You’ll probably be called a conspiracy nutter for mentioning it, but this is not something the cunts in power are hiding from us.
A rather shadowy organisation, one which seems to be controlling world leaders at the moment called ‘The World Economic forum’ released a video recently. It’s on YouTube but can’t link to it on my phone, sorry admin. World leaders, including the Honey Monster, attended a meeting there recently. A recent video released by Justin Trudeau is fucking terrifying. You can almost sense a gun being pointed at his head off camera as he gives a matter of fact speech about the reset from his office.
Anyway, the jist of it is that pure communism awaits us all. The reset means you’ll own nothing (and nothing means nothing) and stuff like plates and cups will be delivered by drone. Meat will be a once a month treat rather than a staple. To save the planet, you see. Loads of mental shit like that. Oh…and loads more ‘refugees’ for western (white) countries.
Of course, the leaders will also be going without their steaks, homes and eat bugs and tofu too (yeah fucking right).
It’s set for 2030, but rollout will start shortly as the bat flu is seen as an opportunity to ‘reset’ us , in effect, to year zero.
Absolutely terrifying stuff, but most people are more concerned about who’ll win Strictly Come Mincing or watching the knee takers ponce about empty stadiums. It’s all a conspiracy theory, they’ll laugh. Thing is, it’s really going on and they’re telling you about it, you thick cunts.
They can shove their reset up their arses. Just another thing the cunts never asked us about.
Fuck off.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
Good nom Cunty. How about a great reset where all the cunts in parliament are swinging from lamp posts, all peacefuls are given notice to fuck off to a sunnier, sandier environment, lest they be turned into fertiliser. Oh, and Linecunt made to toil in a potato field.
I’d definately vote for you…..
I used to think this cuntishness was bollocks but the cunts at the top really are admitting it themselves. Im banned from youcunt for being nasty about Biden and his senility. He is senile. Why would the most powerful man on earth be elected to office in his senility. He will just be a glove puppet with hands stuck up his arse giving the orders. As usual just like in 1642,1776 and 1940 it will be up to us to save the day.
David Icke was right all along ?
Been watching him lately CG, and he makes a lot of sense. I don’t agree with everything but he is right abaaaaaht a lot in my opinion.
You bin smokin too much shit B&W.
I was smoking a bit of green the other day CC but that’s naffink to do with it.
Top cunting,
As a cunt who enjoys the finer things in life and being able to do what the fuck I want when I want, I have become concerned with the way our country is going.
No petrol/diesel engined cars being sold after 2030, camera’s everywhere, trying to get rid of good old cash so they have a digital trail on everything we buy and sell, and smart motorways where you sit there like a cunt trying to stay at 50mph.
I could go on but the future is not looking good is it? Economy down the shitter, more people than ever and massive sectors laying people off so not enough jobs to go around, and cunt landlords like me still wanting their rent.
It’s all a recipe for disaster…
What a pile of cunt, I would say go fuck yourselves but our ‘caring’ government seem to be doing that for us.
Go fuck yourselves anyways. ?
It’s a big bag of clotted wank, frankly. The sheer faith and trust people have in all this is reminiscent of the build up to the Iraq ‘war’. Total hysteria based on lies and deceit. It’s so obvious at this point it’s incredible.
People still think we’re going back to normal. They’re in for a rude awakening!
I fear you maybe right TBCC.
Amazon profits up 100%.
Sainsbury’s profits up 80%.
Asda profits up 70%.
Microsoft, Apple, Google and Facebook stocks at record high.
Small businesses: 21% closed and revenue for the rest down 30%. More to go extinct by the end of the year.
Wealth increase in the pandemic for founder/CEOs of:
Amazon – £68.5 billion
Sainsbury’s – £36 billion
Asda – £24 billion
Google – £27.8 billion
Microsoft – £24.8 billion
Facebook – £21 billion
Apple – £6 billion
Small businesses have collectively lost around £150 billion.
We’re witnessing an unprecedented wealth transfer.
It’s shocking Cunt me in.
The internet has killed the high street and community in some ways and businesses that thrive on online have made loads of money, we are all guilty of shopping online because it can be convenient etc but we only have ourselves to blame when you can’t find a bank nearby or a post office etc. There is a reason why banks, businesses, councils etc want you to go online as it cuts costs massively.
We should be supporting shops and why any cunt would buy their clothes online confuses me, can’t try them on etc and if you don’t want them you have to send the stuff back. I wonder where we are heading and where this is going to end.
There is always the drugs business though…gonna be plenty of fed up, jobless cunts who want to drown their sorrows.
Sounds like 1789 France or 1917 Russia. No wonder the cunts all have escape routes to New Zealand
Middle class tossers and liberal London douchebags don’t give a fuck. Bought off and enjoying it all a bit too much.
Won’t be so chirpy next year when the economy runs out of gas. Cunts!
Here’s your man:
Wordfart won’t allow me to post the link I’d intended but look up Klaus Schwab.
In your face.
Conspiracy eh?
I’ve seen some film of him.
All that’s missing is the white cat and Nehru jacket…
This is a worse case reset scenario.
However, there will be a price to pay for covid and I have a funny feeling it will be extracted not from the super rich but from the (real) working and tax paying class. Just like it was after the credit crunch.
We are ALWAYS the go-to group to fleece following a crisis. They will justify huge fuel tax hikes using the green agenda. This will adversely affect people getting to and from work and small businesses trying to recover from the pandemic. In other words the life blood of the economy. Boris will look after his own but how will he keep the red wall on board? What crusts will he throw to the serfs who do all the work in this country?
The idea that we will wake up from the nightmare in 2021 is misplaced.
Life wont get easier. Not for the likes of us.
Antonio Guterres, head of the UN, wants 10% of global GDP to help poor shitholes ravaged by this self imposed madness.
That’s coming from our pockets make no mistake – “Solidarity” as he keeps saying
We should have a reset in Britain.
A reset like the French did in 1789.
A few guillotines would come in useful and all.
Absolutely cracking idea. Let’s start with the House of Windsor, then move onto Westminster.
They want a reset, let’s give them a fucking reaet.
Absolutely-old jug ears Windsor can barely contain his joy, at the thought of the reset.
I imagine he is already having Louis 14th type dress robes made as we speak, Camilla practising her “Let zem eat chips” , too.
Le Cunts?
This is doing my fucking head in. It reminds me of the millennium bug. One thing about getting rid of cash, the fucking pikey’s will be totally screwed. As for Icke, my mate went to school with his daughter, say no more. If you look at the cunt Zuckaberg and the guy from Twatter, they are definitely here. We are fucked, more ale needed.
Doing what you are told to do by utter twats seems the big thing if our high street is anything to go by. Fuck the lot of them.
Always been part of the plan.Soros must be squelching in his cum stained crackers about this.
Icke,in general, has been pointing the way for a long time.
There in no appetite/will for the reset you require Smythe, people are too enfeebled by what is now accepted as societal norms.
As Trump put it ‘it’s not me they are after,its you,i’m only in the way’ .
“keep you doped with religion,sex and t.v”-J.Lennon (somewhat of a cunt himself) .great nom Cunty Bollo.
Always been part of the plan.Soros must be squelching in his cum stained crackers about this.
Icke,in general, has been pointing the way for a long time.
There in no appetite/will for the reset you require Smythe, people are too enfeebled by what is now accepted as societal norms.
As Trump put it ‘it’s not me they are after,its you,i’m only in the way’ .
“keep you doped with religion,sex and t.v”-J.Lennon (somewhat of a cunt himself) .great nom Cunty Bollo.
What an absolute bag of wank.
Will things need to be different post covid? Probably.
Will things, and future times be tougher? Probably.
Will we no longer own our own property? Don’t be so fucking stupid. There are more than 24 million homes in the UK alone. Who is going to enforce the taking of all the privately owned properties and everything within them? Don’t forget – the police officers and army own property too.
Then think about USA and Canada – there’s a massive amount of gun ownership over there and a lot of people happily prepared to use those guns.
This is just alarmist, scaremongering, conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Well said, that man! ?
If the worst does happen remember all police ARV vehicles ( normally a BMW X5 or top of range VOLVO estate) will have a maximum of 2 coppers in them armed with 2 sidearms 2 tasers 2 semi automatics in the boot all with extra ammo. Just jump them coming out of Mac Donald’s and get them before they press the 10-0 on top of their radios and hey presto you are heavily armed.
Mind you the coppers I still have contact with have access to enough weapons for a small coup in your local town.
I’ve no doubt the sinister people have ideas about this reset but it will be done over decades not years. Subjugation first over a couple of years in and out of lockdown till we are used to it and implement the rest slowly.
Mind you after the missus leaves this weekend I will have masses of spare time to plot my world domination plan.
You have been warned my friends. Freeeeeedom or oblivion !!!!!!!
The clue is in the equation of measures designed to benefit the WEF’s members (corporate globalist capitalists to a man and rather few wimmin) with ‘pure communism’. That old standby of the populist demagogue – blame it on communism.
Quite incidentally, I see that 60% of Trump’s appeal for cash to fight his entirely legitimate ejection will not be going to that at all, but to the re-elect-Trump campaign for 2024. When he will, even more incidentally, be as old as Biden is now. And probably as sleepy, if not dead.
Biden is tweeting about passing the hat around too, perhaps he can ask his billionaire backers to chip in or is it just the hoi polloi or whatever us plebs are called over there….
Blue rinsed old fag.
Here here. I was beginning to think we had been infiltrated. Perhaps it’s the 5G masts?
No, I think too many people have been drinking hydroxychlorowhatever liberally rinsed down with a dash of disinfectant, or “Kool Aid” as they say in the states.
Try not paying council tax and you will find out pretty quickly who the owners really are. If you continue to refuse after threats have been made against you, the initiation of force will be used.
Well, seeing as it pays for: Parks, Libraries, Culture, Adult and Social Care, Housing Services, Roads and Transport, the Environment and Childrens and Education Services, you jolly well should be paying it.
Or do you think it is somebody else’s responsibility to pay for all that?
Theft, is the taking of another person’s property with their permission or consent. Not only haven’t I consented*, I don’t wait their ‘services,’ and for the ones I do, the private sector offers a better price and/or quality of service, and is voluntary.
* They don’t care either way.
It’s a tax. It’s a legal requirement that you pay it. Whether you want to or not. And it pays for services which you do use and which are not provided by the private sector.
Still, if you don’t want to, good luck to you. Let us know how you get on?
Robin, Just because it is legal does not make it moral or ethical. As for the current ‘services’ which are not provided by the private sector, we all know why that is (‘government’ have created an artificial monopoly).
As for the last sentence, you should be well aware that it is immoral to threaten and/or initiate force against peaceful people who haven’t harmed anyone else.
John, John, John (this is like trying to explain something to a five year old).
Council tax pays for all the local services, including the roads you drive on. It doesn’t matter whether it is moral or ethical. An argument (a very good one) could be made that it is both.
But, as I said, feel free not to pay it. It is your choice. Can you do me a favour though and let me know the date of your court case, as I’d love to hear the defence you give to the magistrate. I promise not to laugh. Honest.
no it’s not i’m afraid the W.E.F. are openly advertising ‘ you’ll own nothing but you’ll be happy’ it’s on billboards for fuck sake, they are going to remove ‘Shareholders’ and make it stakeholders only! go to the WEF website you will find out what they have in mind, build back better, my arse!.
I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it. Are they really going to try to relieve all the billions of citizens of the world of all their personal belongings? Who is going to enforce it?
Probably just somebody at the WEF having a joke to see if anybody is looking, because it ain’t going to happen.
The police of course
It’s gonna be like what Hitler did to the Jews on a massive worldwide scale! You can wave goodbye to your gold fillings lads, we’re entering “lampshade time” territory!
Goodnight all, sleep well. ?
Wow. You had to dig around to find that, didn’t you!!!
Yet another extremist nutter. He’ll change his mind when he or one of his family is a victim of crime. Or maybe he’ll go all “Paul Kersey”. Ha ha ha ha…….
Robin, stop trying to poison the well.
Dr. Higgs is an American economic historian and economist. He has also been a visiting scholar at both Oxford and Stanford.
Ruff, I know what you are doing, but as someone else said, ”I’m not scared of the Maos and the Stalins and the Hitlers. I’m scared of the people that hallucinate them to be “authority,” and so do their bidding, and pay for their empires, and carry out their orders. I don’t care if there’s one loony with a stupid moustache. He’s not a threat if the people do not believe in ‘his’ ”authority.” ”
Ok Jon. Substitute the word ‘Hitler’ in my comment for ‘people that hallucinate Hitler to be “authority”’ if you prefer.
It doesn’t matter who he is or where he has been, if he comes out with “There are no good cops” he is an idiot and a nutter, and yet another left wing loony extremist who cannot be taken seriously. If you believe the shit that has come out of his mouth, it kind of puts you in the same boat.
Good day sir.
Sadly, the reset is inevitable. We have allowed our political representatives to form ideological parties and there lies the problem. Greed and corruption have been allowed to pervade the temples, and the once turned tables have been allowed to re-establish their prominence in the market.
We were warned, we were told. Interestingly, there has appeared on you tube and excellent techno of 2525 ( Zager & Evans ) with a terrific video of a futuristic hell ( The Girl is particularly Delicious ) Give it a view !
Oh my god. In the year 2525. One of my all time favourites, and look how accurate the words of that song were. Fuck Mohammed and his ilk, Zager and Evans were true prophets.
Yes but just the one hit.
Indeed, of all the one-hit wonders out there this one is right up with the best.
Not as good as The Wild Man Fischer Story:
In the year of 1963
I was committed to a mental institution ?
I dont think its going to be quite as bad as this but they’re definately planning to use covid for a power grab and to transfer as much wealth to their end of society as possible.
Didn’t someone the other day say at the UN that a great reset was needed to “defeat populism”…. ?
We need a Reset…not that it’ll worry me.
After a late supper of ripe stilton washed down by a bottle of crusted Port, The Good Lord came to me in a vision…He has big plans,,another huge flood! I have been instructed to build a vast Ark…big enough to carry two of every species ( Fuck that, I’m only saving animals that I can hunt or eat…and The Hounds,of course). He also ordered that I save half a dozen humans ( Fuck that…it’ll be me and Miss Arterton). I would,of course,have liked to save some of you Cunters but I’m afraid that my billiards-room and indoor croquet lawn will take up most of the spare space.
When the waters recede and my vast Ark finally comes to rest I shall emerge with a (probably by then) spatchcocked Gemma ready to shape a new civilisation in my own magnificent Image,,,a Utopia free of The Sooties,The Gays,The Eggheads,The Veggies,The Fat, The Common,The Windbags etc.,etc…but most of all free of The Mentals…I can’t be doing with fucking Nutters.
I expect that it’ll take me 5 days or so to get things the way that I like but on the sixth day I shall look around and see everything that I have made, and behold, it will be very fucking good.
‘This is the day the Lord hath made rejoice and be glad’.
The Great Reset happens evey morning.
Quite right,Miles,quite right.
Thank you Mr Fiddler.
Well said Mr Sausage?
A much more accurate summary of the great reset. Equally frightening in its own way though.
The greatest worry is population growth, it’s not sustainable, mass sterilisation to control the rise (maybe add a little bit of something to the Covid vaccines sent to the third world).
We dont need sterilisation. Just stop pissing money and expertise into Africa.
Don’t worry about population growth. The Chinks keep working on ways of thinning the herd.
Great nomination. It seems to anyone vaguely concerned with preserving freedom in the west/world that there are faceless powers, converging towards one stated goal: communism. Whether these tidal forces are in full cooperation or just infected with the same mind virus influencing their decisions in one direction (like a ouija board effect) it is hard to tell. But, I’ve learned from watching the EU how these remote powers are cleverly and underhandedly ushering a global one party state right in under our noses.
Social media itself has become a means of tracking and controlling our ability to thrive in a ‘free society’. And it was sold to us as a wild west, libertarian utopia of voluntary transactions and free exchange. At least that was what made it so compelling and enjoyable. But, at some point it has become monopolized by big tech’s politically biased agenda. It’s no longer a politically neutral space where government criticism and MSM smokescreen could be circumvented. It’s now the very means by which we can be controlled, sold propaganda and unpersoned if we stray too far away from liberal edicts and political correctness.
It’s now a de facto communistic one party regime. And there’s nothing we can do about it unless we lay down our libertarian principles and regulate it. Monopolies must be broken up, though and Trump looked poised to insert some opposition to big tech’s hacking of our informational buffet, so to speak.
And so you can how all the industrial.powers are falling in line with the globalist/communist orthodoxy every day. Nation states are seen as retrograde. Masculinity is toxic. Historical context expunged. Freedom is a soon-to-be anachronistic fetish. Trump being fucked over is the latest globalist power play. Seeing big tech god heads being hrilled by Congress, and witnessing their robotic, emotionless, mancunian candidate style brainwashed responses was creepy as all hell.
Add all this to the utter insanity of deliberately tanking the world economy under the cloud of an exaggerated virus, you have to allow yourself some room for paranoia. Is there a plan being enacted right now? Who knows? But, anyone rubbing their hands with megalomaniachal glee at a time of immense human tragedy like this right now is circumspect. The world economic forum included.
I pray for the west, as I sit on a coach playing God of War, stuffing my face with pizza, unable to trade, earn a living or pay rent. This cant ho on much longer. So, I say mobilise and get ready. We might need to fight tooth and nail for our freedom soon enough.
My thoughts almost exactly Flappy. Trump was trying to take on and bring to the more awake how the deep state was so entrenched it was almost impossible to untangle from society/msm/politics. If he/they couldn’t get it done i do think we are indeed fucked now Bidet Biden is in the frame.
Evil is now blatantly on show and people are still thinking things will be alright. It will not.
Trump was the last hope, hence a four year war on his presidency. The winds of change always smell of cordite.
If you trust and believe those in charge good luck.
I do not.
Experience has taught me no to.
How’s it going,Vernon…you keeping busy?
Afternoon DF, painting the cave, got two random pieces of a teak folding table I am using for a towel rail holder and a coat rack – giving my eyes a rest from repairing a Breitling watch, the bits are tiny but I am getting there (complicated things are watches!).
Then making some garden planters out of pallets, the online side of the business is just ticking over so I am doing a lot more cash stuff.
And working on my plans to unseat the traitor jelly fish and his little chums.. ??
I believe everything im told.
I have full faith that the powers that be have my best interests at heart.
White working class are their priority.
There’s nothing to see here,
Just watch the telly and put any doubt aside.
Its all going to plan….
You shall not replace us,
You shall not replace us….
It’s very noticeable how lefties all over the world are in favour of lockdown, the stricter the better. That destroys small businesses, taken over by the banks and flogged off cheap to the corporates. Everything becomes a chain, everything the same. The lefties in the street are the useful idiots bringing about change but not the change they envisage. Why do you think all the globalist elites, all the corporates, all the fucking media are supporting these cunts.
Trump was robbed, it’s so fucking obvious. There’s a big fight coming, you can bank on it.
Trust me. I was heavily resistant to the idea of Trump being defrauded out of his election win. The more I’ve allowed the evidence to gather the more it seems fishy. And not just a bit fishy. There’s been a massive concerted operation to steal the election and you bet your ass the globalists justified this by seeing Trump as a legitimate threat to their long term plans.
Clear, premeditated and massive fraud.
And the baffling and frustrating thing?
The evidence of fraud is presented, then rejected without scrutiny by district Judges without the authority to do so.
Hatred of Trump is preventing people from seeing what is happening here, and I am astonished by how casual or in denial people are about an attempted communist coup of America.
I know of at least 4 people who work either for the NHS or local government, and they’re loving the lockdown and being paid almost full pay for working at home.
They said they don’t want the lockdown to lift, or even if it did they didn’t want to be bothered going to work and dealing with the public!
These cunts just want the plebs to have a civil war among each other.
It’s not just race conflicts, and gender, and political divides, but also wealth. The rich want to distance themselves as much as possible from the lower classes, and will do anything in their power to make it happen.
They talk about open borders and globalism, and the redistribution of wealth etc, just so long as it doesn’t affect them!
They want the High Streets to die
They want mass unemployment so they can pick and choose cheap labour for their own businesses.
They want poverty, strife and anger among the lower classes and letting them fight it out among themselves.
This government is throwing billions and billions and billions of pounds that they don’t have, but will have to borrow, and will sink the fucking country for decades of bone crushing tax-increases that will inevitably be regressive and affect the poor.
They want to know who you are, where you go, how much money you have, who your friends are, what your politics are. And they want it all centralized.
I have installed and fixed many databases for clients over the last few years, and the amount of personal data on them is quite shocking, even with GDPR in place.
All they want now is either to burn a barcode on your arm, or perhaps inject some kind of chip that used on pets, so they know who you are etc.
Quite frankly, you’d be better off dead!
I’m sold, pass the Kool Aid.
Good afternoon.
Spot on Techno.
Had you told me a year ago that I would be believing anything that David Icke and Piers Corbyn are saying, I would have called you mad.
Perhaps when those popular dancing programmes allow only Dykes on the populace will shake off it bonds and knock fuck out of the puffs in charge.
Who can say?
The Universal Music Group (UMG) now owns virtually every other record label and back catalogue in the world. From Apple Records to ZTT. From The Beatles to U2. A corporate monster and a total cunt.
It’s not a conspiracy when they are all fucking saying it. Boris the cunt is now cosying up to Bill Gates.
I expect COVID will be used to reverse Brexit after winter with COVID has destroyed the economies of the west.
Exactly. Seems some don’t realise that they’re openly telling you what’s going to happen. They’ve released a video and a few books telling you. The World Economic Forum has world leaders in its palm. It’s not difficult to find this information.
I’m no conspiracy theorist, but it’s not really a conspiracy theory when they openly tell you what their plans are.
Whether they get away with it is a other matter, but they’ll fucking well try by the looks of things.
Will they take away my Duali toaster and kettle? What about my silver cutlery? The humidor? My antique card table and Victorian decanters and my art collection?
Will they take away my junk too?
I’ve been tasked by Boris to come round and seize your toaster. If you could melt the silver cutlery before I arrive, that would be most helpful.
Oh, and just out of interest, how much are the humidor and the art collection worth?
Great.Terrific.What a load of bollocks.Shoot them all.We are living in 1984 guys.Lord help us all
2525, pffft. Here’s a dystopia for you (subtitles)
No pushbikers? In Sweden?
Can’t be true, then.
And still no one addresses the Global over Population !
Sorry, it’s always in my thoughts. Now what should I be doing about it? Arm myself to the teeth and shoot up a primary school?
Or in a spirit of brotherly love educate everyone I meet, perhaps?
Neither has been shown to have more than a temporary effect. One leads to jail, the other to ostracism. Of course, you could do as the Chinese did for some years and limit family sizes by law, and enforce compliance. Hark! I hear the plaintive tones of the (antivacc) civil rights enthusiast!
Practical suggestions, please. If they look plausible I’ll happily join you in your crusade.
Meanwhile do check out the video I linked. There’s an answer there….
Great nom.
Totally fucking obvious to anybody that these psychopaths lurking in the shadows are up to nothing good.
They’ve tried to control/cajole/frighten the masses via the man made global warming narrative but seem to have recently gone one better with the hijacking of the 2019-20 flu.
I would like to add that I am certainly not denying that the climate has changed. From a personal viewpoint when compared to my childhood. (seems to be much less cold with a lot more rain)
Add to that the complete trashing of natural habitat and the environment, the over fishing and pollution of the seas.
Unsustainable population growth in the 3rd world (as SOI alluded to earlier)
The planet and it’s people are at a tipping point but let’s not let that detract from the main point that “Ze Great Rezet!!” is a cunt and puppeteers Gates, Schwab, Soros et al, really are the biggest of all the cunts on the planet!