Booing the Knee

Clubs have finally been allowed to let crowds back at their games, albeit at a reduced capacity. And despite weeks, nay, months of being told that fans would NOT tolerate players taking the knee, everyone who wasn’t a member of the crowd seemed surprised when Milwall and Derby players took a knee, and a large number of the crowd started booing.

What the fuck did they think was going to happen? For the first time in nine months, the Prima Donna’s were back in front of normal people, and normal people won’t tolerate their shit.

Naturally, the outrage was lead by the Archangel of Woke, St Gary of Linecunt. Milwall bosses, the BBC, commentators, all had to express their disbelief. Even Trevor Sinclair, who was arrested for hurling racist abuse at a police officer had to mouth off about it.

Shrek himself, Rooney, apparently now Derby’s manager said he was surprised by the booing. Surprised Wayne? Welcome to the real world. A world where people do NOT take the knee in supplication to a racist, Marxist, far left organisation like BLM.

Naturally, this will be portrayed as racist. In fact the booing was an act of defiance AGAINST racism. The racism of BLM, which lefties like to try to brush under the carpet. I won’t be watching it, but I’m sure that Match of Day, because you can guarantee that Lineker won’t be able to keep his mouth shut on the “disgusting” scenes that unfolded.

Wait until the bigger teams start letting crowds in, this was not a one off.

Nominated by:Quick Draw McGraw 

…and a related one from Imitation Yank, concerning Harry Kane

Harry Kane is a cunt.

My interest in football has been practically obliterated by the woke virtual signalling of the FA, EPL, players, coaches, et al. As such I missed this earlier in the week.

I am sure many of us assumed that footballers taking the knee was mostly down to being told to by the football authorities and they went along with it out of fear of being cancelled for not joining in with support for their black ‘brothers’. I am sure that many of us thought taking the knee would slowly die out and we’d all just move on. Enter into the fray one Harry Kane. Current England Captain and international spokesperson (see what I did there) on race relations, he’s come out and said taking the knee should continue.

Now he may very well have been told/asked to do this, but he did not have to agree. The thick-as-pig-shit lisping twat has just made himself look like a right cunt. As fans are slowly being allowed back into stadiums, they are not amused by the continuing pandering and virtue signalling. Clearly demonstrated by the booing at the Millwall Derby match this weekend. It’s well documented that the BLM movement are a racist, anti-white, divisive, nothing-but-pro-black, defund the police supporting mob who use violence, rioting and intimidation with the intent to rule non-blacks.

Harry Kane is an out of step, out of touch, privileged, insulated, thick, virtue signalling, sheep-like cunt with a lisp.


...and yet another by Imitation Yank

Droy Deeney is a cunt and so is Talk Sport for giving this cunt a platform. Here’s why.

Deeney has got all upset about the booing by Millwall fans when the sheep players etc. ‘took the knee’ before the Millwall vs. Derby game. Deeney’s shit team Watford play Millwall later this month, about which he said this:

“When they boo, I’ll still be there,” he added. “But if it gets to that line of racial things being said to me or my players, we’ve already had a conversation about what happens. We walk, simple.”

Sounds fair enough and quite right too. But then he followed up with this:

“We’re not here to be racially abused, we’re here to play football and entertain.”

Erm…excuse me fuck nuts, but if you’re there to play football and entertain, why then are you making a political statement by showing support for a Marxist, anarchist, racist violent mob?

Talk Sport then tried to add some context by reporting the booing had been defended in some quarters as political opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement. Deeney countered by ‘making it clear the protests had nothing to do with politics’. He added, “There’s a certain amount of people who found a reason to boo, which I don’t really want to get into because I think we’re giving them too much energy.” Hmm…like the energy you’re giving to a Marxist, anarchist, racist violent mob?

It’s a pity neither Talk Sport nor Deeney bothered to dig a little deeper. I managed to find – without too much difficulty – a direct quote from a Millwall supporter, which reads:

“Millwall fans will support anti-discrimination under any other banner than Black Lives Matter. This wasn’t about racism it was people standing up against an organisation of Anarchists, Far Left Marxists and Anti-Semites. The people we watched deface War Memorials, burn Union Flag and try to tear down the statue of Winston Churchill in our Capital. Some of Millwall’s finest have been Black and we have stood together, up and down the Country over the decades. Fuck Black Lives Matter”.


The blatant and deliberate refusal by Deeney to acknowledge other people have as much right to their opinion as he has was beautifully summed up with this, “We don’t have to agree on everything – it is part and parcel of it – but we can’t sit and keep saying ‘what’s the next step’. The next step is to keep pushing, to keep having these conversations, to understand both sides of the fence.”

You just could not make it up. So in Deeney’s world, understanding the other side of the fence is to deny the point they’re making and to silence their opposition to a Marxist, anarchist, racist violent mob which he chooses to support. Wow! Just wow!

If you ever needed any more evidence of how thick-as-pig-shit footballers really are, here it is.

103 thoughts on “Booing the Knee

  1. How irritating is that picture? Two whiteys taking the knee next to a dark key standing there, raising the “black power fist”. If it wasn’t for whitey, the dark key wouldn’t even be here to do that. Wanker.

    And as for Troy Deeney, well, I’ve been a Watford supporter for over 40 years (some poor bastard has to!). Brilliant player but, yeah, yet another dark key cunt who is just stirring the pot.

    Fuck him.

    • That cunt in the ‘8’ shirt has his socks pulled up over his knees, too, which makes him an even bigger cunt. Why? Do these utter, spoilt cunts suffer from cold knees? Wankers.

  2. Footballers live in their own world.I don’t blame the fans booing at them.Sorros and Antifa are a terrorist group.Wake up sheeple!!!!

  3. Thankfully, everyone does not support the “taking the knee” BLM woke virtue signalling bullshit. Just the twatter commentators and sheep follows. Most of the population don’t support thugs, complaining Black keys (why I’ll never know, it’s not like they are in some shit pot African republic), champagne socialists Marxist commine cunts.

    Most Britain’s want to get on with their lives peacefully with people of what ever skin colour and have done for donkeys years. We don’t like being told what to think and don’t take any notice to idiots on the streets or more often than not on TV and twatter.

    Well done Mill wall from a Leeds fan. TV twatter cunts fuck off.

    • I might be wrong because I don’t really bother with football for precisely this kind of shite, but didn’t Millwall fans all fall into line at last night’s game, and were applauding and cheering rather than booing?

      • Millwall players did not take a knee on Tuesday. Apparently the fans were applauding an anti-racist banner that was being held up instead.

      • That’s how it’s being reported. However, there are allegations that SKY Sport censored what happened before the match, so if there was any booing it wouldn’t have been heard. I’m told that the cheering and applause was for the players linking hands as a sign of being against racism, not for them taking the knee. That’s what SHOULD have been doing, instead of taking the knee.

    • ‘Most Britain’s want to get on with their lives peacefully with people of what ever skin colour and have done for donkeys years.’

      Hear hear. Very well put, sir. This constant forcing of views is putting race relations back, years.

      • Ain’t that the truth ?
        Every time I see a BAME now I’m suspicious, never used to be the case.
        So divisive.
        Utter cunts.

  4. The problem is most people don’t realise what an evil organisation BLM are cos they are supported by the media.
    I’m a driving instructor and I have 2 pupils who have BLM posters in their windows.
    Both 17 year old girls living in a middle class area and going to fee paying posh schools.
    I’m sure neither of them have a clue what they’re supporting.
    Stupid little bitches.

    • You mention “white privilege” and they’ll either look at you with a vacant face, or go into overdrive about it while completely missing the irony. Which seems to be the case with these middle-class woke twats and their hypocritical ideology

  5. Football and footballer….cunts and more cunts.

    Don’t forget, you pay these cunts wages with rubbish pay tv etc

    I wouldn’t give them the dribbles from a crusty cock unless there was some high explosive in the ball and you never knew when it was going to go off and blow one of these useless cunts to kingdom come.

  6. Footballers supporting a Marxist political movement. A movement which is anti-free enterprise and are anti-capitalists, so how does this appeal to blokes on £10m+ a year.

    BLM also want to defund the police, so they’ll be no coppers to police football grounds and no local authority is going to allow 40,000 people to gather without some form of control.
    Thick cunts like Kane are talking themselves out of a job…

  7. Innocent 16 year old girl stabbed to death in an Essex park, no riots, no protests and no woke rituals before football matches, drug addled criminal killed by the police in another country thousands of miles away and we get the lot and peaches at constantly by the woke elite.

    Firstly it doesn’t make any sense, secondly it only makes sense if it’s orchestrated and promoted by the mass media.

    Coupled with the COVID restrictions neutral response to BLM protests compared to the heavy handed response to the protests about COVID restrictions.

    State sanctioned lawlessness is now a thing.

    Fuck football, fuck BLM the marxist political movement.

  8. Footballers are generally pretty dim. Some are dimmer than others. Kicking a ball around as well as they do is a niche talent that pays extremely well. They should think themselves lucky and fucking well stick to it.

    • Indeed, if the cunts were instead paid a salary that was somewhat more sensible than the current squillions they get, perhaps they wouldn’t need to assuage their guilt for quaffing the finest wines whilst Mtembe wipes buffalo shit off his brow and eats grubs for dinner.

      • Exactly, Paul. The cunts at the BBC and BT Sport and every other MS broadcaster needs to understand that ordinary people with proper jobs, paid ordinary wages, are often far brighter than the twats who kick a ball around. And, having paid to fucking well get in to a match have a perfect right to express their views.

        It is all about control and no different to the shit we have to put up with when trying to make our feelings heard at a demo, or even going to the fucking shops to buy some groceries. They can fuck right off, the lot of them.

  9. The BBC’s moderation team went into overdrive on Saturday trying to remove anti-BLM, pro-booing posts from their HYS threads. Quite a few of which were among the top rated comments.

    • I was listening to LBC, last night, and there was a Guardian journalist at the Millwall/QPR match last night, describing events. He nearly dropped hisself in it when he said of the QPR players kneeling when they scored and doing a ‘Bla….’, and stopped VERY quickly. I can only assume he was going to say ‘Black Power Salute’. To be fair to him, he didn’t condemn the booing, which surprised me.

  10. Harry Kane is a fantastic footballer.

    Politically, he is naive and toeing the Southgate line.

    • It’s a shame really, because he doesn’t come across as a cunt. I honestly think he just accepts what he’s told without looking further into it.

      • Let the booing continue, let the cunts know we’ve had enough, you said your piece now shut the fuck up or fuck off. The issue has been raised and some will agree and some never will. Not too much was made when players refused to wear poppies they were just frowned at and let off. As for Harry Kane…. what a fucking mong. He looks likes one and talks like one. He and his ilk are the reason I don’t and won’t watch England any more. They are a bunch of overpaid, overrated, up their own arse bunch of cunts that are so out of touch with the real world. When him and the other cunts pull on an England shirt they are a fucking embarrassment. I used to enjoy major football tournaments and get behind the team. Now the only time I’d get behind them is with a machine gun. As for watching ‘England’ you’d think you were watching Nigeria.

  11. The one and only football match I went to was back in 1997, Hereford vs Colchester United. Now, there was a black player on the Hereford side and each time he got the ball the Col U fans started banging on the corrugated iron at the back of the stands and made the sound of jungle drums. There was a Chinese player as well, each time he got the ball the Col U fans started shouting ‘ping pong’. And now and again when a white player on the Hereford side got the ball, they started bleating like sheep.

    I wonder what the BBC would make of that!

    • That wasn’t Tony James was it? I went to quite a few Hereford United games back in the 80s and 90s and remember him well. A brilliant player, I always thought he deserved a much bigger club.

  12. We. all know it also went off at West Ham and Colchester but there are reasons why Millwall get picked on:
    (1) It was broadcast live on Talksport. They obviously weren’t expecting it so they couldn’t cover it up.
    (2) Millwall have form. Only last season they had part of a stand closed for racist chanting. The chant in question being “i’d rather be a P*ki than a Scouse.”
    (3) As they freely admit ….no one likes them.

    I know someone who was there and he said there was nothing racist about it. It was a mixture of booing and people shouting “what are you doing that for?” and “stand up you cunt.”
    Racist abuse is illegal but booing is not. It is an age old tradition exercised by crowds when they see something they don’t like.
    The piss weak authorities can threaten bans but are you going to ban cunts from football grounds for booing? They are going to lose a lot of money going down that road.

    • Talksport must be very stupid if they weren’t expect the Millwall fans to act as they did . Having said that I suppose that the incident reflects the chasm between ordinary folk and the tosses who run the media.
      I would point out that all involved in MotoGP, WSBK and British Superbikes have not given the BLM cunts any recognition or support whatsoever.

    • Was “I’d rather be a p*ki than a scouse” sung to the tune of Simon & Garfunkel’s El Condor Pasa?

  13. The great thing about our country going bust from debt is there will be no more supporters willing to spend their last pounds on tickets. Got to save it for the cigs and beer, and maybe a hooker.

    The sooner these football pricks go back to earning minimum wage for a game the better. Or ideally shifting materials at the local B&Q stock yard. I want to see Harry Kane use the mini-forklift.

  14. It’s pathetic, isn’t it. The FA keep having these anti-racism schemes, like “Kick It Out” or “Show Racism The Red Card” and they are a complete waste of time, because either somebody is racist or they aren’t.

    And now we have come to this. Whitey kneeling while dark key stands with his fist aloft. How can they not realise this is going to piss people off, and ultimately might make some people become racist when they weren’t before?

    You’re completely right – booing is not illegal nor is it racist, it is a perfectly legitimate way of showing displeasure, nothing more.

  15. I’m proud of all these teams supporters and long may it continue.
    Can’t wait to see how it sounds when 40,000 + fans are booing

  16. They knew that the cunts were going to take the knee, so if they were that bothered, why don’t they boycott the games?
    Fuck football.

  17. I’d like to find the, no doubt white, cunts who are responsible for the ‘take the knee’ edict and get somebody to follow each and every one of the cunts round in daily life and insist they kneel at the feet of every single black they come across, anywhere, anytime. See how fucking woke they are when their knees wear out.

      • You underestimate me. I’d bus in coach loads to areas with a ‘lack of black’ and make sure they wander about. Once their day was done they’d be free to riot, loot and pillage.

    • If we’re counting Turkey as EU then I’d imagine any kneeling league players, in whatever basketcase league they have in that shithole, would get stabbed by their own fans with two blades half an inch apart so they can’t get stitches.

  18. I went to Highbury every Saturday for 4 years between 82-86 North Bank on the terraces and I can hand on heart say I heard no vitriol racist chants. There were the good humoured banter from both sides but nothing like what I’m meant to believe now. Where is this racism? Football is the most diverse game on the planet and at one point Arsenal had more black players than white. Work that one out.
    We should start a petition and get Gary linecunt replaced with a person of colour. That would piss him off

    • It was the same at Vicarage Road when I used to go there. Watford fans were always regarded as the most respectful in the game – we always applauded the opposing team’s goalkeeper when he took his place at our end, and we always applauded the opposing team’s goals too! I never once heard anything racist.

      I know I haven’t been for a few years (I live a bit too far away now), but I just can’t believe it has got so bad that Deeney needs to come out with such crap.

  19. The black power salute (as in the photo) is clearly a political gesture. I seem to remember Di Canio and Anelka were heavily fined and received match bans for political gestures but of course they were political gestures not approved of by the media. England were also fined for wearing shirts with poppies sewn on. You’ll have to ask a libtard to explain how that is a political gesture and the black power salute is not.

  20. Just slightly off topic a bunch of whom we have never heard ‘The People’s Vaccine Alliance’ are up on their hind legs demanding ( isn’t that always the case) that the less developed get the whitey developed Chinky Flu Stopper.
    It would appear that we white racists can make a contribution after all.

    • Don’t tell Lammy, because wasn’t he the cunt that said Africa no longer needs any sort of aid from racist whitey countries in the West?

      And in any case the vaccine was probably produced under white privilege, which is something else the wokes don’t like. Therefore, let the less developed countries create their own fucking vaccine!

      Oh and when they say “People’s” Vaccine Alliance, they probably mean a handful of Wokes and a flea bitten dog (Lilly Mong, probably)

      • How many doses would Lammy require in order to be immunised? I suspect that it would be getting on for half a bucket.

    • China have started supplying Indonesia, not sure if Russia are sharing their Novichok, opps I mean Sputnik.

  21. Talk about worlds apart, a black drugged up criminal is killed by a policeman in Minnesota and there is a protest on a football pitch.
    I don’t get it, perhaps there should be an explanation of the connection because I don’t see it.
    There is also a huge difference between Black Lives Matter and Kick it Out, football should stick to its own values and not import politics.

    Cunts, and good on Millwall for saying fuck off regardless of the motivation, if people see it as racist then so fucking what.

  22. Excellent cunting boys!
    I suspect this whole farce is pissing off 90% of the footballing fraternity and not just us “extremists” at IsAC.
    I never placed the IQ of footballers near the top of the scale but they must rate as the most pig thick “professionals” around. A golden rule of all professionals must surely be “don’t alienate your clientele or supporters?”

    • Quite right el Berto, I saw something that Millwall were going to use CCTV to try and identify those booing these posing clowns and then what? Ban them for booing? Fill the stadium with only those who conform and swallow this crap?

      • Football has painted itself into a corner and cannot find a way out. The period from the initial BLM bollocks to the first games with supporters present was sufficient for the authorities to find a face saving formula.

  23. If football pundits like Linekunt at the BBC and cunts on Sky Sports admire bending of knees, why don’t they bend the fucking knee in the studio when their programmes start?

    I can imagine Linekunt doing just that being the total woke up-your-arse cunt that he is; but I rather suspect someone like Roy Keane might just say “fuck off!” and walk out

    • I would imagine Techno that if Roy had gone to the same school as the Linekunt, he would have trapped those lugs in the bowl of the khasi when holding him under for a flush.

    • I’ve said it before but Keano is brilliant. Says exactly what he thinks and doesn’t mince his words. Would love it if he presented 606.

  24. The Black Panthers were rapists, terrorists, arsonists and murderers who reveled in trouble and intimidation. Yet it’s apparently acceptable to do their old salute on a football field in front of millions of television viewers?!! Why not do a Nazi salute or an IRA gesture while they’re at it, eh? Fucking terrorist loving mongs.

    Thing is, these clodhoppers that masquerade as professional footballers are as thick as fuck. What do they think the infamous Panthers or Chicken Floyd George and his mates would do if they came into contact with them? The mansion would be ransacked, the trophy WAG would be raped or – at the very least – have a loaded gun put in her stomach, the sports car stolen, and the privileged whitey footballer will have got a good hiding into the bargain. Yet these cunts welcome and even invite this sort of shit?! Harry Kane is as thick as a donkey’s dongler. Eulogising known criminals and bigging up the black version of the National Front (BLM)? What a backward brained turd he really is.

  25. When all this knee taking bollocks started, one of the first images i saw was Kevin de Bruyne, the whitest man on earth, with his ginger minge and pale blue skin, not only taking a knee but making the “Black Power” fist.

    Porcine faeces fuckwits.

    • Let me get this right…

      Gorton Globetrotter, Kevin De Bellend, who is from Belgium. A country that was invaded and occupied by the Nazis during the war. I dare say his ancestors were under the SS Jackboot at that particular time. There is still no love lost between the Belgians and the Krauts.

      Yet this ginger bollocked bluenose cunt is doing a fascist salute. A black terrorist fascist salute, but a fascist gesture nonetheless. And he has no problem with this?!

      What a thermonuclear cunt and total mong he is. Beyond contempt, the ginger fanny little shit.

      • And who are his employers, who pays his ridiculous wages? The fucking royal family of the United Arab Emirates! Very liberal they are, no race hatred among that fucking lot. Thick Belgian cunt.

      • Absolutely Freddie. That hypocritical cunt Pep Fraudiola wearing a rainbow badge. Don’t his Abu Dhabi paymasters persecute gays? Mind you, the likes of Pep and the ginger fanny will feel right at home taking the knee. Their ‘owners’ at Man Shitty are as anti semitic as those BLM cunts.

  26. Taking the knee at Old Trafford in the 70s would have been very interesting.

    But now? With all the daytrippers, foreigners, millennial knobends, half-half scarf wearers and social media grasses that now make up the crowd these days I can’t see a unanimous booing of the knee antics. And those that do partake will probably be grassed by some slippery Judas nark of a cunt.

    And the only way those Glazer filth will show any interest is if there’s money involved. United as a club and a Mancunian institution is finished anyway. So it’s up to the likes of Millwall to fight the good fight. Good on yer, lads and give ’em hell.

    • Norm-I actually laughed when they got knocked out of the Champions League last night-because it has lost those cunts the Glazers, millions?

      United now consists of Bruno Fernandes and plodders.
      If I were Bruno, I would be looking at La Liga?

      • Bruno is class, I agree. De Gea is fucked and Rashford is another Panthers worshippng cunt (and he’s also shit).

        Bruno must feel like Bestie did in 1972. Georgie turned it on week in week out. But the shite he had to play with then. Steve James, Carlo Sartori, Ian fucking Ure. No wonder he went out and got pissed.

      • Why was Fernandes in Portugal for so long? With all due respect to their league it doesn’t contain any elite clubs nowadays and he’s a generational midfielder.

  27. Interesting how the FA, UEFA, FIFA, BBC and Sky et al, are not making much comment with regards the on-going “slavery” in Qatar and the forthcoming World Cup in 2022!

    Rich black cunts exploiting poor black cunts, paying them peanuts, and letting a lot of them die in appalling conditions.

    But any comments from the BLM cunts? Any comment from the BLM players? Any comment from Lineker?

    Of course not. Because it doesn’t suite the “white privilege” narrative does it!

    • Not a bean out of one of these players, clubs, the FA, UEFA or even FIFA who rake in sponsorship by corporations such as Nike, who are currently lobbying the US Congress to weaken a bill called the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act that would ban imported goods made with forced labor in China’s Xinjiang region, as it would disrupt their supply chains.

      Why aren’t any of these tossers up in arms about any of this – where real slave Labour is being used to manufacture and produce goods that they are paid to wear???

      Because they are mis-informed, Ill educated, vacuous fucking publicity whores and they do not give a fuck.

      Ps – A Solar System sized cunting there chaps ?

      • Very well spotted. If Trump’s MAGA had been anything but a pipedream for the rednecks, that stuff would have been made in the States along with the vast volumes of fake NIKE stuff also being imported from China. – Problem completely solved, in our dreams.

        Mind you, I have a very nasty feeling that if the Uighurs became unemployed, there’d be further ethnic cleansing.

        Disclaimer: This should not be read as support for Trump, who remains a cunt. Thank you.

      • ISAC is one of the last bastions of free speech. And I don’t think anyone knows where I live…

    • Thousands dead or trapped and enslaved by their owners.

      The trick is they give them a ‘loan’ to get over there and rent a place (shared with about 20 others). Then, they add ‘fees’ and ‘penalties’ and take their passports off them until they’ve ‘paid off the debt’. They end up working for free. Slaves. Many die due to no safety equipment or safe machinery on building sites (many of which are 40+ floors up.) Others top themselves as they are ashamed about being conned and not being able to support their families back home.

      But because it’s dark skinned types, slavery is not a fucking problem all of a sudden, because some honkky man said ‘coloured person’ instead of ‘person of colour.’

      Fucking bollocks, isn’t it?

  28. Now precious little flowers have been booed for virtue signalling, hopefully it will put an end to that dubious gesture

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