The Imperial War Museum.

Not to be outdone by other woke infested national organisations such as the British Museum and the National Trust, the Imperial War Museum has that it too is now seeking to trash British History. And their target is the man commonly referred to as the “Greatest Brit”, Winston Churchill himself.

We all know that Churchill was far from perfect. He suffered from depression and was a deeply flawed individual. But now the IWM are seeking to frame Churchill not as the British driving force for Victory against the Nazis and the Japs, but as a filthy racist, who hated anyone who wasn’t white. Churchill was a product of his time. He wasn’t perfect, but he stood by his principles.

After the disaster of Gallipoli, he was removed from the Admiralty, and later resigned from government and joined the Army (having previously served as an officer). He then did a tour in the trenches on the Western Front. While serving on the Belgian Front, he and his men suffered nearly THREE MONTHS of continuous shelling, and he was very nearly killed when a large piece of shrapnel landed between him and his cousin, the 9th Duke of Marlborough.

I wonder if the IWM will mention that when the inevitable report labelling him a nasty racist, homophobic, Islamophobe is published. Nah, I don’t suppose they will.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw 

49 thoughts on “The Imperial War Museum.

  1. Apparently, this is the issue, which he said in a speech in 1937:

    “I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place.”

    What’s wrong with that? It’s true. Like Africa, the thick, indolent and lazy natives were taken over by the whites, with their work ethic and technology. Nowt wrong with the truth.

    Funny enough, the reverse is now happening in the UK: we are being replaced with backward, lower-grade races.

    • Some people say that the truth hurts. I say that if the truth shows you to be a useless work shy unenterprising nation/group of people then take a fucking good look in the mirror.. Oh they couldn’t they hadn’t invented one. Cunts.

    • It’s not blacks who have brought about this current state of affairs, it’s our fellow whites, namely those of the divisive, lefty woke variety. Without them none of this would be happening.

      • Referring back to an earlier discussion RT. From Churchill’s ‘finest hour’ speech.

        ‘What General Weygand called the Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization.’

      • Absolutely as Craig Charles said the other day I’m sick to the back teeth of white people telling me what’s racist! So in effect he means to say fuck off and let blacks decide

    • I think he was bang on the money. In Australia, much is made of the Aboriginal’s ‘60,000 years of civilisation’ – conveniently ignoring the fact that the ‘civil’ in ‘civilisation’ actually refers to cities, and that squatting in a stone-age level of sophistication for six hundred centuries does not qualify.

    • You’re pushing it by making it about their race being the reason their culture and civilisation was behind ours. One might even call you a racist, but i must just be ‘too woke’.

  2. The IWM is reverting to its childhood – as the Royal Bethlem Hospital, aka Bedlam. If dependent on African militaria it would have a room full of rocks, a room full of spears and fuck-all else to show the public.

    I doubt he ‘hated anyone who wasn’t white’ as much as he hated the N*zis. Just as well for us, I’d say.

    Woke arty management lickers of BAME arse. How do they even get jobs?

  3. It’s his own fault, he should’ve taken hitl@r’s peace deal.
    You get what you fucking deserve…..
    Sorry I’m in a bad mood today.

  4. Sir Winston Churchill was the greatest Britain A solider Leader and a man who loved his country and freedom.. The IWM ,woke, blm, Disgustingly left biased Britain hating media can fuck off and implode until they disappear totally..

    • Loved going to the IWM when I was based in aldershot. (Short hop on the train to Waterloo). Such a shame they’ve taken this direction. CUNTS.

  5. I do wish some of these leftwing cunts would fuck off to places like China or North Korea and shout their disapproval at current and previous leaders.

    But of course they wont – far too dangerous. Much easier to take potshots at dead leaders in this country, safe in the knowledge that the terrors of WW2 was 75 years ago,.

    • Winston Churchill was a product of his time, everyone had attitude regarding race.
      But ask yourself why so many Carribbean blokes were called Winston if he was seen as a racist?
      Only now the slander starts,
      He was a true British Icon, a hero, he stood against the nazis,
      When it was most grim!
      And he had the backbone to make tough decisions,
      Could you see Boris ordering troops to open fire on anyone?
      So what if he wasnt perfect,
      Who is?
      He overcame his faults to lead his country,
      That should be held up as heroic,
      Fuck the commies who slander him, they dont know what duty or patriotism is.
      The cunts.

      • Moreover, these lefty cunts seem to forget it wasn’t just “white” Britain at war with the Germans, but also the Commonwealth.

        India in particular fought with the British under Churchill, but all that is conveniently forgotten by today’s libtards who would love to rewrite history to the point where Hitler was the victims and Churchill was the evil cunt!

      • I know Boris likes to think of himself as Churchill, but he’s even more spineless than Chamberlain – who at least was trying to give the country a bit more time to prepare for war.

      • I wonder whether the snowflakes become triggered when they have to use a £5 note? They see Winnie’s bulldog visage peering at them and begin sweating.

      • MNC,

        Exactly. I’m sure we all remember Winston Cudoogo of 55 Mercer Road, as frequently stopped by Constable Savage!

    • He was very talented in that area and lived to a ripe old age; I use him as a role model in that respect.

  6. Don’t these cunts at the IWM know that if it wasn’t for Winnie they wouldn’t even be here to spout such libfuck woke crap, and the only war museum would have a big fuck off eagle and swastika above its entrance?

      • I like German as a language-if sounds solid, like well spoken, grammatically correct English ?
        Had a few German birds, as a teen, in my 20’s-passionate, sexy, committed?
        I would have been made head of “Joy Division”.
        Norm would make an excellent minister of “Sport & Culture.
        Segr gut!

  7. Sickening. Without him the yanks would have stayed home and we’d all be speaking German.

    I notice that we are continually lambasted for things that happened over 300 years ago, yet the Germans never get it in the neck for the Nazis. Why? Wouldn’t do to bring that up, not now they’re all so wonderfully democratic and hardworking, would it? Model citizens with no dubious past.

    IWM – ’bout time you changed your name – ‘Imperial’ has such nasty overtones.
    But you really should try to get it into your thick skulls that people were products of the time they lived in, your ‘values’ all far into the future. Stop trying to rewrite history in your own image. Stop it!

    • Idi Amin served in the British Army, wonder if these Churchill bashers would slander Idi?
      By default he was a active member of a colonialist power and went on to be a tyrant killing thousands of black africans, kicking asians out of Uganda, etc
      Not a peep?
      Ahhhh, hes black…..

    • A lefty teacher I know said that actual thing about “Imperial” – and them moaned on about those naval guns glorifying w@r. Oh for fuck’s sake.

  8. Corbyn Vs Hitler – get your German notebooks out, you will need them.
    Winston Churchill gave me freedom, white traitors are trying to steal it.
    Fuck them, and the IWM.

  9. The IWM is funded by government. They should be told that their job is to preserve and promote our history and culture not make judgments on it and promote the woke ideology of our enemies. They should also be reminded who pays their fucking wages and to shut the fuck up or get a job in a private institution.
    Unfortunately we haven’t got anybody in this piss poor government who, for some reason, isn’t shit scared of the MSM and the woke Twitterati.

    • Exactly this Mr Frog.
      If Doris wanted to win the next election or at least demonstrate he owns a pair of bollocks he would immediately arrange for the persons responsible for this revisionist shite to be sacked and replaced by people who understand the history of the British Empire and it’s remarkable military history.
      Effectively,destroying history of such crucial import to our country is simply treason.
      Churchill would have had them shot and he would have my vote in 1940.
      He would have it now and the wheedling woke cunts would get themselves forcibly transported to Angola.
      A fucking disgrace.

      • I would also add that the passage of time has shown the quite unbelievable sacrifices and bravery shown by the British during World War II were for nought.
        I doubt they would have fought if they could see this country now.
        Just a disgrace.

  10. The purpose of the National History Museum, is to record and preserve our Islands History. If embarrassed and unwilling, ( to protect its purpose ) a new source of funding needs to be sought as the State need not pay for services falling short of contractual requirement.

  11. I’m surprised that they haven’t removed the word imperial yet. This shit has only happened in the last 10/15 years, as the workforce slowly fills up with the product of a poorly educated, left wing indoctrinated schooling, where opinion trumps fact. Don’t forget, for most of these cunts, Churchill’s biggest crime was being a Tory, and having one of the devils own voted as Britain’s greatest hero must be like eating broken glass. I’m sure they would much prefer someone like Bevan for creating the NHS, and fuck the man who was instrumental in securing a free world. If you don’t like working for an organisation that celebrates the man, get another job you pricks.
    Another thing, you don’t see this sort of thing in Japan, a country that committed so many atrocities during the Second World War it was routine. In fact, it’s going the other way, as they grow more proud of their war service. I nearly beat the shit out of four japs that were fucking around on the memorial that spans the wreck of the USS Arizona, a solemn site for Americans, as it still contains the remains of 1100 sailors killed by the attack on Pearl Harbour. These cunts with their selfie sticks were jabbering away getting pictures of their moon faces in front of the wreck. How the yanks around me didn’t kick off I’ll never know, the disrespectful little cunts. I promised myself that day that if I ever found myself in Japan, I would find one of their shrines to their war dead and return the favour. Maybe go busking in Hiroshima, a bit of the Vapours’ turning Japanese…..

    • I once fucked a mouse-eared-fannied Japanese girl, with such vigour, she squealed like a fucking guinea pig?.
      Revenge, in part for the Jap war atrocities ?

      • My Japanese was less proficient than her English by far, I understood enough from her squealings to concur with your observations ??

  12. What do you expect when the museum is based in a south London Borough and probably a Labour one at that.
    It is so easy to just look at one side of history and forget major important facts like these

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