Transgender Remembrance Day

I’d like to find out which complete and utter vagina decided to start all this bollocks about a “Transgender remembrance day”.

I mean, really ! Fuck right off. You people are nothing more than oxygen thieves, filling up the interwebby with your infantile dross.

Fucking cunts.

(You just couldn’t make this shit up. It’s real. We checked – NA)

Nominated by: Sick of Cunts

77 thoughts on “Transgender Remembrance Day

  1. What a pile of wank. I’m fucking sick of having all this tranny shit shoved down my throat at every opportunity. If it’s not mixed race couples in every single advert or gay couples in every single programme then it’s trannies in an Anne Summers Christmas adverts.
    Stop the world I want to get Off!
    The world is going to shit in a hand cart.

  2. What are the transgenders remembering? The loss of their ickle winkles?
    The loss of their sanity?
    What exactly?
    Fucking stoooopid cunts😂

  3. Mentally ill gays whos “boyfriend” is a meth dealer get murdered all the time in the States. Its nearly all black men killing black men. Wonder why?. Lets have a remembrance day for all the children who have had their lives destroyed by the Tavistock clinic and a servile government and “establishment” who by their utter cowardice allow pedos full reign. Cunts one and all.

  4. I remember….

    What a load of bollocks this is

    I remember….

    When we lived in a proper fucking country that didn’t pander to all of today’s shite that’s actually being driven by a MINORITY!!

    Utter cunts ……..

  5. All total and utter bollocks, most ,(do your own research) ,trannies don’t have their winkle chopped off because they don’t want Cunts.. Fucking perv Cunts…

    • That’s the thing with Mrs P. She objects to trannies that haven’t had the op. But she RESPECTS Trannies who have.
      I mean to the extent that she believes trannies who haven’t had the op should not be allowed in women’s toilets. But trannies who have should be.
      She feels strongly about this (when pissed)
      But then who would police it? Would there be someone on each cubicle to examine whether they are ‘real’ trannies or not.
      Such s complex world.

      • There should be a country wide police operation called well…er…’Operation’. Yes Operation ‘Operation’. At roll call-‘We are going to raid public toilets to check if Trannies are real or not’. ‘Yes Sir’. ‘Be careful out there’.
        So a dodgy looking ‘woman’ tries to enter the women’s. ‘Lift up you skirt’. ‘I’m afraid you still have your meat and two veg…it’s the gents for you’. Another one ‘You have no male genitalia you’re allowed in’.
        The Men’s. ‘Pull down your trousers’. ‘That is only strap on…you are not allowed in.’. ‘But but..’ ‘No buts….to be allowed in you have to have all the plumbing done with lead pipes and stuff’.

      • I have a mate who cleared out a dead tranniie’s flat (how MNC missed that job I don’t know). He found photographs of the trannie’s op. Apparently they slice down the penis and use both sides to make the labia. Just thought you might like to know.

  6. Hey let’s not forget…
    International transgender day of visibility
    National coming out day
    International day against homophobia, transportation and biphobia
    God give me strength.

    • Perhaps we should set a day aside to celebrate (?) the twats who think up these special days; I am reasonably sure that few of them will be alive for their next birthday.

    • Transportee phobia, I’m mortified and shall scweam until we receive repairations as well as an apology. Bogan lives matter.

    • I think you were right with transportation because I’d like to export the fucking lot of them.

      • I believe Rockall is very nice at this time of year. Send the dinghy rats there too. Might be a bit crowded but I’m sure they’d be fine cuddled up together.

      • Last one to nod off wins the island. Then the navy can come along and reclaim it and he can be token and claim asylum.

  7. Remembrance? Remember what?! Cut off tadgers? Or the recently dispatched plastic twat when the cunts ‘decided’ they want to change back again on the NHS and the taxpayer’s expense?

    Fucking freaks and lunatic cunts. Fuck them all.

  8. I’ll be remembering.
    Dougie looked like Les Dawson,
    Wore a frock, two rolled up socks for titties,
    Just a hairy bloke but in his head he was Dorothy on the yellow brick road.
    As kids we’d throw chips at him and cheerful swear and shout abuse, now wed get 15yrs to life for that, but it was simpler times.
    Ill remember, and ill think of Dougie and light a little candle.

    Secure that no-one ever found out it was us that set him on fire.
    RIP Deviant Dougie 😀

    • There was an old farmer from Greece
      Who did terrible things to his geese
      But he went too far with a budgerigar
      And the parrot phoned the police.

  9. Perhaps there was a special brigade of these wretched cunts who served in the Falklands War or Afghanistan?
    Anyhow I checked and there wasn’t so they can all be gassed.

  10. They should be shot with shit from a rubber gun, I’d remember that.
    Freaks belong in a sideshow, not everyday life and besmirching the sacrifice of millions is a fucking disgraceful stain on our consciousness, fuck them all to hell and back.

  11. Remembered….. Its for effeminate, limp wristed arse clowns who like to have their fudge packed or fucking ugly, butch, mental bitches who can’t pass for wimmin and look more like blokes and before you use the hormone excuse, you were always ugly, your mum fed you using a catapult when you were young, this is what mirrors are for…..

  12. Fuck me, Transgender Awareness Week (cunted herein) was only two weeks ago and now this? What exactly are we supposed to remember?

    Okay, to get into the spirit of the thing, I do recall a seeing rather fetching ladyboy on Pornhub* awhile back that looked the spitting image of Melania Trump!

    Makes me wonder (in the light of MNC’s Michael Obama observations on the previous DNA Parental Testing nom), is it perchance a legal requirement that all Presidents of the United States be married to a transgender person? Wouldn’t surprise me in this day and age.

    * Other purveyors of filth are available.

    Oh, and yes, I would give Melania a rub-up given half the chance. 😊

  13. Remember? It’s fucking impossible to forget, with the amount of propaganda forced upon us. I don’t mean them any harm, I’m just not remotely interested in them, their plight, their love lives or their stupid fucking fashion. I will do my level best not to laugh in front of them, but I can’t promise because some of them look so fucking ridiculous they make pantomime dames look normal.
    All those drag programmes can fuck off too. Shovelling some fat hairy cunt into a corset and covering them in fucking lipstick, then telling them they look fabulous is deluding the poor fuckers. A modern freak show, as I imagine people only watch it to see the really bad ones, like cunts only watch the X factor to see the shit fuckers getting fucked off.

  14. Does anyone know a TG in real life? Or, like 99.99999% of the population, do you only see them on the box and in the news. Funny that.

    The amount of vulnerable young girls and boys being targeted by these sickos is truly frightening. Come from a broken home? Then become a tranny and all your head-fuckery will be instantly cured. One of numerous reasons I recently left my social care job; the left in there isn’t a mere infestation, but an all-pervasive plague.

    • There has been (pun intended), a TG lurking around spamming an’ a shilling various sites, I’d thought I saw him here but it’s too early to tell.

    • Targeting vulnerable youngsters is a good method of building up the numbers. Sure some kids have not got a fucking clue what they want or even what they are but methinks a deeper investigation into their problems is required rather than take these and wave goodbye to that.
      In 60 odd years I have never met or known a tranny as far as I am aware. Yet according to the propaganda there are millions out there. There is not. So instead of remembering one I shall attempt to remember if I’ve ever seen/met one which will add ten points to my woke score.

  15. Couldn’t we have a “forget transgender” day? Just one day in a fucking year. And how about a “lets have some white people on adverts” day or maybe a “whogs and khun take some actual responsibility” day.

    I’m sure the eloquent cunters here could come up with a few more.

    Lets make it a Neptune year though as an earth year only has 365 days.

  16. The only trannie l will be remembering is my old Mk1 with 2.4 york diesel in it.
    These weirdos can get fucked.

  17. The weekend Telegraph magazine has been running a page The Wrong Trousers, about some bloke who decided to become a ‘woman’ at the age of sixty.
    Fuck me he is kidding no one and goes on about ‘floaty dresses and shoes, (er not that I read it hasten to add!) . Drives Mrs C mad!
    They got rid of the amusing thespian Simon Williams page for this pile of wank.
    This cuntery is everywhere FFS!

    • I often think that the Anita thing on Flog It! is highly dubious. And providing you don’t mind risking your hardware or eyesight, a couple of days ago the Scotland Herald carried the WORST-EVER photo of Krankie (and not nude, either); enduri g the severe pain of an air-enema.

  18. Optimus Prime is the only Transformer I’m interested in…well actually he a Cybertronian so apologies if I offended anyone.

  19. Remember, remember to chop off your member. Supplements, libtards and cunts.

  20. Mrs P upstairs watching I’m a Celebrity.
    Switched on Classic FM down here. Fuck me Moira Stewart meets Stephen Fry. Or ‘one National Treasure meets another’
    We’ve already heard what a ‘rarified’ personality he was when young.. Too intelligent for schoolwork, getting bored. He prefers Beethoven to Mozart because there is more pain and torment in Beethoven. And that speaks to him. He’s very worried about the Pandemic and the effect it is having on young performers in the Arts. His ‘husband’ is worried too.
    I wish I’d watched I’m a Celebrity.

  21. This woke day naming thing is well past a joke, everyday of the year has a cunting cause linked to it, earth day, gay day, BLM day on it goes. How long till they begin doubling up? LBGT+ Day coupled with great Somalians day or George Floyd and Nelson Mandela day?

    It’s meaningless, it’s laughable and it’s got to stop.

    The millions that died in WWI get a day for people to remember and hopefully contemplate their sacrifice, these woke cunts want me to accept there’s some sort of equivalence between the horrific reality of war and someone with a gender disorder?

    How the hell can Holocaust Remembrance Day be sandwiched in between whatever woke shit days are placed around it and not have it’s meaning diminished?

    We are well and truly fucked, the fall of our civilisation is upon us. A society that becomes so introspective as ours has become will never see a real threat coming.

  22. It really is that fucking simple. Just don’t remember. Thank fuck, job done. Cunts or should that be man cunts??? who gives a fuck.

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