Another “Nobody Knows De Trouble Arve Seen”, I am only a poor little entitled Somalian cunting, bought to you thanks to the BBC the wokest of the woke:
This arrogant little arsehole had apparently entered the University of Manchester premises and not shown his ID card, so had to be encouraged so to do.
This upset his sensibilities, so much that he hasn’t been able to sleep since, poor little lad, but clearly it didn’t bother him so much that he found time to make an official complaint about “racial profiling” and contacting the BBC, who have come out with all the “first in my family to go to university” claptrap.
University, building site, nightclub. If you are asked to show ID then you have to, and if you don’t you will be challenged. Nothing more sinister than that.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Set on fire, prod towards airport.
Repeat until Country clean.
Time for war.
Ugly little Fuzzie Wuzzie cunt, isn’t he?
Looks like Little Tonga from The Sign Of Four.
Ha ha!
Norm, it doesn’t require the deductive skills if Sherlock Holmes, to conclude that this “one” is a race baiting, monkey cunt.
I bet old Zac is a natural with the poison blowpipe, CG.
Didn’t deceased Austrian pop star, Falco sing the words ‘Monkey Cunt’ in the second verse of his one-off No 1 hit ‘Rock Me Amadeus’?
Mother fucker spear chucker!
The once excellent college I used to work for was permanently ruined by hordes of leeching Somalifilth. I actually resigned over how these pigs were getting special and preferential treatment over hard working and decent students. I hated the Somalian scum, but I also despised the cunts high up who allowed the infestation to happen. This was in 1997-1998.
I also despise Anthony Satan Blair. Who let the cunts in to begin with.
Don’t like showing your I/d or Library Card? Your fast enough to wave it to get your student discount aren’t you? (Well I was, as a Mature Student having ponied up the taxes etc for the rest of them it was the least I could do and it was fun too). Perhaps if your brethren were not predisposed to spontaneous detonation and holding certain 8th century attitudes to Ladies with far more class then you will ever have then we wouldn’t be having to check i/ds at every other step. You are “traumatised” and couldn’t sleep? The bu%%3r off back to your pestilential crap hole and stay there. Although Sharia Law hardly supplies much opportunity for a civilised legal system r lawyers does it?
Where there’s a whinge there’s a claim. Probably looking to get some compo for his little feelings being hurt the leeching cunt
Is it me or does he look a bit like that annoying cunt off the Asda Christmas adverts?
If so at least we know where he got the suit from Yes That’s Asda Price ??
Was probably trying to get in there to rob the pockets in the cloak room if they still have those place’s nowadays.!