Anton Ferdinand

Crisps all round and handbags-at-three paces, as ageing retired footballer Mr Ferdinand seethes again, courtesy of the BBC (who else?) at an incident which occured nine years ago now.

Obviously believing revenge is a dish best served cold he regales us with the frightful incident all these years on:

Let it be noted he admits to using foul lanaguge himself, so he is no angel, but of course, because of his skin hue, what was said BY him wasn’t racist, but what was said TO him was.

Given the BBC’s woke agenda, only matched by their ability to make mind numbingly trivial game shows for transmission every day, I am surprised they haven’t yet thought up “The Race Race” – they could get Linecunt to introduce it – Max Factor and Walker Crisps could sponsor it. Line up to see which darkie is most offended today, the winner to be be awarded a prize from Doreen Lawrence.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

63 thoughts on “Anton Ferdinand

  1. Total fake news, the law finds no transgression, Sambo Ferdinando crys to the FA who fine Terry 220k and a 4 match ban and loss of captaincy yet Sambo Ferdinando felt unsupported?
    You fucking big pansy wanker.

  2. Kudos to Tyson Fury of the dowhatyoulikess for telling his supporters not to vote for him in the BBC “sports person of the year award”. The BBC are cunts and are fucked.

    • Not sure why Tyson Fury thought he might win this anyway – the fat p1key cunt has only had one fight this year!

      I can’t wait for him to face Anthony Joshua, as I really want to watch the big dark key knock the obnoxious cunt Fury’s head off.

      • Other way round for me, I want to see Joshua knocked through the ropes.
        Either way, if I can’t somehow stream it for free, I won’t be watching it.

      • Joshua made a speech at a BLM rally suggesting white owned businesses should be boycotted.
        So I don’t care who smashes his face in, as long as somebody does….

      • That lasted until multinational corporate giant Google came along and paid him to encourage us to support local businesses.

      • Is it possible to boycott black businesses. Are there any? Reggae sauce! errrrrrrrrrrrrr……………………….

      • All those Nigerian backstreet ‘businesses’ knocking out fake diplomas for non existent collages or bogus driving tests are errr….blacklisted.

      • Moi aussi – dark key or pikey? What a fucking choice – but Joshua just tips the heavy-weight cunt scales, so hope he gets his fucking block knocked off.

      • 100% with you on that, cannot wait and hope he finishes Joshua’s career and gives him a good hiding. Joshua done it for me when he jumped in the BLM ring and forgot who pays his wages. He is being paid by Google at the moment to promote local businesses. If he came to mine I’d tell him to fuck off. Cunt.

      • Too right, Joshua is Frank Bruno light, suspect chin and humiliated by a fat out of shape Mexican, Fury is the best of the current Heavyweights.

      • Should they meet in the ring, I really really can’t see that happening in my opinion Robin.
        I also can’t see Eddie Hearn letting it happen either.
        The slippery professional con man will talk the talk but constantly move the goalposts so as to protect his vulnerable cash cow from defeat.
        He ran away from a poorly conditioned and physically disadvantaged Andy Ruiz in their rematch.
        Nothing more than a media hyped, poor man’s Frank Bruno.
        Even his Olympic gold medal was a robbery as anyone who watched or knows boxing, knows the cunt lost 2 fights in 2012.
        After the thick bastard’s racist BLM influenced speech, Fury called the media out by making the point that if he’d dared to say anything like that against black businesses etc then he’d have been crucified.
        Which we all know he would have.
        Joshua is a cunt!
        Just like Anton Ferdinand.

      • Agree, well said Herman!?
        I rate Tyson Fury, a great Champion in my book.
        AJ is a poseur,
        Lovebites on his mirror.

      • I hope they have a clash of heads and it mongs the pair of them. Saying that, how would anyone tell?

      • Spot on. I don’t have a dog in either camp, detest pikeys and dark keys equally tbh, so a low scoring draw with em both invalided would be good for me.

      • I watch a lot of youtube as I refuse to watch terrestrial tv.
        The sheer volume of adverts now appearing on youtube is putting me off that?.
        Lately, I keep getting the racist Nigerian cunt AJ telling me its great to support local business-the scene where he and his even darker hanger on are sitting outside a Nigerian restaurant, then AJ does a “hmmm-perfect” gesture, has me swearing at my television-no way for a formerly civilised adult to behave?.

        You like Nig.g. food, fuck pff back to bongo-bongo land then, you over-rated fucking show pony.
        I agree with the above-Hearn knows Fury will destroy him, as would Deontay Wilder?

  3. Another example of the third and most magical card used in the modern game-only available to non-white players:



  4. His brother is a monumental cunt and all.
    Milking his wife’s passing and acting the grieving family man in his own BBC cuntumentary. Yet when she was alive he cheated on her with every prossie, stripper and Babestation slut in the Manchester area.

    Overrated as a defender too. Buchan, McGrath, Pallister, Stam, and Vidic all much better.

    • Norm-didnt he reconnect with some slag who he had lusted after at school, after seeing her on Friends-Reunited.

      A reasonable player, now a player of the race-card.

      Two cunts, well cunted?

      • Wouldn’t surprise me, CG. Ferdinand and Rooney were two of the biggest whoremongerers in Manchester.

        Rio was OK as a centre half. But he came nowhere near Paul McGrath at his peak.

  5. Just like John Barnes, they’re all coming out of the woodwork looking for a bit of victimhood and some cash no doubt.

    Didn’t say fuck all for years, but now there’s a nice bandwagon to jump on, here they are all are, feeling very upset – devastated even – at the events that happened back in the day.

    Fuck him

  6. Breaking News!!******
    Liverpool’s big fat mayor Joe,
    Has been arrested in regards to bribery & building contracts?
    Labour has suspended Joe.
    “Diddy do it dunno, but diddy know dat fella? Did dinny!”

  7. Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson arrested along with four others in building contracts probe. Today Anderson was arrested by Merseyside Police along with four other men in connection with offences of bribery and witness intimidation as part of an ongoing investigation into building and development contracts in Liverpool, according to the Liverpool Echo.

    I pray to the heavens that Andy Burnham is next…

    • Back in the day all employers of Liverpool “services “signed on for work and then went off somewhere else for work. Corruption is built into Liverpool like every other one party state.

  8. Whinging Cunt swears at someone then cries when they swear back at him.

    Never heard the likes of it.

    • Too true Dickie. Imagine Jack Charlton and Bob Latchford grassing each other up over swearing at each other on the pitch? No, me neither. Mind you, they were proper men and proper footballers.

      • Norman,,,I know this is a long shot but you mind know…years ago I remember Newcastle were getting stuffed by Man U. and that little shit Gordon Strachan was taking the piss…he actually took a pass and with the ball still in play,sat on it and looked smug…unfortunately he didn’t see a Newcastle player come steaming in and slide-tackle right into the clever little Cunt…knocked him about 10 foot in the air. Can’t remember which Newcastle player it was.

      • I recall Johnny Giles being subjected to a particularly nasty foul by a player from that Hungarian team that starts Fr…
        Jack Charlton ran over and picked the assailant up by his face. Wonderful to witness and no one complained.

      • I was at that game, Dickie. September 1984. I remember Jesper Olsen had a great game. I think the Newcastle player who cemented Strachan was either ex- Man United player, David McCreery or Neil McDonald.

      • I think you’re right…David McCreery…remember someone saying getting it was worth getting stuffed just for the sight of Strachan flying up in the air.

  9. Oh the poor little black man. He earned more money in his short career than my partner has earned in 10 years as nurse for children with terminal cancer. She alas did not have black Footballer privilege.
    Fuck off back to Africa and kick a inflated hippos gall bladder around you cunt.

  10. Desperate to hang on to his Z list celeb status, let’s face it he’s no fuckin footballer, mind you neither was his slack jawed drug using Brother/Cousin, he bleats on about being called a monkey, for fucks sake you’re a big lad, have a go if it upsets you that much, instead he cry’s to whoever will listen, mainly the BBC and its leading crisp sales tax dodger. In my view John Terry was bang on the money.!

    • True Bosshog, didn’t these pair of wankers grow up on a council estate in the shithole that is Peckham? And now as a fully grown man is whining one over privileged twat is calling another over privileged twat a monkey, nine years after the fact.

  11. The best footballer from the Ferdinand family was Les Ferdinand. He was OK, was Les. Rio and Anton are cunts.

    • To give Les credit, he called out the kneeling fetish for the virtue signalling bullshit that it is.
      Why is it the English leagues have continued to push this repugnant agenda. It doesn’t seem to happen in the German, Spanish or Italian leagues.
      Stupid bastards.

  12. Great nom, pig sick of all of this shit. biggest biased cunts. Full of total irrelevant shit.. Anton who? oh the other Ferdinand …. What a fooking useless tool.

  13. Just looked at the BBC link. I’ve rarely read such a load of woke bullshit in my life.
    Apparently Ferdinand didn’t even hear Terry call him a black cunt or whatever he said and yet he was traumatised by it and it’s ruined the last 9 years of his life.
    Grow a pair of balls you soppy cunt.
    Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
    I’d like to break his bones with a fucking baseball bat.
    Massive bandwagon-jumping cunt.

  14. Anyone on here ever watched “Scum”?
    “I’m the Daddy, right? Now you get some coal dust rubbed on those marks you fucking black bastard”
    Proper film.

  15. Both Rio and Anton have that same gormless look about them. The way their mouth hangs open or something.

    In other news what about all these monoliths turning up everywhere? Very strange. I wonder if one might turn up on Mr Fiddler’s land? He might look out tomorrow morning and there are a group of Neanderthals jumping up and down in front of it. Then going up to it puzzled, and pawing it. Then throwing rocks and bones in into the air. That would be some spectacle to wake up to.

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