A ‘slam the door after the horse has bolted’ cunting for the Schengen Agreement, wherein over twenty EU nations abolished passport and all other types of border control at their mutual borders.
After the most recent terrorist attacks in France and Austria, Emmanuel ‘Little Napoleon’ Macron has called for ‘a deep overhaul’ of the EU’s ‘open border’ area, to prevent illegal immigration, people trafficking, and to clamp down on terrorism. This comes after concerns that perpetrators of the atrocities were allowed to travel freely between Schengen area states. Microbe also called for ‘a proper border force’ to police the zone’s external boundaries.
Border force? Border farce more like.
Well, I suppose the good news is that the euro might be starting to drop at last. The bad news? Schengen was always a hopelessly naive notion, a disaster waiting to happen. Microbe can gob off now, but it’s all far too little, far too late. Half a century of woolly-headed immigration policies have seen to that. Schengen is now the very thick icing on the cake. The enemy is no longer without, but within.
Naturally enough it ain’t the likes of ‘Little Napoleon’ and ‘Fuhrer Mutti’, deep behind their layers of security, who have to pay the price. Nope, it’s Joe, Jacques and Johann Citizen who get shot, stabbed and blown up as they try to go about their normal, everyday business.
Schengen. Just another load of EU cuntery that’s blown up in our faces. Thanks a million. ‘The terrorist is everywhere’ burbles Macron. All together now folks; ‘NO FUCKING SHIT SHERLOCK!’.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
Macron can start with his own border, and prevent the shit from crossing the channel.
For premier of frogland Microbe seems to be a slow learner.
Maybe he swam with the slow tadpoles at school?
Now hes lifted his head from between the withered thighs of his elderly lover hes realised his country is full of foreign enemies?!!
Not too swift on the uptake eh Emanuel.
Ain’t karma a bitch?
The lessons not learned must surely be getting through to even the most left wing blinkered fuckwits by now.
DoC, can we start mining the channel now as well? Might be a good idea to bung up that fucking tunnel as well!
The EU reckons that it has jurisdiction over the fucking tunnel Dozy.
Those power crazed Brussels cunts think they own Europe.
Flood the fucking thing with the immos in it.
We can pump it out again if we ever need to use it.
Archers on the White Cliffs and barbed wire in the sea to keep these cunts from landing on our beaches.
Europe will have to pull out all the stops to change this but the lefties will quash it with human rights bleating.
How an anybody – even the cocksuking Adonis, look at the disasters the EU have inflicted on their citizens, and then think it is a good idea for us to be members of it.
Looking at that map in the header pic, it amazes me how these Syrian migrants end up over here rather than fucking off to places in Eastern Europe or Russia!
Because they aren’t soft cunts like us, the Russkies won’t put up with their shit.
You do have to wonder…
Whenever I see your header Page with Guy Verhoffcunt shaking his fist at me, it boils my piss more than any other image I have seen on here.
If we were to o to war with Europe, I am certain the image of that leering, sneering cunt would motivate more men to take the shilling than those posters of Kitchener.
(Always a pleasure. We do have some candid pics of Miserable Northern Cunt and Ruff Tuff Creampuff sharing a cucumber, but such shocking images that we could upload would scare the living daylights out of you lot! – DA)
We always wondered just what exactly it was that you had on those two…
(oh, the stories, the gossip, the pictures …. gosh, its like looking at nude pics of Jess Phillips eating out Diane Abbott – its that horrific! – DA)
Loose lips sink ships.
And it was a marrow for your information.
(I just don’t want to know. The horror, the horror! – DA)
Marrow you say? Belt it felt like a fucking courgette, to a man of your experience.
Still, it counts as one of your “5” a day!
Ooooh matron indeed!
Was DCI aubergine invited MNC? ?
Phillips and Abbott! Bring it on Admin! (just for those on here of a more ‘adventurous’ inclination, you understand).
(Interesting how Ruff Tuff hasn’t replied yet! Anyway, am off down the boozer. Hopefully NA will keep an eye on things once he has finally woken up from his drug-induced haze thinking about Anneliese Dodds – DA)
Ahhhh yes the ‘open border’ debate.
If you’re anti Brexit open borders are part of you’re DNA as are the benefits of unfettered immigration.
You’ll believe this whilst sat in your 5/6 bedroomed detached house in Surrey or 4 bedroomed Victorian terrace in Chiswick.
You’ll believe this because you don’t struggle to get a Doctors appointment and there’s no issue getting Tabs and Felix into the school of your choice.
Fundamentally you’ll believe in open borders because you are quite simply 10 times of cunt.
Who remembers that sugar pop tart Katie Perry in some news conference shite (I think it had something to do with Trumps Build the Wall campaign) she was almost in crocodile tears saying ‘we just need a world without borders man……’
It really wasn’t lost on me that she lives in a multi million dollar Hollywood mansion surrounded by a 10 ft wall and 24 hour security.
I’m often reminded at times like this of the poem by Pastor Martin Niemöller, First they came…….
Sadly, it seems that the irony WAS lost on the delightful Ms Perry Cunty. Always is with opinionated luvvy types.
By the way, does anybody know how Gary Linekunt is getting on re. his anxious wait to find an unfortunate to be his poster houseguest?
Already happened: Linekunt posted a photo of the “thank-you” letter he recieved from the grateful Abdul.
Upon closer scrutiny, the “flourishes” on the handwritten not are remarkably similar to Linekunts….
I will try and dig out the video, from youtube, Ron.
Already happened: Linekunt posted a photo of the “thank-you” letter he recieved from the grateful Abdul.
Upon closer scrutiny, the “flourishes” on the handwritten not are remarkably similar to Linekunts….
I will try and dig out the video, from youtube, Ron.
Thanks CF.
Obviously a long term commitment on Linekunt’s part then.
The cunt will be virtue-signaling about it for the rest of time.
I think he’s still looking Ron.
But didn’t he recently have a ‘guest’ called Rasheed and his family staying.
Rasheed wrote a letter thanking him and grammatically it was fairly spot on for someone who spoke the Balochi language, I understand that’s a language spoken in and around Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan.
He posted the letter on Twatter but strangely no pictures.
Let’s hope he gets a bearded child that’s an expert in the construction of road side devices.
Classic quintessential Lineker. Carps on and fucking on about welcoming these camelfucking types. But will he have one in his house permanently? Will he fuck as like. What a smear of shite he really is.
Kunty Perry is as thick as a foundation for a flyover. And she now looks like a second hand dyke with that peroxide crew cut. Also, Russell ‘Megacunt’ Brand has been up every single hole. So definitely a no-no.
Well if he ever gets another ‘refugee’ into his house, no doubt we’ll all get to hear about it. The jug-eared cunt will make sure the meeja knows about what an all round good egg he is.
It’s obvious Linekunt eats turds because of his shit-eating grin so let’s hope the faeces dinner he serves up for little 35-year-old Kamir is halal. If not, he could always have a bag of Walkers bacon crisps which might make little Kamir become a bit “ståbby Ackbar.”
Evening squire……
Evening thy Quislinous. Thou art well, I presume.
All good el capitano!
And you ?
“ a world without borders ‘
She wouldn’t last 5 minutes with or without her security, she probably backs “ defund the police “ as well , what would you inspect from a fucking pop tart with a single digit IQ ? She married Essex biggest wanker ( takes some doing) Russell brand FFS ……
I wonder what these arseholes think would happen if we really did defund the police. Do they not understand anarchy?
I, like Katy Perry, would love a world without borders. All countries, and the borders that separate them, are artificial and entirely man-made, after all.
Unfortunately, I live in the real world, in which terrorists despise me and my hedonistic western lifestyle, and would love to either blow me up or chop my head off. Just because I don’t want to live in the dark ages like they do.
Until these ragheads and other extremists and criminals decide to live in peace, the borders can stay thankyou very much.
Along with their dodgy currency quite possibly the EU.s biggest fuck up , how the basin haired kraut bitch hadn’t been hauled in front of a judge for inviting a tsunami of scum to Europe is beyond me , Europe will never recover, it’s
Another liberal social experiment that’s ended in tatters ……..
Well done you daft cunts
Hasn’t been hauled…..
“basin-haired kraut bitch”
Guy Verhofskünt or Face-ache Merkel?
One border that really requires sealing up is the border between Blarneyland and Blighty, open borders are for Marxist cunts!!!!
An Irish Ballard by Tom Lehrer is a true reflection of the schengen dodging cunts!!!
Aaahhhhh……You mean the good old “Common Travel Area”. A system that allows anyone travelling from Ireland to enter the UK without going through passport control.
So, if you can get from somewhere in Europe to Ireland, you can move quite freely through the back door into the UK without a passport or visa.
There is a reason the Russian government has a much larger SVR (their version of MI6) office in Dublin than London. Hmmmm…….
Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer (one people, one empire, one leader). Sound familiar? The birth of the Schengen area under Hitler. Have had numerous arguments with my leftie niece, a doctor in Austria, over the disastrous policy. Pointed out to her that the human race survives through separation, political, racial, containment. Prevent the fuckolas spreading. Predicted a great wave of disease would follow with open borders. Yours Truly branded as a Great Britain Imperialist dinosaur.
Having the last laugh now as Austria’s hospitals grind to a halt under the burden of Covid and immigration. What really pisses them off is that they have to pay for it all without resource to the Bank of the World’s Fith Biggest Economy (the UK).
Well that was before the latest developments and the strong likelyhood that Johnson is going to capitulate over BREXIT.
My suggestion for the Channel Tunnel? Connect all the sewage systems in the UK to it, turn on the taps and let it flow. Cop that lot Macron.
Keep it going.
Let every shitstain and their vermin in.
Welcome warmly with white phosphorus and mustard gas.
Make the BBC televise it on pain of execution.
Yeah, this business of dumping C*mmings and the other twat looks like the writing on the wall to me, especially as it’s being met with indecent approval by Tory remoaners. Prepare for BRINO.
Boris is as soft as shit……no better than Mavis, just a much better actor.
He’s got to be. He knows that 17.4m people will want to string him up by his bollocks. He’ll be saying that he had no choice, it wasn’t him, we don’t understand the ramifications etc. In the meantime somebody will be making with the rope.
Moving from France to Germany or Austria to the Czech Republic, a border is a border and should be visible and controlled, Schengen was a big mistake, stupid fucking EU cunts!
To little to fucking late ! How the fuck can Europe accommodate the continent of Africa and the Middle East into Europe? Jesus surely someone, somewhere must of looked and thought this madness is doomed , it’s fucking depressing
This should of been sorted out now we are out of the EU and have an 80+ majority in the big house.
Pisses me off.
Short answer is it can’t, and there’s the Indian sub-continent and SE Asia to throw in to the mix to boot.
There seems to be a paralysing reluctance on the part of politicians to even admit that there’s an issue, never mind actually fucking well address it.
They’re complicit in the fact that eventually this tide will like as not eventually end up overwhelming western Europe. They’ve let it happen for over 50 years, and it’s going to continue.
No other words for the obvious.
All for open borders, but with claymore mines attached to trees and hedges with anti-personel mine field 2 miles deep from the border boundaries.
Wild life will have a feast!
To borrow a phrase from Olivia Moaning’s “The Fortunes of War”, women who look like Muffley Merkel should be painlessly destroyed. Or even painfully…let’s face it, her predecessors had a track record…