Brexit Negotiations. The futility thereof.

What a fucking farce.

The EU wants things to remain more or less as they are.
Access to fish. Which means the majority access is EU. To our waters.

No state aid other than the EU approves. IE no competitive advantage, a truly Marxist position.

UK governed by EU rules re workers, environment etc.

EU courts.

France to get priority on the deal, despite other states being willing to compromise.

What is the fucking point negotiating?

Nominated by:Cuntstable Cuntbubble

30 thoughts on “Brexit Negotiations. The futility thereof.

  1. There is no negotiation….it will have already been settled and BRINO will be announced as a “triumph” by Johnson between Christmas and New Year when everyone is too pissed to care or busy giving Grandma the Covid.


    Only 15 days to go before Johnson victoriously accepts EU rules and regulations aka the ‘level playing field’, ECJ adjudication in disputes, and whatever France wants to do in our sovereign waters.

    And all that for only £39 billion! You lucky people….

    • If that fat albino spãz settles for anything less than a completely clean break, he’ll find himself dangling upside down á la Benito Mussolini.

  3. We did not vote to leave to be stupid enough to tie ourselves back in as part of the leaving agreement! ?‍♂️??
    Johnson is both thick and sly, he is trying to find a way to appease the EU by fucking us over and telling us it’s the best deal ever, and without Cummings he is at the mercy of rabid Europhile Princess Nut Nuts – a floundering pig beginning to drown in his self made wave of sewage.
    My thoughts?
    Tell the EU to go fk themselves. leave with no deal, save the 39billion the previous traitor promised and then sue the EU for the money (many billions) we are owed under the EU reciprocal healthcare payment scheme and from the European International Bank (formerly the ECB, change your name all you want – you OWE US MONEY!), send the dinghy pilots straight back to France and fine the frogs a million Pounds for every tinted devil who arrives here.
    On January the 1st I want to see Royal Navy vessels patrolling OUR waters and putting holes in anyone who tries it on.
    Negotiating requires skill, balls and a point where you say “we cannot have agreement on these terms” and you walk away.
    We MUST leave with no deal.

  4. Farage is the only person making noise about this.
    Of course no coverage from our commie media but plenty on YouTube and such. I don’t know what he can or will do but he’s not letting it lie and has a lot of support.
    Fuck BoZo and his team of Marxist cunts.

  5. You can imagine their reaction after the vote 54 months ago. Sitting round a large oak table they sipped cognac and lamented before designing a list:
    • Make it as difficult and drawn-out as possible.
    • Don’t give the UK what it wants but always give them hope.
    • Refuse to move on fishing areas.
    • Keep the Remainiac eunuchs on British TV yammering & fear-mongering.
    • Always agree to extending the “crunch date.”
    • Never finally agree because every month that passes is another month of British cash to finance the Reich concept as British tax goes towards bridges, railways, sewers, roads, motorways, etc in tin-pot, lazy EU shit-holes.

  6. I despair.Weak.Inept.Useless.Spineless.They never wanted to leave Euroland at all.Send them to the tower.Traitors.Come back Sir Nigel all is forgiven.Johnson and co are all rotten to the core.

  7. If reports are to be believed 95% has been agreed.

    Any bets on the final 5% being surrendered by the weekend and the deal coming to the house of cunts on Monday.

    Labour MPs won’t need to turn up, it’s just as easy to abstain from home ?

  8. I really don’t know what to say about the extended extended extended extended deadline for negotiations other than why bother, Doris is gonna drop us in the shit from a very great height at the last minute and claim it as a victory for the UK. Even my cat can see that fucker coming and she’s only got one eye. On a brighter note, its nearly Christmas………Bah fucking humbug! …..cunts!

  9. Strange how one day the news is full of the latest head to head; the next it’s completely disappeared off the radar. With literally only a few days to go you’d think that couldn’t happen.

    These perpetual all night sittings and last second EU negotiations have been going on for nearly 50 years. It’s fucking pathetic to be pissing about like this four years after five years.

    And does anybody seriously think the fishery protection vessels will be deployed for long?

    PS Macrunt has got CV. Good, I hope he gets it as bad as Mr Kate Garraway in recompense for the usual French inspired cuntitude he’s displayed.

    PPS Katya Adler gives me the horn.

  10. Cheer up everyone – Macron has got Covid (a touch awkward when you live with a granny, I guess).

  11. This ‘deal’ will be the ultimate fire sale – to be announced while the proles are celebrating the New Year, quietly, in their lonely hovels. Next year will see untold misery as people go workless and hungry, food is in short supply, power outages and inflation set in.

    This country has been fucked senseless from within. The cunts responsible are too numerous to mention.

    • Have faith in Boris Johnson negotiating a good deal He isn’t half as stupid as he appears to be.

      Famous last words.

  12. Personally I think it makes little difference now. We’re going to have our economy run into the ground next year, along with all the big nations, only to be bailed out by the IMF in exchange for certain conditions.

    Out of the supranational state, and straight into the waiting arms of global governance. We’ve been had.

  13. The whole thing is a fuccking fare. With an 80 seat majority he should just tell that old woman Starmer and his oily arselickers to go fuck themselves, ditto Barnier. It now seems that meddling old whore Sturgen has been trying to stick her bloody great nose into it:

    As it is these ridiculous “last mile” talks do nobody any good except Barnier’s ego and the BBCs puffed up Remainer poofters – the number of sneers from those faggots this week has been off the sale.

    WTO and stop the talks now.

  14. Time will tell but the last Cunt who tried to leave while not leaving led her party to 5th in Euro Elections behind the fucking greens. So Boris be aware the 17.4m are loyal to Great Britain not the fucking Tory party.

    You are on thin fucking ice my pedigree chum and I will be under it when it breaks. Cunt.

  15. Bozza has no balls. None whatsoever.

    If he had any knackers he would say to these cunts ‘If you want another war, we will give you one. And this time you froggie and kraut cunts will get nuked’.

  16. If these wankers had the brains they were born with they would have put Sir Nigel in charge of negotiations. He’s been sitting in their corrupt Parliament for 20 odd years and knows every one of those cunts like the back of his hand. More importantly they know him and know he can’t be mugged off. As soon as he walked in the door they would have shit themselves and this would have been over four fucking years ago.
    Too many of these bastards and their mates are more worried about their own financial interests to give a flying fuck about us cunts.

  17. Boris is proving to be a galaxy sized cunt on this and is going to sell us down the river.
    We seriously need a new party in charge, not Tory, not Labour or Liberal but a party like Brexit/Reform or The British Freedom Party that are actually in touch and listen to the general public; not like this shower of shit, self serving arsehole that just fucking lie all the time. Boils my piss.

  18. Its all just a charade by that Turkish cunt.
    I think most of us knew long ago that it has just been a pretence of tough negotiating and that the fat cunt will sell us out at the last hurdle.

    What are those cunts on the mainland going to do with all that produce we buy from them? Where else could they sell that amount of produce?


    Gutless fucking bastards I say.

  19. We failed to set our stall out early.
    They should have been told there will be no 39 billion.
    We should have come to an interim tariff free duty free trade deal with the USA within 6 months of the referendum as an insurance policy.
    Whilst mulling over no 39 billion we should then have told them:
    No fishing rights at all.
    Tariff war on French cars only, to start a civil war with the EU car industry.
    Tariffs on Italian wine but duty free status for French wine.
    Etc with a view to moving the tariffs around EU countries at random to disrupt any attempt at reprisals.
    Instead we’ve had nothing but paper shuffling bullshit and years of waffle.
    What a surprise.
    Cunts of the Commons.

  20. They keep talking about a fucking level playing field.

    Fucking hell you should have seen the state of my sunday league football pitch, still got over it. Its complete wank their talking. Pure robin hood bollocks. Steal from the wealthy job creators and pay off some romanian crack dealers.

    I bet my arse that when we get out, Ireland will want to go aswell.

    EU take take take and no give. Bunch of Cunts. Hard Brexit away.

    Maybot will cry.

  21. Is it just me or is the site all over the place? I have numbers to the left of avatars and names when posting, it’s a fucking mess.

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