Another “Nobody Knows De Trouble Arve Seen”, I am only a poor little entitled Somalian cunting, bought to you thanks to the BBC the wokest of the woke:
This arrogant little arsehole had apparently entered the University of Manchester premises and not shown his ID card, so had to be encouraged so to do.
This upset his sensibilities, so much that he hasn’t been able to sleep since, poor little lad, but clearly it didn’t bother him so much that he found time to make an official complaint about “racial profiling” and contacting the BBC, who have come out with all the “first in my family to go to university” claptrap.
University, building site, nightclub. If you are asked to show ID then you have to, and if you don’t you will be challenged. Nothing more sinister than that.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Big lips fuzzy hair if you don’t like it fuck off back on your jamjar
Exactly… Blue Cunt
That’s why they had to take them off the Jam Jar
The cunts were peeling them off znd using them as ID
(The joke and the idea!)
‘Considered studying Law…’
I thought about joining the Royal Navy but that doesn’t entitle me to dress up like an admiral.
Poor mite.
Why show ID?
All look alike to me.
Trouble sleeping?
Tell you where you get a good nights sleep Zac,…
In fuckin Somalia!!
Is the Admiral still a woman? Must admit I didn’t mind those adverts
What the fuck is a Somali doing at university anyway?
Average IQ of 68…….perhaps you can do piracy and RPG degrees.
Ungrateful bucktooth skinny.
He should have been awarded a Masters Degree in Crippled for Life.
Then deported at once.
Fuck Off.
It’s a shame that the Security Guards who meant to be guarding the Manchester Arena before the bombing weren’t prepared to be as careful as these guards. Apparently they had been frightened to approach the bomber for fear of being accused of “racism”.
Anyhow back to Mr.Um’Bongo….He does look like a drug dealer… he also looks like a potential thief,mugger,sexual deviant,benefit-swindler and Mo Fucking- Farah,so I’d have thought that they were quite right to stop him.
Just another Uppity who seems to think that the rules don’t apply to him…deport the Cunt immediately..that’ll stop his irritating whinging…ship the rest of his clan out too..
PS…I have little doubt ,when he says that he considered studying Law, that he is indeed destined to appear in many a Courtroom..just not in a Wig and Gown.
That picture looks like he’s just left court. He must be the first Somali in his family to own a tailored suit rather than a tracksuit. He will definitely leave University with 3 A’s….. the ones he uses to spell his name, which sounds like some Butlins magician and you can bet your life he can either disappear or make other people’s possessions disappear.
He should try not showing ID in Mogadishu. There it would be at the dangerous end of an AK47. Bet the whingeing little cunt would be happy to comply then.
So the cunt has “suffered racism all my life.” Is that why he p*nced his way from Italy to this country, knowing there are armies of cunts eager to listen to his girly whining? Well done the BBC for bringing this crime against humanity to our attention. I can see that hundred mill you’ve put aside for your diversity department is being put to good use already. Strike one for the Sarpong bitch!
Fucking ungrateful, buck-toothed, grasping skinny cunt.
I suppose the cunt is seeking a nice wedge of compo?
If the immigration laws were a bit more robust, this pretentious cunt would still be running around in his native Somali, chasing the elusive single surviving chicken in the country.
I’m guessing it didn’t get here by legal means.
Immediate deportation, along with its family and friends is the only solution.
He would not be the first in his family to go to university at all. I would imagine he has brothers or sisters that are cleaners. The filthy dirty evil conniving cunt.
I doubt his brothers and sisters work.
Expect to hear about this victim of British racism sometime in the future. Either working for the BBC, the Guardian, a rising star of the Labour Party or one of Lord Mandy’s rentboys. He likes his arses to have a dusky hue, so I hear.
Good morning, and go fuck yourselves. ?
Fuck you very much!
Another Somali cunt. I don’t really like anyone…black, white, páki, or whatever but there’s something abaaaaaht these Somali cunts that I don’t like. It wouldn’t surprise me if other African countries didn’t like Somali’s.
Fucking right B&W! I know cunts from S.Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya. Their order of hatred is…..
British blacks
Of course they love British whitey. That’s what they tell me anyway but they would say that as i’m fucking their mothers.
Still up to your old tricks eh Freddie. Next time give her some for me. ?
Evil looking cunt, these fuckers are really starting to get the indigenous Britons in to a “third reich” kind of mood, he’ll probably be a Labour candidate at the next election, utter cunt!!!!!
Someone should have profiled the cunt when he entered the country. Deport.
I assumed that that Somali’s were the pikeys of Africa.
Fucking prick. On a lighter note
Dunno why we can’t bring back the death penalty
some justic ein life. Fucking scrote – that article almost made me weep. Thank fuck the cunt is dead. Dare say we’ll have all the old bollocks about an enquiry into his death.
What an absolute tragedy. Such a beautiful little boy. They should have put the scum who killed him in a cell with a couple of old lags who both have children, his end would have come sooner.
I hope they don’t bother burying the evil cunt.
Just throw the corpse over the prison wall.
London is full of Somali cunts. They are the absolute fucking worst sc*m on earth. Why the fuck they are here, I have no idea. I can almost understand the number of p*kis as they were part of our empire – but Somalia was fucking Italian. I am really on my guard whenever I see the horrible buck-toothed cunts.
Good question, have you tried to find an answer for it LC? Why would we import people from the worst most corrupt murderous shithole on earth outside of Washington DC that is.
The official line is that they are refugees, there homeland is unliveable and they are in danger.
Maybe one of these officials can tell me why the same care isn’t extended to children and families in the UK trapped on council estates living in fear of their criminal neighbours who are just as traumatised.
A large percentage of social housing estates in the UK are hell holes detrimental to. The well being of the folk force to live on them.
Too right My Lord! Streatham is the place to go if you want to see the filth in all their glory. There’s a cafe where they hang around all day and night and they even have their own church. In reality it’s a shed round the back of the Job Centre Plus which is rather ironic. Some cunts in white sheets preach to the trash and then relieve them of the money they have relieved from the British taxpayer and any cunt dumb enough to go near them after dark. They are the absolute s*um of the earth without a single redeeming feature.
Mogadishu University not good enough? Or one of the 17 other universities in the utopia we call Somalia.
Fuck off you cunt, you don’t like the rules go home.
As for the BBC, your coverage was comparable to the morning star, perhaps you could ask your hero Joe Biden to intervene, send a couple of Blackhawks to fly over Manchester uni admin office.
Just to pick up on an earlier point – the easy relaxed attitude that obtains in Mogadishu –
Check your privilege, darkie.
. “It stands as a reminder of what the city used to be, and what it has lost.”
Yeah, white civilisation.
Now it’s just savages and jungle bunnies, but, you know, colonialism bad.
James Hopkirk’s 2013 CondéNast article is an absolute peach – a high-grade bit of due-dil there, K!
I particularly savoured the insouciant way Hopkirk described picking up his fake passport in the bustling-yet-risky RPG market because there’s no functioning government to issue real ones . Those chaps at the Peace Hotel(s) certainly get high marks for ingenuity: the 5.30pm curfew an ingenious way of keeping their chefs busy. I think I’d take the lobster and sandbags option myself over that gruel! I’d definitely give good money for one of their T-shirts, however.
I went to a Somali restaurant in Tel Aviv around 15 years ago out of foolhardy curiosity (and sheer boredom with the falafel, avocado and hoummus). They served a weird bread that looked like a cross between a large piece of greenish unbleached tripe and a Staffordshire oatcake. No cutlery, obviously, and the unpleasantly bland stews of indefinite meats and a surfeit of carbohydrates meant I left feeling decidedly underwhelmed.
Did you do yourself an injerah?
Couldn’t find a green one, though.
Lahoo, lahoo – I did indeed. I’m really not looking forward to work next week, having just spent nearly two months in bed.
My Tel Aviv canjeero was distinctly green. Probably partially-fermented sorghum the reason: it was relentlessly bland and horribly unappealing in any case.
Even Frank Zappa’s Sheikh Yerbouti (Djibouti ?/!) hasn’t got a patch (buprenorphine: 70µg/hr) on the pain caused by my shattered scapula (I used to especially enjoy Yo’ Mama, over and over again).
If it looks like a cunt it probably is a cunt.
I know of a pot hole that needs filling…..he would fit nicely I think. ( Same colour as the road too! )
Manna from heaven, for rich, lefty lawyers.
Somalians are just black pikeys.
Get To Fuck.
BTW, Did you know that Somalians are despised by nearly all African Societies? Because of their historical history of enslavement of the African Negro, which commenced in Roman times.
Take that jacket and tie off you scrawny cunt. It doesn’t suit you.Probably got stopped entering the uni because he was brandishing a machete.
Necklace the bugger.
The picture of him in wig and gown looks like a PG tips chimp, or a child playing dress-up?
Only just started his first term? I wonder who is paying his fees??.
I imagine those at Fallowfield will be smiling outwardly, inwardly regretting his admission, knowing that he is going to be a trouble causing little prick for the next three years ?
Mmm the PG Chimps were much nicer to look at, funnier and certainly had more morals and brains than the cunt in the nom. As Heston said in Planet of the Apes… ‘Damn you…Damn you all to hell!’ He was ahead of his time in shouting that at the Somalis even if he was in the wrong place.
Watching the end of Captain Phillips when that Navy Seal puts a canoe in each of their heads, always makes me feel a lot better.
I’m outraged. The security guards plainly weren’t doing their job properly.
If they had been they’d have given the little buck toothed cunt a damn good kicking.
Tsk, tsk, just can’t get the staff these days.
Another fucking śámbó playing the race card,
The thing is, the UK IS following the US in affirmative action in education (positive discrimination):
This is why, in education at least, being a white, working class boy puts you firmly at the bottom of the pile.
Top university Oxford, has less than 40% intake from students who attended state schools. Think about that for a few moments.
The only privilege is class, followed by positive discrimination.
I recall reading stats for admission to US higher education- for the same course, Indian (Pakistani) students needed far higher grades than whites, who needed higher grades than Asians. Preference given to black students. Nice one Obama?