The Woolf Institute

Who they? Fuck knows but they have come up with this:-

‘Widespread working from home could lead to an increase in racism and prejudice, a new report warns.
Workplace friendships are key to breaking down misconceptions, the England and Wales study for the Woolf Institute suggests.’

The founder of this august body has a Phd in Hebrew and Religious Studies, so is obviously a vital cog in our economy.

The UK, like the USA is now awash with identity/race obsessed parasites who see evil in every corner. I dont know where these cunts get funds from but it is time they fucked off and let the rest of us get on with it.

Academe is the focus of unpatriotic propaganda that will sooner or later destroy the society that feeds it.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

53 thoughts on “The Woolf Institute

  1. Maybe they’ve seen this site, and seen the result of what happens when people don’t have jobs to go to ?

  2. That’s illogical. When I was working it was by virtue of being in the same place as my co-workers that I disliked them, and race had nothing to do with it. Why , and how, would my inherent racism increase despite having no contact with with murdering, filthy, scrounging cunts? See? No contact and I’m the poster boy for racial tolerance.

    • It is bollocks, isn’t it. How can being away from these people make you more racist towards them, unless that they are implying that being away from makes you more aware of what cunts they are.

  3. Let’s face it, these cunts have nothing better to do than bait the race card.

    You’re a racist if you go to work (because you’re denying some BAME from having your job)

    You’re a racist for working from home because you’re not mixing with BAMEs and understanding their issues.

    You’re racist for taking holidays because it shows you’re wealthy while BAMEs suffer poverty

    You’re racist for having a house….

    you’re racist for using the internet….

    You’re racist for breathing too loud.

    These librard institutions and their bitter and twisted “professors” and whatnot, are just cunts wanting to make a name for themselves. But I wonder if any of them would step aside for a BAME to take their job?

    • ‘BAME’ is now out of favour because it is apparently not inclusive enough. They should visit IsAC, there are plenty of alternative suggestions for every minority under the sun.

    • I worked from home the other week, cooking the books, falsifying tax records etc.
      And im well racist!!
      So could be something to this,
      Its probably not my fault,
      So just looking into who I can sue now.

      • Don’t you have a lad working for you Miserable? Do a Gary Lineker and hire Afghan Ali instead, diversity innit. Don’t let him drive though or you’ll either be ploughing through a Christmas market at high speed or be sitting outside the school gates waiting for home time.

      • I have a full time, an a few casual workers LL,
        All white.
        Id never use tanned labour,
        Theyd resent being told what to do off a old whitey like me!
        Although wearing a pith helmet and whipping them is tempting,
        I base my appointment of staff on Apartheid.

      • Safest way Mis. Only time i would employ non Anglo-Saxon’s would be in a strip joint or a crash test dummy business.

  4. The thing with this type of organisation is that they need to (over) play the racism card.
    No racism (real or perceived), no point in their existence.

  5. This is something from their website:

    “The Woolf Institute’s vision is a world in which collaborative discussion and constructive engagement overcome prejudice and intolerance. The Institute combines teaching, scholarship and outreach, focusing on Jews, Christians and Muslims, to encourage tolerance and foster understanding between people of all beliefs.”

    The main problem is that once you include Muslims in any mix you’ve failed. Islam doesn’t do tolerance or understanding and the only inclusivity it has any interest in is making the planetary population into Muslims.

    • I just listened to that three times, and I still have no idea what she said.

      I can only deduce from this that she is, quite clearly, a despicable fucking racist.

      • Same here. I think I’m now stupider for listening to it. 35 seconds of my life I’ll never get back.

    • You could listen to it 30 times and still not know what the fuck she’s on it.
      What a load of woke bullshit.
      Another customer for Unkle Terry

    • Everyone is racist, just like everyone is coloured. It’s really just a matter of degree to which an individual is racist and what he does with the knowledge that he is racist that makes it a problem or not.

      I have no problem with those whose skin colour differs from my own. For me the problem lies in foreign cultures, usually those imported by a certain demographic and the fact that they expect me to feel positive about their alien ways. That and the forced multiculturalism predominantly celebrated by a disturbingly high proportion of my fellow whites, usually lefty woke cunts.

  6. “Widespread working from home could lead to an increase in racism and prejudice, a new report warns”….load of bollocks. I work from home and it would be impossible,no matter how hard I tried,to increase my levels of racism and prejudice.

  7. The object seems to be obliterating any lingering idea or memory that this has not always been a multicultural/multiracial island.

    If your from a large urban area you’d need to be retirement age to remember this nation pre mass immigration, given that within a generation the population won’t know different.

    Aided by wile historians and the BBC the idea that this land has always been populated by all ethnicities will be accepted, any trace of our true history suppressed until it is forgotten.

    Their true battle isn’t against racism it’s against cultural and national identity, both are barriers to global government.

    • As a kid I grew up watching Disney cartoons, envious of the septic kids having Disney World,
      Thought to myself bet Walts a lovely bloke.
      As a adult read Walt was racist,
      Destroyed peoples careers because they had commie sympathies etc.
      A man who was a taskmaster and demanded his own way.

      Like him even more now!?

  8. This institute should be shut down immediately and it’s staff arrested.
    Any further babble about such nonsense should lead to oven.

    Santa says Bulldoze the fucking rat house and gas the cunts.
    He’s a rum bugger you know.

  9. What else would an organisation studying racism come up with, maybe they interviewed a few hundred soy boys working from home who were crying about not being able to virtue signal their anti racism credentials in the workplace.

    We have working from home is racist, Covid is racist, just wait for the vaccine to be racist (any bets on that happening)

    • All modern studies into racism have the same racist conclusion.

      ‘It’s the honkeeey man’s fault!’

  10. Racism? Perhaps they should do a study on religious bigotry, to see why the fuckers can’t get on.

    • Just let them have five minutes. So they can reflect on their cuntish attitude and then cunt them some more.

  11. Woolf Institute. ‘ Encourage tolerance and foster understanding …… ‘ That’s a fucking big ask, where muslims are concerned. You might as well piss into the wind.
    If the fancy takes you, look at the Woolf Institutes website, it’s a hoot.
    Good evening.

  12. The only understanding that needs to be encouraged in the Christian, Muslim and Jewish faiths (in numerical order of UK population) is that there is no sky fairy, and no-one is or was its prophet/saviour/estate agent.

    • UK max population 33 million. White and Indigenous to these Islands. Culling of all excess and undesirables.

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