Miserable cunts.

  8. Fuck me, have any of you miserable bastards read all 2000 pages? No, neither have I but if Sir Nigel, the ERG and Ian Drunken Smith are happy with it that will do me until proven otherwise. No ECJ, no free movement, no quotas, no tariffs. Yes, we should have taken greater control of fishing but that can come later. Cheer up you cunts, the remoaner traitors are crying and whinging all over the media. 4 and a half years those cunts have screwed us and we fucking won!
    Having said that……never forgive, never forget.

    • Sorry, but I think this is a good as it’ll get. There will be no ‘taking greater control of fishing’ as the only way from here is down. Remainers will now concentrate on making sure the EU regains all the control it had up to now, by whatever means they can get away with.

  9. I for one can’t wait for a real test to come along.
    Perhaps a foul Jihadi who needs deporting.
    No more laughable legal sagas going to the European Court?
    We shall see if our hands are still tied.

    Who needs the EU to fuck everything up when you have the House of Cunts?

    39 billion? Keep the receipt as a refund might be required.

    What a stinking barrel of vermin.

    • Spot on Terry.
      That’s who we need rounding up at bayonet point the sleeping thieves in the Lords.
      Every one a enemy of this country.

      • Does the Human rights convention have any legal standing without going through the courts.
        For example could Abu still get a free pass from the EU if the UK decide to deport him by going to an EU court when EU courts have no jurisdiction over the UK.

      • The EU court (ECJ) has never had a say in who we can or cannot deport. That is down to the European Court of Human Rights, of which the UK was one of the original signatories and has no intention of resigning from.

        A lot of people confuse the ECJ with the ECHR.

        The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and its European Court of Human Rights are part of a completely different legal system to the EU. The ECHR and its court are part of the Council of Europe, which has 47 member states, including Russia and the UK. The EU, on the other hand, consists of 27 Member States. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) is the body responsible for overseeing compliance with EU law within the EU.

        That said, the EU and Council of Europe systems are to some extent intertwined because the ECHR lies behind many of the general principles of EU law and its provisions have been used as a basis for the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights. All 27 EU member states are also members of the Council of Europe.

  10. “Remoaner Tears” would be a great name for a specially produced ale to celebrate our supposed exit from the Reich.
    You can bet the Eurofuckers and our own home grown quislings aren’t going quietly though.
    Best not to unplug the oven just yet…

  11. Thanks for the replies – I have been wondering if anybody else out there had seen the “deal” for what it is or if everyone has swallowed the PR campaign that we actually have “Brexit”. (it seemed to me that most of the dissenting comment on the Internet disappeared overnight.)

    As has been said here Remainers are taking it badly but only because they would view paying the EU €1 less than €twenty billion zillion a year, while sucking the whole rest of the piece up, a “full Brexit”.

    The truth of the matter is, though, this “deal” satisfies neither side of the argument despite the perception being that Leave won it. It’s a bit like saying Dunkirk was the point we won WW2.

    I take RTC’s point about almost having lost the will to live concerning this subject. I agree it’s time to let go and move on. After all, we have the evils of the “Covid regime’s invoice” and the cost of the “Climate Change Bill” to contend with now and neither of which were on the table back in 2016. The sheer waste of taxpayers money from these will make the EU scam seem like a mere bagatelle by comparison!

    Notwithstanding, a Happy New Year to you all?

    • I’m glad you mention climate change and waste of taxpayers money in the same paragraph mikdys because 2021s biggest shitshow is now firmly in view.

      I give you … COP21 Summit in Glasgow as a veritable high altar of everything wrong with the green industry. Last year Police Scotland wanted an extra £250m JUST TO POLICE IT. Factor in the costs of luxury travel ; 5 star hotels all just to be slagged off by St Greta and her ilk….. and the fat cunt in No 10 signing up to ever more costly regulation, or ‘promoting global Britain’ just to set an example to the planet cos we’re the hosts!!

      Meanwhile China and India continue to build a new coal-fired power station every month.

      I predict COP-21 will have gained its very own position in ISACs wall by this time next year.

      Happy New Year, cunters xxxx

      • Wouldn’t it be just lovely if they all turned up looking forward to all that luxury, paid for by us if course, only to find the country isn’t generating enough electricity, courtesy of green initiatives, to keep their fucking lights on.

      • Also, it seems that there’s some footnote in the agreement saying that if the Frogs aren’t happy with the fishing, they can cut off cross- channel electricity – about 8% of our needs.
        All the more reason to get nuclear fusion up and running. We’ll need the extra kw/H to incinerate the bastards.

  12. I’m quite content with the deal, as the main thing that comes out of it is that Kweer and his party will become obsolete, if that weren’t already the case.

  13. True Uttercunt, but Johnson kept us tied to the Human Rights Convention ( EU Court Quango ) and will find it even harder to keep out the dinghy soldiers or indeed deport the little fuckers. Yep! Johnson yer a cunt !

    • Not according to the Telegraph this morning. In the future it will be a lot easier to deport undesirables. Apparently Pritti Patel has been waiting for tonight so she can start sorting out all the shyster lawyers and the do-good celebs etc.

      • Oh I do hope you are right wanksock, I’ll provide the popcorn and the deckchairs so we can watch the sandled ones leave .

      • We should have a chain of celebratory beacons across the country; douse a human rights lawyer/Linekunt/Mike Craven Cunt-Todd in petrol, and set light. From Land’s End to Alston in Cumbria. That would make a good evening out, I’ve missed the smell of burning flesh…

  14. We have had over 4 years of the EU loving cunts paralysing parliament and doing everything they can to defeat a democratic vote. Now we are out. Not everything is rosy but we are out. Labour and LibunDems now irrelevant. EU mostly fucked off.
    I’ll take that.
    Oh, and welcome Milkdys to our band of misfits, weirdos and miserable cunts. (not all of them northern)

  15. Morning mikdys. Welcome to the IsAC madhouse. Great bit of cunting to lose your cherry!
    Well, officially we’re now ‘out’, but it remains to be seen, as Micky Flanagan puts it, whether we’re ‘out’, or ‘out out’.
    I reckon that there will prove to be a hell of a lot of devil in those 2000 whatever pages of detail.
    Still, Lord Nigel of Farage seems reasonably content, and the likes of Heselcunt are whining like bitches, so I’m reasonably optimistic.
    Morning cunters.

    • The number of pages has been revised to 1247, I think old Frosty must have dumped a big chunk of the deal in the Channel.

    • I think ERG put it along the lines of (paraphrased): “a lot of the content sucks but a robust UK Government [good luck with finding one of those these days!] would have the room to stand up to it and should the EU impose unacceptable tariffs or sanctions there is a one year notice period and hence we will vote for it.” Boris declined to polish May’s turd he merely rolled it in some sparkly glitter and, when it rubs off, the stink will still come through.

      As for the quality of the “EU document” it refers to Netscape Communicator (defunct software from the 1990s) as a standard for email, within the IT section. I used to work for an MD who would allow me to negotiate contracts and get them prepared by our lawyers and recommend he sign them. He would scan through for any small thing and, if he found something not quite right, he would literally throw the contract at me and tell me not to bother bringing it back. Focused the mind. Things had to be 100% before even thinking about asking for a signature and he could spot a full stop out of place in ten seconds. If I had presented him with a POS contract like the EU’s he would probably have thrown me out of the window with it!

  16. Stop being glass half empty.

    We are out! Trade without tariffs! The fishermen may have got a rough deal but they will still be able to sell their catch in the EU.

    OK it’s not perfect but it was never going to be perfect.

    • Scottish fishermen should be grateful, the whining cunts.
      Their fuckin’ government would have and will still intend to sell them out completely to the EU.

      • Pale translucent slug Boris Johnsons dad has applied for French citizenship.
        Stanley said “im European and will always be European”.
        Good fuckin riddance,
        I never considered you a Englishman anyway.
        Take your fuckin son with you

      • Afternoon Mis. This one’s well worth putting in a full cunting for.
        Stake your claim now!

      • Afternoon Bertie,
        Ive just done a nom regarding going the cinema.
        I dont want to be accussed of being greedy!!?

      • Stanley’s a bit confused, ain’t he? Or senile.

        Europe and the European Union are not the same thing at all. Regardless of Brexit, the UK is still part of Europe, and we are still Europeans.

        Love Europe, hate the EU.

      • Now that Brexit is sorted, something needs to be done with the fat pie-gobbling SNP cunt, and that dog-awful WJ Krankie. Some sort of raiding party from just S of the border, people armed with axes, swords and other extremely vicious, heavy ordnance.

  17. I see super cunt Adonis is to lead the charge to undo Brexit.
    What a sad little cunt.
    Verhofstadt said we’re a European country with a European destiny.
    Ffs when will the penny drop with these cunts…we’ve left ya fuckwits.

    • We are a European country with a European destiny. We’re NOT a country with fucking EU destiny. Pumpkin Head can, to quote Katie Hopkins, ‘FUCK.RIGHT.OFF.’.

      • Quite so Ron. As long a crooked cunts like Verhofstadt persist in conflating Europe with the European Union they will never be trusted about anything. Not that I trust Boris or the current government about anything, but at least we can vote them out if things get really bad. Unlike Verhofstacunt.

      • Aye up Ruffers.
        One thing that does give me cause for a bit of hope is that cracks do appear to be developing in the brickwork of that ponderous edifice that is the EU.
        Problems with budgets again. Awful response to Covid. Poland and Hungary giving the finger to Brussels. Problems with Biden over trade. Fractious EU scepticism breaking out all over the fucking place.
        Well, cunts in the likes of the Netherlands and Austria ain’t got the UK awkward squad to hide behind and take the flak for them any more, and have had to start speaking up for themselves. Brexit has been a fucking land mine under a bloated, arrogant, complascent plutocracy. I hope and pray that the likes of Italy and Sweden will follow our example and fuck the EU off.

      • Sweden next.
        The eyes of many Europeans will be watching our post “Brexit” progress, very keenly….

      • Not a European destiny a world destiny. Europe is too small for us in trading terms and it’s going backwards. We need to reach out to the world. The commonwealth is more important to us.

      • Well the EU have now got our £39 billion (eqivilent to 4 years net membership fees upfront) to keep them tottering along for a few more years.

        Regarding Covid, they appear to have left it up to individual member states to deal with. No-one’s going to come out of this one smelling of roses.

        As for Poland and Hungary, the EU could save a lot of money if those countries fucked off. Poland is the biggest net recipient of the EU budget (getting more back than it contributes), followed by Greece, Romania, Hungary and Portugal.

        I give the EU five years, max.

      • Talking of “EU contributions” another p1ss boiler in the BRINO contract is that the UK will agree to pay contributions to the EU’s (non-auditable) costs for “shared projects” (such as the “climate change sh1te”) in proportion with the UK’s erstwhile membership fees. In other words we won’t be paying 1/27 (which would be fairer as one country out of 27) but more like 1/4. For the EU fans out there those values translate to 3.7% and 25%. A veritable “level playing field” – we put up 25% of the cost in return for 4% of the game. Forgive me for keeping on saying it but isn’t this sort of thing exactly why some of us voted out?!

      • I’m a different sort of Leaver to you Uttercunt. I don’t want a ‘world destiny’ only our own. I don’t want to more trade with the world but self-sufficiency at home. I want little England to become littler.
        We will never get back to a normal economic life if we are pushing for world trade all the time.
        But that’s the way the world is people say but it doesn’t have to be. Johnson is going for enviromental cities in the future. And I support him in that.
        We can build back better. Let’s do it ourselves. Yes co-operate where we can but let’s produce stuff for our own market
        Britain has led the way out of the EU. It can also lead the way in reducing reliance in ‘world trade’.

      • For as night follows day more trade means more immigration. More trade mean more disruption. More trade means more enviromental destruction. More trade means more of a loss of sovereignty. More trade brings with it cultural loss. More trade means losing more of our national identity.

      • I tend to agree Miles. We could easily become self sufficient with the food we grow, turning climate change to our advantage. All the quality wines will be grown in the UK as France slowly turns into a desert and resorts to camel trading.
        I read an item about a fella who was moaning about the collapse of his business, selling live eels to the French.
        I just thought – why the fuck are you doing that?
        There’s a perfect opportunity now to grow fruit and vegetables, particularly under glass.
        It might even extend to growing cotton in areas like Brixton and Hackney.

      • As a relatively recent product of immigration yourself Miles, that’s a rather hypocritical thing to say.

        You’d probably be better suited to living in North Korea or some undiscovered tribe in Africa.

    • De Gaulle said we weren’t suited to the Great Ponzi Scheme, and he was a) right, and b) more of a statesman than verminfoftwat ever was, or will be. JC, if only we’d listened to DG…

  18. The kind of Brexit I hoped for was never really going to happen.
    I would have been ecstatic to see mainland europe and its worthless inhabitants, vaporized by nuclear warheads.
    This isn’t Brexit at all in my eyes, nothing will change. But like others have said fuck it I’m fed up with the charade.

  19. Should have just voted to leave then bombed the garlic gnashers and the hun the very next day.
    Negotiating from a position of strength.

  20. I copied the following from Many thanks to the poster Darcy3. It had me spitting tea over my tablet.

    At last we will be free from german influence, and their stupid motoring terms the EU made us learn to drive over there











    Highway Code – DER WIPEN FUR AARSEN





    Accident – DER BLEEDINMESS


    Motorway Services – DER HEIWAY ROBBERUNG

    Double White Lines – OVERTAKEN UND KRUNCHEN

  21. Its not what I had in mind when I voted leave. However if Nigel F is happy and that cunt Steve Bray is unhappy then it will do for now. Maybe at the next election we can vote for a proper fucking Brexit – starting with all benefit forms only to be printed in English.

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