Backbench MPs

Useless cunts as a general rule.

This week we hear that up to 70 back benchers MIGHT vote against severe Covid 19 restrictions when the second national lockdown is over.

One thing we can be sure of, the so called revolt will be lily-livered and half-baked.

What have the spineless cunts done in the past nine months to hold the Government to account for its wholesale destruction of the country, people’s physical and mental health, and and economy?

What have they had to say about the ongoing invasion of illegal immigrants? That’s right, fuck all.

Has the Backbench Business Committee stood up for your business as it was flushed down the pan by HMG in response to Covid 19? Has it fuck.

What did they do during the previous administration? Oh, yes, they worked together to piss on the wishes of the British public.

1922 Committee? Bag of shite.

Nominated by: Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea 

25 thoughts on “Backbench MPs

  1. An extra cunting for Dame Kweer, who while he believes strong measures are needed, has ordered his pansies feminists and lezzies in Labour to abstain.

    What a gutless fucker he is. To give Blair his due, he made up his mind and stuck to it, however wrong he was. This flabby faced motherfucker looks to see which way the wind is blowing then plays politics.

    He is a total motherfucker, and that startled litte face makes him look as if he has just done a wet fart.

    Kweer wants to have his cake and eat it too, and judging by the portly figure , he gets through quite a few cakes and pies each week. Total no-nothing useless cunt,

  2. At School-all the alpha’s, dossers, smokers and thicko’s hogged the back seats on the bus. Maybe the dirty slags from the estate who would let the above get “fingers an’ tops” for an Embassy regal?.
    (I was down front with an apple ? for teacher??).

    Are MP’s the same? All the wankers on the back seat?
    They are ALL cunts.
    All of them???

    • Back in the 60s we had a certain Mr Coles who would catch the school bus. Moth eaten jacket with leather elbows. He reeked of baccy and must’ve been a 30 Capstan Full Strength a day man.

      Good bloke though; would often be found at the back cadging a fag off us kids when he’d run short and he would invariably repay us the next day with interest. Knew his sport too and often enjoyed a chat with us . How things have changed eh?!

      Yea….. a ‘bit of finger’ off Marjorie Pinkett was every 13 yo’s rite of passage. She was inevitably up the duff at 15. And again a year later.

  3. We may as will discuss politics in Zimbabwe.
    These cunts always have us over a barrel.

    Dear Santa,please bring back Churchill.
    Or Hitler.
    Thank you.

  4. One thing’s for sure.

    Once the economy hits rock-bottom in 2021/22, these avaricious, lazy, inept arsewipes will still be paid handsomely for endless yapping/grandstanding, raiding the Commons Bar and doing as little as possible except for at election time.

    They are simply an unsustainable overhead and a cull of MPs is seriously overdue. We need to prune hard to actually get somewhere near meeting the size, population and political needs of this country.

  5. Back Benchers,Ministers,Opposition M.P.s, The House of Lords…all just self-interested Windbags. They couldn’t give a shite about the people who they are meant to represent…it’s all look out for Number One and silly partisan politics aimed at damaging their “opponents”. They would rather the Country failed than actually come together in a crisis and act for the common good…better to just try and score cheap political points.

    I detest our political class and would happily see their heads on spikes.

    • “It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

      Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter’d your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

      Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil’d this sacred place, and turn’d the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress’d, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.

      In the name of God, go!”

      Oliver Cromwell – April 20, 1653

      • The more backbiter MPs who rebel the better,
        Send that albino cunts blood pressure that high it’ll pop his ticker!
        I thought covid would do it but we were cheated.
        Fuck this government
        Fuck the lockdown
        Fuck the Tier3
        Fuck coercion
        And fuck Rishi Suntan

      • The ‘rebels”‘ll be very careful that there aren’t enough of them for Johnson to actually lose the vote…it’ll be the usual “we’ll make it look like we’re trying but we’ll also make damn sure that there aren’t enough of us to actually cause a problem….can’t have the Party damaged”….either that or Johnson’ll bung them all an envelope stuffed with taxpayer’s cash.

  6. Everything they do makes the country worse.. Voting is a waste of time. We need to bring back crucifixion. Nail em up. Nail some sense into em.

  7. I’ve just been listening to PraisedeLawd Mbongo* MP (who speaks something probably derived from English) objecting to the removal of criminal Jamaican nationals to Jamaica on the grounds that it is racis’ inni’? On Today, R4, where else?

    No, i’ ain’. cunt, she was told. We deport several times the number of whit(ish) EU criminals annually. But Labour continues to think that we need rasta criminals to contribute to our economy and culture.

    *Labour, dark, wimminz, African name, didn’t quite catch it…

  8. Good news is, the rate at which these these spineless, self serving traitors continue to destroy the country, they may yet meet some Mussolini style retribution.
    The perfect Christmas present.

  9. I can’t think of a single MP I would bother to piss on if they were on fire. I doubt if they could muster up 70 rebels and it makes no difference anyway. Plenty of Starmzy’s mob will vote with the government as will the Lib Dumbs, the Scottish Nazis and that Vulcan bitch Lucas. They want to destroy small business and hand it over to the globalist corporates so they can “build back better.” We all know what that means. Fuck these cunts …. the enemy within.

  10. Backbencher sounds like something that goes on in dark places, the dirty fucking bastards ?

    If you are given a choice of yes, no or abstain (don’t give a fuck) damned if you do and damned if you don’t. The Dame Kweer position of sitting on his hands is the highest level of cuntishness, if he wants restrictions (which he does) he has to vote Yes, if not he has to vote No, abstaining is saying I don’t give a fuck.

  11. Self serving shitbags the lot of ’em!
    The arrogance of some of the cunts is unbelievable.
    Piano wire
    It’s the only language they understand, except for: bung, kickback, brown envelope or “what’s in it for me?”

  12. We are all over a barrel.Toast them all with a flamethrower.Next year the Jellyfish is finished.I will vote for Sir Nige.Guess what Bojo we see through your lies.Cockwomble.

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