They have become an arm of the state rather than the upholders of law and order. A
cucked, woke bunch of cunts that the people who opposed Peel warned us they would become.
I used to laugh at the idea this country could ever turn into the soviet union, but it is, one salami slice after another.
Anyone over 50 will remember freedom, no one under thirty will. They wont even think they have lost it.
Nominated by: Smug cunt
“Anyone over 50 will remember freedom”.
Anyone over 50 who got arrested will also remember getting the shit kicked out of them by the old bill. The chances of that happening nowadays are nil.
Think we don’t have freedom? Go live in Russia, or Belarus, or China, or most South American countries, then come back here and let us know what you think.
There are lots of cunts today who would benefit from a damn good kicking though. BLM and XR for starters. I could go on…
Couldn’t agree more Cupid. A bit of old fashioned policing would do wonders with these leftists. However, there’s a whole army of lefty woke lawyers out there so it will never happen.
A panelling I’d pay to see.
Totally agree, however the rossers take the knee to BLM and let them and the unwashed stench mob do as they please, running shit scared when challenged. However when a bunch of older demonstrators take to the streets the fuckin riot mob is deployed.
Think the point is freedom is being eroded in this country. There’s more than one way to skin a cat and there are many ways to erode freedom.
Freedom of speech is definitely under attack, when facts can be classified as ‘hate facts’ you have a problem. When public opposition to a woke ideal can cost you your livelihood you have a problem.
When opposition to what your children are taught in schools you have a problem.
Freedom can be crushed by technology as well as it can be by a booted foot and when you see the police making decisions on when and how to apply the law based on political agenda you have a big problem whether or not you are one of those oppressed by the application of the law for political ends.
I agree 100% with everything you said Sixdog.
The problem is the laws the police are asked to enforce. They don’t make the laws, the government do, and it is the job of the police to enforce those laws.
However, if a police force appears to be bending to political whims, then there is a serious problem, as the police should always be completely impartial. If they aren’t, serious discontent would follow and maybe, ultimately, insurrection.
I truly hope we never reach that point in this country.
Robin, you are blind my friend. The police haven’t been impartial for years. I’m not even referring to the whole thought policing, PC and woke bullshit, etc.
The upper levels are infested by Masons, organisations like Common Purpose, and probably others. It’s the same in the councils. Anywhere there is power, there is corruption.
You’re stuck in some fantasy of what you think the police are. It’s a nice fantasy and I wish it were true, and I mean that sincerely, but it’s just not true anymore.
It’s the police force, not police service..
The insurrection/race war ‘loaf’ has been kneaded, proven, knocked back, proven again, and now it’s in the oven, it will be ready shortly for everyone to have a bite, and it will feed the millions.
It will happen. In 25 years there will either be no Islam (or any other minority equality for that matter) or no white majority in Northern Europe. Its a binary outcome, and not one snowflakes will deal with.
Cultural and political unions don’t work, they never have. There has never been one in the history of man that has lasted, they almost always end in Genocide.
You make some excellent points sixdog. As well as police behaviour, there are many other ways in which freedom can be eroded.
John Stuart Mill in his work “On Liberty”, points out how vital dissent is because it helps to preserve truth, since truth can easily become hidden in sources of prejudice and dead dogma. Mill defines dissent as the freedom of the individual to hold and articulate unpopular views as long as they don’t harm others. I’m sure at the time he didn’t envisage a cancel culture where people are simply ostracised for holding an opposing view or are labelled as racists for not bending a knee. The snowflake generation are allergic to modern life and take offence and cry harm for any upset. And yet, groups like Extinction Rebellion who receive tacit approval from the State, clearly harm others by preventing them from carrying out their work and their right to move around freely.
‘Think we don’t have freedom? Go live in Russia, or Belarus, or China, or most South American countries, then come back here and let us know what you think.’
Exactly. Go and confront a copper over there with your attitude and I’d wager you’ll be picking your teeth up from the floor whilst they write you a ticket for littering with your teeth. As I’ve previously stated, the police are recruiting if anyone fancies stepping up to the plate. I’ll not hold my breath.
Gene, The problem is Youtube. It is plastered with videos showing demonstrations, usually in London. At these demos tempers flare and the “Red Mist” comes down, on both sides.
However, when there are flare ups there are always loads of people with their iphones to film everything, and then they put the edited highlights on Youtube and it looks like we have the worst police in the world.
It’s just a prime example of Fake News, as Donald would say.
Bollocks-the police have acted like jackbooted cunts for years.
Remember the Beanfield Robin?
It has all progressed from there.
Criminal justice bill?
“Only criminals are worried-if your not a criminal, you have nothing to worry about” Anthony Fucking Blair.
CG, I remember the Beanfield.
Women holding children battered with truncheon,
Women yanked by their hair threw a shattered window.
The police acted like nazis,
A rich local landowner was passing and let them take refuge on his land battered and bruised.
The police asked him for permission to enter for another go but he refused.
A man with a sense of right and wrong.
I truly believe the police would of murdered some of them.
I did not remember that incident at all so I just looked it up.
That was in 1985! Are you really getting so desperate to find articles showing how bad the police are you have to go back 35 years?
I would imagine that not one of the police officers who was there that day is still serving, and several of them are probably dead.
Still, it suits your narrative, I suppose.
Mis-at the risk of sounding all “Lammy”-I did have friends who were there. They had children and had there homes smashed to bits and all their possessions trashed.
What heinous crime were they guilty of?
Of proving that a viable “alternative” lifestyle was possible-away from inner city depravation and the dark face of Thatchers Britain. They were educating their children and living as free as is possible. THAT IS WHY THE JACKBOOT SMASHED THEM-they were making a go of it, and the “powers that be” didn’t like it. Not one fucking bit?
Itd been planned and on the agenda for a while CG.
The coppers on the way to fuck up the miners told them gleefully “your next!”
And they were.
Bootboys for the establishment.
But when they got theirs at the poll Tax riots it was all tears?
Dish it out but cant take it?!
Read what I actually wrote Robin-it was bad then, it has goy worse with the introduction of subsequent bills which have removed freedoms.
Are you happy to have cunts reading every single letter you type on herbals in the name of anti-terrorism?
I have been a victim of those people and their “viable alternative lifestyle”. They drove in dangerously unworthy vehicles. They broke into private property to set up their encampments and left the site looking worse than a rubbish site when they left. They made a fucking horrendous racket which pissed people off for miles around.
They weren’t the wonderful innocent little folk you think they were, they were filthy, unwashed, piss taking, freeloading scum, and they get no sympathy from me.
The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act was exactly what was needed to rid society of these wasters.
You mean like pike keys minus the threat of retaliatory violence?
Why, was my reply too close to the truth?
I saw with my own two eyes a massive camp of New Age Travellers. Along comes the DSS and start handing out the dole money and benefits to the travellers.
A viable lifestyle? Sure, if someone else (i.e. the taxpayer, i.e. US!!) is paying for it.
I have thanks. Im not saying were there right know but im saying we are heading in that direction . And when that happens it happens real quick.
I distinctly remember falling down the non-existent steps to the cells at carter st nick, off the walworth rd, laanan taan! many a time
Never have run ins with coppers nowadays.
When I was younger got filled in in the back of a van.
Nowadays id be more scared theyd bum me.
Come round still handcuffed with a lovebite on my neck and my undercrackers full of blood.
Theyre weak.
Being handcuffed and bummed ?
Now that is a strange thing to be on your mind when thinking about men in uniform MNC.
Triggered your imagination eh????
Hehe, don’t try and deflect it onto me ?
I just hope he hasn’t got a ‘thing’ about green uniforms and stethascopes.
Bit of a tearaway as a young Miserable? Geoff Capes used to be a beat copper in Peterborough, way before my time but doesn’t take much imagination to what he would of made of BLM or middle-class anarchist eco bell ends.
Just full of youthful energy and not much sense LL.
Never a criminal just seemed to always clash with officer Dibble.
I got educated by the SPG down an ally in Southall the day after the 4 Skins played at the Hambrough Tavern and the riot that followed.
It probably wasn’t the best time to give a riot van full of riot police two fingers but I was 14 and popped over from Ealing to view the carnage with a couple of mates.
I’m just a tourist guv……
The role of the police is to uphold the law not interpret it nor decide what is right and wrong.
Nicking cars, selling drugs, mugging are pretty straight forward, saying BLM is bollocks or a man cannot become a woman isn’t, just stick to the real crimes and stop trying to be fucking paragons of virtue.
From which it seems safe to say that the police are far less to blame than the cunt MPs who make the laws up in response to hypercunt lobbyists and activists. Which same activists require that PC Plod spends half his time ticking boxes rather than arresting cunts.
Police state? I beg to differ. Unless there’s some nearby civil disorder kicking off or you’ve been stopped for speeding, when do you see one at all?
Police state I (occasionally) wish!
The police are almost as much to blame for not resigning I’m afraid Komodo. I fully understand they need to earn a living but doing that could force the government’s hand and put a stop to this lunacy.
Sorry, General, that’s a ridiculous notion. Would YOU resign, give up your job and pension? I know I wouldn’t. I could resign and get a better paid job as I don’t agree with some of the utter shite we get called for and sent to, but, it ain’t gonna happen.
I agree with you entirely. Nowadays local police commissioners (generally elected by less than 10% of eligible voters) set their own agendas,often heavily influenced by gobshite lefties. I have mentioned before the commissioner for Nottinghamshire left Parliament under a cloud (expenses, who would have thunk that) and appears to be clueless as to what ordinary,decent people want the police priorities to be.
The whole concept of Police And Crime Commissioners is a worthy one. However. It became yet another political battleground, with candidates for the individual positions representing one of the main political parties.
No PCC should EVER be affiliated to a political party. Just like the police themselves are supposed to be, they should be totally independent and impartial.
It is yet another cunt of a system that desperately needs reforming.
The Old Bill give XR and BLM protestors a pass; but bundle a 70 year old lady protesting about the Covid vaccine in the back of a van and may even get a kicking for dessert!
Old Bill don’t bother with serious crime, but go round pubs checking to see if landlords are serving “substantial meals” and arresting not obeying Covid rules (but again ignore XR and BLM protestors)
Load of shite
She was 78, frail and bravely standing up for the youth of today.
And she wasn’t “bundled” into the back of the van.
Id say that was bundled.
Id also say thats a disgrace.
Would they be so keen on a gyppo site with 120 angry micks holding shovels?
Cowardly cunts.
She wasn’t black so there will be no apology from the police, unlike the plod that pulled the black athlete for driving erratically and refusing to stop.
But if she had been doing an XR protest I guess many would be applauding to police.
They did look like they doing their best not to damage the old dear.
I’ve watched that several times. She was un-cooperative, and was picked up and placed in the van.
“Bundled”, she was not.
But, wait. The word “Bundled” was in the title of the Youtube (surprise, surprise) video, so I suppose she must have been.
Why should she be cooperative when she isn’t breaking any law Robin? You’ve got to stop using the sneering tone by the way – it’s rubbing several cunters up the wrong way including some of the admins.
General Tso’s Chiggun,
Maybe she was breaking the law. The police officers at the scene clearly thought she was or else they wouldn’t have arrested her.
Sadly, (and, again, this is hardly surprising), we didn’t get to see any of the events that led up to her arrest. The only thing any of us were actually shown was a 78 year old lady being arrested and put in the back of a van.
And where is the sneering tone? Certain posters put highly offensive and often incorrect or ill informed, and deeply prejudiced comments on here. Is it not allowed to contradict them?
“But, wait. The word “Bundled” was in the title of the Youtube (surprise, surprise) video, so I suppose she must have been.”
That extra little bit was not necessary and is the kind of thing I was on about. You could’ve gotten your argument across perfectly fine without it. You and DCI took things way overboard with TBCC the other day too.
‘You and DCI took things way overboard with TBCC the other day too.’
I’ll refer to Robin’s comment, if I may:
‘Certain posters put highly offensive and often incorrect or ill informed, and deeply prejudiced comments on here. Is it not allowed to contradict them?’
Fair point General,
I was being sarcastic, which was unnecessary. I apologise for my childish response.
Sorry, that was for “A cunt who cunts cunts”.
It doesn’t matter how offensive or misinformed someone is DCI (and by the way, from what I’ve seen most posts you respond to don’t fall into that category), you don’t respond in kind. Like Robin you have form for tacking on additional remarks to your arguments just to stick the boot in.
‘(and by the way, from what I’ve seen most posts you respond to don’t fall into that category)’
My ripostes or the original post? I’m sorry, but if someone is posting unadulterated shite, that is an opinion, not based on facts, but an opinion backed up by ‘facts’ from the internet, then don’t be offended if people start questioning them. Thomas The Cunt Engine and I, below, is an example of a civil exchange of different views, and, so is this exchange between us. Lessons could be learnt, to coin a phrase I’ve heard somewhere.
Anyway, so a 78 year old lady was indeed bundled into a police van
(Anyway, a certain irritating cunt here has been “bundled” off this site – DA)
Nope. She wasn’t.
So what was she then?
Those coppers are bootlicking yes sir little wankers.
No wonder many people dont respect them.
Cressidas army.
The police ran away from, then kneeled for, BLM.
Didn’t see them kneeling for any fucker else.
That makes cowardly cunts.
Oh I agree Herman.
Nobody should be taking a knee for BLM. Any police officers that have done that have shown support for a political cause, when they are supposed to be impartial.
Any police that took a knee are cunts and should be ashamed of themselves.
Is there any video that supports the view that the old lady was being a cunt before the cops shoved her in the van? If you can’t suppose she was innocent without video evidence, then you can’t say she deserved it without evidence either.
Robin’s been banned Gutstick. Us admins got sick of him too.
fuck the filth
Chicken GeorgeThe pie keys have the right idea how to deal with the CUNTS
Anyone called George is a cunt. Fuck all Georges. The pie keys have the right idea how to deal with the CUNTS.
See how ridiculous that looks?
Definitely less free than we used to be, and by this time next year it will be worse. Everything is pointing to a downward spiral into a failed Soviet state type scenario.
We’re not at China stage yet, but don’t think for one second that couldn’t happen. I mean, how would we stop it? There’s no effective political opposition, we’re in a never ending ‘health emergency’, the journalists aren’t doing their job either, the police cunts will enforce anything ‘cos I got family to feed’, so will the military.
If you think it’s far fetched you just ain’t paying attention son! Look at how far we’ve slid in less than one year, and where’s the exit?
I’ve heard the Coppers are walking into pubs in London checking people are complying with the “substantial meal” fuckwittery. Thank goodness there’s no other crime.
{Yes, 2-4 go to Brixton High Street – urgent response – a gang of drug-dealers have set alight a bank after stealing the safe and raping two members of staff. Over!}
[Sorry sarge, no can do. There’s a feller here taking his time over a cheese and pickle sandwich.]
“Oscar Charlie to control over – false alarm at the Hackney branch of Weatherspoon’s, the substantial meal query was Diane Abbott working her way through the menu – over”.
{2~4 to Oscar Charlie – call Pest Control as she sounds like she’s going to blow. Leave he Hackney incident and get yerself up to The White Horse in Tottenham where Lammy’s spray-painting “Black” onto the pub sign and stealing everybody’s substantial pies.}
Cap Mag-it would be funny-if it were not true?
My sister lives next to a country pub. They ask customers who just want a pint to buy a plate of chips so as not to get in trouble.
Her son, who lives in Fulham, goes to his local pub and orders a scotch egg with his pint.
It is utter fucking lunacy, and not what the police are there for.
An example of our brave boys and girls of the SS, sorry, Politzi:
That is truly frightening. Comments made on the internet, which were clearly just his opinions, being recorded as a crime.
It makes you wonder who the fucking snowflake was who was so offended by somebody’s opinion.
I am pro police (as is probably self evident from some of my posts), but even I cannot deny that this is utterly disgraceful and absolutely not what Robert Peel created the police for.
The good news is he won his case. And Humberside police, naturally, will learn lessons. Yeah, right.
Robin,from what i recall it was a police officer going round the area enlightening shop staff and others on ‘proper thought’. The police let it go all the way to court knowing they were in the wrong. They did NOT apologise and said they would look at their procedure. Meaning they would try harder to enforce their tactics. The same constable was out the next day lecturing the staff in the local Greggs shop on checking their thinking.
I would love it if a police officer asked to check my thinking. I would ask him what power, under which act and section, he was using to know what my thoughts were.
I would then ask him if he knew what my thoughts were at that particular moment and ask him why he was still there.
The police have a tough job, but when cunts in senior positions come out with crap like this they should be sacked and outed to the public so everyone knows which cunt came up with these stupid rules.
Thoughts are utterly private and utterly irrelevant. Acting on them and committing a crime is a whole different ball game, and quite rightly, but just thinking something, or expressing an opinion, is every single person’s right. Anyone who is offended by someone else’s opinion should be told to fuck off and grow up.
@Mr Logic
Fuck off and grow up. You never know the main breadwinner might let you drive the beemer for a Christmas pressie.
Have a good evening.
Very good. I saw what you did there Mr C. Quite clever indeed ???
Scary stuff.
Stuff of conspiracy theories
Except true.
Zee Stasi have been recording all zee comments on ISAC, just wait until they come a knocking at your or my door ?
Me an you are the only ones safe!
Theyll take our accusations & baiting about being ducky as gospel and We’re in the clear!
Probably both get high street vouchers?
We can sit and watch the others loaded into a riot van.??
Turn supergrass Miserable, there are a treasure trove of ‘hate crimes’ on these pages with filth and debauchery abound and that’s only B&W.
LL, I’ll see to it you, Ruff, Jack, and Bertie get off with a telling off, but Fiddler?..(eclipsis)
Hes doing life.
Kicking and screaming police brutality, fuck em, they deserve it ?
Yet again, give them the a big hand:
US police-my bad?
Still utter, utter cunts.
Imagine being a police officer in America now. Pulling a black feller over who’s barrelling all over the road, off their tits on angel dust, clutching a sawn-off, and ready to go postal. “erm…can you exit your car. Pretty please. We’ll buy you a burger….erm…”
Your bad what? ?
I was being “all Americunt”?
Hehe, it’s all cunt on here
That’s…..pretty bad. A 93 year old woman who can’t pay her rent. They should be working with social services to help her, not that.
Sad, really sad.
The modern day plod are the state official arm of the recently recognised Woke People’s Republic – aka the Coviet Union.
Where laughter, happiness, freedom of speech, the appreciation of anything ethnically European or an impromptu trip to the pub to meet a group of friends, is punishable by being forced to watch the police tik tok in a car park to Stormzy’s greatest hits.
I’ve met a couple of tidy coppers, but I’ve met a load of cunt ones too. Don’t forget, for some they end up in the police because they are too fit to be a traffic warden.
South Wales police used to be scary as fuck, because if there was a murder, the last person to go down for it was the culprit. The 80s and 90s saw so many miscarriages of justice, with innocent people going down for murder it was unreal. I spent eight hours in a police station being questioned about the death of a friend, and it was bad enough losing your mate, the first person I knew who died, without being considered the culprit. Luckily another copper had seen him after us, or I would probably be still in clink.
They have become a woke corporate entity riddled with political corruption.
I simply no longer trust them at all.
Another national disgrace.
I had a taste of the police state we’re in a couple of years ago.
I crossed a virtually empty road and 30 seconds later I was detained by a cop in a police car who proceeded to reprimand me for not using the pedestrian crossing 200 yards further up.
WTF?! Since when has it been a crime to cross the road in this country?
Anyway, the cop’s intimidating attitude left me in no doubt that if I didn’t beg forgiveness and promise NEVER to act so recklessly again, I would soon find myself face down on the tarmac with my hands cuffed behind my back and his knee on my neck.
Anyway, following a lot of “yes officer, no officer, three bags full officer” I was allowed to continue on my way. Pig.
if youd accused him of transphobia, said you identified as a fluid gender or some shite hed of started crying.
You could have claimed that you have a fear of crossings, crostraphobia ?
Dromophobia is a ‘real’ phobia, report the cunt for a hate crime and harassment.
Do I detect a hint of parody there RTC?
Parp, toot ?
No parody Cuntle, except the “knee on my neck” bit…
Bobby on the beat?
A pair of cunts in a car more like.
In my years here in the shires I’ve never seen so many of them as I have in this one year.
They were even so civic minded as to drive about in a transit full to inspect every single pub on the last day prior to the previous lockdown. Just to make their presence felt.
A pity they weren’t doing that when the tree surgeons container got broken into and losing at least 10k plus of kit.
Or the machete robbery at the supermarket, (next door to the cunting pig sty no less), or the mass vandalism on the forecourt cars at a local dealers.
But driving offences? Full steam ahead.
Just because we haven’t sunk to third world standards of brutality doesn’t mean you can get away with a bit of lip, ask Ian Tomlinsons family, there’s plenty more out there.
No Gene, I won’t join a corrupt failure of a service, I can’t change it as an individual and their pig shit isn’t going to stick to me either.
Skateboarding, trampolining, poofter kissing oxygen thieves.
Well cunted.
Even though it’s pretty obvious that all these pathetic new “laws” regarding ch1nk flu are for blatant control and divide of us plebs, the only saving grace is that the pigs are so incompetent and idle that the chances of falling foul of these “laws” are minimal, I reckon.
DCI…I have the utmost respect for you and your profession (and firefighters too, of course) but all pigs are cunts.
It truly is a cunts job and attracts worthless, cowardly, friendless, small-dicked bullies on a power trip.
Fuck them all.
I’ve seen a different side, mate. To cut a long story short, got sent to a job, coppers arresting a suspected murderer. He sees them, cuts his wrists. Does a fucking good job. Those same coppers that turned up to arrest him saved his life before we got there. Not all coppers are cunts.
Perfectly cogent and fair enough, DCI…there’s bound to be some good ones. Presumably they must be frustrated as fuck with their woke, pussy comrades and insipid leadership.
The ones I speak to, are, Thomas. Frustrated and utterly sick of it. With some of the edicts that get passed down from politicians, to their bosses and then to them, and it’s ‘them’ on the ground that have to enforce them, it’s not a job I could do. I’ll stick to my Big Yellow Taxi. And that’s why I take offence, (but wiyh an open mind), to the rhetoric on display as I take as I find and no copper I’ve met socially or professionally has given me cause for concern. Not to say there aren’t some cunts in the job, there’s cunts in my profession, (Harold Shipman, Beverly Allit, anyone?), but they’re in a minority. It’s not right to tar all with the same brush.
And another thing (wags finger in the air, cheers Gene ?).
Way back before the age of woke we were working in High Wycombe. There was a pike eee funeral wake going on and the entire town closed for the weekend no pubs no shops, no Saturday Market, nothing.
Where were plod? They’re there for football matches but not football fans rarely close down entire communities.
Chickenshit, flat foot porcine cunts with a small-man-bullied-at-school syndrome.
They are shit scared of gypo’s-I have personal experience of mates being done over and the plod saying they know who is responsible(pikeys).
Then doing fuck all.
High Wycombe s populated with a plethira of grooming taxi-drivers now. A once posh town littered with pîkeys, Polîsh, and pakîs with the original Hell-Fire club just along the road.
Rather sad.
Blame liberal ultra capitalists in america for that… joe bidens the winner wooo woo lets all join the gravy train
Uber has a lot to answer for…
How would you, personally, have dealt with the situation, Cuntlestiltskin? (Within the realms of the law, not have called in an air strike as I know many of us would like to do).
Do you mean High Wycombe?
Get plod to do their job, if they can police public gatherings, footie matches and protests that aren’t ‘right on’ they can apply the same criteria across the board.
Most pigs are egotistical scum, just like the name suggests.
Sitting in their speed vans, tap tapping on the social media but if you get robbed, you’re made to feel like the criminal.
Policing Meals and fucking distancing and getting on their knees to black criminals…fuck the lot of them.
‘Sitting in their speed vans’
That ain’t coppers, they’re civvies and those cunts need setting fire to.
Some of them actually are police officers, usually traffic division, and on their last legs.
They are a truly despicable way of policing. They claim to be part of a “Safer Roads Partnership” but anyone with half a brain cell can see that they exist purely to make money, nothing else.
If you get stopped by a traffic car for doing 90 on a motorway you will get a bollocking and may end up in court. That is proper enforcement of the law, and will probably make you think twice about driving so fast
Sending someone a fixed penalty ticket through the post, two weeks after the incident? Purely about making money, nothing to do with stopping people speeding.
The ones who do this are, I would agree, cunts.
A pig or a civvy plastic pretend pig, they all smell of bacon and bullshit.
Make no mistake, the suppression of anti-lockdown protesters is political. As the suppressors the police are acting politically. Most of the mindless rules imposed on a whim by the cunts in government are just that, rules. Not even fucking laws. Lumbering lard arsed bullies with a penchant for picking on old ladies. It is deliberate cuntishness.
Anyone who honestly believes that any of this non-medical Covid 19 shit is science led must be a total fuckwit. You only have to look at that spaz Whitty to know that he is a steaming turd who shouldn’t be in charge of a fucking stationary cupboard let alone the nation’s health.
Social distancing and keeping clean is common sense. The rest is utter crap.
Eagle-eyed cunters will have spotted the a rather than e in “stationery”.
I suppose if it was a cupboard it probably would be stationary!!
I was in a crowded pub with some mates. There was a bad feeling in the air and it was obvious there was gonna be a tear up.
We were cornered and out numbered.
I said, “This doesn’t look good, any suggestions..?”
My mate said, “Why don’t we pretend that we’re the Police, that’s all I can think of.”
Didn’t help really, I only got as far as, “You don’t have to wear that dress tonight,” when I was hit with a pool cue….
That made me laugh, cunt ,I’ve got a cracked rib.
Ellen Degenerate has CV19.
Dead Pool beckons ?
And so shines a light in a dark and weary world……
I was fucking right!!!
Chocolate factory owning, midget exploiting motherfucka!
You are Mis Willie Wonka and I claim my £5 Wonka Christmas bar??
Did she catch it off a cunt ?
Get To Fuck.
She’s probably faking it for sympathy, after her career went down the shitter because it came out she is a right horrible cunt. I thought it was self evident.
Perhaps she had a dodgy Chinese? ?
Noshed down on a Bat(woman), the horrible, little lezzâ.
Up here, in The Land That Time Forgot, our local force work miracles on the crime stats.
I’m in there, among the 80,000. Courtesy of thieving pikey scum. I even got video evidence from a neighbours camera. Fuck all happened.
This annoys me on two levels, the personal one, and the one that concerns the decent coppers who are trying to do the right thing. Like the poor sod who got dragged for a mile, by pikey scum, and left a grieving widow who’s life has been ruined for ever.
Across the pond, where police were withdrawn from riot torn areas, the local populace, mainly black, are demanding that they be brought back, as it resembles the Wild West since they fucked off.
Be careful what you wish for.
Good evening.
Simple test for you all.
Report something stolen.
Tell them it was gyppos.
See where you get.
Next test,
Put up a “white lives matter”
Banner in your window.
Youll get a knock within 24hrs.
Guarantee it.
I like how Baroness Beverley Hughes (former Blair babe Labour MP for the Manchester constituency of Stretford and Urmston), the unelected Deputy Mayor(ess?) appointed by ISAC favourite Andy Burnham to be his deputy for Policing and Crime, acts as if she’s surprised by the HMICFRS findings. What the hell has she (and Burnham) been doing if they weren’t aware of GMP’s failings? Be interesting to see how, and to whom, they pass the buck. As ex-politicians I’m sure neither will ever take responsibilty despite it being their job. I’ll lay odds on it being simply written off as minor teething problems with a new IT system they introduced a short while ago.
Also, perhaps not this coming year but almost certainly the one after, expect a stonking increase in the Mayoral Police precepts being added to council tax bills across Gtr Manchester to pay for their cöck-ups.
For this current year the two mayoral precepts went up by over 5 and 18 percent respectively.
Andy Burnham is a cunt.
It seems that as I was typing the earlier comments about the likelihood of Hughes & Burnham refusing to take any responsibilty & blaming IT issues it became clear that would indeed be the case with Chief Constable Hopkins being their likely fall guy. Quelle surprise!
Excellent, well thought out post, Jack.
More evidence that this is not a police state and is indeed preferable to Albania for laxity –
They got the cunts bang to rights but couldn’t get the charges right. No doubt because diversity.
For. Fuck’s. Sake.
We now even apparently have coppers setting up limited companies to issue their unlawful fines, filling every directorial and managerial role with another member of the police force and seemingly pocketing the proceeds of those fines for themselves.
This is what our police force has come to. It’s not a case of “just following orders”, it’s now a force dominated by the types of people, that once they caught a whiff of the opportunity, were all too happy to take and run with the absolute despotic control over the people that was offered to them, all too happy to apply the boot to those that once held them as their trusted protectors who now, more than ever, need them to be.
I say with no exaggeration that it genuinely feels like we are just a hair’s breadth away from our very own Gestapo soon to be kicking down doors. I never thought in my lifetime that I would hold such an idea as a legitimate possibility.
I read in the paper this morning that the filth are buying weapons from people that they have just decided to clasify as illegal.
On the face of it, a good idea to get weapons off the street. Except this is to get them out of private homes.
Since when did the police decide what you can or can’t defend yourself with in your own home?
I smell trouble ahead. The pigs want us disarmed to make a police state easier to initiate.
I say with no exaggeration that we’ve already got our very own Gestapo. Has the last 9 months not happened?
Just been reading the comments on the no deal likely story over in BBC land.
I believe I may of witnessed remainer spontaneous combustion.
What a shit show on all sides.
Should have left the EU with no deal in 2016 not waited until now, politicians are all cunts.
Sorry to stray so far off topic. Will probably wake up to find Boris has struck a trade deal with China in the morning.
The problem with the police is management promoted for political or affirmative action reasons, the odd cunt who takes the knee (and should be kicked out of the force, sorry ‘service)’, and the woke bullshit laws that puts supposed hate crime above burglaries and everything else that affects ordinary people.
Heavy comments on this subject, I think we should all take a knee and contemplate our privileges, sure we will all feel better after that.
Peggy Mitchell has died, anyone have her in Dead Pool?
Whymeforfucksake is the 1st one showing Windsor in the unified ‘pool. Congrats if confirmed as winner.
“Get aaahhhttt my pub!”