Gay Blood Transfusion Victory
Jesus H Christ it is now OK, not to say all puppy dog cuddly and kitten fluffy, for gay men to give blood for transfusion if they have a “monitored” lifestyle ie they have stated that they have not exchanged fluids recently and we will all believe them won’t we even if they are all sorry if they forgot about that spot of cottaging last Tuesday.
Forgive an old cunt but in the remains of me mind I seem to recall a certain buggeroony a few years back in which blood products such as growth hormone obtained from gay prisoners blood (all cons in the Big House have to adopt gay practices to survive) and imported from the US of A were found to be teeming with delightful value addeds such as Hepatitus C and Aids when pumped into British patients..NHS in denial ect ect. Lives ruined, early painful deaths, kiddies crippled for life, stigma attached. So sad.
Needless to say M’Learned Friends are still arguing the toss re compo on that one.
Woke media all fluffy cuddly about gay men fulfilling themselves after years of oppression blah de blah but not a fucking sausage about why our gay friends were excluded from giving blood (see reasons above). No mention of specialist screening of gay blood and you get the distinct impression that it is all going to be mixed up in the general pool and source unidentifiable. Their Human Rights you see. Point is many of these perverse nasties hide out for years in the body, particularly brain cells, before becoming activated and turning the victims into supporting vegetables.
Only solution I can see is to stop slamming the door on Jehovah’s Witnesses and join the cunts. They refuse blood transfusions so there must be something in it.
Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke
(More here – DA )
…and supported by: Jonty Willis the Third
Ben Hunte
The BBC lgbt ‘correspondent’, this grinning fucking cunt on the BBC news at one today covered the latest slide into degeneracy, reporting on the fact blood can now be freely given with pretty much no questions asked by our esteemed back door enthusiasts.
Not content with just reporting this cuntishness, he proceeded to launch into (as people were eating lunch) the reasons why anal sex is an issue (or not) in this matter.
I mean, I’m not a prude, but doing a lengthy report on arse shagging, at lunchtime, while people are trying to eat, or maybe have the kids home from school, is frankly the end of the fucking road with the BBC and this country if that fat blonde inbred cunt doesn’t get a grip, and soon.
Fucking degenerates to a man….
Political correctness and general insanity costing more lives by the day
Just wait for the legal cases to arrive; as ever, we poor sods will pick up the bill.
And of course, after the turd /fan interface has occurred we will be fed the line’ lessons have been learnt’………
Ben Dover and Phil McAvity surely?
The amount of people dying from hepatitis, HIV and AIDS from the last time they used unscreened blood clearly taught them nothing.
We should not have high risk donors – I mean, who would want something put in their body where we have no idea what’s in it and no idea of the health risks with just the word of people with a vested interest that it’s safe?..
It would appear that HMG wish to be in a position to spend shit loads of our money once the Chinky Flu’ expenditure starts to decline.
Gay blood no thanks. I think I’d rather die. Its a shame now you won’t know if your transfusion is teeming with the AIDS.
Has the one on the right just released a gerbil up Devonte’s chute?
What a fucking thing to talk about on the lunchtime news.
Absolute fucking disgrace.
I used to be ‘live and let live’ when it came to the gays. However, shit like this wants me to see us make bumming illegal again.
It’s all about ‘me me me’ with these cunts. Arthur Ashe is one of many innocents who died of Aids because of these cunts. Only a matter of time until we get a shit load more non woofters getting all sorts of deadly diseases because of this.
But hey, ‘It’s my right to give blood, waaaah!’
Same with those Scottish tranny cunts with twins (the man dresses and acts as a woman and vice versa in reality). All about them on a radio interview I heard. Bollocks to the kids’ rights not to grow up in a freak show and be subject to bullying.
Fuck the gays. Lock the cunts up.
Surely if they’re locked up, that would just encourage more bumming?!
They can all bum each other until they all get the aids.
Job done.
Can you imagine being put in prison for a crime you didn’t commit, CB?
Must be genuinely terrifying.
Is it so important for the bum boys to give blood, fucking bunch of deviants.
They might give blood because they feel guilty about needing to have regular blood transfusions after one of their depraved, violent, Barrymore-esque “games” goes horribly and dangerously wrong…
They’ve got one track minds, these shirt lifters. They’ll get their fluids inside you one way or another.
I suspect this has all come about as the result of a shortage of ‘normal’ blood donors. Stocks are low, so the NHS is casting the net wider and now deem it acceptable for chutney ferrets and ringpiece tonguers to donate their platelets.
I reckon if the NHS had sufficient stocks it may well have, instead, maintained its previous stance on the matter.
Fucking stupidity.
Who makes these fucking decisions?
They are determined to drag us down to sub-Saharan Africa levels?
MP’s, senior health professionals and the elites will not be lining up if they knew where it came from. I would get a bit dizzy if I knew a donor was a bit ‘swarthy’ looking never mind bumming with reckless abandonment .
Here’s a puzzler, CG…would you rather take a syringe full of Bill Gates’ highly dubious vaccine or one filled with the donated blood of a shirt-lifter?!
That reminds me of that old joke about some bloke lost in the jungle gets caught by some indigenous tribe. They take him back to their village and offer him two choices- death, or mau mau. When the man asks what mau mau is, he is told that it means being bummed by the whole village.
The man thinks about this for a minute and says ‘I choose death’, to which the head tribesman screams ‘death by mau mau!’
It was funny in 1980, sounds more like a national geographic show now.
A bloody mary?
Thomas-what a fucking choice☹️✖️
Is there a third option?
Yes, of course: Elton John simply bums you directly.
You absolute fiend?
What about the rights of needle sharing smackheads to give blood?
They’ve got rights too.
Bummers will be the end of Western Civilisation.
They’re like a fucking plague.
I’m very disappointed with AIDS.
A damp squib.
Good evening.
Evening Jack, for the first time I’m going to have to disagree with you! Distasteful as it might be, at least bumlords aren’t contributing to population growth like the Africans and they’re too cissy to start fights.
Surely it’s the carpet-riders (and their quisling enablers) who will bring about western destruction?
That is true Mr Cunt Engine. The riders in the sky are refusing COVID vaccinations. They don’t like a needle up them, the fûzzie wûzzies! similarly, they don’t like giving blood.
I only reserve my blood for Jehovah’s Witnesses, safe in the knowledge nobody will take me up on it.
If only that were true me old Wank Engine. Woofters give turkey basters of their sperm to lessers so they can start a family via Craigs List.
In the interests of artistic integrity “supporting vegetables” should read “supporating vegetables”. Admin, though we love him dearly, got a little over enthusiastic correcting my pissed typos.
Good evening, Thomas. You’re probably right, the carpet riders may use the pooves to push the equality agenda, then when victory is assured, give them a final bumming, before their one and only flying lesson.
They’re all despicably filthy.
When they said political correctness would kill us, I didn’t think it would mean literally! Besides, I can’t think there will be many of a religious nature wanting fudgepacker claret pumped into them, as none of them are particularly tolerant of man love.
They protest too much, GS. Especially the Imams. They’re probably all at it. Imagjne how ugly and sweaty a muzzıe woman is after a hard day under the burka; after all, we know they’re kıddie-fiddlers, so it’s not much of a stretch (pardon the pun) to imagine they’re closet puddle-jumpers too…
A friend of mine is a well travelled international business cunt, an epicurean and like me, a fancier of laydees ??
He told me Arabs are never happier than when they are hanging out of the back of a tight, young boy?
He then related an Arab proverb, about a man gazing at a young male onbthe opposite bank of a river-
“How firm is his behind but oh, how wide us the river”
Fucking deviants?
“and like me, a fancier of laydees”
You are a half brother of Black & White cunt and I claim my £5!
Bertie-send Percy parrot-he can be your covid-secure-courier
I will pay by cheque-any cash and Percy will spend it all on “birds of ill repute”?
General – Percy is desperately trying to join a bubble for the 5 day Xmas period. Can he join you? He’s quite safe around the place unless you have any old grannies.
He would be more than welcome?
We are having duck for Christmas dinner-although I have loads of bird feeders if he fancies the vegan option.
Lots of tits in the garden-or if he is feeling brave, magpies, crows or even buzzards?
Ducky blood?
Count Duckula.
You get this in your veins youll be on Dancing’ on ice within a fortnight!
I dont give blood, im too tight,
Dont particularly want to save anyones life,
Especially for free.
Same with organs, saw sense and ripped up my organ donor card.
The thought that I might save a pakis life keeps me awake at night….
Imagine if your daughter (if indeed you have a daughter) came home with one!
“Dad, this is Mohammed…we’re going up to my room”!
Ive got a daughter Thomas and no joke he wouldn’t get through the door, his best outcome would be mauled off the akita because Id seriously put the cunt that bit closer to paradise and allah.
My daughter knows my views,
Theres a strict colour code in our house,
Ive left a tin of emulsion near the front door as a chart.
You never know, MNC…ol’ Mo might convert you…before you know it, your daughter will become a pillar box and you’ll be allowed to throw acid in your wife’s face if she rejects your saucy advances…
Thomas I like the beards and even the teatowel on the head is useful, but id never be seen dead in sandals and jimjams.
Besides I couldn’t live on that filthy shite they eat?
And I wouldn’t like having to shag my cousin.
You never had a non-Caucasian girl Mis?
When I was 17 I decided:
“Women are like a box of chocolates-you never know who you are going to have next??”
Some cunt overheard me and stole the line for a yank film about retarded yanks playing ping pong and smelling of shrimp.
Cunts never even paid me a penny☹️?
Ex-girlfriends are like a box of chocolates.
They kill your dog….
No CG, never.
White trash only.
My dicks as racist as me!
Even girls with jaundice or sunburn,
In fact if they have a perm id steer clear!
No I was traumatized at Chester Zoo as a child,
Id wake up screaming
“Get your stinking paws off me!
You damn dirty ape”
Think about it, MNC. The best person to receive your liver, kidney etc would be one of Alan’s friends.
Imagine one, aged say around 40, got them and lived another 30 or so years doing all the things his sort do, kissing carpets umpteen times a day, avoiding bacon, booze, spending all his ill gotten disability etc benefits on trips to the holy bingo temple in the desert just so he can shuffle round a tarted up shed while breathing in the stale sweat and farts of his own kind.
Then, when he finally pegs it and knocks on Alan’s door asking to be let in, he fails the medical and gets sent downstairs to stoke the furnaces because copious amounts of bacon fat and booze consumed by you are found in his mortal remains.
Imagine how upset he’d be having exchanged an eternity in paradise for the sake of an extra 30 years given to him by an infidels act of kindness.
You’d pee yourself laughing in Northern heaven.
Poetry ?
Hahaha! ?
Never thought of it like that mr Dribbler!
I like that.
A act of spiritual sabotage!
Cheered me up that??
Fudgepackers have been able to donate blood in the UK since 2011 (with certain provisos), so religious nutjobs can go fuck themselves.
Those cunts , who with an understanding of the possible consequences of this insane decision, should be made the 24/7 caters of those decent people who fall foul .
Should any of my relatives suffer I want a government minister or senior civil servant clearing up their shit.
Caters????? FFS caters the poor bastards who clear up other people’s shit for minimum wage.
Personally, I’m all for the Shit Stabbers being able to give blood.
Take all eight pints whilst simultaneously penetrating them with a large phallic object.
Then proceed with the donation to the nearest drain.
Next Please! Oooh Quentin, you look a bit pasty, – would you like to borrow my foundation darling?
What could possibly go wrong?
That header pic?
Anthony Joshua and Philip Schofield are dating?
Anthony Joshua enjoys getting his fists up in the ring.
Hopefully this information will be widely distributed in the Muslim community.
It’s started already, oh dear….
Queensland’s billion dollar coronavirus vaccine is SCRAPPED
?? vaccine gives you aids!
They forgot the Rock Hudson factor.
It mentioned “hamster and mouse data”… Wot, no gerbils??
Do you think PHE or the C of E will be promoting conversion therapy on the bent cunts before not giving?
Arse ticklers faggots fan club, if they were told when their arses explode they would have to have blood from a donor in Wuhan China they would be exercising the right to say fuck off I’m sure, wankers…..
why not just store up all the gay blood for use on fellow sausage jockeys? Alternatively keep track of who and where it came from, give the recipient the option of taking the bag of Russian roulette and if anyone develops the Arsehole Injected Death Sentence (see what I did there, the old ones really are the best) the arrest the donors for manslaughter. They’d soon just fuck right off eh.
You to be a cunt to watch BBC news.
I think I got that Harry, good arrows I’d say.
Fire up the ovens. ?
No fucking way you cunt!
You should be called Ben-doon-y’cunt.
You lot are riddled with diseases of an anally-transmitted nature and your idea of sexual abstinence is to go without licking the shit off public lavatory cubicle walls for longer than 5 miutes.
Just accept that you are vectors of most of the hideously disgusting diseases to affect mankind all because you couldn’t control your sickening urges when faced with a throbbing glistening steaming hemet or a gaping raggedy winking toilet-hole that blows kisses.
Fuck off.I’d rather bleed to death!
I bet that bags of your blood look like HP sauce.
And before you ask, I am not homophobic.
I think all blood donations are screened. If the blood contains any Blood Borne Viruses it’s off to Uncle Terry’s oven, and I don’t mean to make a black pudding. I mean insane faggots will be lining up to give some unknown cunt the gift. It’ll be an NHS claims lottery if any HIV/AIDS infected blood is given to any poor saps.
As a side note – I hate that cunt Anthony Joshua. He is in a Google advert where he shows all the good businesses in da community. He goes to a fucking Nigerian Restaurant. A Nigerian Restaurant? Making an appreciative gesture when he receives a bunch of turds in rice. A Nigerian Restaurant? That’ll be like an Ethiopian Restaurant then.