Boris Johnson [13]

Boris ‘Jellyfish’ Johnson. ‘Get Brexit Done’. ‘I will walk away with no deal’. You…lying…cunt! Four and a half fucking years since the referendum, and we are STILL engaging in bullshit with the fucking EU. This should have been done and dusted at least two years ago, and would have been if Treason May hadn’t been such a monumental twat. And now we have Johnson, apparently trying to prove that it is, in fact, HE who is the biggest cunt ever to disgrace the steps of No10 Downing Street.

He set a deadline for walking away from trade talks of the 30th June (which also happens to be my birthday. Guess which fat bastard almost ruined it?). The day came, and the spineless prick pushed the date back to the end of July. The end of July came, and the gutless fuck pushed the date back to the end of October. The end of October came, and the cowardly shite pushed it back to November 15th. November 15th came, and…seeing a pattern yet? Today is Thursday 10th December, THREE DAYS after the day he firmly, hand on heart, absolutely, definitely, guaranteed, cross my heart, will walk away with no deal. He pushed the date back to today. AND NOW the useless, fat, lying, cock sucking, pig fucking piece of shit….has pushed the deadline back YET AGAIN, to FUCKING SUNDAY. I smell Princess Pig Face’s influence here.

Then, if no progress has been made with the ‘negotiations’, we will absolutely, definitely, no more can kicking, 100% will walk away with no deal. Does anybody actually believe that this albino walrus will actually tell the EU to shove the trade deal right up its bloated arse? I fucking don’t. How can I? This sumo sized shithouse has done nothing but lie, cheat and fucking cave in all year. And not just on Brexit, but also on the Flu Manchu. He’s practically handed the reigns for that over to the Two Ronnies of Doom.

I said it with May, now I’m saying it with Jellyfish Johnson. He has got to go. Back in the first world war, a soldier displaying such levels of craven cowardice as this quivering Quisling has shown, would be tied to wooden post and shot. Maybe that’s the kick up his fat arse he needs. This obese oaf actually wants people to view him in the same way as we view Churchill. He’s more of a fucking Chamberlain. Cunt!

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

…and here’s a new one from Quick Draw

Boris ‘Jellyfish’ Johnson and his wretched government. Not content with fucking up the economy and continually bottling out of telling the EU to fuck right off, it seems the albino walrus and his band of bastards are now intent on turning the UK, the so called ‘Mother of Democracies’, into a dictatorship. It also seems that their policy on dealing the bat flu is to follow Einstein’s definition of stupidity (doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result).

We’ve have had TWO lockdowns already, neither of which have worked, and in between, the tier system. Boris wasn’t happy with having just three tiers though, so now he’s created a fourth, which is basically a lockdown in all but name. The big problem in all this, is that Jellyfish is only listening to one point of view on the virus, all coming from self-important cunts like Vallance, Whitty and SAGE. It also turns out that, after claiming to have resigned from his government advisory role, Neil “Wrong Roy” Ferguson has actually been working for a sub group of SAGE. Given that’s he’s still involved in forming the government’s response, it’s no surprise that that response has been a complete fucking shambles.

Jellyfish is not a leader. And the image he liked to promote, of him being a loveable, bumbling rogue has now been well and truly shattered. He’s incompetent and a compulsive liar. Given that’s he’s also a serial adulterer, it shouldn’t really be a surprise that he and the truth are complete strangers. And his continual U-turns on walking away from the Brexit negotiations show that, worst of all, he’s a craven coward. Johnson is completely and utterly unfit for office.

I voted for an independent at the last general election, but I did feel a little guilty that I didn’t vote Tory. Not anymore. Boris and his government have been an absolute disgrace over the past nine months and now I would be ashamed to admit that I voted for them. If the Tories manage to win the next election, it will be a massively reduced majority, if they get a majority at all. The so called Red Wall Tories will all be out on their asses, because only the most die hard northern Tory would vote for them now. Boris has made his party toxic.

Forgot to mention, the fat cunt has also put back a decision on decriminalising non payment of the licence fee until 2022. Hopefully, the useless twat will be out of politics by then.

42 thoughts on “Boris Johnson [13]

  1. I’ve never thought much of Johnson and I’m aware that the “Brexit” deal hasn’t really been scrutinised but it actually seems to be a hell of a lot better than the one I thought we’d get.
    We were never going to get all that we were so rashly promised but at least Johnson didn’t do as I thought he’d do and just totally bottle it when the pressure became real.

    Fair-dos to the useless Cunt.

    • Agree Dick. Just imagine a Dame Kweer ─ Hilary Benn or Dominic Grieve agreement. Barnier would have said jump and they would have said “how high, duckie?”

      • Morning,Mr.Boggs.

        Hopefully it brings some sort of “closure” (isn’t “closure” an appalling word) to the whole affair….it seems to have dragged on for fucking ever.

      • Being better than May starmer etc should not lead to an acceptance of what he’s achieved. Very little. It’s the same as accepting that your team as down well by avoiding relegation. Second best is nowhere said Bill Shankly and he was correct.

      • Morning,EAC.

        To continue the football analogy…I must admit that I’d always settle for Newcastle finishing in mid-table mediocrity to them being relegated. Better to still be in the Premiership with the Big Boys rather than making the long trip to Preston North End and accepting that your days at the top-table are done.

        The UK is not the mighty,all-conquering L.F.C. and we must accept that

      • Good morning dick you are correct in that we don’t have an empire anymore and militarily are not an independent global leader up with the yanks chunkies and Russians but neither are Germany or france. I also think no deal would have been better. Certainly after a couple of years. Also telling the French to fuck off would have made my day

  2. Morning Dick. Yes the fact that Alistair Campbell and Gaylord Adonis are having hissy fits does suggest the Remainiacs know they have lost now. Blair has actually said so in terms

    • Adonis and his arselickers continually moan about those who voted to Remain and had been ignored, but by the same token drone on about US and how the population had rightly (in their eyes) abandoned Trump.

      All cunts to a man.

  3. Bloated Boris the baffled ? blunders beyond previous levels of ineptitude. A career political actor out of his depth.

    • To negotiate a decent deal with the EU we would of had to of sent a honest man.
      Boris is the last person id choose!
      Like picking Stephen Hawking for your 5-a-side team or Gary Glitter for your babysitter.
      Its common knowledge that theres not a single honest man in Westminster.

  4. Ps
    Good nom Quickdraw as always,
    Your mention of Boris as q leader,
    A ‘natural’ leader is someone who men look up too, admire the way they carry themselves,
    Trust their decision making and shrewd actions.
    Boris is a typical leader in the fact hes a toff that leads his people into blunders, has no sense of loyalty or honour.
    The British class system has historically given us plenty.

    • Good afternoon and I hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas holidays.

      There was the square root of fuck all on the telly last night, so I was looking at YouTube. I found an interview with Sir Harry Broadhurst, the most senior of our active WW2 fighter pilots. If you want to know about leadership cut to the last 25 minutes or so, although if you are interested in military history all of it was riveting. He told stories of Montgomery meeting private’s and corporals on the front line and then writing, that evening and in his own hand, to their wives telling them what a good job their man was doing and of Churchill peeing in the Rhine in front of the troops. That is leadership and I think Boris has a little of it, he is able to connect with people.

      Thank God I am just a keyboard warrior and haven’t had to make the decisions this year.

      • Monty has had more than his fair share of bad press in the last 70 years, mostly earned by his abrasive personality, and some of his excuses when plans went awry, the failure to seize Caen on D Day, and Market Garden being the most famous. His motivation was shaped by his experience in WW1, and was a great proponent of the allies doctrine of ‘steel not flesh’ where where materiel superiority would be used rather than throwing men into pointless battles where artillery and AirPower could do the job without mass allied casualties.
        A bit of a mentalist, who today would probably be described as on the spectrum, he had a great tactical mind, a forceful personality, and a high regard for his men.

  5. Yes a lot better than I feared but we can only go on what the MSM tell us. However Sir Nigel seems grudgingly happy with it if, like me, he’s not happy with the fish business. The good news was hearing the usual suspects weeping on the radio on Thursday…….Hezzelslime, Grieve, Pisshead Campbell and that limp wristed Hillary fucking Benn. It’s a good job his father is dead, he’d be ashamed of the dirty little traitor.

    • Freddie…I’m not being deliberately provocative here…but why was the fishing point so important? Was it really worth alienating our largest trading partner for the sake of the fishing?

      • Have you seen the price of fish Sir Fiddler? Besides which it’s symbolic. One hippy tree hugger rambling across your land wouldn’t do any harm but you’d still set the fucking dogs on the cunt wouldn’t you?

  6. He moves from one disaster to another.Bin him off.Utterly out of his depth.Omly interested in his “legacy”.I am tired of him and the SAGE party.Oven ready deal Mr. Jellyfish?No you are you fat git.

  7. Can we now look forward to deporting foreign criminals?
    I expect more hot air than a volcanic eruption.
    Fuck Off Doris.

    • Unfortunately Terry it is our own domestic law that is preventing the deportation of foreign criminals. Nothing to do with the EU or the ECJ.

  8. It’s not a good deal, and that’s before we see the fine print. The symbolic fishing element is a cop out. More important in economic terms, is the state of play around financial services, which is a large part of our economy, and there’s no agreement that gives fair access. You can bet that the EU will move heaven and earth to replicate the services formerly derived from London.
    On sovereignty, the biggest kick in the bollocks, is Northern Ireland, who are still tied to the EU through the Customs Union, with a de facto border down the Irish Sea .
    So much for taking back control.
    We were never going to get a good deal.
    After the referendum, the Pig Fucker should have immediately triggered article fifty and gone WTO. But the traitor didn’t, and we are where we are.
    Basically, we had one chance and blew it.
    Morning all.

  9. I thought the jellyfish was going to sign a “deal” that would have made even Reichführer Donitz wince, but actually the “deal” is reasonable but not ideal, we should be pleased the useless cunt has actually done something constructive for once!!!

    Even Sir Nigel says it’s a good start

  10. Why the fuck are fish so important? Wont be long before St Greta will ban eating them to save the planet.

    • Fishing rights are very symbolic for Brexiteers. It’s all to do with “sovereignty” and “taking back control” of our territorial waters, which this deal does not provide for.

      However, from 2026 onwards we will have a greater say as to the extent the EU has access to our waters and thus the fish in them.

      • Basically the UK remains the EU’s b1tch. Like a landowner who lets poachers roam his land in broad daylight, taking whatever they want, instead of employing a game keeper and charging shooters for access. Leavers voted for a “gamekeeper solution”, didn’t think they’d ever get one, and they haven’t. What’s new?!

  11. Great cuntings….
    The fat cunt lost me when his diversity hire released that coin, essentially spitting on our ansestors, desecrating our history and emboldening the not-so-English and oh-so-Labour-voting members of our society to think they’re more important than us. The northerners that voted tory (I won’t call them conservatives anymore coz they’re not), voted because of brexit and because of the fact that Labour are anti Britain and anti White people. They only lent their vote and I’m 99% certain that they’ll take it back at the next election.
    Tbh I see the tories as not being as bad as Labour and the rabid lunatics of the left, but so fucking spineless and incompetent that we’ll end up with the same result anyway.
    Boris, and in fact all our “leaders” are living proof that we do not live in a meritocracy and that our “leaders” do not represent the people.

    …hang em all and start again.

  12. All he had to do was shut the border when we first knew of the pandemic, and he couldn’t even do that. Semtex the cunt.

  13. No true nationalist will ever be allowed anywhere near power, Boris it seems took on the role of brexit leader to gain popularity, no more, no less.

    Boris’s best hope was leave would lose narrowly and he would be seen as the gallant loser and retain enough popularity to win the leadership race at some point in the future.

    Leave unexpectedly won, Boris got his wish to be leader but had to then deliver a brexit he never believed in.

    So here we are, a paper tiger given the job of a lion.

  14. Johnson is a Fucker in the truest sense.
    He has sired at last count seven brats.
    That’s his only skill.
    And he has right royally fucked the UK.
    Lying, philandering Turkish CUNT!

  15. Johnson is a weasel cunt. We did not have a fucking referendum to “marginally improve our position with regard to the EU”. As for it being a “good start” it is a position from which successive Federalist cunts will withdraw, not advance.

    NI seems to have been given away to the EU as part of the “deal”. Anyone believing the picture will be rosier for fishing rights after 2026 is seriously deluded. By then Sir Kweer Cunt or his successor will be in power making a final sell-out inevitable.

    The whole thing is a bag of shit, anything to avoid a no deal, ham-fisted, fuck off to the 17.4 million. It is probably also why London was put in Tier 4 as a precaution, in case people saw through the current welter of bullshit.

    Brussels is probably pissing itself with laughter at the useless rosbifs.

    Fuck right off.

    • Be interesting to see where the “marginal improvement” is – I haven’t been able to spot it yet and nobody seems to be shouting about it (so it probably doesn’t exist).

      The most visible issue of the whole piece is fishing. Not the biggest financially but the flag at the top of the mast, the thing that says “this is us and who we are”. There’s no reason we couldn’t have charged the EU for access to our fish, subject to our right to withdraw that access with a period of notice, and we could have let that access carry on for a long time to keep our trading partner sweet if WE wanted to. But no, we chose to let the EU walk all over us just as they have been doing for years past. Our flag doesn’t fly high and proud. It lies limp and impotent and tells the world we are the ultimate pillow biter. Churchill will be spinning in his grave at the thought of his erstwhile biographer selling the country out. ?

  16. What boils my piss to steam is why Boris doesn’t abolish the human rights act. Hopefully Kier, Adonis and this august sites pin up boy Blair will all cop a fatal coronary each. That would work for me.

  17. The oaf might have been an ok PM under boring peacetime circumstances, watching him bumble around, making a bit of a tit of himself. But, he’s definitely not someone with the sense of authority that has been needed over the past year. To listen to the stupid cunt waffle his silly turn of phrase through announcements of great hardship and desperate actions has shown him to be the fucking bellend the left told us he would be. Not that those cunts have anyone who could do better, and they don’t have to do anything to come out on top. They abstain from lockdown votes because if there is a backlash, they can say it had fuck all to do with them, and if it saved lives, they could claim by abstaining they allowed it to happen. Most people are too fucking thick to see that, so they will come out of this clean. Perhaps there should have been a coalition government, like in wartime, so they could show their true colours. I bet no one will remember Starmer complaining that we needed more lockdown, and then claiming it was an affront to civil liberties when the cane. Slimy cunt.

    • Exactly gutstick…. starmer is trying to milk this politically for all it’s worth but it’s so blatant and ridiculous that I’d hope that the majority of people will see straight through him…. depends what they’re spoon-fed by the media I guess.

      • If radio four has anything to do with it, the cunt will come out smelling of roses, DTS. The cunts.

  18. Jellyfish bottled it. We all secretly knew he would.
    So he could empty his load into a pig and guarantee himself some kind of lucrative ambassadorial role when his comedy attempt at being a politician is exposed.
    The UK fishing industry used to be enormous, especially on the Yorkshire coast – now reduced to a few (usually foreign owned) small vessels and day trips so people can line for cod.
    This was a golden opportunity to rebuild a potentially massive industry and we could have also reinvigorated our shipbuilding industry by building new vessels in the the UK – we have enormous territorial waters which are some of the richest in the world in terms of fish and marine life – this is not a misty eyed trip into a perceived glorious past but a practical plan to make fishing an important part of an economy which is far too weighted towards financial services in London to the detriment of all else.
    Johnson is not a bumbling gaffe prone joke as much as a conniving devious psychopath and a truly nasty piece of work – ask any of the many people he has cut up to get where he is, they have long memories and when Joke Johnson falls it will be quick and brutal.
    In terms of the deal, if the hateful BBC are whining about it then it can’t be all bad but we do not need things which tinker about the edges – we need real change, real leaders whose loyalty is to Country and not claret and currency and not the never ending merry go round of greedy incompetent idiots and bullshit artists.
    Farage in four years – he is probably as bad as the rest but it will show the major parties how much they are hated and they will have to change or go out of existence.
    We want different, we want better and we, the people want it NOW.
    Good nom Q! ?

    • Spot on Vernon.
      It’s about time all these Public School vermin were culled from Government and The Civil Service etc.
      They have no concept how the rest of us live and struggle by.
      They should be choked on their silver spoons they were born with.

  19. Last PM to have any guts was Maggie.]

    Boris reminds of a charisma-free Chris Tarrant.
    In other words, he is a cunt.

  20. That thing we’ve got at the moment is not BoJo. As Etonian cuntwatty as he is, he’d never appear in public looking like a bedraggled foetal alcohol syndrome-afflicted robotic sub-normal. I think the real one is still in that ‘hospital’.

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