I’m sure this has been properly cunted before, but I’d just like to add my nickel’s worth (sic).
Why in the name of suffering Jesus on the cross being poked with a spear, does anyone in this country, thousands of miles away, have to be told every detail, every nuance and every tedious utterance of this contest for the governance of the world’s largest banana republic? And then endure hours of drivelling slot-filling commentary from the professional commentariat? Why does all news everywhere else have to yield to the fake urgency of this essentially tribal mass shouting match? Isn’t our own bad enough?
Why must there be incessant clips from both the demented egotists in the race, demonstrating their mutual incompatibility even with with the cliche of a pissup in a brewery? These cunts aren’t going to run the country, ffs. The bankers will be doing that, as usual. So you don’t actually need a president with an IQ greater than an amoeba, or one with any knowledge at all of economic or international relations. (Hence Trump, incidentally). JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs will continue bribing, lying, asset stripping, selling worthless derivatives and subverting due process in order to achieve their own preferred outcomes – but so handy to have a Technicolor ™ clown performing in front of the cameras to distract the voter from the uselessness of voting at all.
And our media not only buy that, but pay top dollar for it. A hack in every swing state gibbering to camera on every bulletin, although the result won’t be known for weeks, if at all. It would probably be cheaper to go out and look for real stories – but it would be so much more arduous.
By the time this goes up, it should be known which cunt’s picture will be inescapable for the next four years*, but there will be no relief, because the Yanks love elections so much there will be another bunch in two years.
*Assuming the orange cunt doesn’t declare himself President for Life, of course, Dear Leader and Father of the Ruling Dynasty. A strong possibility.
Nominated by: Komodo
…and in a roundabout kind of way, here’s one from Norman
Emily Maitils and the BBC are cunts.
That Jimmy Hill in drag cunt, Emily Maitlis was absolutely disgraceful during the US Presidential Election coverage. Blatant and shameless hate and disrespect towards Big Don and an obvious bias and favouritism towards Uncle Joe’s Mintballs and Che Kamala. It certainly wasn’t balanced or impartial news coverage like it’s supposed to be.
And anyone who says Maitlis is ‘sexy’ is a complete cunt. She looks like she has got one of Worzel Gummidge’s spare heads on.
Quite agree.
This Country has enough of it’s own problems for me to give a tuppenny fuck about The Septics.
I’ll add that I care about the American election as much as,I suspect, the average American cares about the British election.
After reading the nom intro and watching 60minutes etc/im of the sound mind that the donald is not a thicko far from it /its very interesting all upto a point then the novelty wears off .now the coffin dodgers got in it will be terrible/e.g a third world shithole
I suppose it’s everyone to their own… I don’t give a shit but fair does if anyone else does.
This approach also trickles down to the Scots.
Why for fucks sake does the rest of the UK need or want to see Wee Jimmy’s COVID update each day? Give them their independence and their own tv channel.
How can 5 million people be seen as a significant number in the overall scheme of things?
The papers are ALREADY talking of Bide-a-wee’s “mental decline”…
As for Scotland, would serve them right if a) they got stuck with Krankie and b) they got the rump of the BBC as nazional broadcaster AND had to pay a massively inflated licence fee to boot,,,
“She looks like she has got one of Worzel Gummidge’s spare heads on.”
Quote of the month. May that establishment stooge follow the same path into the sidelines as Big nose Derbyshire.
I had to laugh when the Derbyshire woman was chosen for I’m a Celebrity. I’d give it a day before she’s out with a broken fingernail.
I really couldn’t give a fuck about any of this rubbish.
Yanks can deal with their own shite….mad presidents, architects running all over looting, killing each other with bigger and bigger guns, junk food, crap TV etc
We have enough cunts of our own.
Maitlis has got the worst flappy dog eared tits on the telly today. Trump wouldnt be seen dead with the cunt.
What annoys me is the impartiality of the metro media types.
The say ‘Trump’ not ‘president Trump’
But Biden is always ‘president elect Joe Biden’.
They hate Donald, therefore hes the dogs bollocks by me.
He gave the MSM a hard time and they wasn’t used to being challenged.
Im interested in what goes on in America,
But then im very cosmopolitan.
That’s very broad-minded of you. Personally I couldn’t give a shit what’s happening on the other side of Leicester, never mind the pond.
Hehehe, thats what im known for, being broadminded.
That and flashing.
The God Emperor might leave the white house but he isnt going anywhere. We’re up for another four years of fun. Jimmy Saville/Joe Biden is fucked.
I loved it when the BBC journalist went to ask him a question and he said, “The BBC? You’re fake news. Next!”
And he was good for a laugh when he’d go off track and speak what just popped into his head. You could feel his speech writers off camera going “Fucking hell. Shiiiit! He’s off again!” when he sort of suggested you might be able to inject bleach to fight Bat Flu.
In saying that, I wish we had a conservative leader with balls like the Donald.
But the media’s bias has been so obvious nobody can ignore it anymore and barely anyone (with a brain) trusts anything they say now.
If the BBC said the sun came up this morning, I’d look out of the fucking window to check.
Well I have to say I wouldn’t be crawling over Emily Maitlis to get at any of you lot!
The thinking man’s crumpet, looks like a dirty bitch too.
She did a great job helping Prince Paèdo to hang himself.
If her tits are anything to go by her flaps will hang down like a wizard’s sleeve.
She has got to many angles and bony bits, be like fucking a plumbers holdall
Maitlis? Eyes like Jim Rosenthal. Tits like Pluto/Goofy’s ears. Hair like Worzel Gummidge. Chin like Jimmy Hill/Bruce Forsyth.
About as attractive as a rotting mackerel.
Thinking man’s crumpet? I dare say she’d be a pin up for Alan Partridge or Viz’s Real Ale Twats.
Anything that enables the Left-wing MSM from detailing the Betrayal going on around Brexit, is a gift from the Gods-for them.
Covid, Potus, they are on it like “Katie Price on a stiff cock”.
If I was a billionaire, I’d offer Katie Price reasonably large amounts of money to perform increasingly disgraceful acts, just to see just how low she would go. She’d suck the maggots out from between a homeless alcoholic’s 7 remaining teeth for money, that whore.
If Peter Sutcliffe hadn’t just died then I’d have paid the dirty slapper to have a date with him. Reckon she’d have been just his type.
But if he’d took a hammer to her head, you’d not notice the difference, either physically or mentally.
“She’d suck the maggots out from between a homeless alcoholic’s 7 remaining teeth for money.”
It’s funny you should say that Thomas but that’s exactly the first task that Victoria Derbyshire faces in the upcoming series of I’m a Celebrity.
Aside from that obnoxious stuck up bitchflake Victoria Derbyshire, it’s going to be a veritable cuntfest.
Slut screwing tailor’s dummy, Vernon Kay.
Bane of airline staff and total cunt, ‘Sir’ Mo Farah.
Corrie’s Liz, Beverley Callard (I still would).
Kray loving knobhead and NeverEnders cunt, Shane Richie.
Bev Callard gives me the ‘orn !!
For a long time, I thought the BBC were supposed to be unbiased and indifferent. Not trying to influence people one way or the other. It has long since changed for the worst.
Cans of can’t
I have a feeling the US electorate may regret their decision in two years time. Harvest Moons thinking they can do whatever they want, lawless cities, manufacturing jobs back to Mexico, more illegal immigrants, no border control, pointless military actions. Plus the doddering old cunt with his finger on the nuclear button. God help us.
If you don’t think blatantly bent elections are important to this country think about Corbyn in No 10 with Flabbott as Home Secretary. If it was left to the fucking media that’s what we’d have right now. Maybe you think it makes no difference.
You could be right. Looks like Corbyn got there anyway……wearing a skirt and lippy and pussy whipping Boris into submission.
Harry Hewitt mark 2.
Lockdown doesn’t work.
Peter Sutcliffe…thirty nine years in lockdown….cunt died from Covid….
I don’t give a shit for American politics.Sticking our noses into their affairs.Bore off.Yawn.
Great cuntings…
You’re right komodo. The politicians are just puppets, the real power lies behind the scenes. The politicians serve their donors and the bankers, not the public.
I did enjoy the interview Adam Boulton had with some Republican bird after the election. The fat cunt looked like he was going to have coronary.
It’s a shame he didn’t… The Fat libfuck Sky cunt.
An unkind word for the bastion of free speech around the world?
Unapologetically neutral in its coverage?
The BBC?
Their coverage of anything is a joke and their loathing of anything non woke is pathological.
I recommend gassing every last one of the bolshevik rats.
Evil perverted CUNTS.
The MSM are engaging in a non stop campaign of suppression and disinformation on both sides of the Atlantic.
Widespread and increasingly credible reports US wide of election fraud, a communist puppet for China trying to force Trump into conceding whilst simultaneously doing every possible thing they can to delay, deny and block any kind of official investigation, Antifa and BLM hunting in gangs in major cities looking for lone Trump supporters like fucking jackals, democrat run Counties and States going down like Venezuela – and the media report nothing!
There is definitely a significant degree of complicity and left wing bias by the media, and irrespective of personal or political allegiances I do not consider the possible theft of an election in the worlds most powerful capitalist Country to be an acceptable scenario.
Very cynical point of view Komodo, and of course you’re absolutely right. But it’s entertaining as long as you don’t take it too seriously. The (ex) president is finally coming to realize that it isn’t all about him after all, it’s about democracy and the whole country. And the reason they’ll replace him on January 20th with a new No 2 is because he’s unmutual.
If it was about democracy the democrats would have a democratic election and would welcome scrutiny.
America being conned into communism will not be without consequence and this is more than about who wins – it is basic trust in the system being used to choose leaders which is being challenged.
America under Biden (in reality Kamala Harris) will be a Chinese puppet, with all that entails.
Democracy is free speech and free and accountable electoral process – if you do not have both of them you do not live in a democracy.
Personally I took a great interest in the U.S. election. Trump was a very good president who liked us and Brexit, he will be missed. . Unfortunately whatever happens in the U.S. will affect our nation in some way. Biden prefers the Irish to us and was against Brexit. He is a senile journeyman polititician from a corrupt family in charge of a party sliding into Marxism.
Up until this election I would have had a visceral reaction to my country being called “…the world’s largest banana republic…:. But as we just watched 4 years of and organized coup d’etat culminating in a rigged election, masquerading as a mandate perhaps I’ll just let it go.
If only we had a just and divinely ordained monarchy to head up our state as well as our religious affairs. Perhaps headed by a kind and just moral/royal family, working tirelessly on our behalf while safeguarding our cherished way of life and our hard won national treasures. A country where principled leaders chosen from the ranks of the common, come on bended knee to kiss their ring and humbly ask permission to form a government.
(Heavy sigh) Perhaps some day.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Remember Newton’s 5th General……. And it ain’t really over at all just yet!
God Bless America & Church of the Holy Cross ( Boston )
You can come back to the empire if you really want to.
I took exception to your great country being called “the world’s largest banana republic” even if you didn’t, General.
I mean Trump is hardly a dictator, is he?
I guess it feels more comforting to think of it as a banana republic if you’re on the losing side.
Hey Ruff,
Your last sentence is very insightful. Propaganda being put out by “Mainstream News Outlets” in direct opposition to what we see with our own eyes.
False public opinion polls telling us unpopular views are popular.
Politicians demagoguing criminals as virtuous champions of civil rights while law abiding citizens are vilified as natural born racist oppressors.
Social media censoring our speech and cancelling anyone who dares oppose the proper group think.
An organized 4 year coup based on lies and false accusations.
A stolen election with fictitious margins of victory.
Indeed…it all has a rather south of the border, plantain like feel to it.
Hey General.
The whole system is rotten to the core (the swamp). The first time ever someone actually acknowledges that and tries to do something about it (Big Don), he’s roundly attacked, vilified and undermined at every twist and turn. For 4 years. Irrespective of your like or dislike for the man and his uncouth behaviour, he’s the fucking president and thus gets respect by default. But no. We now live in an age where the Speaker of the House can rip up a president’s State of the Union speech behind is back live on TV – AND GET AWAY WITH IT NO APOLOGIES.
It’s tempting to point the finger at the Demoncrats and say it’s all their fault (well, 95% of it is), but it started way before that by the Repubs. Remember during the 2016 primaries when all the candidates left standing pledged they’d support the eventual winner. Well, Jeb Bush didn’t. Kasish didn’t. Plus a few others. Then Paul Ryan made Trump’s life a misery too. Many Repubs lined up to take a swing at Trump. None were expelled from the party.
I firmly believe the Repubs are often on the receiving end of a bloody nose because they let it happen. The doomed impeachment was a classic example. There never was a case to answer, but that wasn’t the point. The point was to associate the word impeachment with Trump’s name and drag him and his administration through the mud. And what did the Repubs do in retaliation? NOTHING. Mitch McConnell with his slow and deliberate way of speaking ended up saying fuck all. The Repubs should have launched the political equivalent of a nuclear strike on the Demons for their antics, but they barely offered a slapped wrist. It’s absolutely pathetic.
Things won’t change for the betterment of America until 3 things happen. First, the Demons are forced back to a more centrist position. Good luck with that because of what just happened. Second, the Repubs learn to fight dirty like the Demons routinely do. Good luck with that too. Blah blah blah illegal email server, blah blah blah, FBI collusion, blah blah blah spying on the Trump campaign, blah blah blah Biden’s family’s exposed corruption blah blah blah. Who went to jail? NO ONE. EVERYONE GETS AWAY WITH IT. Third, the MSM & social platforms cease their political bias. Seems impossible.
Unless enough Americans pull their heads out their arses, it’s over for the US. Saddens me, it really does. I moved here because I thought it was better than what I left behind. The UK’s a shit show but WTF is Biden & Harris going to do to us all in the next 4 years? And don’t think the establishment will hold them accountable or question anything. 8 years of cunt Obama proved a Demon administration can get away with anything and nothing happens.
Hey IY,
I agree with what you have to say. However, I think that over 70 million trump voters have had their eyes opened and I don’t think they will simply lay down for the program.
There will be a fight. Not from the party big shots from either side of the so-called aisle. But from the rank and file every day Americans.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
“False public opinion polls telling us unpopular views are popular.”
I think that one cuts both ways. And not forgetting the multiple, outright, demonstrable, undeniable lies and dictatorial bent of your Head of State. If it isn’t a banana republic, it’s sure looking like one from here.
Remember President Trump giving that twat off the BBC Jon Sopel a roasting about him being part of the Fake News??
Sopel has used every opportunity since to degrade President Trump and shoot him down using the BBC as his sponsored mouthpiece??
Sopel is a vile little wanker who I wouldn’t pay in steel washers get a proper job you little bitch
It’s hardly surprising that all the dead people voted for Biden. They recognised him as one of their own.